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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella
    You now maxbo...that's one of my problems....I don't see Teyla getting into a sexual romance like that... I see the factor of livign life to the fullest, I wont' deny that..but we have no clue as to what age she took responsiblitiy of her people.

    As a leader of her people..then the luxury of a real romance, beyond the life of your people and their safety is not an option. I can see her taking on that role and being very steadfast. Especially if with men from other planets. That would mean leaving her people in a precarious position, if she were to marry them. At least with the ATlantis situation she can safeguard them better, because she can keep them on the mainland, close by but also safe from teh wrath of the Wraith.

    Again this the reason I see her specifically as virginal. And she's more masculine than it seems the other women of her culture, and she also is gifted with that Wraith sensor....I could see her looked upon as not one of them fully...but as the daughter of Tagan someone who is honored, and the gift a blessing for them to hide from the would make her invaluable and damn near untouchable...

    That's my point. But also we don't know the real mating rituals for the Athosian people and what they must do to go through the marriage acts...again I can't see another planetary giving up his life for Teyla or Teyla doing the other for him...especially her for him. In the case of John..he really doesn't have much of family way that we know of, back on earth, so if the guy had no family then sure..but otherwise..I can't see it!

    varabella, that's an interesting view of Teyla and thanks for explaining it so well. However, Teyla is a mature woman and I just can't see her as a virgin. The Athosians seem to be a earthy and straight forward people and I don't see them as having the same type of hang ups, in terms of gender issues, that many societies on Earth have. If I'm not mistaken, during the Storm/Eye episodes the Althosians had both male and female hunters and I see the same type of gender blurring lines in other areas of their lives.

    You're right that we don't know when she became the leader of her people, but I would be surprised if she didn't have relationships before she assumed her role - and perhaps in the early stages of her rule. I can also see her experiencing the pain of realizing that as leader, she had to make more sacrifices than the other Athosians and as a result, I wouldn't be surprised if she had to give up someone she loved because of her leadership responsibilities.
    Sig by Luciana


      I just posted the first chapter of a new multi chapter story I'm writing. If you get a chance, please wander over to my web-site Gate of Dreams and take a look! It's called Ties That Bind.



        Originally posted by maxbo
        varabella, that's an interesting view of Teyla and thanks for explaining it so well. However, Teyla is a mature woman and I just can't see her as a virgin. The Athosians seem to be a earthy and straight forward people and I don't see them as having the same type of hang ups, in terms of gender issues, that many societies on Earth have. If I'm not mistaken, during the Storm/Eye episodes the Althosians had both male and female hunters and I see the same type of gender blurring lines in other areas of their lives.

        You're right that we don't know when she became the leader of her people, but I would be surprised if she didn't have relationships before she assumed her role - and perhaps in the early stages of her rule. I can also see her experiencing the pain of realizing that as leader, she had to make more sacrifices than the other Athosians and as a result, I wouldn't be surprised if she had to give up someone she loved because of her leadership responsibilities.
        A virgin does not make a women into one who must have a "relationship." What's good for the goose is GREAT for the gander. And why must her "leadership" role have anything to do with her "love-life"?
        On fighting:
        Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
        Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


          Originally posted by maxbo
          You're right that we don't know when she became the leader of her people, but I would be surprised if she didn't have relationships before she assumed her role - and perhaps in the early stages of her rule. I can also see her experiencing the pain of realizing that as leader, she had to make more sacrifices than the other Athosians and as a result, I wouldn't be surprised if she had to give up someone she loved because of her leadership responsibilities.
          I always wonder about Teyla's childhood, the relationship of her parents...children are often influenced by their parents, either to emualte or go against...what they witness at a young age.

          Her father (?) was leader of the Athosians and he had a family and a significant other so he balanced out leadership and personal desires but maybe since, in my opinion at least, Teyla took the role of leadership on at an early age she didn't feel herself capable of doing so. Any past relationship she might have add she distanced herself from when she had to take up the duties of leader. We know that Teyla often holds things inside, her emotions, and this is probably because she feels stronger this way and in control.

