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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Here are the caps from Letters From Pegasus.

    The caps are in a zip file which can be download from here

    Here is a sneak peak at a few:

    Enjoy! ;-)


      Originally posted by emily_reich
      a new shipper!! welcome, welcome! since we do have a new shipper, i will once again post my friendly reminder to keep negative comments about other ships or shippers out of this thread debating who you think
      the kiss will be between
      and the like is perfectly fine of course, but while everyone is entitled to their opinions about ship (negative and positive) this is a thread to discuss sheyla, not to diss other ships and take on a "sheyla or else!" attitude

      thanks all

      as for the big debate... i actually think there's an equal chance it could be shep or dex... she doesn't say WHAT kind of fight, and certainly i can see it being either one of them... now indeed this could mean NOTHING for any ship for all we know (a one-shot situation perhaps?? )... i suppose i'll have to see eps to see how dex and teyla interact to see if there seems to be
      possibilites there...

      though ya know, it could still be wraith

      Thanks for the remonder Emily
      I admit to creating controversary posts but am to the point where it is better to stick to supporting Sheyla in a positive way and not by disrespecting other shippers who may think differently ..
      I'm hoping Season 2 bring on major development for Sheyla but if it doesn't happen I'm not going to get discourages since it could always still happen eventually ..
      I am encouraged though by Joe saying he has no problems kissing Rachel and Rachel has often complimented Joe and now Jason respectfully ..
      Personally I think could end up seeing a Shep/Teyla/Dex triangle in the works eventually and Joe did say they were would be going ahead and doing Sheyla but in a way everyone was happy so that's why IMO we are going to get Sheyla but it is always going to be the What If ? but crossing no definite lines ..
      As for Shep & Weir ? Yes do think there is going to be interaction off these two too to please the Shweir supporters and definately see TPTB sticking Shep right in the middle
      As for me as long as Shep is in the mix I'll be watching
      I'm not crazy about Teyla and Dex but would watch it anyway so see how it plays out but Sheyla is the coupling I'm interested watching ..
      As for the 'kiss' it could be either one right now but I do think it looks encouraging TV GUIDE did put Sheyla on the cover but it could be misleading too .. For all we know Shweir could end up doing it before Sheyla
      Anyway Emily again the riminder is always great and thanks for doing it



        Originally posted by emily_reich
        a new shipper!! welcome, welcome! since we do have a new shipper, i will once again post my friendly reminder to keep negative comments about other ships or shippers out of this thread debating who you think
        the kiss will be between
        and the like is perfectly fine of course, but while everyone is entitled to their opinions about ship (negative and positive) this is a thread to discuss sheyla, not to diss other ships and take on a "sheyla or else!" attitude

        thanks all

        as for the big debate... i actually think there's an equal chance it could be shep or dex... she doesn't say WHAT kind of fight, and certainly i can see it being either one of them... now indeed this could mean NOTHING for any ship for all we know (a one-shot situation perhaps?? )... i suppose i'll have to see eps to see how dex and teyla interact to see if there seems to be
        possibilites there...

        I have to admit I'm not liking the idea of Dex/Teyla. It just seems way to convenient, especially given the rapport Teyla has developed with Shep over Season One.

        Lets just hope Dex is like Pete, a way of making Shep jealous. I can definitely see some Alpha Male butting of heads in the near future, especially where Teyla is concerned.

        That said, its very disconcerting to read so many negative comments about the various pairings. There are so many mixed messages, some people think its predictable to have Shep hook up with the lead female alien, others prefer Shep/Weir or Shep/McKay. And there's still a large portion that don't want any ship, saying that romance has no place in Stargate.

        Not to diss any of these groups but IMHO Stargate generally tries to cater to everyone's tastes, so no matter how subtle it is, I still believe that romance in any genre makes the show that bit more engaging and certainly raises the stakes when the characters are put in perilous situations on a weekly basis. The more emotional the rollercoaster ride, the more involved we feel for the characters and their plight.

