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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    Round Robin--Final Part!!

    Part 11 by YappiChick

    Her eyes fluttered open as she heard the steady beep, beep, beep of the medical monitors around her. Her body slightly relaxed now that she knew she would never hear the dripping sounds of Michael’s compound again.

    Still, so many unanswered questions were floating around her muddled mind. How did she get back to Atlantis? Was her child alright? Had Kanaan been telling the truth when he said who the father really was? Subconsciously, she moved her hands slowly to her stomach. Her eyes widened.

    The baby wasn’t there.

    Suddenly, the beeping was faster and louder. Within seconds, Dr. Keller came into her vantage point.

    “My child--”

    “--is fine, but you won’t be unless you calm down,” Keller interrupted.

    Teyla forced herself to take a couple of deep breaths. If there was something wrong, Keller would have told her. After her pulse slowed down, she turned to the young doctor. “What happened?”

    “Whatever Michael injected you with, it sent you into labor. You’re lucky Rodney didn’t have to deliver the baby in the puddle jumper,” she joked lightly.

    “Where is my child? Is he well?”

    Keller smiled. “The baby is fine.” She pulled the certain back quietly to show John holding the little baby in his arms. He was humming a soft song.

    Not noticing his audience, he continued until Keller walked to him. “I believe somebody wants to see you,” she said as she excused herself, leaving them to have some privacy. He grinned sheepishly he quickly made his way to Teyla’s side.

    “How are you feeling?’ he asked, studying her face carefully.

    “Very confused,” she answered truthfully. She looked at the baby in his arms with such love.

    John followed her gaze. “Here,” he said, transferring the baby to her, “I think it’s time the little guy got to see his momma.”

    She accepted him happily. Teyla studied his face: plump cheeks, a pile of messy brown hair, a tiny button nose. His eyes were closed but she had no doubt they were beautiful as well. “He is perfect,” she whispered.

    John nodded, pulling a chair to sit beside her. Though the words “just like his mother” popped in his mind, he refrained from saying them. Teyla had been through so much; there was no need to complicate things now. There would be a time for them to progress their relationship forward.

    For now, he was content watching his son being held by Teyla. Already, the transformation of his heart had begun. With a smile, he looked at the two of them: his love, his life, his family.

    The page has been updated as well.

    Thank you again to everyone who has participated in this round! Great job!! Woo hoo!!!

    Anyone have a suggestion for a title??
    Awww what a cute ending...

    John holding his son... what a cute picture I get in my head from that ...
    And then thinking that they have time to move their relationship forward.. only that he know was just taking in the fact that he has a son,, by the woman that means the most to him...

    Awesome work everyone on the fic... it has been a great idea for a name though sorry....

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Oh Tey!!That is so cool.
    Can you copy and paste what she said?

    I saw it on Youtube and it wasn't my favorite, but not my most hated either.

    That is so true and that's what I like about this this cast. They seem to be so down to earth.

    I made a little something.

    Hrmm now who might have played the the security cameras to have been able to get that pic of them so that John could have it on his nightstand
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Round Robin--Final Part!!

      Part 11 by YappiChick

      Her eyes fluttered open as she heard the steady beep, beep, beep of the medical monitors around her. Her body slightly relaxed now that she knew she would never hear the dripping sounds of Michael’s compound again.

      Still, so many unanswered questions were floating around her muddled mind. How did she get back to Atlantis? Was her child alright? Had Kanaan been telling the truth when he said who the father really was? Subconsciously, she moved her hands slowly to her stomach. Her eyes widened.

      The baby wasn’t there.

      Suddenly, the beeping was faster and louder. Within seconds, Dr. Keller came into her vantage point.

      “My child--”

      “--is fine, but you won’t be unless you calm down,” Keller interrupted.

      Teyla forced herself to take a couple of deep breaths. If there was something wrong, Keller would have told her. After her pulse slowed down, she turned to the young doctor. “What happened?”

      “Whatever Michael injected you with, it sent you into labor. You’re lucky Rodney didn’t have to deliver the baby in the puddle jumper,” she joked lightly.

      “Where is my child? Is he well?”

