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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Here are my spoilers for 'Allies''s not nice, and you know when I spoil....I spoil, so don't go in there acting like you don't know what your getting!...
    I loved this episode of Atlantis....well as I have said before and I will continue to say, I think season 2 was the best season out there..and I love the level of darkness that seems to be seeping into the episodes.

    I must say that I was pretty wow'd by my own powers of deduction, in figuring that Teyla was against these tests from the beginning, and to even see that John actually said the words of 'I thought we convinced you'. I figured as much. I hoped against it, as many people I have spoken never really believed they or he coerced Teyla...but it's pretty much stated in this episode. But Teyla is not that much of my concern..not very shippery and I think I liked it because of that..this was far more than just shipperness..this is definitely about leadership, failure and definitely underestimation.

    I am at my worst right now...although I loved the was pretty much the final straw that 'broke the camel's back' so to speak for my feelings on Weir. Unlike what many Shep/Weir fans and Weir fans in general may think, I never hated Weir although I was very critical. Mainly because I was expecting so much from her it's not funny. But continously she has disappointed me.

    After seeing 'Michael' I was horrified by what I saw she had accepted and I couldn't comprehend what the hell was going through her mind. She risked the lives of the main land people and she risked the lives of her's absolutely shameful.

    But what was even worse was when I saw 'Allies'. I realise that TPTB has done this for storyline....but this is just unacceptable to me. It's horrifying and unaccpetable. Your left feeling slightly dejected....I love McKay..I adore McKay..and he was so excited and now this...and then there's Ronon..and a missing Shep. This lays all on Weir's shoulder...blame doesn't go anywhere but to the leader of the expidition.

    They were warned on several counts by Teyla, by Ronon..these are people who have dealt and lived through the Wraith...that this is not a good idea. But from the moment that Weir even allowed 'Michael' onto Atlantis...she caused this catch 22 situation....they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't.

    The threat was if they don't give them the retro virus of Dr. Beckett, and they try to kill them then all of the other hive ships will know of Atlantis and it's location. Now if they do give them the retrovirus they kill the other hives, and feed on the former Wraiths...and this is where John says...'It's my grandkids, I'm worried about.'===hence the impression that he may not plan on leaving Atlantis ever.

    Now Teyla did warn them that you cannot trust the Wraith and that they will always be Wraith, human or not; she had said it to John previous to injecting 'Michael' and she said it again...but again, she had to relent..because they could do nothing. And then we find out that the Wraith put a virus in this special device which was sent out to Atlantis as a peace offering. The device would allow Atlantis to beam nukes into hive ships and destroy the ships if need be.

    Weir accepted, of course under much deliberation. Throughout the whole thing you can tell Teyla hated it..and despised it, but then again what is she too do. They did start this and they are now in a mess.

    Ronon and McKay end up on the hive ship and then they find out that their going to earth or other planets...Shep ends up missing..although I feel he may be on a hive ship going into hyperspace.

    As the virus in the device allowed the hive ship to download two things. The location of all the planets in their database and the details of the Aurora. Unfortunately, poor Zalenka didn't find this out until the Daedalus went out and Ronon and McKay were on the hive ship. Teyla's face was anger and complete devestation...I believe they are still unaware about Sheppard or Ronon and McKay being missing....

    I'm just completely dejected. What ever flickering candle of respect I had for Weir has now disappeared. I am literally done with her. This is a mistake that is near irreparable. And what's even worse...Atlantis is still under a threat. Ugh!! I don't know what the new season will bring..but bloody hell Weir is going to be under the gun for me. I do think that trust issues are going to play a part in these types of mistakes....they are just unacceptable in a role of leadership. Jesus!!

    I can't tell you how angry I am...and what makes me worse is that now I have lost a woman that I could have come to idolise because of the amount of disastrous mistakes. Oh man! Character development be damned...this was a bad move by TPTB on Weir in my opinion.

    That's it for me guys....

    Peace guys..hope you have a nice night...ugh! I feel so drained...But for shipper moments..not really loves..but let me tell you, there's definitely potential!
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
      This one's pretty dark guys, but it's definitely worth the read. Hope that the author updates it soon!

      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by Camy
        Great points there VB..I forgot about the time that they came into her room in the Siege was it? Yeah, he was a bit uncomfortable but it was because he knew this was not what he likes to do..question her actions...
        Ford was very straight forward and crude!
        Wonder if that evil side of him was there all along and it jusst came out when the whole Wraith DNA could he doubt Teyla so easily after working with her for a whole year?

