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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna

    Where in the world did you get the idea that Sheppard isn't her superior? She's on the team he commands, so she's his subordinate in the same way Daniel is Jack's subordinate on SG-1, and the same way that Rodney is John's subordinate. She may not be military, but he is. The regulations on fraternization, which DO address relationships with civilians and government contractors, apply to him.

    There's an entire section of the fraternization regs that addresses how military personnel are to behave with civilians with whom they work, and especially whom they supervise. This isn't a matter of my interpretation or anyone else's.
    Without being snarky, this matter seems very much open to interpretation seeing as its fiction n' all. The Stargate crew do try to follow the advice of military advisers but ultimately they're travelling to other galaxies through wormholes, meeting alien beings and experiencing parallel universes...whose to say what will happen.

    I thought that the whole Atlantis expedition was not a militarised one so effectively, I guess, the teams are made up of equals, i.e. Scientist, Air Force Major, 'Alien Warrior Princess' (Joe Flanigan's words not mine) and Medical Doctor (Beckett as of Season 2). Sheppard may lead the team but since the expedition is civilian based, he's not technically their superior.

    And how does the fact that there are dozens of countries involved in the expedition affect interpersonal relationships? Not every country has the same civilian rules, ethics or military regulations.


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Oh I agree with you, your thread should be a kind of sanctuary. I wasn't meaning a full-on shipper debate, I personally like to read other shipper threads to get an idea of where others are coming from. I did post a while back about Teyla character development because I'd like to see what you guys thought that should be. I was more meaning debate in that sense. Does that give you an idea where I'm coming from?

      Completely understand and if you want to get into a thing with what they should do with Teyla I'm totally into that. God knows that girl needs more developement. I think they need to do much more on who connection with the Wraith and how she's dealing with it. My guess is they will it's just to good of a plot point to let go.

      I actually really like Teyla and Sheppard as really good friends (I wrote a chapter in a fic where I had that). I think they have the potential to have that kind of profound friendship where they do love each other. And I also have a wee thing for Teyla and Rodney

      I feel the same with Weir and Sheppard as friends. Funny how that is isn't it. Teyla and Rodney is interesting. I always think of Rodney as being in love with food but hey again I respect your thoughts. love Rodney in fact I love the whole show and just try to go with the flow. Just have my on personal feelings.

      But anyway, back to your regular shipping!

      Mel don't worry about it. I think you caught me on a bad day and I was like hey why is she coming in here posting that. Let's just always repect eachother. I'm sorry if I was too hard on you. Never my intention.


        Someone posted this link earlier on and I thought I'd post it again.

        Its a poll to see who the fans think John has romantic feelings for (like this debate needs heating up any more but what the hey):

        Get voting guys, its almost neck and neck.


          Just voted

          But John and Elizabeth is now ahead.

          Get Voting.


            Originally posted by Deborah
            Without being snarky, this matter seems very much open to interpretation seeing as its fiction n' all. The Stargate crew do try to follow the advice of military advisers but ultimately they're travelling to other galaxies through wormholes, meeting alien beings and experiencing parallel universes...whose to say what will happen.

            I thought that the whole Atlantis expedition was not a militarised one so effectively, I guess, the teams are made up of equals, i.e. Scientist, Air Force Major, 'Alien Warrior Princess' (Joe Flanigan's words not mine) and Medical Doctor (Beckett as of Season 2). Sheppard may lead the team but since the expedition is civilian based, he's not technically their superior.

            And how does the fact that there are dozens of countries involved in the expedition affect interpersonal relationships? Not every country has the same civilian rules, ethics or military regulations.
            This situation does actually come up in the real world from time to time, and the basic guideline is that Americans follow American regulations. If an American is in command of a group of half-naked Tahitian women, he has to follow the regulations of his service concerning conduct toward them.

            As for everyone being equal, well, that becomes a bit problematic, doesn't it? There has to be a chain of command; there has to be an understanding that orders must be followed. Generally, the only person who would be able to override his superiors is Beckett. It's true pretty much everywhere, including the military, that the head of the medical staff, whether civilian or military, can override his superiors in medical matters. I don't know if it's true anymore, but it was true at one time that a ship's doctor could remove the captain from command if he deemed the captain unfit for medical reasons.

