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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    and i think the worrying we're seeing Teyla doing these last few episodes is a character flaw.
    No way....I totally disagree with you (respectfully, luv ), which I mention in my last post to Camy's crazy rant...

    There is no way that this is character flaw...this is a whole different side of Teyla. I sat there and worried as much as the next girl...heck a few of my past posts was about how I feel John has become a pervasive figure in her life.

    But then I realized something. I remember a few back posts I read on a few different boards and even here...and I mean way back when season 1 was around, it all said John was attracted and Teyla was definitely cold to him and wasn't much impressed by what he was. She was pretty much turning him down flat and showed no interest.

    Listing a few:
    38 Minutes
    The Gift
    The Siege
    The Siege II
    The list goes on and on right.....we can see he was worried and he pretty much killed a few people or defended her to the point where he even offended Weir.

    Now in Season 2 we see it's Teyla's turn. I mean in Season 1, she was establishing herself. She was getting her bearings. She, for lack of a better world, lost her people to the mainland. Why? Because her purpose was to destroy the Wraith and she believed that the Atlantis Crew woudl do that. But during that time she also had to prove herself as a dedicated member....and not a traitor. And she was under suspicion continously. I mean she had a lot on her mind. We see John really building on that connection they have, we see him moved her by..and we know his position but her' one really knew or cared to know--in some cases. Love was not a key point, she felt the connection but between losing her home, ALL the Wraith awakening, losnig her people, being under a lot of suspicion, and of course not being valued not only because she's a woman but becuase she's not of Earth, and then dealing with the fact she's part Wraith....woah!! Our girl had some drama to contend with and John definitely takes a back seat. Am I right? Or am I right? You ladies know what it's like for us with our drama. And you know men take time and patience..and we have no time for patience with our drama going on. Can you blame

    So now she's come to terms with losing her people--somewhat--more liek she knows her purpose and she will do it selflessly. She's gained some foot hold in Atlantis. She's gained a bit more respect from the other's. And she's learningn and dealing with the Wraith gene...fine. NOw she can work on that bond..and she's allowing herself that chance. And keep in mind ladies..she's not us!?

    She's not from earth..her responses are different. She's probably never dealt with such emotions..or hasn't in a very very very long time. We saw her at the camp in Rising she was the leader and seemed to have no mate around. She protected and now she's feeling the pain of not being able to protect someone she loves. We all know what the feels like. We know what that is. We saw her kick butt in plenty of episodes we haven't seen her with much feeling in Season 1 but really anger and getting a hold of the knowledge she didn't want..and understanding the loss of Charin. NOw she's opening to the bond that is was forged with John in Season 1. Now she slowly adapting and it's causing an upheavel.

    Those of you who are married and married for love or been in a relationship with this most amazing did that make you feel? A bit delirious? A bit lost..giddy? And then if he or for the men she was hurt?! And you couldn't do would you feel. HOw would you react if you couldn't see them? Let's look at some eps that have that.

    Some Eps:
    Lost Boys
    The Hive

    And a few other's I'm forgetting their takes some time. And then we have to see how she learns to express it. Some of us would hide it, she doesn't...she doesn't know what she's supposed to do. I came to realize this is's a natural approach and gives us a clue into her and her psyche. It's not weakening at all..but very enlightening for us...and I can't wait to see more!

    Yeah I've gotten over it! Made sense of took a lot of watching Season 1 to get it.

    TPTB just isn't sure what they coudl have's to early on to put them together and they threw themselves in a hole with Ronon, so it kind of making it difficult to work out what the plan is...but we have to read that and see that it's the best they could do!
    Last edited by vaberella; 23 February 2006, 07:05 PM.
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by Camy

      Trippy, you are my girl and I love ya..and you did make me feel so much better last night...and definetely girl..we are going to New Jersey to meet Joe, I have my collection of macarena skirts..I have all of my pics of John and Teyla and I have my dvd's and, all I need is the rest of my John and Teyla stuff..Where is AG?
      AG? I am going with Trippy to New Jersey to meet Joe Flannigan in to help me pack up and stock up on all the J/T, whatcha got for me?
      NJ you said..if I'm not in Japan...I might be able to come to the NJ sister has been bugging me. I'm a New Yorker..remember!!

      Should I dress in my Teyla costume! I've been working on it for a while! But it might be too cold to wear it!

      Click statement above to read article.


        My ears are burning!!!

        Camy, if I meet Joe, the likely reaction I would have is utter silence and awe. You will probably have to shove me in the pic line and do all the talking yourself. No one believes me that I'm really shy in real life, but I am.