        It just reminds me of why I stopped visiting forums in general, it got to be such a rat race to see if the next episode proved that Sam/Jack weren't meant to be together, or whether Daniel got more screen time.

        It would just be nice to enjoy Atlantis and hopefully the development of Sheyla ship, knowing that there isn't 'the military issue'. Sam and Jack could not never explore any kind of romantic relationship overtly because he was her CO. We had to settle for alternate timelines and alien viruses. Not so with Shep and Teyla, or any other pairing for that matter. Aside from impending doom, there's nothing to prevent the group from getting more personally involved and as a smaller community reliant on each other, why not?


          hey does any one have caps of John and Teyla from the scifi inside:scifi firday? THe scene from the end where Ronon shoots both of them at different times?
          part of:
          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


            Originally posted by Sheylafan87
            hey does any one have caps of John and Teyla from the scifi inside:scifi firday? THe scene from the end where Ronon shoots both of them at different times?
            Check out


              I already did. it dosent have the one where Teyla and John are fightin Dex and he shoots them with his gun.
              part of:
              Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

              wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                Originally posted by Deborah
                Lets just hope Dex is like Pete, a way of making Shep jealous. I can definitely see some Alpha Male butting of heads in the near future, especially where Teyla is concerned.
                i gotta say, while i'm usually not a fan of triangles (with rare exception) i think this is one that could really work very well if they played it out right... it would be interesting for sure!!

                Not to diss any of these groups but IMHO Stargate generally tries to cater to everyone's tastes, so no matter how subtle it is, I still believe that romance in any genre makes the show that bit more engaging and certainly raises the stakes when the characters are put in perilous situations on a weekly basis. The more emotional the rollercoaster ride, the more involved we feel for the characters and their plight.
                yes! excellent point! i totally agree no matter what the emotion is (SG1 got on well with having VERY close friends who really cared, and atlantis has done that so far, but romance in the mix as well can certainly work ), if you have more emotion invested into the characters, then you care more about what happens to them, and it makes it more exciting and more enjoyable (at least to me) to sit down and watch the stories unfold!


                  Originally posted by Deborah
                  I have to admit I'm not liking the idea of Dex/Teyla. It just seems way to convenient, especially given the rapport Teyla has developed with Shep over Season One.

                  Lets just hope Dex is like Pete, a way of making Shep jealous. I can definitely see some Alpha Male butting of heads in the near future, especially where Teyla is concerned.

                  That said, its very disconcerting to read so many negative comments about the various pairings. There are so many mixed messages, some people think its predictable to have Shep hook up with the lead female alien, others prefer Shep/Weir or Shep/McKay. And there's still a large portion that don't want any ship, saying that romance has no place in Stargate.

                  Not to diss any of these groups but IMHO Stargate generally tries to cater to everyone's tastes, so no matter how subtle it is, I still believe that romance in any genre makes the show that bit more engaging and certainly raises the stakes when the characters are put in perilous situations on a weekly basis. The more emotional the rollercoaster ride, the more involved we feel for the characters and their plight.

                  It just reminds me of why I stopped visiting forums in general, it got to be such a rat race to see if the next episode proved that Sam/Jack weren't meant to be together, or whether Daniel got more screen time.

                  It would just be nice to enjoy Atlantis and hopefully the development of Sheyla ship, knowing that there isn't 'the military issue'. Sam and Jack could not never explore any kind of romantic relationship overtly because he was her CO. We had to settle for alternate timelines and alien viruses. Not so with Shep and Teyla, or any other pairing for that matter. Aside from impending doom, there's nothing to prevent the group from getting more personally involved and as a smaller community reliant on each other, why not?
                  I'm not crazy about triangle storylines either but could see TPTB trying it since I"m sure they know by now the possibilty would indeed be captivating to the viewers and still maintain a way to allow Sheyla developing and keeping the angst level going ..
                  Joe did say Sheyla was going to happen but in a way everyone was happy and in upcoming eps it seems Shep firts with other women and somebody said where she gets the Sci Fi magazing and joe said where Shep is going to do things which might cause Teyla to run into the arms of Dex so ..
                  And Joe said at the Con he has no problems kissing Rachel and she would always be beautiful and he was a foolish man but I'm thinking his words were a description of the upcoming story where Sheyla has their moments but perhaps Shep is not really ready to commit and Teyla knows it so turns to Dex on the rebound thereby setting the stage for Shep confronting his feelings for Teyla and experiencing jealousy



