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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh no Doxymom....drink your orange juice, cuddle up with a John/Teyla blankie and pillow, curl up with some good fanfic and SLEEP!!!!

    Congrats to all the Winners of the ISIS AWARDS!!!! Yay! I was given many hours of enjoyable reading because of all those authors....but a special shoutout to SP, Nicole and sannsong...HURRAY!!!!!

    Now people nominate stories once again for the Stargate FANAWARDS 2006...we have alot more to choose from now...VB, sannsong, Ritter, Witchy all have new stories! Seldear and allisnow...too


      Hi Everyone! I've been super busy with school so I have had to keep myself from posting... you have no idea how hard that task is!! ...however I will try to make a pic fic later today! Anyone have any suggestions for me to go off of!?


        Can't say 4ps, just do whatever comes to mind. They're generally light and humorous.

        How do those fanawards work? I can't figure out the site for the life of me.
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          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
          (((DM))) Oh, I hope you feel better.

          OT: VB and Ritter, thaks for reading "Beauty" – I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you liked it!

          Beauty? What is this..? Did you write a fic and I didn't know about it?


          Got to print them...

          Oh, DM you got the flu...please don't cough in my direction....and put on a mask while you're here will ya?
          Hope you feel better hon...*Camy puts a J/T blanky over DM and hands her a J/T mug with hot cocoa...she hands her the plate of Jinto cookies, but then, WHOPS...decides to keep 'em for herself....* These cookies aren't good for you, hon...

          Where is Sanssong....I need to have her finish her she alright? Sanssong..Camy misses you.....

          Ritter, I don't mind talking about your new fic...I LOVE IT! Keep it coming...
          and, just to let you guys know, I've finish Chapter 10...I've been really down and just couldn't even think of writing...but a couple of weeks ago I decided to write something just to finish it and gave it to my girls to review, but I just didn't feel it..Now I finally got it done and I"m happy with it and I know my girls will make it even better..but I won't post it for awhile because I know I will make some more corrections and the girls have lots of schoolwork to do...but I just thought you should know I have not abandone, The Kiss That Started it All...unlike others here that have me totally waiting for the next chapters...I won't mention any names cause I am not one to do that but, *coughs* A t h o s i a n G i r know there is this really great fic about Teyla meeting and old flame and John getting jealous that I'm really interested in the conclusion..but again, I"m not pointing fingers....*sneezes*
          Okay...some John and Teyla love coming your way!


            Random chicken post


              Originally posted by Camy
              Beauty? What is this..? Did you write a fic and I didn't know about it?
              I didn't post it here 'cuz it's not John/Teyla (it's not, in fact, shippy at all). That's why I labeled that message to VB and Ritter "Off Topic." But if you want to read it, the link's in my sig – it should be the first one.

              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                Thanks...I will check it out...


                  Never mind that, I figured it out. Confusing site, but they're going through alot of precautions against ballot stuffing and what-not.

                  It'll confuse you Camy, CK is devious like that.
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                    Originally posted by Droops
                    Random chicken post

                    CHICKIE!!! *dies from a cute attack* Soooo cute! *steals chickie from Droops*

                    Originally posted by Doxymom
                    I'll be okay. At first, I was worried too given what else is going on. But they said everything's fine.

                    LOL on the waiting on me. DH has been letting me nap and proved he does, indeed, know how to fold laundry. :-) It's been so nice.

                    Anyway, off to the doc with my Alphasmart so I can write JT while I wait.

                    Thank you for being worried. I'm okay. Sorry I scared you.
                    Oh, it's okay! Just worried for you, that's all. You take care and let us know that you're okay. Catch up on your sleep and take your vitamins and keep being waited on at home. Hope you feel better soon.

                    And congrats to all of the Isis nominees and winners. Some really, really great fic came out of that contest, so if any of you haven't checked it out or are looking for something to read, it's a great site to have tagged. And give some of the other pairings a try, too. You might be surprised how much you like some of them -- I kind of fell for some of the Rodney/Teyla ones, actually. *bad shipper*

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                      Never mind that, I figured it out. Confusing site, but they're going through alot of precautions against ballot stuffing and what-not.

                      It'll confuse you Camy, CK is devious like that.
                      I just came from is confusing..the site not the fic...I had to read everything, just so I got it right, and still I don't know if I'll be doing it correctly...

                      CK...I'm off to read this fic....

                      oh legality..... *heart*

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Your first vid is great But it stops before the end


                          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                          It'll confuse you Camy, CK is devious like that.

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Thanks, AG! Thanks, Witchy! Thanks, Camy, for the blanket and cocoa. I actually did have homemade hot chocolate. Couldn't taste it but it felt good on my sore throat!

                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                            {{Doxymom}}....hope you're feeling better, do as SP said get the others in at home to do the tough work...sit back and watch some Sheppard and Teyla vids, read some fics...
                            Thanks! I wish. Unfortunately, someone has to watch the young ones and I'm the only adult here most of the day.

                            Still, doesn't mean I'm not learning to delegate!

                            That gives me a little time to try to write.

                            I'm thinking that tonight I'll have a JT-a-thon and watch LFP, 38 Minutes and Conversion. :-)


                              Ohhhh, fun!
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                DM...OH, I wish I was there with you..Conversion...38 Minutes...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

                                Ritter...what are you insinuating...? That I get confused easily?

                                What the heck are you talking about? I am the most unconfused person that I there...I know what I'm doing, when I'm doing it and how I'm doing it and I .....oh, I lost my train of thought! I'll be back!

                                John and Weyla all the way!