          When she met John, this change I think, and she sees herself perhaps, forming a connection to another person. I don't know how long Teyla has been leader but by the way her people turn to her, trust her judgment and the ease with which she takes on the role of negotiator makes me belive she has been for a while.

          When she first became leader she did not want to split her attentions between her people and her personal wants so she placed her people before her, a characteristic of Teyla's that is established in the first episode when she would have given her life to save Toran from the wraith.

          Now that she is older, wiser and more comfortable as leader, she is allowing herself to connect to another person and start to feel emotions she had closed herself off of from before.

          Anyway this is all my opinion but this is why I don't think Teyla comes right out and admits her feelings for John, though she does care for him deeply, she is just starting to admit them to herself.


            Hey all!

            Quite the discussion going on around here! I have to agree, I dont see Teyla as being purely virginal, but maybe more like she decided later that she did have to sacrifice some things, and maybe a relationship was one of them. She comes across to me as someone who was hurt in her past, someone who's afraid to trust because the last time she did, it caused more harm than good.

            And in fandom, I know Sheppard has an ex-girlfriend/wife and a kid? Uh... no. I'm sorry. He doesnt seem like he would have been able to settle down to any extent, and certainly not enough to have a kid. He's no idiot, he would have used something. However, it looks like he had a rather poor relationship with his mum, as he doesnt relate well to girls. When pressed, he makes a joke to deflect the center of attention off of himself. And I do suppose his dad was one of those, 'be tough, your a man' guys.

            Now, what does ANY of this have to do with the topic? Simple. Both Sheppard and Teyla have a fear of relationships, primarly because they havent had a completly healthy one in so long, they begin to beleive that pain and hurt are the norm, and who wants to deal with that?

            I beleive that, in the end, they will choose to take the chance one more time, and find it worthwile, but, in the meantime we are going to have to deal with the little bimbo alien chicks, and Teyla's hurt looks. Shep has a bit of growing up to do, emotionaly, *but I still love ya Shep!*, but, when hes done, they will have something great.

            Yea, I'm nuts. I psychoanalyze all my friends too


              Originally posted by Doxymom
              I missed that. I'll have to go back and look at it. That makes me wonder if she's from Earth since I thought Teyla was the only Athosian on teams.
              Well remember Suspicion? Halling was on a team..and that girl that was learning Athosian fighting was wearing Athosian garb, so naturally I had thought she was Athosian. And the clip I looked like her, with the short cropped black naturally I thought it was her, oh and remember Conversion, and Lost Boys, and Hive were all season 2, so I pretty much think it's definitely her in Lorne's team. It would be interesting to see if they decide to develop her a bit more..since it would be nice to see more than one Athosian on the teams. And they need one on Lorne's Halling was on a team to help with the trade, again the Athosian people would be better equipped to help with diplomacy. So I don't think it's only one Athosian on a team.

              That'd be a sweet story. I'd also like to see him telling the Athosian kids more stories.
              Actually I'm kind of movign away from causes so many problems, those kids arent' familiar with a lot of things. But music .....ahhh music is maybe teaching them songs and how to play the guitar I could see.

              I agree. That would be really intersting to see and I do think you're right that they'd go to her before Ronon.
              Oh for sure..I mean Zalenka and Rodney are more familiar with Teyla it's naturally accepted. But I would think Zalenka seeing a guy a foot taller than him probably weiging about 150 lbs more..would be more daunting than a woman the same height as him and who probably weighs only 50-60lbs know all that muscle and stuff.

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                Originally posted by sanssong
                I don't think there is any way that Teyla was adopted by Tagan. He also had the ability to sense the Wraith and Charin made it clear that it was passed down geneticly. I think the reason you're having trouble visualizing him is that the show has spent little or no time tell us about him. He's nothing more than a two dimensional figure. It would be nice to learn more about him and Teyla's relationship to him as I'm sure it helped to shape who she is. The fact that she is somewhat of a tomboy and is comfortable in the company of men suggests that her mother died young and she was raised by her father. They had to be very close.

