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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    just take an example.. CSI NY..
    Nina, can you please send me a PM and tell me about what happened on CSI NY? I only watch it occasionally, so I don't know what you mean.

    Edit: Thanks, Asgard! I have some really talented friends on the Pro-Keller threads.


      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      Read previous posts.

      Read your post on JM's blog Linda, well said, it had a good level of anger that was reserved enough to take seriously

      Thanks cazz...I hope i made sure in my post that i didn't blame JM

      Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
      Yes, you should. Don't forget to tell him to pick me up so we can "conivnce" the Sci-Fi ppls together. Anybody else wanna come? There'll be COOKIES!!
      Ooh cookies.......Dang why couldn't i live in the US or Canada!


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Ooh cookies.......Dang why couldn't i live in the US or Canada!
        Just stand outside your place Linda the Darts'll pick ya right up!!

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Just stopping by to say hi, as usual.

          Off to the Chicago con, back later.

          *grumble about Atlantis being canceled*


            I just heard the aweful news. It can't be.

            The TPTB better be careful
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              Just stand outside your place Linda the Darts'll pick ya right up!!
              Y'ok kitty

              They really don't want a very pissed off Scot on thier doorstep I won't be responsible for my actions


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                (spoiler for season five info/stuff)
                *dials phone*

                *speaks when it picks up* Hello Mike.... CANOE!! GET YER BOSS ON THE PHONE!!!

                *a minute later*

                Hello Mike? It is Tey, your first hybrid, how are ya?..... that bad huh? Listen ya want to swing by Atlantis on your way to Earth to chew out (rim shot) the SciFi people that are currently on dope induced fog right now?.... Really? GREAT!!!

                *hangs up*
                Hey guess what, Mikes got the WHOLE WRAITH Fleets of all Pegasus ready to go! Bring only the stunners we want these guiys alive to see other people get their jobs!
                -'borrows' Ronon's gun...running away very quickly afterwards, she might add...and goes to join Amc- I'm in, and I've got some tunes for the ride!

                Edit: By the way, who's Camy? I don't know most people in this thread yet, but I know my dear Blenca will be PISSED.


                  Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                  Just stopping by to say hi, as usual.

                  Off to the Chicago con, back later.

                  *grumble about Atlantis being canceled*
                  Hi EG! Have fun!

                  *grumbles with you*
                  *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                  “Because you can.”



                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Y'ok kitty

                    They really don't want a very pissed off Scot on thier doorstep I won't be responsible for my actions
                    Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                    -'borrows' Ronon's gun...running away very quickly afterwards, she might add...and goes to join Amc- I'm in, and I've got some tunes for the ride!

                    Edit: By the way, who's Camy? I don't know most people in this thread yet, but I know my dear Blenca will be PISSED.
                    Camy = Thread Mommy, and when hse is unhappy EVERYONE is unhappy.

                    Linda: Trust me they'll be more worried for their own lives then broken windows .... Besides with the whole of the Pegasus Wraith Hives currently at Atlantis right now before jumping to Earth, Sci-Fi is screwed over

                    (It is good to keep a hgood fantasy going to keep RL on the other side of the ditch)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Ah. -tries to find something to hide behind before Camy finds out-


                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        geez, be cruel to the wraith shall we? **votes for Starbucks**
                        Hmmmm..... are wraith lactose intolerant?
                        Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                        Just stopping by to say hi, as usual.

                        Off to the Chicago con, back later.

                        *grumble about Atlantis being canceled*
                        have fun in chicago!!!

                        *has been grumbling all day too*

                        MGM is not in my good books right now. Unless they clean up this mess... then they *might* make it off Santa's naughty list....


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          MGM are going to need it if they are behind it...

                          Fans can do an aweful lot... enough pissed of fans and a show can tank big time.. just take an example.. CSI NY.. brought out an shocking plot thing.. thought they could mask things, talk around things,, and then hope to have such a shock factor up lots more people would tune in..aha yeah right that backfired big time.. that epi drew their lowest rating in their all season history..not to mention fans dissapointment of what they had done.. fans that even didn't like one character took that ones side in the crap they pulled... so sorry if they think they are clever it could backfire big time right up in their faces... picking something unknown above something well loved is no proof it will turn out well because it's new...neither is the shocking factor sometimes where they think they might stir things up for one character in order to spice it could very well in the end turn fans against that character ... so I don't think they are doing themselves any favours right now at all... good luck with that guys...SGU is not something I'm gonna tune into...didn't sound intresting when I heard what it was going to be about.. but I'm even less intrested if that is the reason for SGA going away.. then I'm just gonna hope it tanks faster then a bat in hell... I'm not supporting anything that is the cause for one of the best scifi shows I've watched to go of the air...
                          I completely agree with you Nina. I'm just about ready to give up on TV all together.

                          I'm so sick of shows making drastic changes that really suck or splitting up couples before they've even begun and now a perfectly good, no, a fantastic sci-fi show that still has IMO a couple of great seasons of stories left in it is being cancelled in favour of a crappy sounding new show (SGU) and the possiblity of movies.

                          This just sucks. I've already had a crappy day and now I come online in order to relax and cheer myself up and this is what I see?