        FRAGANTE! Hon, you've been reading a lot of Neruda's spanish poems, haven't you!
        It means Fragrance but in a more sensual way!
        Yeah Sheppard was definately uncomfortable about questioning her. You could tell he didn't believe Teyla could do something like that. And maybe even a little afraid of the possibility she could be used against her will. Not that he believed it, but I do think he may have been a little worried anyway. As for Ford I don't think he was being malicious, just a little immature. He looked to me like a kid playing Encyclopedia Brown boy detective without considering the need for something called 'tact'


          *comes running in*

          time to put the Sheyla Jukebox into overdrive with - wait for it - caps I took myself! *gasp* Caz learnt a new trick all from Allies, not spoilery. I apologise for the shoddiness and lack of quality.

          and I really like this one for some reason:

          *steam rises off the Sheyla Jukebox*


            additional on Allies! My shippy glasses had a good time when
            John talks to Teyla about the whole working with Wraith thing and he says "I just wanted it to be fine with you too".



              Originally posted by HyperCaz
              additional on Allies! My shippy glasses had a good time when
              John talks to Teyla about the whole working with Wraith thing and he says "I just wanted it to be fine with you too".

              LoL're the best you know that....Love the last cap too you posted!

              And Shippy glasses are wonderful things to have aren't they? I'm gonna love that scene!


                Originally posted by sanssong
                Ah, but see, I still think you can make the case for an empathic connection. I don't think at this point it is profound enough to relay exact imformation or even work on command, but I do think that John and Teyla share a stronger empathic connection than any other two on Atlantis. And I would still argue that due to the inherit abilites of both Ancient and Wriath to communicate telepathicly, that it's possible in time they could read each other to a degree.
                How do you make a case for the empathic connection, if you mean two way?
                I can perfectly well see how it can be argued for Teyla to be able to sense others to a small degree, in a way that might grow/be growing if she's testing her abilities, but that's limited by the fact John, in canon according to Conversion,
                no longer has any Wraith DNA left
                so I don't think it'd be two way there.

                Addressing it purely on the point of John's ATA. He's yet to show any development of abilities, but then as Epiphany showed
                he's not much of one for medidation and all that. If those people had been there for years themselves and generations generally then (granted they may not have had the ATA gene) it takes quite some effort to reach towards ascension. But John seemed rather bored with meditation there to be honest. I think if there's any way of him having an powers it would come after this episode, but I doubt he would have gotten far in six month, or at least not far enough to do anything much - besides the point that not every one in the cloister showed the same talents when they did occur.

                Originally posted by vaberella
                Now as for the mental link..that's just a scenario we were throwing out there through our discussion a few pages back... I believe it was Doxymom who was wondering about what would happen if there was a link ability from John...that's about it..don't read too much into or psychoanalyze it as fact that happened in season 2. Just a scenario...but a good one, I thought!
                I know, I just like the meta discussion. It's an interesting scenario, but as a scenario slotting in somewhere, say for fic purposes, it'd fit best in Conversion or post-Epiphany at least oor otherwise involve some extra element that causes it.
                Originally posted by vaberella
                The Wraith are not able to control John. Becasue 'Lost Boys' and 'The Hive' came after 'Instinct'...which means that the Wraith cannot in anyway control John's that's one important point I want to make. Because if they could..then the Queen Wraith would have gotten her information out of John that she wanted, without using one of her seen in 'The Hive'. So far the only thing the Wraith can do to humans is capture them with a beam, or control their limbs and make them see things. But there is no way the Wraith can control their minds or read their thoughts. Which I had mentioned in previous posts.
                But how can you say they can't control him at all? Sure, he doesn't give out info, he's resisting, but since we know so little of what they can do with that and the only other example was Sumner - who had no clue of that being about to happen and couldn't mentally prepare himself - then nothing definite it shown. It doesn't surprise me that in The Hive
                they use the girl, as he was resisting. Doesn't mean they are unable to control him - and I know whether they can control anyone isn't particularly clear, maybe it's more mental coercion, something that can be overcome but still has an effect - just that his willpower to resist is strong, which isn't the same as them being unable to more generally, because each time they try he'd still need tob e resisting and theoretically could give in with enough probing/coercion.
                Although me discussing this was mainly because I read your previous post as you thought they had control but couldn't control him - rereading it still gives me the same impression of that as what you at least initially meant... but anyway, onto more discussion.
                Originally posted by vaberella
                As for the gene....I felt that there could have been an enhancement because we really dont' know anything much about the Aretus bugs direct affects, we only know that Teyla has the gene----but what would happen if there was a mix up in Wraith and Ancient. Yes Wraith are pretty much human except for certain factors...but I'm looking in the way of see she's human, but she has a certain level of Wraith DNA, which means that she has certain abilities. Now I wanted to know based on my statement if that specific gene could infact influence the Ancient gene in some way, since we again don't know much about the gene and the faculties people have except for lighting things up like bulbs..and crap.

