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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    You know what I would love to see, is John get reallyjelous of a guy that Teyla is with. That would just make my day


      Hiya everyone. I'm posting this in lots of places, so bear with the OT-ness:

      Hello all. I think it's safe to say that the last few days have been sad and difficult for all of us with the loss of our friend. I know that I haven't been able to think of much else. While I feel that it is so important to keep Whistler in our thoughts, I know for a fact that one of the worst things in her opinion was having others cry over her. One of the things she made me promise to do before she died was to spread awareness of breast cancer, especially since so many are affected by it each year. I think that I've found a way we can at least do something to achieve this.

      If all of you could take a few seconds to visit this website, you'll find a pink button that you can click. Each click is free and helps to fund free mammograms for women who can't afford them otherwise. If you could take the time to visit and do this, we'll be doing something, and I think it's something Whistler would have wanted and loved. I plan on bookmarking this site and going there each day; it won't make the hurt go away, but it'll at least feel as though something she believed in will have been acccomplished. Thanks for all of your help with this ahead of time. I'm going to post this in all of her favorite threads, and if you guys could get the word out, that would be great. I know I can count on all of you.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
        Okay first point, to protect my pride. Not all men view sex as a free ride. I know some do, but that's not me and will never be a part of my characterization of John Sheppard.
        I'm sorry if it seemed I was lumping all men...that wasn't the case. And I hope I didn't come across as making it sound he was after a free ride. I don't believe John slept with any of those women except for Chaya; I have to much respect for John's character. He shared plenty of kisses though....except for
        Noreena in Inferno
        I mentioned that they offered....only because they did. And some men can pass it up and some men can't. And who am I to stop him if it's offered and he takes.

        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
        Okay, second point. Commenting on the emotional connection between Teyla and Sheppard. I guess it's easy to have sex when there is no connection, but I wouldn't know and I'd hope it wouldn't be true. But the emotional connection is a hold against anything Shep may desire sexually from Teyla. He knows she's hot, how can't he? But he's developed this relationship that he's scared to break the boundaries of, at least in my mind.
        Well the idea is that sex and emotion don't really come hand in hand..society has changed that meaning around. Sex for the human species is about procreation. Emotional love and caring is something else. Now a days people say I only sleep with someone I love...back in the day it was used for procreation and there are religions today that still abide to that belief. Hence the reason my separation of it. Though in this day in age there are people that can separate it quite well....kind of like 'I make love to you, but have sex with her.' Sex is more of a pleasure thing now than for procreation---and history that history has changed from the cro-magnum man and the early homosapiens--plus culture and religion play a role...much like kissing has evolved from something done with only people you hold in high esteem (reason why men were known to kiss other men on the lips) to now about affection, love, or interest.

        But that emotional connection is something very interesting. I don't know if it's necessarily about breaking the boundaries, but it could be, but I can see your point and maybe he's just testing them...trying to understand what they are. I mean really Teyla is not an earth woman....there would be whole new set of boundaries with different names. And I feel they don't have that time to dedicate to fledgling romantic relationship---that takes time and devotion not only that it would tear their team apart--and they work better together than apart. Anyway it's early and I don't want them together so early.

        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
        The same goes for Teyla too. She is a leader of her people and has sworn to defeat the wraith. I'll take VB's word that many women view sex and love as synonomous here and elaborate. Teyla hasn't had the time for a serious relationship, she's been too busy trying to save her people but she can't deny this growing emotional connection with Shep. This is showing in her worrying.
        Even if she gets a relationship on the show, which I hope she does---meaning before her eventual marriage to John. I don't think its' a relationship that would even last a show and it would be something of a passing interest in a guy or her in him...but it wouldn't even be something serious. I like the way Chris Carter did it for Scully and Mulder, where they implied something but it was probably nothing and the guys were just someone different than the love interest they had in mind...something to I don't know..I just love that Scully got that chance!