      Keller smiled. “The baby is fine.” She pulled the certain back quietly to show John holding the little baby in his arms. He was humming a soft song.

      Not noticing his audience, he continued until Keller walked to him. “I believe somebody wants to see you,” she said as she excused herself, leaving them to have some privacy. He grinned sheepishly he quickly made his way to Teyla’s side.

      “How are you feeling?’ he asked, studying her face carefully.

      “Very confused,” she answered truthfully. She looked at the baby in his arms with such love.

      John followed her gaze. “Here,” he said, transferring the baby to her, “I think it’s time the little guy got to see his momma.”

      She accepted him happily. Teyla studied his face: plump cheeks, a pile of messy brown hair, a tiny button nose. His eyes were closed but she had no doubt they were beautiful as well. “He is perfect,” she whispered.

      John nodded, pulling a chair to sit beside her. Though the words “just like his mother” popped in his mind, he refrained from saying them. Teyla had been through so much; there was no need to complicate things now. There would be a time for them to progress their relationship forward.

      For now, he was content watching his son being held by Teyla. Already, the transformation of his heart had begun. With a smile, he looked at the two of them: his love, his life, his family.

      The page has been updated as well.

      Thank you again to everyone who has participated in this round! Great job!! Woo hoo!!!

      Anyone have a suggestion for a title??
      OH WOW JESSS!!!
      That was a perfect ending.

      I'll be back later. RL calling.
      Sorry Jess. You know I stink at titles.


        Sci - That pic is AWESOME.


          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          just came to post that rachel has posted on her website again

          Thank you Donna for the udate, it's always nice to get it confirmed once again and now by the actress herself. Such a sweet lady, i love reading her comments!. I'm also happy that it sounds like they will finally be filming next week!!! YAY!!!.

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post

          Lol, thanks. I will need to write something fluffy... else Camy will kill me!
          LOL!!! yes, think fluffy

          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          JM BLOG UPDATE

          Well, I completed all of two pages on Whispers today, finally hitting that all-important 10 page mark but, more importantly, establishing the other team: Captain Alicia Vega, Lieutenant Anne Teldy, Sergeant Dusty Wells, and Dr. Alison (with one L) Porter. Carson will be in for a treat - when he’s not fighting for his life. Come tomorrow, I’ll probably rewrite the whole thing anyway but, hey, it’s a start. A slow, laborious start.

          A final of Alan McCullough’s Daedalus Variations came out today and we shifted focus to Alan’s second - extreme Shep-whumpage - script, co-storied by Robert C. Cooper. With the writers’ strike hopefully over, Carl will finally be delivering his masterpiece which we’ll be fast-tracking into the #5 slot.

          Jewel and hubby Matt swung by the production offices today. Jewel was in for a fitting while Matt was on the lot shooting another show. We talked horror movies, Watchmen, and, of course, what we have in store for Keller in season 5. Like Rachel, she was excited about some of the planned developments - but understandably a anxious about episode #2, The Seed, especially since I told her she’d have to get in for 4:00 a.m. every morning so that prosthetics could get an early jump on the body cast process which would take about 3-4 hours.

          Speaking of which - the prosthetics meeting with Todd Master has been moved to tomorrow morning. For Whispers, I’d like something elegantly simple yet shockingly terrifying.

          A little chat between Carter and Keller as they are knotting up that rope:

          Carter: So…you seeing anyone?

          Keller: What?

          Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?

          Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with - with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?

          Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…

          Keller: Right Anyone back home?

          Carter: Uhm…

          Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Give it up.

          Carter: Well, it’s complicated.

          Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.

          Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.

          Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.

          Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -

          Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?

          Carter: Not that much older.

          Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?

          Carter: Probably not.

          Thank you MrsB!!!. I wish they didn't have to cut that conversation between Sam and Keller!...ah well, i'm glad at least he posted it so we can know what would have been said.

          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Thanks for the link...she sounds just so awesome...I love reading the things she write... and I'm so glad that she has now also herself put all weird rumours about her not working full time ,,and saying Teyla isn't going anywhere

          Hrmm I wondering if it wasn't
          Rachel that was in for some heavy things... since she need to have the belly and stuff done for her part... I think Jewel was just in for a simple fitting...or that was what I took that as... oh well...*lol*
          I'm curious about that as well.
          Did he mean Keller or Teyla that will have to get the heavy prosthetics done???.

