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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by HyperCaz
    The all powerful Caz of the all powerful Oz apologies for not obtaining ESP from the Wraith she fed on.

    John: You get ESP from feeding on Wraith?
    Teyla: HyperCaz is blurring ontological boundaries.
    John: Is that some Athosian thing?
    Teyla: No. I believe it is from Earth. The theory of postmodernism.

    John: Now on Earth we would say McKay is as scary as a clown and postmodernism.
    Teyla: *thinking* Why is he stealing my idea? Is it insolence? Love? Or is he "burning, pining and perishing"?
    Kid: *to John* But what's scary about intertextual references?
    Teyla: John, you use intertextual references all the time.
    Teyla: It's alright, John, I'll make you feel better.
    John: Can you kiss it better?
    Teyla: Yes, I can kiss it better.


      YAY! Someone understood!!!


        Hey everyone, how is it going? John smiles for everyone! Is everyone having a good shippy day? I hope so.

        Icon Made By LadyBozi


          Ahh, good to know Angelique, off to go fix my sig.
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Originally posted by Camy
            DM..SWEETIE..How are you?....
            Hi, Camy. I'm okay. Have the Flu. Yep, made a trip to the ER to prove it last week. Doing better. Yesterday I was bored while resting and made two John/Teyla fic challenge goodies that I'll post to Sanssong's LJ later today.

            Hope you're well.


              (((DM))) Oh, I hope you feel better.

              OT: VB and Ritter, thaks for reading "Beauty" – I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you liked it!

              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                Hope you feel better Doxy.

                -We hope you feel better Doxy.
                -We do?
                -Of course we do Colonel. (CRASH)
                -Ouch Teyla, that hurt. Get better Doxy, so Teyla will stop beating me up!
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Thanks, CeeKay.

                  Thanks, Cpt. Love the dialogue. LOL. Poor John. Guess I'd better have some more chicken soup. :-)

                  This is why I was basically MIA last week. I had a headache that lasted 7 days and got so bad I ended up in the ER on an IV and oxygen. They said it was the flu causing it.

                  I'm doing a lot better than that but still need to rest.

                  On the good side, it's given me lots of time to think of John/Teyla plotbunnies and to work on my zinefic. If I can only finish the thing I could start on some of the other JT fic I have in mind.

                  Thank you again!


                    New JT vid:


                      Oh goodness, Doxymom!!! I'm so glad that you're feeling better now. Don't scare me like that! Take it easy, put your feet up, and force everyone else in your house to wait on you hand and foot, okay? Get better soon.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Isis Awards Winners for Sheyla

                        Here's the link to the Isis awards winners, SP, Nicole, and Sanssong placed, taking away lots of first.

                        In the Novel Category, out of Inner Demons(by me), Dreams (alliefreelancer), Perspective (Sanssong), and Prisoner of Fate (Nicole)...

                        1st (Tie) Perspective and Prisoner of Fate
                        2nd Dreams (alliefreelancer)

                        In the hurt/comfort category

                        1st Prisoner of Fate (Nicole)
                        2nd A Long Night (SnoggingPicard)

                        In the romance/fluff category

                        1st Perspective
                        2nd The Night that Changed all other (Nytel)
                        3rd Story Time (Nicole)

                        In humor

                        1st Shotgun (Celede)
                        2nd Three Little Word (tielen)


                        1st Piece of Cake (Madjm)


                        1st Seasons of Life (tielen)

                        Episode related

                        1st Amends and Promises (tielen)
                        2nd Clutching Straws (Seldear)


                        1st Hero (Celede)


                        1st Yield (tielen)
                        2nd Clutching Straws (Seldear)
                        3rd Amends and Promises (tielen)

                        Well that's the run down. Congratulations to all who won, though I wish there had been more variety. Anyway, these are the best of our ship, go read and enjoy. Especially big congratulations to Nicole, Sanssong, and SP.
                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          Congratulations to the nominees and the winners. Also, thanks for giving me a lot of fanfic to catch up on or re-read.
                          Sig by Luciana


                            Whoo hoo! Congrats to all the winners!

                            You all deserve it. And they posted such pretty little banners for you all.


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              Oh goodness, Doxymom!!! I'm so glad that you're feeling better now. Don't scare me like that! Take it easy, put your feet up, and force everyone else in your house to wait on you hand and foot, okay? Get better soon.
                              I'll be okay. At first, I was worried too given what else is going on. But they said everything's fine.

                              LOL on the waiting on me. DH has been letting me nap and proved he does, indeed, know how to fold laundry. :-) It's been so nice.

                              Anyway, off to the doc with my Alphasmart so I can write JT while I wait.

                              Thank you for being worried. I'm okay. Sorry I scared you.


                                Congrats to all the winners...and nominees...all were great fics...Keep up the great work...we need more for next year...

                                {{Doxymom}}....hope you're feeling better, do as SP said get the others in at home to do the tough work...sit back and watch some Sheppard and Teyla vids, read some fics...

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