                          I really really hate the TV world right now - stupid SCI-FI, stupid MGM!
                          Banner By Orangelusik!


                            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post

                            So.... You typing yet....?
                            Typing? As in . . . typing computer programs for one of my courses this semester? Why yes, I am . . .

                            (Sorry . . . I can't remember the last time I've written for fun in a while. It's all this danged learning. )
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                              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                              Thank you so much for saying this in this needed times Your sig of Jewel is beautiful

                              Have fun you will tell us how it was I'm interested if you want of course
                              It was ok.
                              There were a bunch of Native American vendors. Most were artists and crafters. Other sold premanufactured clothing and so on. The kids go bored quickly. We didn't realize that the dance competitions and so on were later tonight. We'll be better prepared next year.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Yeah cazz prepared me for this news but how prepared can you be

                              Well i for one won't be even tuning in for a second for this show that killed SGA

                              *raises hand* Me too...How can we fight this!

                              Um,not me *hides from Camy's wrath*

                              Me neither I ain't watching a show that's responsible for SGA'a demise

                              Is there any way to write to MGM to tell them how stupid they are!
                              I know what you mean about Camy. I emailed her last night, so I don't know how she's doing.

                              I won't watch SGU either.

                              Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                              Wow this really really sucks. Do they have the entire season already planned and written? If they are canceling the series, the least they could do is give us some nice J/T scenes.
                              I don't think they care.

                              That would be nice. I don't want to be jipped on my JT lovin.

                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Well.... what more can I say that hasn't already been said....

                              I'm very disappointed, and sad. I hope it won't stop people from coming on here though. This thread is a part of why I like SGA so much.

                              *big hugs to everyone*

                              Cazz, thanks for the link. I signed it too.


                              Any of you planning on watching Stargate Universe? I'm not sure... One things for sure. It won't be the same as SGA.

                              Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                              I was considering it, but now? Hell the **** no.
                              I was too. I love Stargate, but not if it meant to sacrifice SGA

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              Gotta go home from work! See you all later I've got no work done today other than answering the phone

                              The petition has gone way over 1000 now
                              WOW!!! That's quick.

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              *big hugs* I won't be on for the next few days after my family gets here, but wanted to give you guys some hugs!

                              And TF, heck no, like I told Lea...y'all are stuck with the crazy chick from CA. LOL

                              Yeah and I'm happy to hear it hun.
                              Have fun and we'll miss ya

                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                              After all . . . there's always fanfic, right?
                              That's right, but it's gonna be hard for me to continue without some inspiration.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Hell ya...I couldn't leave you guys either....I love you guys too much
                              Awwww. We love ya too.

                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              awww, *HUGS TO ALL* you guys are awesome!

                              but the one slightly upside of this is that it gives all the more reason for JT to get it on before season 5 ends!!! That's my hope.
                              It would be nice, but doubtful, but you never know.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              And if not then we'll have the movies
                              I'll watch the movies, but I'd rather have the weekly series.

                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                     I don't feel crap enough I have to see this when I get online...

                              If MGM canceled SGA because of SGU thinking it's way better not to have 2 shows that are pretty much the same universe at the same time..sorry then I'm not watching it.. instead they should have chosen to go with SGA until it's time and then start the other.. it's easier to put an not aired not produced show on the backburner then pulling the plug on a well loved show...

                              Ratings have improved.. and they can't seriously think the third will do better.. no one can predict it before hand... and who is to say that show wont pull most of the DVR numbers as Stargate has always done... the show has gotten better... and it's got one of the most loyal fanbase out there.. their fans is what has made the show win the People's choice award.. which I'm sure many top shows on larger networks haven't managed.. their characters are well loved.. and the actors are truly talented compared to even large blockbuster stars... I hate for how the cast is taking the news... after having solid work they are once again on unsolid ground...

                              If this is truly MGM's decision then it's the worst one they could have done..

                              I do know some shows have been given second life due to fan pressure.. only time will tell if it could happen for SGA as well... if not then I sure as heck hope the cast will be on for the movies that will follow..and hopefully there will be several of them..since those would never be the same without for example Joe & Rachel ... and all I can hope is that Kanaan wont be anywhere to be found soon... I would hate that for being an ongoing plot crap...
                              You go Girl!!!!

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Hey we can dream can't we

                              UGH....Do they even realise how many fans they'll lose because of this.....I think there's more than they realise that won't tune into Universe....This could backfire bigtime...

                              I am not looking forward to Camy finding out.....I hope MGM have a nuclear bunker to hide in
                              I know. I haven't hear anything yet.

                              I think this is the press release.
                              Sounds like Brad and Robert helped with this push.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                I won't watch SGU either.
                                I'm sure I'm a minority here . . . but please hold your rotten veggies at bay. I will try--emphasis--try SGU. I was extraordinarily skeptical of SGA before it began, but I absolutely loved the first season. If SGU is well-executed, fun, and entertaining, then I'll watch it. If it's boring drivel, I will NOT watch it and be exceeding angry at the people who canned SGA for SGU.

                                That's right, but it's gonna be hard for me to continue without some inspiration.
                                Personally, the last season I actually liked was season 3, which is why all the fanfic I write is set in that season. I didn't care for season 4 much at all, and season 5 isn't impressing me so far.
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