          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Devine has updated her new fic.

          The Enemy Within by DevineM27

          Get to it and go read it! It's great!
          Happy Reading! Enjoy!!
          Thanks, i'm going off to read it!.

          Question, when this round of the RR is done, will the complete version be posted because it's been hard to keep up with it.

          Sig by Camy


            Some how about a little bid of discussion...huh?

            Why do you think...
            Teyla hooked up with Kanaan this season? If we are looking straight at show cannon and not at real life (RL's pregnancy), what reasoning do you see behind Teyla's decision? Do you think she was tricked? Did something happened to John and Teyla off-screen that we are suppose to pick up on? Was she tired of waiting for John? What do you think?
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Oh please,don't encourage them....How on Earth did we start talking about Bananas for!

              Freakin heck Gater...Are you tryin to give me a Heart attack or something
              I thought she was Dead!!! Don't do that to me!

              Yay...Me likey...And what Gater said

              Oh BUSTED........You still alive Gater!
              Thanks Linda! That's what I was going.

              *pats self down* relativaly so
              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Round Robin--Final Part!!

              Part 11 by YappiChick

              Her eyes fluttered open as she heard the steady beep, beep, beep of the medical monitors around her. Her body slightly relaxed now that she knew she would never hear the dripping sounds of Michael’s compound again.

              Still, so many unanswered questions were floating around her muddled mind. How did she get back to Atlantis? Was her child alright? Had Kanaan been telling the truth when he said who the father really was? Subconsciously, she moved her hands slowly to her stomach. Her eyes widened.

              The baby wasn’t there.

              Suddenly, the beeping was faster and louder. Within seconds, Dr. Keller came into her vantage point.

              “My child--”

              “--is fine, but you won’t be unless you calm down,” Keller interrupted.

              Teyla forced herself to take a couple of deep breaths. If there was something wrong, Keller would have told her. After her pulse slowed down, she turned to the young doctor. “What happened?”

              “Whatever Michael injected you with, it sent you into labor. You’re lucky Rodney didn’t have to deliver the baby in the puddle jumper,” she joked lightly.

              “Where is my child? Is he well?”

              Keller smiled. “The baby is fine.” She pulled the certain back quietly to show John holding the little baby in his arms. He was humming a soft song.

              Not noticing his audience, he continued until Keller walked to him. “I believe somebody wants to see you,” she said as she excused herself, leaving them to have some privacy. He grinned sheepishly he quickly made his way to Teyla’s side.

              “How are you feeling?’ he asked, studying her face carefully.

              “Very confused,” she answered truthfully. She looked at the baby in his arms with such love.

              John followed her gaze. “Here,” he said, transferring the baby to her, “I think it’s time the little guy got to see his momma.”

              She accepted him happily. Teyla studied his face: plump cheeks, a pile of messy brown hair, a tiny button nose. His eyes were closed but she had no doubt they were beautiful as well. “He is perfect,” she whispered.

              John nodded, pulling a chair to sit beside her. Though the words “just like his mother” popped in his mind, he refrained from saying them. Teyla had been through so much; there was no need to complicate things now. There would be a time for them to progress their relationship forward.

              For now, he was content watching his son being held by Teyla. Already, the transformation of his heart had begun. With a smile, he looked at the two of them: his love, his life, his family.

              The page has been updated as well.

              Thank you again to everyone who has participated in this round! Great job!! Woo hoo!!!

              Anyone have a suggestion for a title??
              Very good!

              As for a title... how about Kindred pt 2????
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Looks like Shep is in for bumps and bruises in the upcoming season

                JM's Blog

                A final of Alan McCullough’s Daedalus Variations came out today and we shifted focus to Alan’s second - extreme Shep-whumpage - script, co-storied by Robert C. Cooper. With the writers’ strike hopefully over, Carl will finally be delivering his masterpiece which we’ll be fast-tracking into the #5 slot.

