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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey!...Welcome Ceekay!!!.. I see i've got alot of fics to i'm off to enjoy the fun...

    Mel , I love your vid, Camy is so right (not that she's ever wrong )... every time the music goes 'you're so beautiful' there's this great scene with Sheppard and Teyla......It's my new favorite...

    AG , off to read your fics right now..
    Last edited by WitchBlade007; 17 February 2006, 08:51 AM.

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      What...Camy is not going to be here today!

      Guess it's up to us to keep this party rockin!

      Okay...pic-story time!

      TAG: What happens when certain members of the Atlantis team drink too much Athosian spirits and then decide they are fed up with John and Teyla's dancing around of their feelings?

      They do something about it!


      *Weir slaps her hand lightly against her desk*

      Weir: I now call to order this first meeting of the 'Get John and Teyla
      together' club...we all present?

      Zelenka: The Science team is accounted for (hicup)

      Caldwell: Military repersentative here.

      Ronon: I'm here...*raises mug in his hand in salute*

      Weir: Good...let's begin...I propose we write a love for Teyla from Shep and vice versa.

      Rodney: Heheheheh (hicup)...Can I write Shep's...I wuv you Teyla!


      Weir: I say I write the letters...since you all seem to be a little on the drunk side...and I have already started...see!

      Caldwell: Ah Elizabeth that's not a letter...that's solitaire...hey do you play chess..I am good at chess.

      Weir: I just might (Weir bats eyes at Caldwell before picking up her dixie cup and draining it dry...Bring it on Col...*She then raises her cup* "MORE!"

      Carson: (sitting in the back and the only one sober) Hey wait a minute..we are suppose to be getting John and Teyla together.

      Carson: Ronon? (hears snorring)

      Carson: Rodney? (Hears Rodney snorting and mumbling something about bottles of Athosian beer on the wall as he is now passed out)

      Carson: Oh dear...well when something must be has ta do it themselves...

      *Carson leaves Weir's office where Rodney is passed out, Ronon is snoring in the corner and Weir and Caldwell were too busy flirting with each other to notcie him leaving*

      Carson then gathers his fellow doctors and scientists to write the love letters to John and Telya themselves

      What do they come up you want to know?


        AG, LOL! That's cute! I like it.


          AG wonderful. CK, welcome to the Shepmagen thread, be sure to read the disclaimer by clicking on the link in my sig and also read about Steve and Bob, they are important mascots of this ship.

          Okay, back to Shep and Teyla. No snow day today so of course I'm behind on all my writing. CK, I left you a review awhile ago on Bridge, I'm the same here as there. I'm debating wether or not to do a vid based on Across the Stars from AOTC, I love the song to death, but Star Wars is that whole sacred thing to me, it'd feel weird with Shep and Teyla, I don't know, might do it anyway.

          AG, what do they come up with?
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Here are some John/Teyla fics by Alli Snow:

            This is a link to all of them at


            They are really good!


              lol...AG, love it!...There should be a fanfic where they do that, I could only imagine the confusion...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Where we left off...

                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Carson then gathers his fellow doctors and scientists to write the love letters to John and Telya themselves

                What do they come up you want to know?
                Now scientist and doctors for that matter can never be as straight forward as they should be and after a few hours in conference Carson and his fellow team members decide that perhaps Shep isn't the only one for know with all his kirking around so...they came up with an idea of offering Teyla the choice of who she would like to be set up on a date with...

                *Teyla returns from the mainland having fullfilled her duties and now returns to her room where she finds a manilla envelope on her bed*

                Teyla: What's this? *She opens up the envelope and pulls out three pictures and a note:
                The note read:
                Teyla lass,
                It has come to the attention of the medical staff that you need to socialize more with the Atlantis expedition so I have taken it upon myself with the help of my staff to bring together three canditates to who you might find enjoyment with. Their pictures are included. Please let me know who you choose because my staff has planned an evening out for you and your date.
                With concerns, Carson and medical staff

                *Teyla stares in bewilderment at the note then looks at the pictures:

                Bachelor #1:
                A hero anyday of the week, with a head of hair beaten by none. A ladies man and all around good guy:

                Bachelor #2:
                A genius amongst man and animal alike, intelect unrivaled, outspoken but just needs the..errr...firm hand of a woman to love to keep him in place.

                Bachelor #3:
                A quiet, go-get them kind of guy, whose idea of a first date included roses, candle light and soft music.

                *Now Teyla is a little surprised but must admit that these three men are quite good looking...yes even Bachelor number she can't decide...Bachelor #1 does have a few strikes against she goes to talk to Dr. Hieghtmeyer*

                Teyla: Who should I choose?

                Kate: That decision is yours to make Teyla, though I must admit that Bachelor number 3 does sound quite romantic.

                Teyla: Three you say?

                *Teyla, still having not decided returns to her room where she hopes to think it over some more in quiet...Perhaps a good night sleep was in order and everything would be clearer later*

                *But sleep did not come to her...her thoughts kept focusing on her three Bachelor choices...1...2 or 3....1...2 or 3*

                The next morining:

                Telya is not in too good of a mood from a bad night's sleep:

                And she just happens to run into Carson:

                Carson: So lass have you decided?


                This is time in the world did Camy do so many chapters!


                  *shouts* PICK #1 !!!!....

                  He's the ONE!!!!.......

                  Pretty picfic AG.....

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    *shouts* PICK #1 !!!!....

                    He's the ONE!!!!.......

                    Pretty picfic AG.....
                    Ah no like my bachelor number three..he has candlight and roses on his mind!

                    Teyla needs romance and Shep needs to get jealous!


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Ah no like my bachelor number three..he has candlight and roses on his mind!

                      Teyla needs romance and Shep needs to get jealous!
                      But what if Shep doesn't see the candlelight and roses?....

                      She could pick Rodney, they could flirt right infront of Shep...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        But what if Shep doesn't see the candlelight and roses?....

                        She could pick Rodney, they could flirt right infront of Shep...

                        Hehe (evil laugh) RODNEY!

                        That might work...I could do that or do you want me to jump right into Shep and a late afternoon picnic...

                        No better yet...Bachelor #4: CARSON!


                          YES.!!! Carson...yep! he's so dreamy...

                          Make Shep see what he's missing....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Hey everyone, Sorry no John smiles today. I hope everyone is having a happy shippy day. Now I hope you all are behaving.

                            Icon Made By LadyBozi


                              wow, I just noticed how much I have missed since I've been gone. I saw the pic story and I loved it! She should choose #1(of course).

                              Does anybody know if there is any shippy moments for john and teyla tonite?


                                Yup Oh AG you are too, way way way way way too funny. How does these things come to you so easily....I don't have the talent...I always feel so forced..ugh!! I loved it...1...2...or 3. I definitely choose 1 for Teyla...because no.2 is Mine!! he's mine!! He's mine!!! *runs around uncontrollabley until she bangs into the wall....* moaning on the ground, I love you no.2, I love you!! John/Teyla, John/Teyla....forever....*falls into a dead faint!*

                                Click statement above to read article.

