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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Jodi518
    guys homwork sucks!! So how is everyone today?

    whats new with our couple? any new fics? any spoiler news?

    What would you like to see happen with our couple in the next season?
    Hey Jodi!!!!

    When homework gets to be too much always take the time for a Shepmagan. JT, TWIX Break!!!

    I do...though I usually have Annie's pics to enjoy...Annie...where are you?!

    Next season I want Shep or Teyla to admit outloud that they have feelings for the doesn't have to be to each other could be to a friend...Telya confiding to Weir that she cares for Shep or Rodney approaching the subject to John that John loves Teyla so do something about...

    This way there is a confirmation of love yet the suspense is still drawn out because neither Shep or Teyla knows it...yet.


      Originally posted by gatelover12
      (because yours was oh so much better)
      *here's come chocolates*....can't be too sweet..

      But really i didn't think about that angle so plz repost urs???....

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        had to think of a plan fast, so put his moves on , and from out of nowhere Bob appeared and punched . Realising this was his chance began to . NEXT.


          saw this and became then decided that maybe Shep would be turned on if she became


            Heehee, hiya Witchy! Yeah, school's...going. We'll leave it at that.

            Love those moments -- geez, I think you stole mine! That bit in "Allies" especially was great. It was nice to see the issue of trust brought up between them once again. In my mind, this is what really sets these two apart in their relationship compared to others on the base. It seems that while the rest of them had to work to get to know and establish an unconditional trust with each other, Shep and Teyla seemed to build this right off the bat. Trust is key with them, and I like that we got an explicit mention of it in the last episode.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by Jodi518
              guys homwork sucks!! So how is everyone today?

              whats new with our couple? any new fics? any spoiler news?

              What would you like to see happen with our couple in the next season?
              Hey Jodi!....W/K is evil....have a TWIX

              How about a KISS...not alien or virus induced...alternate reality or otherwise not within the current timeline...or is that asking too much???...

              But I think I'd really like to see more of them as a team working together. And maybe a few off duty time, maybe some sparring, but then again Teyla's been sparring willy nilly with everyone......

              I'd just like more interaction, other than the smiles, and head tilts, and subtle actions we had this last season.


              OT: Where's VB???.....

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                Hey Jodi!....W/K is evil....have a TWIX

                How about a KISS...not alien or virus induced...alternate reality or otherwise not within the current timeline...or is that asking too much???...

                But I think I'd really like to see more of them as a team working together. And maybe a few off duty time, maybe some sparring, but then again Teyla's been sparring willy nilly with everyone......

                I'd just like more interaction, other than the smiles, and head tilts, and subtle actions we had this last season.


                OT: Where's VB???.....
                I do believe VB said she would be out because she had mid-terms to study for...I think...

                I want more sparring between her and Shep...I love 'Hot Zone' of my all time favorite scenes...I was actually going to ask Rachel that on 'SciFi World' BamBam's blog he said Rachel, Joe and Jason had hit the gym so I'm hoping for some more great fighting scenes, especially between Shep and Teyla...


                  Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                  Hey Jodi!....W/K is evil....have a TWIX

                  How about a KISS...not alien or virus induced...alternate reality or otherwise not within the current timeline...or is that asking too much???...

                  But I think I'd really like to see more of them as a team working together. And maybe a few off duty time, maybe some sparring, but then again Teyla's been sparring willy nilly with everyone......

                  I'd just like more interaction, other than the smiles, and head tilts, and subtle actions we had this last season.


                  OT: Where's VB???.....
                  You dissing the head tilts? I'd really like to see them dig into shep's past, I think Teyla might be just the one to get him to open up, alien curiosity about earth and the conversation evolves from there? (OT:I'm chatting with VB at the mo, maybe she'll drop in. *hopes*)


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Heehee, hiya Witchy! Yeah, school's...going. We'll leave it at that.
                    ...May can't get here fast enough for that when school is over for you too?

                    Love those moments -- geez, I think you stole mine! That bit in "Allies" especially was great. It was nice to see the issue of trust brought up between them once again. In my mind, this is what really sets these two apart in their relationship compared to others on the base. It seems that while the rest of them had to work to get to know and establish an unconditional trust with each other, Shep and Teyla seemed to build this right off the bat. Trust is key with them, and I like that we got an explicit mention of it in the last episode.
           key to any relationship and I think for Shep and Teyla they've had that even when everything else around them made it seem like there wasn't. And it really all leads back I believe to those first moments when they meet and They both seem to gravitate to the other, singling out the other as an ally.

                    It just struck me in 'Michael'
                    There's moments when Shep's head moves in Teyla's direction, when she voices her uncertainties about the experiment that looks very much like his concerned expression in 'The Gift'

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                      ...May can't get here fast enough for that when school is over for you too?
                      My winter quarter just ended last week and my spring quarter starts Monday...I had one week off and now I'll be in school until June...I think...

             key to any relationship and I think for Shep and Teyla they've had that even when everything else around them made it seem like there wasn't. And it really all leads back I believe to those first moments when they meet and They both seem to gravitate to the other, singling out the other as an ally.