                Poor guy....they trampled his heart this season and now next they are going to whump him....can't they whump someone else? C'mon girl power...Teyla can take it
                Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                &=AWESOME &Forever
                No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Oh Tey!!That is so cool.
                  Can you copy and paste what she said?

                  I made a little something.

                  I just did copy/paste it Sci! that's what the email was, a thankyou note, it was short yes, but worth it!! She loves the gift guys!! Gives yourselves a pat on the back! and Sci... sutble, very very sutble!! love it!!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Oh Tey!!That is so cool.
                    Can you copy and paste what she said?

                    I saw it on Youtube and it wasn't my favorite, but not my most hated either.

                    That is so true and that's what I like about this this cast. They seem to be so down to earth.

                    I made a little something.

                    What a cute idea scifan!!! Love it!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      Some how about a little bid of discussion...huh?

                      Why do you think...
                      Teyla hooked up with Kanaan this season? If we are looking straight at show cannon and not at real life (RL's pregnancy), what reasoning do you see behind Teyla's decision? Do you think she was tricked? Did something happened to John and Teyla off-screen that we are suppose to pick up on? Was she tired of waiting for John? What do you think?
                      I think it's all Michaels doing...He's somehow done something to her and she thinks this Kanaan guy is the Father but i think it's all a false Memory....That's my story and i'm sticking to it until i know otherwise

                      Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                      Looks like Shep is in for bumps and bruises in the upcoming season

                      JM's Blog

                      Poor guy....they trampled his heart this season and now next they are going to whump him....can't they whump someone else? C'mon girl power...Teyla can take it

                      Aye come on,give us some major Teyla whumpage....Maybe some torture in there...That would do for a start!


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        I made a little something.

                        That's so awesome!!
                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Oh it's not my favourie either sci but
                          as episodes go,it's fun and by all means it's definately not the worst...There's been a few this season that i wouldn't touch with a 10 foot bargepole ever again...Let's see if i can name them....
                          1. Travellers (can you say cliche...Space chick chasing guy around a spaceship....BORING)
                          2. Miller's Crossing (Just plain Boring)
                          3. Harmony (Very annoying little kid...Man i wanted to throttle her so bad)

                          hmmmm,well there's only 3,i thought there were more!
                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Oh....I........Vey nice!!!
                          I have a few different ones, but for the most part I was able to tolerate them.
                          Wow! I got you to stutter.

                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Awww what a cute ending...

                          John holding his son... what a cute picture I get in my head from that ...
                          And then thinking that they have time to move their relationship forward.. only that he know was just taking in the fact that he has a son,, by the woman that means the most to him...

                          Awesome work everyone on the fic... it has been a great idea for a name though sorry....

                          Hrmm now who might have played the the security cameras to have been able to get that pic of them so that John could have it on his nightstand
                          He's got inside connections.


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Question, when this round of the RR is done, will the complete version be posted because it's been hard to keep up with it.
                            Already has
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by Mayra View Post

                              I'm curious about that as well.
                              Did he mean Keller or Teyla that will have to get the heavy prosthetics done???.

                              I took it like it was going to be Teyla...this is what JM wrote...

                              Like Rachel, she was excited about some of the planned developments - but understandably a anxious about episode #2, The Seed, especially since I told her she’d have to get in for 4:00 a.m. every morning so that prosthetics could get an early jump on the body cast process which would take about 3-4 hours. “The trick is not to breathe too much or let the latex touch your skin,”I advised, “as it’s not only toxic but highly corrosive. Anyway, relax and have fun with it.” She wasn’t sure whether I was kidding or not.
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                I have a few different ones, but for the most part I was able to tolerate them.
                                Wow! I got you to stutter.

                                He's got inside connections.
                                What ones sci...Ands yes you got me to stutter!!

                                They 3 are the ones i could never bring myself to watch again....EVER......

                                Lifeline and Adrift were ok but not great.......My very faves this Season are..
                                1. Missing (for obvious reasons if you know me)
                                2. Spoils of War (Do i even need to tell you why)
                                3. Doppelganger (THE HUG BABY)
                                4. BAMSR (Oh the sweet angst)
                                5. Quarantine (Not the greatest ep but the touching the belly bit is so worth it)

