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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    How about 'Spin the Stargate' Okay yeah...that was dorky!
    lol. Remember I want to bring them in, not drive them away from Atlantis. lol

    Great Sig by Bella


      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
      Here's my WP:

      Never Far From My Sight

      Night Annie...and they Must Must Get Together!

      And heck yeah..I'll volunteer!
      Indeed – count me in!

      The WP is beautiful, AG!

      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        I think Sanssong was checking into that, but the last I think she hadn't heard anything from her source.

        I'd also think it's too early for the finale, to be written, and then again alot of things get changed in re-writting, and *shrugs*...

        Hey if that's true, I'll be jumping for joy, though I'd be wondering, what's going to happen, if it'll get serious, and they might eventually kill off one out of the pair, or if they'll just deny it and just run us around, (not that they aren't doing another type of running around right now)
        The word is, that to the best of my ability to discover the post was NOT a hoax. And they didn't say it would be revealed in the finale, they said sometime during season 3 it would *finally* be revealed who John's heart belonged to- Teyla of course! Now whether or not this is reliable info or not we'll have to wait till next season to find out- but hey- I've always been of the opinion that sooner or later TPTB will make it clear about J/T so it's all good!


          Well, my Atlantis party is over. We all enjoyed it (especially the newcomers to the show and ship) we watched 38 Minutes and Hide and Seek. Hopefully I can get more people addicted to the show in time for the next party! I'm off. Goodnight all

          Great Sig by Bella


            Good night, Mr_F!

            I should probably be off, myself – too many more insomniac nights and I'm going to have serious problems. 'Night, all!

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              aha! after 6 months of futily trying to beat movie maker to save it onto my computer, it's here!!! The Sheyla Jukebox vid!!!

              The owner of the Sheyla Jukebox is proud to present....finally....her short 0.8mb promo vid thingymabob to the music of....well...Ant Music...

              Clicketh here if thou hast interest


                nice promo caz!! but what is the hug of shep and weir doing in there?!?!
                but it was to my liking anyway...cause of the kiss!!
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  did you not listen to the lyrics ... ?

                  "lost its taste" for the shweir hug

                  "gotta try another flavour" right after that with kiss!


                    I LOVE Atlantis parties!!! My problem is I never get to watch it with anyone who enjoys shipping as much as I I'm sitting there squeeing to myself and looking like a complete fool. But then I come back here and you guys understand perfectly, so I guess it works out.

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      I'm now having visions of the Atlantis team playing Spin the Stargate with their actual Stargate! Shame it doesn't spin like the SG1 one.

                      I think regarding the rumours I'd rather they played it subtley like Beckett/Cadman rather than falling into each others arms and declaring their love. I'd be happy just to have it acknowledged even if it's not acted on.
                      And what if Shep tells Teyla he loves her but Teyla doesn't reciprocate? I doubt it will happen because Shep is TPTBs Mary Sue and always gets the girl but, based on the rumours, it's a possiblity.

                      (Sorry Camy, but I tend to be a bit cynical about TPTB until I actually see it on the screen. Think happy Sheyla thoughts. )


                        Me too, Bella. Right now, I'm a bit skeptical about anything in the shipping realm for Stargate. Between the news of RDA's return and supposed resolution for S/J fans and the rumor that the question of shipping on Atlantis will be put to rest...I'm a bit hesitant to take anything as true at this point. I'll believe it when I see it, but until then (and even after the fact!) I'll just leave it in fandom and enjoy whatever pairing I want. It's more fun that way anyway.

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          [QUOTE=AthosianGirl]Here's my WP:

                          Never Far From My Sight


                          Beautiful wp, AG!


                            Originally posted by sanssong
                            The word is, that to the best of my ability to discover the post was NOT a hoax. And they didn't say it would be revealed in the finale, they said sometime during season 3 it would *finally* be revealed who John's heart belonged to- Teyla of course! Now whether or not this is reliable info or not we'll have to wait till next season to find out- but hey- I've always been of the opinion that sooner or later TPTB will make it clear about J/T so it's all good!

                            Ah, I misunderstood then. But cool! I hope it's true.


                            Thanks for doing the legwork and trying to find out if it's real.


                              Originally posted by bella
                              I think regarding the rumours I'd rather they played it subtley like Beckett/Cadman rather than falling into each others arms and declaring their love. I'd be happy just to have it acknowledged even if it's not acted on.
                              And what if Shep tells Teyla he loves her but Teyla doesn't reciprocate? I doubt it will happen because Shep is TPTBs Mary Sue and always gets the girl but, based on the rumours, it's a possiblity.
                              I agree that subtle is best. I really hope they go that route, but not so subtle that you can't tell if it's actually there.

                              Personally, I think that it's possible to find out who Shep really likes without him telling anyone he loves them. If it happens, it'll probably just be him somehow making it known that he prefers Teyla over the other women, without actually making any commitments to her.

                              I also think Teyla is too afraid that he's going to leave or be killed to commit herself. Maybe it's that rumored "Teyla's old boyfriend" ep that Rachel said she hoped would get written.

                              About Shep being the writers' Mary Sue, that puzzles me.

                              I mean, during season one the writers were saying straight out that *Rodney* was their favorite character and the one they wanted to be, making him their Mary Sue. True, they may all dream of the hot babes, but they've actually only done that a few times with John, they've also done it with Rodney--he got a chick dripping wet in a bra while John's "conquests" only acknowledge on the show that he slept with ONE chick--Teer in Epiphany. (And he'd been alone with her for 6 months, his time, before doing anything--hardly a just-met-ya-jump-in-the-sack relationship.)

                              Personally, I still see Rodney as the Mary Sue because he almost always solves the problem, rarely sees longterm consequences for doing things wrong, gets girls too, is smarter than everyone else, and says/does pretty much anything he wants or that most people would want to say/do and don't. John is much more repressed than that and only seems Mary Sueish in that pinup chicks throw themselves at him.

                              Didn't Joe say in a convention that the flirting will stop in S3? If so maybe he does decide to somehow let Teyla know he's interested. That'd be so cool!

                              Sorry to go on so long. I could prattle on but have to leave. Have a great day! Great discussion, Bella.


                                Ok, maybe Mary Sue was the wrong phrase.
                                Shep has the looks, charm, rebellious attitude, cool job and a lot of women falling at his feet (even if he has no interest in them). While I think McKay may be their favourite character to write and maybe based on them in some way, Shep is the cool guy that everyone wants to be. Think Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in Star Wars or Xander and Spike in Buffy. That Shep/Solo stereotype always gets the girl, it's one of the unoffical rules of fiction. This is one of the reasons I think if Firefly had continued Mal and Inara would have got together (although it does help that they both felt the same way! )
                                Sometimes people invert this rule and stereotype or break it but I don't think TPTB are that brave or daring to do so.
                                Does that make more sense? Shep is a popular stereotype, a sort of fantasy persona that men want to be. Which is why they would hate to see him get rejected by a women because if that can happen to someone like him, what hope have they?

                                Oh and any men here, please don't take it personally. I'm talking in generic stereotypes and I know they don't apply to everyone.