            The expedition is civilian-based, but that doesn't mean Sheppard isn't still in command over his unit and that he doesn't have to behave professionally toward them. Relationships within his team are up to his discretion. Teyla could be with Rodney without breaking rules; she could be with Ford without breaking rules. For that matter, she could be with anyone on the base, male or female, without breaking rules — except Sheppard. Because she's in his team, he has to behave professionally toward her. Getting involved with her would be a violation of regulations.

            This is exactly why the military advisors on SG-1 told TPTB that Sam and Jack couldn't get together so long as he was in charge of her. Things become hugely problematic in a situation like this. (And I'm not implying at all that it wouldn't be for Shep/Weir. It's not strictly against the rules, but that's mostly due to a loophole rather than a genuine exception.) As for whether or not Sheppard is in charge of Teyla, I'd think that was fairly obvious. He gives her orders. Whether or not she follows them has been questionable on occasion, but that doesn't negate the fact that she joined his people and his team. By doing that, she's essentially agreed to abide by the rules of the expedition. And one of those rules is that Sheppard can't get romantically involved with his subordinates, whether military or civilian.

            EDIT: And I've posted several more times than I intended, and really gotten more in-depth than most of you probably wanted. Sorry for the intrusion; I'll let you have your thread back.
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              Created Two Avatars of Joe and Rachel from the Comic Con and the SCIFI party

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                Originally posted by Melyanna
                This situation does actually come up in the real world from time to time, and the basic guideline is that Americans follow American regulations. If an American is in command of a group of half-naked Tahitian women, he has to follow the regulations of his service concerning conduct toward them.

                As for everyone being equal, well, that becomes a bit problematic, doesn't it? There has to be a chain of command; there has to be an understanding that orders must be followed. Generally, the only person who would be able to override his superiors is Beckett. It's true pretty much everywhere, including the military, that the head of the medical staff, whether civilian or military, can override his superiors in medical matters. I don't know if it's true anymore, but it was true at one time that a ship's doctor could remove the captain from command if he deemed the captain unfit for medical reasons.

                The expedition is civilian-based, but that doesn't mean Sheppard isn't still in command over his unit and that he doesn't have to behave professionally toward them. Relationships within his team are up to his discretion. Teyla could be with Rodney without breaking rules; she could be with Ford without breaking rules. For that matter, she could be with anyone on the base, male or female, without breaking rules — except Sheppard. Because she's in his team, he has to behave professionally toward her. Getting involved with her would be a violation of regulations.

                This is exactly why the military advisors on SG-1 told TPTB that Sam and Jack couldn't get together so long as he was in charge of her. Things become hugely problematic in a situation like this. (And I'm not implying at all that it wouldn't be for Shep/Weir. It's not strictly against the rules, but that's mostly due to a loophole rather than a genuine exception.) As for whether or not Sheppard is in charge of Teyla, I'd think that was fairly obvious. He gives her orders. Whether or not she follows them has been questionable on occasion, but that doesn't negate the fact that she joined his people and his team. By doing that, she's essentially agreed to abide by the rules of the expedition. And one of those rules is that Sheppard can't get romantically involved with his subordinates, whether military or civilian.

                EDIT: And I've posted several more times than I intended, and really gotten more in-depth than most of you probably wanted. Sorry for the intrusion; I'll let you have your thread back.
                Sounds to me as though everyone on the expedition has to behave professionally towards each other but I don't see why that should rule out personal relationships.

                As for whether or not Sheppard is in charge of Teyla, I'd think that was fairly obvious. He gives her orders. Whether or not she follows them has been questionable on occasion, but that doesn't negate the fact that she joined his people and his team. By doing that, she's essentially agreed to abide by the rules of the expedition. And one of those rules is that Sheppard can't get romantically involved with his subordinates, whether military or civilian.
                Before your horse gets too high, you could easily interchange Sheppard and Teyla's names with Weir and Sheppard. She is in charge, she gives him orders which he occasionnally disregards and Sheppard joined her team in essence. Weir becoming romantically involved with a member of her expedition, her subordinates, "whether military or civilian" must be questionnable as well.

                Apparently morally, ethically, militarily, otherworldly, or in another galaxy Sheppard must never ever absolutely in no circumstances glance sideways at Teyla romantically.