                So until we get a better definition besides the ancient gene allowing people to turn to the Midas of electricity for special Atlantean things, then I'd like to see if there's any change. we already saw what the aretus bug in pure form can do the human.....almost as bad as 'Metamorphosis'....
                Well, if the Iratus bug effects people's DNA and any changes in someone's DNA would be possible to detect by Earth doctors, as they were in Conversion, then I'd say it's fairly concrete that if Carson says someone has 0% Iratus DNA then they do, and there'd be no lingering abilities because the abilities are based on the DNA and if there's no longer any DNA then no abilities.

                As for mixing of ATA and Wraith. It's interesting they've never mentioned whether Teyla has even had the ATA therapy, I'd hazard a no or that it's not been sucessful if they had. I'd wonder if Carson would not want to because of how it could react with the Wraith DNA (and I'm more talking of what if it went wrong, if it caused life threatening problems - especially since the ATA therapy isn't or wasn't in Season 1 mastered completely) but then they'd been trying it out for quite a while and long before they ever knew she had Wraith DNA. In Teyla's case I think they said she has such minute fraction of Wraith that it makes little difference between her and a normal human, obviously it's confering slightly extra strength to her (or maybe that's just meant to be her physique is?) or at the very least the basic ability to communicate with Wraith but not much - though we've seen little of the Wraith abilities anyway. ATA is a very simple difference, I'm sure it was mentioned the one thing it changed, or they knew it did, was producing certain protein markers so that there was response from Ancien tech. The mental capacity for Ancient tech could either be inherent in humans but only read off and obeying instructions of those detected with the gene, or switched on by the gene to project thoughts in that way. But more advanced powers are part of ascension so it seems, which is possible for those without the gene too AFAIK. I'm thinking the telepathic/empathic powers mixing would be a matter of someon with Wraith DNA who's on the path of ascension, and not necessarily being gained by having both Wraith and ATA, if that's possible. But out of all of them I can see Teyla as the most enlightened, or willing to follow that path. Shep, not so much based on his actions in Epiphany...


                  Okay guys, I really do not want to be the cranky kill-joy on this thread, but could we tone down the negative talk about other characters? I completely understand having differing opinions about some of the stuff that goes on on this show -- heck, that's what the forum is for -- but I'm not sure that this is the best place to bring some of it up. I know, for instance, that there is a thread in Atlantis Season Two that specifically deals with Weir's leadership abilities and whether she's an effective leader for the expedition; some of this talk would be better suited for that environment. I'm not trying to quash anyone's opinions or right to post about what they believe...just maybe try to find a more suitable place to do it.

                  Personally, I really like all of the characters and would rather come here to squee over pics and pick apart episodes for shippy moments. Character discussion is awesome and I would love to get into some debates, but could we keep it to the topic of S/T? Please? I hope none of you guys take this the wrong way, but we've been trying to make this thread at the very least a tolerating, respectful, open place for everyone to come. Overly-criticising actors and characters really isn't acceptable if we want to make that happen. Thanks guys, and I hope you understand why I felt I had to post this.

                  Please PM me if you have anything to say in remark to this post -- again, this thread is for S/T, and I don't want it to switch to arguing about what I've written. If you feel the need to talk with me more about this, I'd rather do it in PM-form than using up space on this thread. Thanks!

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    What SP said. I haven't posted here for a while now, but the OT stuff makes it hard to jump into a discussion. Let's keep this place positive.


                    'Cause Caz is in OZ and can't do it.
                    Sig by Camy


                      Great post SP and I'm sure no one will take offense because you're right. I'm pleased to say that since I joined this forum, the posters on this thread have done a wonderful job of being tolerant of other opinions -- to the point where I feel comfortable posting here despite my not being a shipper.

