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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Mornin' Y'all!

    Can ya'll believe it! It actually looks like I am going to get to 8000 posts finally! All it took was SGA getting cancelled to get my posting butt in gear. Who knew! I feel complete, like a new Elfie!

    As to MrsB's question about JT...
    I really don't know. You would want to think that is leading up to something for sure. But, right now, I am really having a hard time putting hope into that. But, deep in my shippy heart, I really want them at least some sort minute comfirmation that they actually were intending JT from the get go.

    But, like I said, that is shippy heart and me looking through my shippy glasses. This whole thing with Teyla being so formal and cold towards John is just crazy.

    I guess, in the end, it will only Mckay that rises up to the top and of course, be the one who crosses over to the new series. He will be the only one that will come up smelling like rose somewhat.

    But, if I had it my shippy way, JT all the way Girlie!!
    Im still Holding onto hope as long as the Movies are still there to Look forward to then there Is Still JT for me and as long as this thread continues then so does Jt and everything else we come in here for i just hope we will all still come in everyday and chat
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      Yay good for you Donna!

      I have been thinking the same as well.
      It is that said coolness she has been showing that has me believing she is trying to put a clamp on her true feelings.
      Thanks Maff Hun how are you ?
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Well you'll have to put up with me for a little while longer

        Oh please don't go too long...It's not the same without our bestest cheerleader here....Read my above post about JT
        Oh noooo!!!



          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Thanks for saying that Nina!

          I have to admit, I am on the verging of taking a long break again. NOT because of the news or because I believe J/T are over, quite the opposite! But because I obviously am in the minority here and am personally tired of all the doom and gloom attitude about J/T over the past few months. People are of course entitled to their opinions and their rants and I don't mean to sound like I'm criticizing that. But for me personally, I don't agree, and I'm tired of hearing it. Real life is extremely busy and stressful for me. I get bombarded with complaints and rants at work all day long, everyday. I cannot handle it in my off time too. I'm sorry.
          You're welcome...

          I'm trying hard to keep my faith in JT... in times what they are in for it seems it's easier to deal with and lack there of since they haven't become yet an established couple...I have a harder time and I'm trying to grasp all faith I have left in CSI NY since there has it been and it will continue to be messy for my favourite couple..and they ARE if I can keep my faith there and keep on me I will do the same for JT... it's what I've said.. what happened in S&R ,, what might be going on at the moment between them..and then the comment about JT at comic couldn't be just for nothing...there must be something deep down they are planning which we wont know about until they drop it on our heads
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            You're welcome...

            I'm trying hard to keep my faith in JT... in times what they are in for it seems it's easier to deal with and lack there of since they haven't become yet an established couple...I have a harder time and I'm trying to grasp all faith I have left in CSI NY since there has it been and it will continue to be messy for my favourite couple..and they ARE if I can keep my faith there and keep on me I will do the same for JT... it's what I've said.. what happened in S&R ,, what might be going on at the moment between them..and then the comment about JT at comic couldn't be just for nothing...there must be something deep down they are planning which we wont know about until they drop it on our heads
            Completely agree with you im still not giving up hope on jt yet as long as there is still something there to watch of them
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              And no worries... you all mean a lot to me...I think you are all the ones I talk to most online these days... so I will be here... I'll still be here chatting about JT with you guys... chatting with you all about the upcoming movies.. and hopefully my insperation will still be there and I can share my videos with you guys... and I'll keep on doing my link post until you all get tired of it *lol* sorry though I haven't done it now for a few days..but since I've felt so crappy and been laying on the couch coughing and sleeping and all... I just haven't had the energy to be on the net and looking for links... so as soon as I feel better they will be back up..hopefully as soon as tomorrow when I got the day off... but do not worry this is one JT family member you wont get rid off
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                Thanks Maff Hun how are you ?
                Well apart from horrified with this news. I'm not too bad. Optimism being relied on to keep me happy.


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  And no worries... you all mean a lot to me...I think you are all the ones I talk to most online these days... so I will be here... I'll still be here chatting about JT with you guys... chatting with you all about the upcoming movies.. and hopefully my insperation will still be there and I can share my videos with you guys... and I'll keep on doing my link post until you all get tired of it *lol* sorry though I haven't done it now for a few days..but since I've felt so crappy and been laying on the couch coughing and sleeping and all... I just haven't had the energy to be on the net and looking for links... so as soon as I feel better they will be back up..hopefully as soon as tomorrow when I got the day off... but do not worry this is one JT family member you wont get rid off
                  Good on you Nina i know ill still be here talking About Jt
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                    Well apart from horrified with this news. I'm not too bad. Optimism being relied on to keep me happy.

                    Hang in there Hun i think we all feel the same at least we still have the Thread and the rest of the season for Jt
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      I do hope we as a JT family will stay in touch..and still come here and be able to chat about our favorite couple and the movies that will be...

                      I know it's been lost in all the madness and all the sadness that is at the moment...but it's Atlantis day...a new epi today...we still have 15 episodes left to go so let's savour them truly and let's keep the faith in what we love.. and to keep on looking forward to this and to talk about and squee if there is anything good... we need to stay strong..and we should stay strong TOGETHER... so people it's The Shrine tonight..I wont see it before tomorrow...but the ones that can see it tonight and keep showing your support for our beloved show...
                      Yes, most definitely!. They may be cancelling the show but we still have the movies to look forward too and talk about. So i'm not going anywhere. Small consilation but at least SGA wont be totally gone.