                      It just struck me in 'Michael'
                      There's moments when Shep's head moves in Teyla's direction, when she voices her uncertainties about the experiment that looks very much like his concerned expression in 'The Gift'
                      I love the trust that exists between Shep and Teyla. In 'Suspicion' we had a clear example of Shep trusting Teyla when he tells Weir 'I trust Teyla' when they were programing the self-destruct codes and Shep wanted Teyla involved...I think I always saw that Shep always trusted Teyla was was vocal about it...

                      Now Teyla...she always trusted Shep but you never actually heard her say it out least I don't think so...but in 'Allies' you do and I loved that.

                      Hmmmm I am going to have to rewatch 'Michael' to catch that moment Witchy...

                      I loved 'Michael'...but I can't decide if it was my favorite episode it might be..

                      What was everyone else's fav espisode, not necesarily for shippy reasons?


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        I do believe VB said she would be out because she had mid-terms to study for...I think...

                        I want more sparring between her and Shep...I love 'Hot Zone' of my all time favorite scenes...I was actually going to ask Rachel that on 'SciFi World' BamBam's blog he said Rachel, Joe and Jason had hit the gym so I'm hoping for some more great fighting scenes, especially between Shep and Teyla...
                        Oh that's right, i'd forgotten...

                        I read that. I'm definitely looking forward to it. And he keeps going on about 'Sateda' so I hope it's all they say it is...I'm thinking everyone is going to look very fit this season. Since from season 1 to 2...All the guys got more built and even the girls....

                        Originally posted by Gatelover12
                        You dissing the head tilts? I'd really like to see them dig into shep's past, I think Teyla might be just the one to get him to open up, alien curiosity about earth and the conversation evolves from there? (OT:I'm chatting with VB at the mo, maybe she'll drop in. *hopes*)
                        I would never, I love the head tilts...they're so cute......

                        Yes!..Backstory on either Shep or Teyla, and I think either of them could get the other to talk about their past. Teyla because she's curious about earth like you said, and even Sheppard's own curiousity about Teyla's pass finding out why she thinks the way she does.

                        OT: Oh..Tell her 'Hello'...hate not having msn msg at work...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          My winter quarter just ended last week and my spring quarter starts Monday...I had one week off and now I'll be in school until June...I think...
                          oh you poor thing...

                          & don't worry have a TWIX...

                          I love the trust that exists between Shep and Teyla. In 'Suspicion' we had a clear example of Shep trusting Teyla when he tells Weir 'I trust Teyla' when they were programing the self-destruct codes and Shep wanted Teyla involved...I think I always saw that Shep always trusted Teyla was was vocal about it...

                          Now Teyla...she always trusted Shep but you never actually heard her say it out least I don't think so...but in 'Allies' you do and I loved that.
                          Yeah i personally never thought about that, until some one brought it up, and then I realized that she never vocalized her trust, but this season we got it. We know that she does trust him, and he knows it now also. And you can see that her words affect him.

                          Hmmmm I am going to have to rewatch 'Michael' to catch that moment Witchy...

                          I loved 'Michael'...but I can't decide if it was my favorite episode it might be..
                          I could be seeing things, but i'm sitting here, and it seems as though it was the same...I'll rewatch and see if i can cap it...

                          What was everyone else's fav espisode, not necesarily for shippy reasons?
                          I'll have to think about this one...


                          I'm off nice to Steve/Bob....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Hey Jodi!!!!

                            When homework gets to be too much always take the time for a Shepmagan. JT, TWIX Break!!!

                            I do...though I usually have Annie's pics to enjoy...Annie...where are you?!

                            Next season I want Shep or Teyla to admit outloud that they have feelings for the doesn't have to be to each other could be to a friend...Telya confiding to Weir that she cares for Shep or Rodney approaching the subject to John that John loves Teyla so do something about...

                            This way there is a confirmation of love yet the suspense is still drawn out because neither Shep or Teyla knows it...yet.
                            *lurking in the shadows*...
                            hi tomorrow...i'm learnig now.. ok ok i'm trying to learn...for my last *i reallllly hope so* ...physics test in my life... *please let it be the last* ....i hate physics...


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              oh you poor thing...

                              & don't worry have a TWIX...

                              I actually may stock up on Twix candy bars to get me through my classes...required class Anthropology!

                              Yeah i personally never thought about that, until some one brought it up, and then I realized that she never vocalized her trust, but this season we got it. We know that she does trust him, and he knows it now also. And you can see that her words affect him.
                              That is a good Shep knows as well...Teyla does mean a lot to Shep and her trusting him does affect him greatly...I really like that thought...

                              I could be seeing things, but i'm sitting here, and it seems as though it was the same...I'll rewatch and see if i can cap it...
                              Shippy glasses on, right?


                              I'm off nice to Steve/Bob....
                              Bye Witchy...I gotta go as well and start writing some fanfic!


                                Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                                *lurking in the shadows*...
                                hi tomorrow...i'm learnig now.. ok ok i'm trying to learn...for my last *i reallllly hope so* ...physics test in my life... *please let it be the last* ....i hate physics...

                                *Runs over for a big hug*

                                Now go back and study...

                                I would like to help you but I'm like this when it comes to anything science related...

                                All I can do is say 'Good Luck!'

                                And be a cheering section:

                                Go Annie! Go Annie! Pass your test! You can do IT!!!!