                      We need to keep this thread about Sheppard/Teyla only. There are several other threads for other topics.
                      Sig by Luciana


                        Originally posted by Purpleyin
                        Sorry for OT-ness but ...?

                        I thought this was some new moderator abbreviation, or web term, but since google only brings up "Association for Skills Development Facilitation in South Africa" from it...

                        Thread testing?
                        Oops! I did that to put this thread on my subscribe list but then when I went to delete it my computer crashed! Sorry to have left it here to confuse you.

                        As I was saying to one of the other mods, I originally started to monitor this thread as a mod, but after months of reading it I'm now seeing Shep/Teyla ship whenever I watch an episode! There sure is a lot of it


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          I know, I just like the meta discussion. It's an interesting scenario, but as a scenario slotting in somewhere, say for fic purposes, it'd fit best in Conversion or post-Epiphany at least oor otherwise involve some extra element that causes it.
                          Your right..but I thought it was for fic purposes only. I personally can't see that happening. Unless of course you let's say have Teyla tap into that psychic network and kind of readapt that same possiblity in the Ancient gene and following it from there....

                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          But how can you say they can't control him at all? Sure, he doesn't give out info, he's resisting, but since we know so little of what they can do with that and the only other example was Sumner - who had no clue of that being about to happen and couldn't mentally prepare himself - then nothing definite it shown. It doesn't surprise me that in The Hive
                          they use the girl, as he was resisting. Doesn't mean they are unable to control him - and I know whether they can control anyone isn't particularly clear, maybe it's more mental coercion, something that can be overcome but still has an effect - just that his willpower to resist is strong, which isn't the same as them being unable to more generally, because each time they try he'd still need tob e resisting and theoretically could give in with enough probing/coercion.
                          Although me discussing this was mainly because I read your previous post as you thought they had control but couldn't control him - rereading it still gives me the same impression of that as what you at least initially meant... but anyway, onto more discussion.
                          From what I have established from watching the show and I'm speaking of episode after episode...I can pretty much stand on firm ground now, of course that can change next season or the season after that, that the Wraith do not have that capabiltiy for human mental manipulation. I mean again the Wraith looked at humans with their trait a threat. I believe it was even mentioned that they can't read the minds of the human..and can't communicate telepathically with them. But in Teyla's case with her Wraith DNA it's possible that she could in some way open a link which makes her vulnerable. But again in the case of let's even say Ford...or Sumner as you mentioned and various other eps with Wraith...we know that they can only influence what the humans due physically and create illusions to manipulate the humans.

                          But by saying that the Wraith can influence them mentally and take control of their bodies...and that JOhn was resisting is a bit weak to me. I say this mainly because I feel that a Wraith is mentally more superior than humans..mainly in regards to telepathic abilities. Why couldn't the Wraith in 'the Hive' coerce the information mentally out of John....I mean that show was weak..anyway. Because I also wondered why they didnt' torture Teyla/Ford/or Ronon to get to get John to tell about his homeland.. They used another human to get the information. It just doesn't make sense. If the Wraith have strong telepathic abilities, as I'm sure they do, then they would have been able to break down John quite easily or at least in a few hours. But that wasn't the case, it was as if the Queen knew that it was impossible to read his thoughts, as she couldn't....and so she'd have to find other means of achieving her ends... And in the case of Sumner...I mean the Queen didn't get anythign out of him...but she was asking questions. She had to again immobilise him physically and then pretty much suck out his energy...but there has been nothign to say that she had control of him mentally.

                          Well not in the same way as they have control of Teyla and she in essence becomes a drone...that's different. And Teyla even says that if she opens the link with them
                          Allies spoiler: ..they'll know where they are and their position
                 I'm thinking that she has much, or could have as much control over them and waht she feeds off to them as they do to her. Which could prove to be interesting.

                          But again this is just speculation...again in season 3 or maybe even 4, we'll probably see this concept thrown out of the water and that John can be a drone as well.