                I'm sorry but your debate seems very one sided considering you're in a pro-Sheppard/Teyla thread. The word is 'discuss' not 'blow out of the water.'


                  [QUOTE=Melyanna]This situation does actually come up in the real world from time to time, and the basic guideline is that Americans follow American regulations. If an American is in command of a group of half-naked Tahitian women, he has to follow the regulations of his service concerning conduct toward them.

                  As for everyone being equal, well, that becomes a bit problematic, doesn't it? There has to be a chain of command; there has to be an understanding that orders must be followed. Generally, the only person who would be able to override his superiors is Beckett. It's true pretty much everywhere, including the military, that the head of the medical staff, whether civilian or military, can override his superiors in medical matters. I don't know if it's true anymore, but it was true at one time that a ship's doctor could remove the captain from command if he deemed the captain unfit for medical reasons.

                  Interesting concept but if you're going to be judgemental let's be honest if SGA was based on RL propaganda Weir's ass would be out the door by now and her leadership is highly questionable .. My Nephew likes SGA but he knows Military stuff and he has often watched Weir's commanding skills and was going HUH ? A commanding Officer does not wait for her people so to speak to make up her mind and Weir does this all the time ..
                  He has often stated Teyla comes as a genuine Leader who listens but also makes the final decision and is not wishy-washy ( my words LOL ) ..

                  The expedition is civilian-based, but that doesn't mean Sheppard isn't still in command over his unit and that he doesn't have to behave professionally toward them. Relationships within his team are up to his discretion. Teyla could be with Rodney without breaking rules; she could be with Ford without breaking rules. For that matter, she could be with anyone on the base, male or female, without breaking rules — except Sheppard. Because she's in his team, he has to behave professionally toward her. Getting involved with her would be a violation of regulations.

                  It seems you're missing the point .. the facts are Teyla in NOT Military the rules do not apply to her ..
                  I understand you you enjoy ShWeir and that's great but so far you haven't pointed out anything since you keep on the same thing really abot Sheppard being Teyla's Superior and that's not an accurate point ..
                  I applaud you for acknowleding you also have reservations about ShWeir too becoming romantically involved but reading between the lines the same things you're chastising Sheyla about apply to ShWeir in many more serious repercussions since both Shep and Weir ARE Military inclined and have more to lose ..
                  Do I think Shep and Teyla should start getting romantic in Season 2 ? NO WAY .. But the statements you're saying aren't making any logical sense and BTW my Bro is a retired Air Force Officer so I'm basing my opinions on somebody knowledgeable of Military procedures and the facts are Shep has more to lose if he beds Weir than if he beds Teyla since Teyla really is not Military and is in position to be more open in her romantic inclination with Shep but Shep is in deep crap if he and Weir starts crossing lines !!

                  This is exactly why the military advisors on SG-1 told TPTB that Sam and Jack couldn't get together so long as he was in charge of her. Things become hugely problematic in a situation like this. (And I'm not implying at all that it wouldn't be for Shep/Weir. It's not strictly against the rules, but that's mostly due to a loophole rather than a genuine exception.) As for whether or not Sheppard is in charge of Teyla, I'd think that was fairly obvious. He gives her orders. Whether or not she follows them has been questionable on occasion, but that doesn't negate the fact that she joined his people and his team. By doing that, she's essentially agreed to abide by the rules of the expedition. And one of those rules is that Sheppard can't get romantically involved with his subordinates, whether military or civilian.

                  Sorry still disagree based on Military information I received off my Bro who was in Air Force and knows the rules so ...
                  Teyla chose to become a member but without Military backing she can do what she wants really and no one can stop her ..
                  I'm not arguing the merits it would be risky if Shep and Teyla start developing a romance but it would would not have the same effect on the overall credibility of Shep's character in the longrun but if he and Weir got together romantically all his actions would become questionable and under scrutiny ..



                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    The expedition is civilian-based, but that doesn't mean Sheppard isn't still in command over his unit and that he doesn't have to behave professionally toward them. Relationships within his team are up to his discretion. Teyla could be with Rodney without breaking rules; she could be with Ford without breaking rules. For that matter, she could be with anyone on the base, male or female, without breaking rules — except Sheppard. Because she's in his team, he has to behave professionally toward her. Getting involved with her would be a violation of regulations.

