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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

    After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her. John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea. Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice. John: But a good idea's still a good idea. Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael. John: Yeah, and we convinced you. Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you. She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds. Teyla: There's a difference. John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith. John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ... John: What do you mean? Teyla: They are Wraith. John watches her leave.
    proof pics...


      Originally posted by Black Panther

      At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

      After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her. John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea. Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice. John: But a good idea's still a good idea. Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael. John: Yeah, and we convinced you. Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you. She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds. Teyla: There's a difference. John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith. John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ... John: What do you mean? Teyla: They are Wraith. John watches her leave.
      proof pics...


        Originally posted by Black Panther

        At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

        After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her. John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea. Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice. John: But a good idea's still a good idea. Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael. John: Yeah, and we convinced you. Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you. She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds. Teyla: There's a difference. John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith. John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ... John: What do you mean? Teyla: They are Wraith. John watches her leave.
        proof pics...


          Originally posted by Black Panther


          At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.
          After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her. John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea. Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice. John: But a good idea's still a good idea. Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael. John: Yeah, and we convinced you. Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you. She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds. Teyla: There's a difference. John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith. John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ... John: What do you mean? Teyla: They are Wraith. John watches her leave.
          proof pics...


            Originally posted by Black Panther

            At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

            After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her.
            John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea.
            Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice.
            John: But a good idea's still a good idea.
            Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael.
            John: Yeah, and we convinced you.
            Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you.
            She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds.
            Teyla: There's a difference.
            John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith.
            John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ...
            John: What do you mean?
            Teyla: They are Wraith.
            John watches her leave.
            proof pics...


              Originally posted by Black Panther

              At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

              After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her.
              John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea.
              Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice.
              John: But a good idea's still a good idea.
              Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael.
              John: Yeah, and we convinced you.
              Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you.
              She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds.
              Teyla: There's a difference.
              John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith.
              John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ...
              John: What do you mean?
              Teyla: They are Wraith.
              John watches her leave.
              proof pics...


                Originally posted by Black Panther

                At the end of their meeting, about whether to except or deny the wraith proposition, it seems like John is watching Teyla.

                After the meeting is over John calls out to Teyla and hurries to catch up to her.
                John: Something tells me you don't think this is such a good idea.
                Teyla: As I said, I do not believe we have a choice.
                John: But a good idea's still a good idea.
                Teyla: I voiced my concern about this plan to change the Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael.
                John: Yeah, and we convinced you.
                Teyla: No, Colonel. I chose to place my trust in you.
                She slightly tilts her head and looks pointedly at John. They stare at each other for a few seconds.
                Teyla: There's a difference.
                John: Look, it's not like we're setting out to create a bunch of Michaels here. Teyla: No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith.
                John: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. I guess I just want you to be fine with it too. Teyla: If this is the full extent of their plan ...
                John: What do you mean?
                Teyla: They are Wraith.
                John watches her leave.
                proof pics...


                  last scene...

                  ...TO BE CONTINUED...
                  ...IN SEASON 3...


                    Originally posted by bella
                    Ok, maybe Mary Sue was the wrong phrase.
                    Shep has the looks, charm, rebellious attitude, cool job and a lot of women falling at his feet (even if he has no interest in them). While I think McKay may be their favourite character to write and maybe based on them in some way, Shep is the cool guy that everyone wants to be. Think Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in Star Wars or Xander and Spike in Buffy. That Shep/Solo stereotype always gets the girl, it's one of the unoffical rules of fiction. This is one of the reasons I think if Firefly had continued Mal and Inara would have got together (although it does help that they both felt the same way! )
                    Sometimes people invert this rule and stereotype or break it but I don't think TPTB are that brave or daring to do so.
                    Does that make more sense? Shep is a popular stereotype, a sort of fantasy persona that men want to be. Which is why they would hate to see him get rejected by a women because if that can happen to someone like him, what hope have they?