                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Well, if the Iratus bug effects people's DNA and any changes in someone's DNA would be possible to detect by Earth doctors, as they were in Conversion, then I'd say it's fairly concrete that if Carson says someone has 0% Iratus DNA then they do, and there'd be no lingering abilities because the abilities are based on the DNA and if there's no longer any DNA then no abilities.
                          I mean that could be debatable....Who knew that John's Ancient gene was more powerful than Carson's? I mean Carson only established that he has the ancient gene and so does John....further more, that it can be centralized and injected into other people...and that it 'MIGHT' be succesful, not always. But from the time that John came on the scene his paticular gene was very pronounced and could do more, speaking extensively, than let's say Carson's abilities. And hence the reason that McKay prefers using John over Carson (not only for the fact that he hates doing it). So again my point was..what's to say that it doesn't do something to gene...I wouldn't say alter it..but probably enhance it's capabilities make it a bit more....who knows what...I was just playing around with an idea. Since I feel there are places that could be gone with that. Not to mention Carson has even said they have limited equipment....and not super powerful ones..and they stil haven't figured out all the laboratories used and their purposes in I'm sure there is more than can be added to thsi whole DNA/gene thing. Again theory...and playing around with a few ideas. No one is infallable!

                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          As for mixing of ATA and Wraith. It's interesting they've never mentioned whether Teyla has even had the ATA therapy, I'd hazard a no or that it's not been sucessful if they had. I'd wonder if Carson would not want to because of how it could react with the Wraith DNA (and I'm more talking of what if it went wrong, if it caused life threatening problems - especially since the ATA therapy isn't or wasn't in Season 1 mastered completely) but then they'd been trying it out for quite a while and long before they ever knew she had Wraith DNA. In Teyla's case I think they said she has such minute fraction of Wraith that it makes little difference between her and a normal human, obviously it's confering slightly extra strength to her (or maybe that's just meant to be her physique is?) or at the very least the basic ability to communicate with Wraith but not much - though we've seen little of the Wraith abilities anyway. ATA is a very simple difference, I'm sure it was mentioned the one thing it changed, or they knew it did, was producing certain protein markers so that there was response from Ancien tech. The mental capacity for Ancient tech could either be inherent in humans but only read off and obeying instructions of those detected with the gene, or switched on by the gene to project thoughts in that way. But more advanced powers are part of ascension so it seems, which is possible for those without the gene too AFAIK. I'm thinking the telepathic/empathic powers mixing would be a matter of someon with Wraith DNA who's on the path of ascension, and not necessarily being gained by having both Wraith and ATA, if that's possible. But out of all of them I can see Teyla as the most enlightened, or willing to follow that path. Shep, not so much based on his actions in Epiphany...
                          Okay there are lot of points you hit on that I would like to respond bear with me. I doubt that Teyla has been given the ATA gene..and I don't think it would be likely. Again Weir was still a bit wary of Teyla and her people in season 1. If Teyla or her people need to fly off base they would do by one of the military. Remember Teyla is not military, and she's not really on the Atlantis crew, she's more as an ambassador and representative of her people and those of the Pegasus galaxy. We know she doesn't have the gene because she continuely asks Beckett to fly her over to the we know this.

                          I do wonder about Teyla's DNA and if she would be able to fly a cruiser if she knew what she was doing....just an interesting thought.... Now to point out your comment about Teyla's DNA and the ATA serum...that's my point in the first time...we have no idea how one affects the other. LIke the Iratus or Aretus bugs dna mixing in with an ancient dna...I mean it's up in the air. We have no idea if Beckett has even found if there maybe something negative that could happen or positive or what not.

                          I dont' kow about that comment that Teyla has such a minute amount of 'Wraith' I have not seen that mentioned. I have heard that she does have the paticular gene. And if it was so minute she wouldn't be able to tap into Wraith mind and infiltrate their hive ships through mental communication. Not to mention she has an enormous amount strength..she threw Ford off her back with one arm...I mean come on...I think they've pretty much told us that it's far from Minute..but not enough that she has their facial characteristics and she was able to block out their talking. while some had it very pronounced. Again also we don't know what was synthesised and to what extent by the Wraith scientist who was manipulating human geno. this is something extremely interesting and should be looked at I think. I mean we don't even really know much about the Wraith scientist're only given a snippet of his idea. I mean there could be more that we haven't read into and seen..which can play a vital role in what was really going on when the Wraith were testing humans....especially the testing as mentioned before.

                          How is empathy seen as a power?! Where did this come from....I mean normal humans can read the emotions of other people...what's the big deal?! I think we've already established that it is inherent in the ancient gene..remember 'The Siege II' when that general said to John...'I've had the gene therapy too Major' so I think it's pretty much well known that it's in the gene itself..not necessairly those who have inherited the gene. They would of course have the capabilities of lighting things up like bulbs...but I don't find that this is anything of a Mental ability. I mean I don't know about thoughts for the Ancients..maybe they can talk to each other mentally...I think in the one with Chaya you get that effect, but there's nothing to show that. All I can see is that John and Carson because of their gene can light things up....I think there's far more knowledge of Wraith abilities than there is on the factors with the ATA besides the light up chari and the light up keys....Could be why I'm not that impressed so far with anything Ancient and ascension...