                    This is exactly why the military advisors on SG-1 told TPTB that Sam and Jack couldn't get together so long as he was in charge of her. Things become hugely problematic in a situation like this. (And I'm not implying at all that it wouldn't be for Shep/Weir. It's not strictly against the rules, but that's mostly due to a loophole rather than a genuine exception.) As for whether or not Sheppard is in charge of Teyla, I'd think that was fairly obvious. He gives her orders. Whether or not she follows them has been questionable on occasion, but that doesn't negate the fact that she joined his people and his team. By doing that, she's essentially agreed to abide by the rules of the expedition. And one of those rules is that Sheppard can't get romantically involved with his subordinates, whether military or civilian.
                    without trying to sound argumentative (not my intention ), i gotta comment on this...

                    cuz call me REALLY odd or out there or off my rocker but one of the things i love about sheyla IS that it's illegal and the fact that if by some miracle they DID put it on the show it would have to be kept a secret and if they got caught shep could get into mega trouble...

                    now why is this?? angst, whump, and conflict! not saying that the same stuff couldn't come out of any other ship, cuz i'm certainly not, but my FAVORITE ships are always ones where angst would most likely easily come out of it... usually involving ones where they have to keep it a secret (or they just do) and even moreso where one or both of the people could get into trouble or a sticky situation if something went wrong!

                    so yes, i'm well-aware that it's illegal by military standards for this ship to happen as things stand now, but that doesn't make me NOT ship it, it makes me love it more


                      Originally posted by emily_reich
                      without trying to sound argumentative (not my intention ), i gotta comment on this...

                      cuz call me REALLY odd or out there or off my rocker but one of the things i love about sheyla IS that it's illegal and the fact that if they DID put it on the show it would have to be kept a secret and if they got caught he could get into mega trouble...

                      now why is this?? angst, whump, and conflict! not saying that the same stuff couldn't come out of any other ship, cuz i'm certainly not, but my FAVORITE ships are always ones where angst would most likely easily come out of it... usually involving ones where they have to keep it a secret (or they just do)

                      so yes, i'm well-aware that it's illegal by military standards for this ship to happen as things stand now, but that doesn't make me NOT ship it, it makes me love it more
                      Emily, Emily... what are you like?

                      I think you should get a shipping in the face of adversity award or something.


                        ROFL!!!!! why thank you, astro! hmm... do ya think they actually give one???
                        Last edited by emily_reich; 22 July 2005, 04:59 PM.


                          Not much Sheyla scenes at all.But some.
                          At the end John and the crew of Dadulus retun John,McKay,Carson and Weir head to the control room and Teyla is standing near the controls and waiting for them. Might i say Teyla looks great in the top that she wore and she should wear more of it on the show.John didnt realize that she had on a new top on he just wanted to know if there was any new info on Gord's wear abouts. Teyla seemed calm and not so different.
                          part of:
                          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                            Originally posted by emily_reich
                            without trying to sound argumentative (not my intention ), i gotta comment on this...

                            cuz call me REALLY odd or out there or off my rocker but one of the things i love about sheyla IS that it's illegal and the fact that if by some miracle they DID put it on the show it would have to be kept a secret and if they got caught shep could get into mega trouble...

                            now why is this?? angst, whump, and conflict! not saying that the same stuff couldn't come out of any other ship, cuz i'm certainly not, but my FAVORITE ships are always ones where angst would most likely easily come out of it... usually involving ones where they have to keep it a secret (or they just do) and even moreso where one or both of the people could get into trouble or a sticky situation if something went wrong!

                            so yes, i'm well-aware that it's illegal by military standards for this ship to happen as things stand now, but that doesn't make me NOT ship it, it makes me love it more

                            Love how you said this !!



                              Originally posted by emily_reich
                              ROFL!!!!! why thank you, astro! hmm... do ya think they actually give one???
                              for you dear, anything.

                              I like the color of Teyla's new top. Very fetching!
                              Citizen of Braneville


                                Originally posted by wizengamot
                                for you dear, anything.

                                I like the color of Teyla's new top. Very fetching!

                                Shep and Teyla both look great in everything
                                Sheyla Rules and Weir Drools