                    Oh and any men here, please don't take it personally. I'm talking in generic stereotypes and I know they don't apply to everyone.
                    Bella, I thought this was a really great post! I totally agree. I think Sheppard is the man the PTB fantasise about being like. Handsome, gets the ladiez etc, etc, whereas McKay IS the guy they are (minus the genius aspect!) geeky, disaster with women etc.

                    I really hope that PTB kind of "fall out of love" with Sheppard next year and we have can have some mature storylines with him!


                      Originally posted by bella
                      Does that make more sense? Shep is a popular stereotype, a sort of fantasy persona that men want to be. Which is why they would hate to see him get rejected by a women because if that can happen to someone like him, what hope have they?

                      Oh and any men here, please don't take it personally. I'm talking in generic stereotypes and I know they don't apply to everyone.

                      I completely agree with you and find it extremely frustrating. Joe is such a talented actor that this idealized personna that the powers that be are really limiting the deepth of the character.

                      I think on another level as a woman I don't find this kind of male fantasy persona as attractive as I found the flawed and more human Sheppard. But than again I didn't like Luke Skywalker either. It's something about the Hero character when he's not allowed to grow and breath that starts to feel stale. I'm so glad that Astro pointed this post out to me because I had never thought about it before and that's a great insite into something I've been feeling for some time.


                        ...I'M FINALLY DONE!!!...

                        ......*thinking about Teyla*...
                        ......I heard rumors about you and 'grandkids'...

                        ......okay I don't want to tell me...but you know...
               'the shipper genius' here...i'll find it out...


              **...he always knows everything...
               I must tell her...before McKay will blab* it her...

                        * that correctly??


                          *tackles Astro and MajorFischer* Squee!!!! Visitors!!!!

                          About the whole Shep thing, I think that TPTB are wise to try and avoid making him into a Mary Sue character. I kind of feel that as much as they try to make him into an anti-hero with his black mark and lack of subordination, that sometimes comes off as just even more heroic. He's never really reprimanded for some behavior, and it is rarely implied that he is really "wrong". And even when he is, this implication comes from a character that we're not necessarily supposed to like (Bates, Caldwell, Sumner, etc.).
                          I'm not sure if the whole kirking thing was supposed to serve as a means to give him a flaw and a problem, but it was way overdone this season. A fling a season is okay, but having four in the space of about that many episodes is a bit much. I'm all for more mature storylines as well...some backstory would also be nice.

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                            I'm not sure if the whole kirking thing was supposed to serve as a means to give him a flaw and a problem, but it was way overdone this season. A fling a season is okay, but having four in the space of about that many episodes is a bit much. I'm all for more mature storylines as well...some backstory would also be nice.
                            It was overdone- and to their credit I think both Joe and TPTB have realized that. If of course the rumours I've heard of stopping that in S3 are to be believed. There were far too many "throw away" eps this season. Don't get me wrong there were some great ones too. And Back-story for John would be wonderful!


                              Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                              ...I'M FINALLY DONE!!!...

                              ......*thinking about Teyla*...
                              ......I heard rumors about you and 'grandkids'...

                              ......okay I don't want to tell me...but you know...
                     'the shipper genius' here...i'll find it out...


                    **...he always knows everything...
                     I must tell her...before McKay will blab* it her...

                              * that correctly??
                              Ack! Too cute! AS, I love it! Those pics were perfect and I do love the idea that Rodney knows about John's feelings for Teyla and supports that!


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                *tackles Astro and MajorFischer* Squee!!!! Visitors!!!!
                                Hehe, I'm getting that a lot lately all over the board Astro dragged me in, I confess.

                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                I'm all for more mature storylines as well...some backstory would also be nice.
                                Here here! More backstory, on everyone. The one thing I've been really glad about is the developement for Teyla this season. During the first season I thought i had legitimate issues with the way they seemed to be satisifed with saying she was a leader without showing it. The character has really grown on me by leeps and bounds.

                                I'd like to see backstory on Shep, on Weir, and I'd really like it if they'd take some of the interesting minor characters that fell into black holes and pick them up again. Sora for instance. Some of the best stuff for Teyla bar nun was between Sora and Teyla in the Eye.