        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
        But worry itself is not a weakness, it's an emotion. Teyla is still the tough fighter that we know from Season 1, if she gets into a pinch, she can fight her way out, or at least she'll try. More often than not however, she's not been in a situation to flex her kick butt arsenal, Shep has, and she's been worried because she's not there to help him.
        Yup season 1 we barely got very emotional in season 2 whenever it's John and she's always mentioning Colonel Sheppard from her lips.....she's devastated...near tears even. And I think that's great. This is why people are seeing Teyla is in love with John...and I remember seeing posts back in the day where everyone is like John is interested in Teyla and she's cold to him. Weird isn't it?!

        --okay back to studying......oh you guys always pulling me in..
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by mishy91
          You know what I would love to see, is John get reallyjelous of a guy that Teyla is with. That would just make my day

          I don't know how I feel about that. I don't like it when a man has two women fighting for them, and I don't think I like the fact of two men fighting for a woman. It moves away from being about the woman to being about that ever present 'machismo'...ugh!! It's a rather depressing thought. Nor do I think Teyla would like it....hey you'll get to read that actually in my new's mentioned. But I wouldn't mind another Bates situation, or the Wraith situation, bringing out the worry in him.
          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by mishy91
            In the beginning, when he first met Teyla, he treated her like a hot chick that he was flirting with, and probably hopeing to get with later. But, once he learned about her past, and got to really know her, he couldn't do something like that to her. And now he has feelings for her, not just sexual, but emotional. So, if John and Teyla were to ever get together, it wouldn't be a one night stand. And I think John has been sleeping around because well, he gets lucky with alien women! lol Even though we shippers don't like it, John is going to have relationships, and hopefully Teyla will too! But I think eventually, when they are both ready,John and Teyla will get together.

            Sorry so late to post! I went to the movies and slept over my friends house. And tomarrow, I'm going rock climbing!
            You think that's the way he treated her in the beginning? I thought he was finding it far more important to try to get into her good graces so he flirted sort of, and was being more charming than flirting actually. I just don't like the idea of him only having women and flirting on the brain all the time.

            Because when we see the next day and their talking to each other...he was extremely sincere and he wanted her to not see him as a joke or someone who doesn't value her opinions and thoughts. And that's really before he got to know her. So hence my reason I don't think he readily classed her as the other women. He did the same with Chaya..and admittedly he really liked Chaya--next to Teyla she was the other one he treated differently. But what's interesting is that she again was fairly selfish in her motives and didn't really value him for him, but for what he brought to her. Camy mentioned the selfishness...and I have to agree. All the other women also felt the same way.

            It could be disputed that Teyla had that....and probably she did, because she was like these people are in the ancient city, but what's also interesting is that she protected his people, and she defended him and the Atlantians to her people. That changes her may have believed initial selfishness---not even for herself but for her people.

            And I feel that the connection---the emotional one was definitely forged that first night...I mean we all saw it was pretty magnetic. And then we saw more of it the next day in the ep and then her taking him to her people's ruins..that's amazing, especially since she didn't trust him and his people in the beginning, and out of everyone....she chose him. That's just a milestone in it'self. I think that connection and or bond has definitely developed and become smoething ti's about how they handle it.

            Yeah I agree with you with the women....he just really lucky..a bloody smorgasbord....I know many a men and women who would kill to be in his place!!!

            Great post Mishy and CR!!!
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by mishy91
              You know what I would love to see, is John get reallyjelous of a guy that Teyla is with. That would just make my day
              Jealous = MANY VERY HAPPY SHIPPERS!!!!
              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                Originally posted by vaberella
                --okay back to studying......oh you guys always pulling me in..
                You read the disclaimer right, we've been know to chronically pull people in.
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Originally posted by majortrip
                  Camy, you wig out too easily. I told you everything's fine. Sheesh! I'm not concerned with this supposed 'kirking' thing anyway. Well, I told you all about that yesterday. Sit back, mamacita, and enjoy your ship.

                  And if you ever mention our 'signs of aging' chats again, I shall whip the crap out of you and tear up your dancing skirt.
                  *throws head back and laughs* I like that attitude Trippy!!!