                      True, NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!! YAY!!!. The Shrine sounds like a pretty good Rodney episode. I'm usually not a huge fan of pure Rodney episodes but this one does sound good and we may just get some great character moments. Not expecting much JT at all...maybe until The Queen if we are lucky lol. But i always love character moments.

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        And no worries... you all mean a lot to me...I think you are all the ones I talk to most online these days... so I will be here... I'll still be here chatting about JT with you guys... chatting with you all about the upcoming movies.. and hopefully my insperation will still be there and I can share my videos with you guys... and I'll keep on doing my link post until you all get tired of it *lol* sorry though I haven't done it now for a few days..but since I've felt so crappy and been laying on the couch coughing and sleeping and all... I just haven't had the energy to be on the net and looking for links... so as soon as I feel better they will be back up..hopefully as soon as tomorrow when I got the day off... but do not worry this is one JT family member you wont get rid off
                        Yea I'm with ya Nina.


                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          Thanx for posting Donna At least there are some people who have some grace.

                          Np Cazz
                          i hate to go on about this Sgu but dosent the Plot seem Familiar im thinking (Voyager)where they have no way Home and they have to continue in a strange Galaxy
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            They said they want to try to appeal to an even broader fan base and pick up some younger fans too. (Stargate is most popular with the "middle age" fanbase at the moment). They did not say they want to ditch the current fanbase.

                            I for one will give SGU a chance. If I don't like the characters, I won't continue to watch it. If I like them, I will. It's as simple as that.

                            They deny SGA was cancelled for SGU. It may or may not be true. Who knows. But even if true, it would be only a tiny fraction of all the reasons for the cancellation. Yes, it totally sucks. I remember people saying this same type of thing five years ago when SGA first came out. A lot of SG1 fans were furious at the idea and some even to this day have not given SGA a chance and consider it an annoying step child at best. They at least weren't even cancelled at the same time like we're seeing now with SGA.

                            At this point, I'm grateful for the movies at least. One two hour movie once a year for a few years is nothing compared to 20 hours of new episodes a year of course, but it's more than most cancelled shows get.

                            I'll take it.

                            And yes, to Mrs. B's question, YES.
                            I agree that SGU might just be a small fraction of the reason SGA was cancelled. From what they have mentioned, the huge factor seems to be how well the straight to movies DVD's seem to make for them. So instead of giving us a few more seasons, they would rather cancel it while it's still hot and popular to make more money on the movies. I guess they feel like if they let it die down, they wont make money off the movies. Hate it, don't like their decision but like you said, right now, i'm just taking comfort on the fact that we will be getting a movie for sure and from the sound of it, hopefully many more.

                            As for giving the new show a early for me to say but i know me, my curiousity might get the better of me and i may give it a shot. I just don't like the premise lol. At least when SGA was announced, it had me intrigued by the idea of them going to the pegasus galaxy and not being able to return home. That is what made me give it a shot but the idea of a whole team stuck in a ship (which we have seen before)...i don't know, doesn't appeal to me, at least not for stargate lol. So i'm not excited but who knows how i'll feel next year. It may surprise me but for now, my heart isn't in it

                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              Yay good for you Donna!

                              I have been thinking the same as well.
                              It is that said coolness she has been showing that has me believing she is trying to put a clamp on her true feelings.
                              Yeah.....She has been acting pretty cool around him lately so maybe there's a reason why

                              See..Me being optimistic And believe me,if you know me at all you know it's not easy for me to be optimistic....I'm a pessimist by nature

                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              Oh noooo!!!

                              Ooh cheeky

                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              And no worries... you all mean a lot to me...I think you are all the ones I talk to most online these days... so I will be here... I'll still be here chatting about JT with you guys... chatting with you all about the upcoming movies.. and hopefully my insperation will still be there and I can share my videos with you guys... and I'll keep on doing my link post until you all get tired of it *lol* sorry though I haven't done it now for a few days..but since I've felt so crappy and been laying on the couch coughing and sleeping and all... I just haven't had the energy to be on the net and looking for links... so as soon as I feel better they will be back up..hopefully as soon as tomorrow when I got the day off... but do not worry this is one JT family member you wont get rid off
                              pfft....Oh ok....We'll let you off........This time

                              Now go and get some of Elfie's infamous chicken soup in ya...If that doesn't cure you nothing will

                              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                              Np Cazz
                              i hate to go on about this Sgu but dosent the Plot seem Familiar im thinking (Voyager)where they have no way Home and they have to continue in a strange Galaxy
                              Yep that's pretty much it...Voyager got stuck in another galaxy with no way to get back so they had to try get home the long way!


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Yes, most definitely!. They may be cancelling the show but we still have the movies to look forward too and talk about. So i'm not going anywhere. Small consilation but at least SGA wont be totally gone.

                                True, NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!! YAY!!!. The Shrine sounds like a pretty good Rodney episode. I'm usually not a huge fan of pure Rodney episodes but this one does sound good and we may just get some great character moments. Not expecting much JT at all...maybe until The Queen if we are lucky lol. But i always love character moments.
                                thats what ive been saying as long as there is still the THread and the Movies then Jt is not dead and buried and im still glad i will have a place to come and chat about my fave Duo then Im happy
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