        I'm glad you feel better after last night. Look, my ship philosophy is: if you worry about anything too much and don't go along for the ride, you're bound to be disappointed my something. This is fun. I refuse to let it not be fun until something is canon. So...
        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by Camy
          Hello, Newbie here...
          Where is everyone?.....
          First time posting here, but I come daily to these posting and I just had to join in and support for Sheyla!!!! and I must say
          I Love SHEYLA! I am to say the least "obsessed".....
          I am not usually a shipper but I have to say that I loved these two from the very first day and I have been hooked ever since....
          Also, I started reading the fanfiction...and I must say, for the first time in my life, I am addicted to reading.....
          Please keep up the Sheyla fictions....

          Finally, after watching Trinity twice...

          Not too many Sheyla moments, if any...but
          Teyla did a great job in this episode...Got to see a side of her that we had never seen....
          Liked her character with Ronan and I hope that the writer's continue to build a tension between Shep and Teyla as a result of this newfound friendship.
          Yet, I am concerned about how this new alliance (their secret)with Ronan, and how it will be played out in future episodes....I do hope that she will confide in Sheppard soon and tell him just what happened and why she chosed to keep it a secret...
          Anyone have any thoughts?
          Also, there is a rumor about the episode The Long Goodbye and its in regards to a possible ShepWeir moment going on there....Something about them getting trap in a pod or something....Sorry, not really attentive to details....Anybody have any more information?

          Go Sheyla!
          found my first post know..going down memory lane can be very emotional!


            Thanks Trippy....and you are sooooo right...and I'm just venting that is all..I will get over this mood! promise...and OH, Yeah...I've always told you guys..this is who I really am! So, yeah..I'll do the talking for you...When I went to meet RACHEL....I thought at one point she would tell me to not ask any more questions cause I was like right THERE!

            Not only that...but I had like the LAST seat in the entire hall..and I was like forget this crap! I'm going in the front! and I DID! I sat two chairs away from her...NO FEAR OUT OF THIS BABY!

            So, don't be surprised I am the REAL CAMY!


              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
              My reaction to the kirking is pretty much limited to *facepalm*.

              --> Charm, even a little innocent flirtation, does not count as a "move" in my book.
              This is exactly how I feel about it. And Sheppard is 'charming', but saying hi to Sora (or any other Pegasus chick) didn't make him a 'mack daddy' to me.
              Sig by Camy


                That was your first post here, Camy? How dorky!

                *runs from Camy while depositing pretty in S/T thread*

                Sig by Camy


                  VB, i see what you mean. Anything is possible.

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Incidentally, I'm planning on going to the NJ con – so if I manage to actually get there (and unfortunately, that's a very big if), I look forward to actually meeting some of you!

                    Edit: Wow, missed a lot of conversation in there...

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Oh! Antique posts eh?

                      Mine, from page three messy, messy, messy.
                      Originally posted by gatelover12
                      I am resurrecting this thread becase I love the whole shep/Teyla ship and I think more supporters ARE out there!


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        found my first post know..going down memory lane can be very emotional!
                        lol...oh cute...I might take a stroll down memory lane...I can't remember what i wrote...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                 do you get tickets for the November show? Is RL gonna be there with JF? I'm interested in meeting her!

                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Wow!'ve made some great points..but I am not in the mood to reply..I am, less say, I am not in my right set of mind right now...

                            I have said that we are certainly seen a more compassion and more sensitive and expressive Teyla..and I do love that..I guess we are going to have to wait for Season 3 to really determine where the writers are going with her...

                            And Witchy, I hope you are sooo wrong about just putting Teyla on the sideline and giving her these type of lines because they have nothing for her...I haven't gotten to that point yet...cause I have seen her do great lines and great converstions with the I hope this won't be the case...

                            Okay, I'm going back to memory lane...


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              That was your first post here, Camy? How dorky!

                              *runs from Camy while depositing pretty in S/T thread*

                              WHAT? DORKY? NEVER!

                              Really, does it really sound dorky?


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Wow!'ve made some great points..but I am not in the mood to reply..I am, less say, I am not in my right set of mind right now...

                                I have said that we are certainly seen a more compassion and more sensitive and expressive Teyla..and I do love that..I guess we are going to have to wait for Season 3 to really determine where the writers are going with her...

                                And Witchy, I hope you are sooo wrong about just putting Teyla on the sideline and giving her these type of lines because they have nothing for her...I haven't gotten to that point yet...cause I have seen her do great lines and great converstions with the I hope this won't be the case...

                                Okay, I'm going back to memory lane...
                                Camy i would gladly be wrong, and sometimes i am. I like VB's analysis better.

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