                  Seriously Camita I love you but Trippy has a point. It makes for interestiong conversation I suppose but in my opinion it's pretty simple. John's spread himself a little thin at times it seems with all those women but I think he'll grow out of it. And he and Teyla aren't technically together. I think thier avoiding having a serious relationship and so Shep is checking out the intergalactic dating scene. Eventually of course he will realize that Teyla is the only woman he can be faithful to for ever and ever *sappy romantic sigh*


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    I don't know how I feel about that. I don't like it when a man has two women fighting for them, and I don't think I like the fact of two men fighting for a woman. It moves away from being about the woman to being about that ever present 'machismo'...ugh!! It's a rather depressing thought. Nor do I think Teyla would like it....hey you'll get to read that actually in my new's mentioned. But I wouldn't mind another Bates situation, or the Wraith situation, bringing out the worry in him.
                    I don't mean fighting a guy for Teyla. I don't really see John punching a guy because he's jelous. But I would want him to be like surprised or shocked when he saw them together, or just always keeping an eye on where and what they're doing. You know what I mean? No fighting! lol I don't like it when guys or girls fight over stuff like that.


                      Originally posted by mishy91
                      I don't mean fighting a guy for Teyla. I don't really see John punching a guy because he's jelous. But I would want him to be like surprised or shocked when he saw them together, or just always keeping an eye on where and what they're doing. You know what I mean? No fighting! lol I don't like it when guys or girls fight over stuff like that.

                      Sorry I misunderstood..yeah I don't mind that at all....I could just see him, 'You can't trust a guy like that!' like he did with Ronon at first!! hahah
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        If John said something like "You can't trust him", I think it would be a perfect time for Teyla to go off on him about all the girls he has been with and how that girl from the "tower" just wanted his gene. That would shut him up! lol


                          Originally posted by mishy91
                          If John said something like "You can't trust him", I think it would be a perfect time for Teyla to go off on him about all the girls he has been with and how that girl from the "tower" just wanted his gene. That would shut him up! lol
                          That would be a great scene. Did somebody say something about putting that into a fic? 'Cuz I would love to read it...

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Originally posted by majortrip
                            Camy, you wig out too easily. I told you everything's fine. Sheesh! I'm not concerned with this supposed 'kirking' thing anyway. Well, I told you all about that yesterday. Sit back, mamacita, and enjoy your ship.

                            And if you ever mention our 'signs of aging' chats again, I shall whip the crap out of you and tear up your dancing skirt.



                            Don't worry, hon..your secret is safe with me!


                              *Camy looks from side to side making sure no one is around..*

                              Um..guys, am I responsible for all of this emotional conversations...

                              WOW! I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS THIS GOOD!


                                Originally posted by vaberella
                                You think that's the way he treated her in the beginning? I thought he was finding it far more important to try to get into her good graces so he flirted sort of, and was being more charming than flirting actually. I just don't like the idea of him only having women and flirting on the brain all the time.

                                Because when we see the next day and their talking to each other...he was extremely sincere and he wanted her to not see him as a joke or someone who doesn't value her opinions and thoughts. And that's really before he got to know her. So hence my reason I don't think he readily classed her as the other women. He did the same with Chaya..and admittedly he really liked Chaya--next to Teyla she was the other one he treated differently. But what's interesting is that she again was fairly selfish in her motives and didn't really value him for him, but for what he brought to her. Camy mentioned the selfishness...and I have to agree. All the other women also felt the same way.

                                It could be disputed that Teyla had that....and probably she did, because she was like these people are in the ancient city, but what's also interesting is that she protected his people, and she defended him and the Atlantians to her people. That changes her may have believed initial selfishness---not even for herself but for her people.

                                And I feel that the connection---the emotional one was definitely forged that first night...I mean we all saw it was pretty magnetic. And then we saw more of it the next day in the ep and then her taking him to her people's ruins..that's amazing, especially since she didn't trust him and his people in the beginning, and out of everyone....she chose him. That's just a milestone in it'self. I think that connection and or bond has definitely developed and become smoething ti's about how they handle it.

                                Yeah I agree with you with the women....he just really lucky..a bloody smorgasbord....I know many a men and women who would kill to be in his place!!!

                                Great post Mishy and CR!!!
                                I DID?