                I'm going to have to disagree on your statement. It is extremely likely, not definite just likely, that Teyla was adopted. There has been no mention in any of the episodes of Tagan having the same ability, especially not in 'The Gift'. When asked about how Teyla has the power she says it's in her lineage. Charin says she heard stories from her (Charin) grandfather of those that had been taken and then returned to their families, and that these taken were then gifted some believed by the ancestors. But there has been no mention what so ever of Tagan having this power. Charin also said it skipped generations few of them have it.

                To be a father is a not a man who donates sperm, but the man who welcomes you in and takes care of you and sees you as their own, those are the men who would lay down their lives to you, because they see you as their child. He is the one that is also there for you, he calls you daughter you call him Dad.

                And we need to remember the culling...many children in the raids have been seperated from their parents, like Jinto was from Halling in the 'Rising'...there is a strong possibility that Tagan was in a village with Teyla's parents and seeing that she was alone and her parents were no where to be found he raised her as his own. Charin even said that no Athosian knows of it and something not to be talked about. And Charin also said that Tagan told her never to speak of it to her. Make her believe that she was just one of the gifted....

                And yes the show hasn't touched on it..but this is an important dynamic and the show leaves it open to interpretation!
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                  Originally posted by Lida
                  A virgin does not make a women into one who must have a "relationship." What's good for the goose is GREAT for the gander. And why must her "leadership" role have anything to do with her "love-life"?
                  I used the word "relationship" as a euphemism for sex in that post.

                  Her role as leader doesn't have to have anything to do with her love life, but I can see why some would believe that her leadership role could leave her too cautious to get involved (beyond sex). As leader, if she makes the wrong choice in her long-term partner, it could adversely affect her people as well as her personal life. That's why as unpopular as it may be to some, I can see Teyla as having had short-term sexual relationships in the past (probably off-world) where she didn't have to consider whether the men would mesh with her people.
                  Sig by Luciana


                    Originally posted by Doxymom
                    I didn't mean fantasies, per se. We know Teyla has a touch of the Wraith psychic abilities. And John has the Ancient gene--Ancients who had a little telepathy. So, one could theorize that while sleeping it's possible they thought of each other and their dreams touched tangently.

                    He might have dream of showing her his Johnny Cash poster and she might then dream of being in his room seeing his poster. The dreams wouldn't necessarily be so weird that they'd talk about it and realize they'd dreamt the same dream.

                    Hmm. Sigh. So many plotbunnies, so little time.

                    I like that thought Doxymom that is very intuitive..I had never thought of that being the case actually. But your right. I like that frame of thought. And I strongly believe that Beckett is aiding Teyla in her link with the Wraiths...because even though it can be said that Teyla can be controlled by the Wraith when she opens her link and lets her guard down. We can also expect it to be true that....if she practices and learns and masters the extent of the gift she can then control the Wraith themselves.

                    That would be amazing..and if she gets that far and John taps into his gifts of the Ancient in his blood it's possible that maybe they will be able to talk to one another even....than just share dreams...that would be something to see. Also it would show how close the Ancients and the Wraith are...not to say that Teyla is a walking Wraith though.

                    But I was like for the Wraith to see humans as a threat...then they must have some power that hasnt' been tapped into..and her controlling a few of intersting!!

                    Great topic guys... This could also help the Atlantis team.....sorry side track thought. If John is a descendent isn't it possible he has repressed memories of Atlantis..

                    Okay let me explain that thought. When I was studying medicine a very long time was said that all memories are passed down from generation to generation through the spinal cord. So you know when you have a deja vu moment? It may not be your you feel great when you smell, let's say baking bread? Well it could be a feeling from your Great grandmother that's just in the snapses of your spinal corde...sort of like a repressed memory. Isn't it possible that jOhn might be able to tap into that link.....who knows?!