                          There's nothing in 'Epiphany' to say that John doesn't to want to ascend eventually..he just said he was good where he was at...and he's not ready for any of that right now. Who knows about down teh path..? And as for ascending Wraith? I'm unsure if that could be a possiblity though..I guess...I just dont' see where. As for Teyla ascending..I dont' know if she'd follow that path..she seems like she would find that unworthy of her, she's so....simple. And I think she'd rather be into dying like Charin amongst her people than really following the path of ascension....

                          But you know again these are ideas being thrown out there...anything could be up!
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            I think that's one thing we can bet against CR is that the Wraith cannot take control of John....but then I don't know. I mean I'm saying this based on many episodes before Conversion you see...

                            I mean if we look at all the other episodes before 'Conversion' came about it's a definite, 'there' no way the Wraith can control John'. Meaning mentally taking control of his body and what he does. You see that's something that's been proven to not be able to happen. I mean from 'Rising' to about 'Lost Boys' and 'Hive'...that was the established thought. But then remember he had the 'aretus' bug thing that got his body and he still has probably residual side affects that even Beckett doesn't know about. He's probably still having enhanced senses maybe and what not..then I'd be like..good chance that he could be a threat like Teyla if he still carries traces.

                            I mean he probably was able to tap into some Wraith qualities we have no idea about and or it could have enhanced his Ancient gene...Now if that's the case we have a whole new story...and what you guys were saying about Teyla pretty much being a liability since they could communicate mentally that would work out.

                            I mean we have a man having an enhanced gene because of sharing some blood with a Wraith...and then we have Teyla who we already know can tap into the whole 'Wraith psychic network'....I mean this is crazy storyline we can run with. And then we John doing things either through their control or what not...

                            But what I'm thinking is that Teyla will in fact be able to master the Wraith abilities she may have..and that would be crazy...cause if she can say control one Wraith...a powerful one, I'm speaking about. And then take down two other's...and see what the other drones are thinking..we've got a deadly weapon and even deadlier if she is able to relay those messages back to John where ever he is!!! Then we have a whole other story.....I mean that would be some crazy footage...not to make it into a Teyla/JOhn show....but that would be really crazy.

                            If we look at it the negative way...could happen..because that would make John more susceptible and he would have master the gene as well for it to really take affect.

                            But then we haven't seen an ep where John is like really one on one with a Wraith....where the Wraith are controlling his limbs after 'The Hive' to know if the Wraith could take him over mentally..and if 'Conversion' did leave any stray anomolies to change his Ancient gene....

                            This could be really really interesting!!!

                            Wow.......that would be awesome!!

                            I really think they should maybe delve deeper into any residual side effects John may be having. That would be alot more realistic I think.
                            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                              Wow.......that would be awesome!!

                              I really think they should maybe delve deeper into any residual side effects John may be having. That would be alot more realistic I think.

                              I concur...G.E.L. It would be interesting on so many avenues..and probably give the Shep 'Thunkers' which I am one of..something to sink their teeth into...besides Shep's ability to light things up...(I am really sick of that ability in the Ancient looks like it has no cool purposes besides lighting up..and when they ascend they can flight from ship to planets....oooh ahhh!). They make me like the Wraith more, and happy they won!
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Alright no time to really type...I gotta run to my classes but first a pic!

                                Why does it look like those smiles seem to say these two are sharing a secret joke?

                                Okay...I'm trying to think up an idea for a Valentine's Day John/Teyla fic and it is not coming to me.... ....darn it!

                                Anyways....the whole mental link between John and Teyla...I love it...the idea came to me watching 'Conversion' and so I broached the topic in one of my would that ever actually happen in the show...unless their is residual charactersitics latent of the retro virus in John's DNA that Carson has yet to discover...probably not...but I'm not giving up hope that TPTB can add some sort of twist to the plotline to make it possible though!

                                Okay...I'm out of town this weekend to Vegas...leaving when everyone watches 'The Tower' try to ponder a fic challenge for it...I like to write fanfic but most times I have no idea where to start and a challenge from someone else just gets the creative flow going!