                    Thought you guys would be interested:

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
                      I'm not crazy about triangle storylines either but could see TPTB trying it since I"m sure they know by now the possibilty would indeed be captivating to the viewers and still maintain a way to allow Sheyla developing and keeping the angst level going ..
                      Joe did say Sheyla was going to happen but in a way everyone was happy and in upcoming eps it seems Shep firts with other women and somebody said where she gets the Sci Fi magazing and joe said where Shep is going to do things which might cause Teyla to run into the arms of Dex so ..
                      And Joe said at the Con he has no problems kissing Rachel and she would always be beautiful and he was a foolish man but I'm thinking his words were a description of the upcoming story where Sheyla has their moments but perhaps Shep is not really ready to commit and Teyla knows it so turns to Dex on the rebound thereby setting the stage for Shep confronting his feelings for Teyla and experiencing jealousy


                      I doubt it will be anything that overt at least for the first 2 or 3 seasons. If there's one thing the crew of Stargate are renowned for, its subtlety.

                      They do however see their story arcs through to the end. Look at Sam and Jack. Okay, it wasn't as resolved or out in the open as I personally would have liked but it was always there inspite of the various love interests.

                      History is very important to the show and characters and is most likely why the series has such a loyal hopefully no matter what part Dex plays, Shep and Teyla will go the distance.


                        Originally posted by TheWarrior
                        I am in the process of capping Letters From Pegasus but in the meanwhile here are some of the photos that were in the Photo Gallery on the last Stargate Atlantis DVD.

                        Letters From Pegasus Caps coming soon!

                        Oh! I absolutely LOVE that last one. That would make a great banner or something.... If only I knew how to do that stuff!!
                        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                          Originally posted by Deborah
                          I doubt it will be anything that overt at least for the first 2 or 3 seasons. If there's one thing the crew of Stargate are renowned for, its subtlety.

                          They do however see their story arcs through to the end. Look at Sam and Jack. Okay, it wasn't as resolved or out in the open as I personally would have liked but it was always there inspite of the various love interests.

                          History is very important to the show and characters and is most likely why the series has such a loyal hopefully no matter what part Dex plays, Shep and Teyla will go the distance.
                          I agree
                          I do not expect to see anything concrete for Sheyla in Season 2 except flirting and little hints ie eye contact and body language but do agree adding Dex to the mix ( and yes I'm still not crazy about his addition ) could prove interesting especially if it brings out jealousy factor but if Sheyla is still the endgame nonetheless I can accept anything which comes along



                            Originally posted by TheWarrior
                            I am in the process of capping Letters From Pegasus but in the meanwhile here are some of the photos that were in the Photo Gallery on the last Stargate Atlantis DVD.

                            Letters From Pegasus Caps coming soon!

                            Thanks for doing this
                            These pics are great and LFP was one of my top favorite episodes too



                              Gah!!!! Tomorrow's the 15th! So exciting.
                              Hi everyone!! Haven't been on here for quite awhile. Just wanted to run through and say hello to all my Sheyla people.
                              I seriously can't wait for tomorrow night. The only problem is I work at Barnes and Noble and Harry Potter night is tomorrow. So that means I work till 2:30am. Darn you, Harry Potter...
                              Anyway, that's what Tivo's for. I'll have to watch afterwards.

                              Oh, and I've missed you all. Much hugs to all! I hope to be around again.
                              New plot bunnies!

                              I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                                OMG!! it is tomorrow!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

                                this place is gonna be BUSY tomorrow, i'm sure i'll have to avoid all the spoilers til i get to see it!