                    And what I'm saying is based on scientific fact..not even scifi make believe!
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                      More background is necessary across the board. This kind of speculation is all great (not meant to be mean or insulting to anyone, I love it) but in reality, all we know is that Shep didn't seem to have anyone important back on Earth. (Rising coin flip scene) We know Teyla's parents were gone by the time she met John (Rising) but we don't know for how long and what was in that relationship.

                      I'd want to think Teyla had a loving father and mother (that were of course taken by the wraith) but I have no idea how TPTB will play it out, if at all. Of course we know Shep had parents, but how did that relationship work and like we've said, are either of them ready for kids? (In my romantic mind they are, but that's me)

                      It's not any easy subject, but I think all this that we're talking about would make a really good, if a bit dark, episode or fanfic. Have Teyla trying to gather the pieces of her past, and while she'd doing that, John's remembering his past at the same time. I'm thinking on that subject too.
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                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        More background is necessary across the board. This kind of speculation is all great (not meant to be mean or insulting to anyone, I love it) but in reality, all we know is that Shep didn't seem to have anyone important back on Earth. (Rising coin flip scene) We know Teyla's parents were gone by the time she met John (Rising) but we don't know for how long and what was in that relationship.

                        I'd want to think Teyla had a loving father and mother (that were of course taken by the wraith) but I have no idea how TPTB will play it out, if at all. Of course we know Shep had parents, but how did that relationship work and like we've said, are either of them ready for kids? (In my romantic mind they are, but that's me)

                        It's not any easy subject, but I think all this that we're talking about would make a really good, if a bit dark, episode or fanfic. Have Teyla trying to gather the pieces of her past, and while she'd doing that, John's remembering his past at the same time. I'm thinking on that subject too.

                        Completely's all speculation and it can fall any where on the board..the extent of both Teyla and John's powers. I mean has Teyla even tried flying the plane? I wonder if she even tried....just to see if maybe that Wraith line has an extra something to it...and wouldn't the Wraith gene mean that Teyla could probably fly a Wraith cruiser? Just wondering?! I mean the show leaves so many wholes open for discussion it's ridiculous!

                        I would love to see this played out in fanfics as well though..and if TPTB does check out threads..decides to check out ours..we were behind by like 5 months in starting from Ship/Weir...and so our posts are much much smaller taking that into consideration...but I hope they give us a look to see what we're talking about and maybe feeding off some of our speculations....


                        Lots and lots of lurkers...any posters?!
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                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          I like that thought Doxymom that is very intuitive..I had never thought of that being the case actually. But your right. I like that frame of thought. And I strongly believe that Beckett is aiding Teyla in her link with the Wraiths...because even though it can be said that Teyla can be controlled by the Wraith when she opens her link and lets her guard down. We can also expect it to be true that....if she practices and learns and masters the extent of the gift she can then control the Wraith themselves.

                          That would be amazing..and if she gets that far and John taps into his gifts of the Ancient in his blood it's possible that maybe they will be able to talk to one another even....than just share dreams...that would be something to see. Also it would show how close the Ancients and the Wraith are...not to say that Teyla is a walking Wraith though.
                          Now that is a cool idea...I always imagined a connection between John and Teyla because Shep had been infected in 'Conversion' making him, while not wraith like exactly, more like the bug which is the ancestor to the wraith. Since Teyla does have some wraith DNA and is developing her 'gift' I saw her forming a connection to John becuase of this.

                          Plus her 'gift' is already showing signs of developing. I mean from 'Epiphanies' her gift gives her the ability to sense the 'beast' and that wasn't even connected to the wraith.

                          So why can't her gift grow to have her connect to John. Humans only use a small percentage of their brain...maybe the incorporation of wraith DNA allows her to access that part of that untouched potential...who knows...I'm no scientist that's for sure but anything is possible in SciFi.

                          But I was like for the Wraith to see humans as a threat...then they must have some power that hasnt' been tapped into..and her controlling a few of intersting!!
                          I want to see Teyla really develop her gift...but then the wraith would see her as an even greater threat then she already is. The reference to her being one of the driving forces that are fracturing the wraith was so awesome to actually hear stated on the show.

                          Perhaps this would lead to a protective Shep...both of his fellow military officiers who might want to exploit this connection or the wraith themselves who would wish to rid themselves of the threat that is Teyla.

                          Great topic guys... This could also help the Atlantis team.....sorry side track thought. If John is a descendent isn't it possible he has repressed memories of Atlantis..

                          Okay let me explain that thought. When I was studying medicine a very long time was said that all memories are passed down from generation to generation through the spinal cord. So you know when you have a deja vu moment? It may not be your you feel great when you smell, let's say baking bread? Well it could be a feeling from your Great grandmother that's just in the snapses of your spinal corde...sort of like a repressed memory. Isn't it possible that jOhn might be able to tap into that link.....who knows?!

                          And what I'm saying is based on scientific fact..not even scifi make believe!
                          Now that is a mind-boggling thought...

                          But John, if he was a descended ancient, tapping into some latent memories would be intersting...then he would have an even greater connection to Teyla...who else would understand that kind of life altering revelation.


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Now that is a mind-boggling thought...

                            But John, if he was a descended ancient, tapping into some latent memories would be intersting...then he would have an even greater connection to Teyla...who else would understand that kind of life altering revelation.

                            You are right across the board AG...when I heard of the memories thing when I was in med school I was shocked as well. I was like you mean to tell me, I could tap into my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandmother's feelings?! Hot diggity dog!! I could have been there for the great war in Africa...I could be bloody related to some african Queen denying that I could also be connected to Queen my grandpa was french...bloody hell I have the blood of royalty.

                            They say it's just memories that can be triggered at any moment in time. Like an episode in your life or a response you make to something and you feel some familiarity to it is because of that memory from your lineage that has been passed down.

                            So I mean if both Teyla and John expound on those genetic anomolies we might have a whole Superman/Wonder Woman complex happening...of course with major weaknesses in themselves which could also drive the show....since you'd have to wonder if they tap into those great thing and their able to do these great things..isnt' it also possible they have great weakeness.

                            Like for instance..take in let's say Teyla cannot be taken mentlly by one Wraith..but takes down one when she gains control.....what's to say how she would handle 2 or 3 Wraith? I mean what if it's a mental kind of gang bang situation? Huge problems..she could end up with a scrambled brain for all we know..

                            Same with what extent is the power and also to what failure...Obviously for all their intelligence they did fail...Just opens doors to different avenues..and remember that microtechno killed Ancients too...

                            So that just goes to show you.....


                            What's really good is that none of the powers will change the person as they are..which is a great thing in my opinion....

                            Just wanted to mention on Teyla seeing that beast in Epiphnay..I had mentioend how cool that was in previous post...because that means she knows other transient beings which is also something I'd like to see tapped into..and maybe when the humans walked in, during 'Rising' ...did she sense something in John? Can she tell if they have some special gene? Next to John...I've seen Teyla share the stage a lot with Beckett...never know if she's feeling some kind of kinship in a subconcious way with them....
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                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              I'm going to have to disagree on your statement. It is extremely likely, not definite just likely, that Teyla was adopted.
                              Guess we'll have to agree to disagree here, because there has been no indication that he was anything other than Teyla's bio dad.

                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              To be a father is a not a man who donates sperm, but the man who welcomes you in and takes care of you and sees you as their own, those are the men who would lay down their lives to you, because they see you as their child. He is the one that is also there for you, he calls you daughter you call him Dad.
                              Oh, I'm totally with you here. Dad, is the man who does the job. We do know that Tagan was that guy.


                                Yup's the bio part...I'm wondering about...hmmm...never know what you can find..maybe in season 3 she finds her mum and dad..or a sister or brother..interesting concept what that would bring forth.....imagine on another planet there's a guy similar looking to John...interesting actually. Since he is of ancient lineage..hmmmm.....
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