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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LC, I wanted to green you for the detailed summary, but it wouldn't let me. I got some mental green, though. You want it?

    Yep, another hug. And John's just as uncomfortable. But yeah, he was the big hero again. That's cool.
    Thanks, scifan!


      Originally posted by Xerow View Post
      LC, I wanted to green you for the detailed summary, but it wouldn't let me. I got some mental green, though. You want it?

      Yep, another hug. And John's just as uncomfortable. But yeah, he was the big hero again. That's cool.
      Oh, thank you! That is nice of you to think of me! LOL! Thanks! It's midnight and I should be sleeping, but I'm too wired from this ep now. Not to mention I drank too much diet coke today at work.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        It is!!!! I think it may have topped DG as my new favorite this season! It's not shippy, but extremely angsty and very, very emotional. There is also really nice action, drama, humor, intensity....such a great mix of action and character moments! My absolute favorite kinds of eps when the team is working together! And when we get five whole J/T scenes on top of it! AH! Their scenes go from tense and a little awkward to reconnecting together with raw emotion. Teyla seeking comfort from him, and John giving it even though it pains him at the same time. Joe and Rachel did a BEAUTIFUL job on their scenes and you have to watch it for their expressions to get the full effect.
        Way cool! You got some thank-you green for that FANTASTIC summary though!!
        || twitter || tumblr ||


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Way cool! You got some thank-you green for that FANTASTIC summary though!!
          No problem! And thank YOU!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Great summary LC!


            I watched the video link in your sig for the Robotics Competition awhile back, but forgot to post and say how cool it looked! Good Luck!! Looks like a lot of fun to design the robots and watch the games.
            Sig by Cazzblade


              I'm sure someone else will have MUCH better quality caps, but here are a few from the final J/T scene and hug from SOW! Just beware, these aren't the best quality as I don't have a good capping program.


              I love how he kind of turns his head into hers and closes his eyes just as the camera fades to black. I mean, WOW. Like I said, not shippy perse, but oh wonderfully emotional and tender. Just look at the pain on his face there.
              Last edited by LoveConquers; 11 January 2008, 11:05 PM.
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
                Great summary LC!


                I watched the video link in your sig for the Robotics Competition awhile back, but forgot to post and say how cool it looked! Good Luck!! Looks like a lot of fun to design the robots and watch the games.
                Thanks Spectrum!

                And WP--WOW!!! I just watched your robotic vid!
                That is AMAZING! I am so impressed! And as a totally cosmetic comment, I love that you gave the robots eyeballs. LOL! But that is very, very cool. I'm so excited for you!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Detailed summary of SOW, Part two:

                  Rodney scans and says there are over 100 chambers like the one they found and goes on for miles and miles. They discuss what to do. Decide to try to cut off power supply. More wraith come and surround queen. They wake her up and the cords extract. She tells them she needs to feed. She commands them to bring her Todd.

                  Wraith get Todd, but team follow and rescue him.

                  On the hive ship, Lorne comes up and sits next to Teyla, congratulating her. He chats away about how his sister has two kids and reassures Teyla she will be a great mom. Such a cute scene!!!!

                  Todd tells them the queen makes a handful of warriors and that this is a cloning facility. They learn this is how the wraith got their greater numbers to defeat the ancients. They couldn't use this facility during the replicator war though as they didn't have the power to run it. But now they do. He leads them to the ZPM's that power the outpost. Sneak through corridors, shoot out with wraith. Get captured and stunned, wake up behind wraith bars. Todd is missing. Wraith come and bring them to queen. She steps up to John and brings him to his knees.

                  Teyla detects a dart approaching. Talk to Lorne. About to shoot it down, but Todd comes on screen and tells them not to fire. They allow him onboard and he tells them the team was captured, but he managed to get away. He tells them the team will have been brought before the queen.

                  Teyla gets an idea of how she can help.

                  Queen interrogates John, says he is very strong. He says he's had a lot of practice. She threatens to feed on Rodney and pulls back her hand to do so, but suddenly stops, disoriented. She orders them back to the cell and orders the other wraith out.

                  Teyla has gained control of the queen's mind. Todd says it's impossible, but Lorne doesn't doubt her. Very cool scene of overlay of Teyla and queen talking in Queen's mind. Teyla tells her she is stronger and is gaining control of her body. She commands the queen to get up and go to the cell. It is a struggle for Teyla and the queen taunts her. "You are hiding something from me...I can sense it...of course, now I feel're not working alone. There's another life inside you, helping you." The struggle gets harder. The queen tells her she only needs to distract her for a single moment and then she can kill the baby.

                  In cell, team talk, but are shocked to see Queen suddenly stun the guards and open the cell.
                  Teyla speaking through queen. "Here are your weapons....It's me, John."
                  John. "Teyla."
                  Teyla/Queen, "Yes."

                  On the hive ship, Teyla is in obvious pain and Lorne calls her name, unsure what to do.

                  Teyla/Queen, "You must go quickly. I don't know much longer I can control her."
                  John orders the others to leave, but stays. After the others leave, he tells her, "You can let go of her now, we're leaving."

                  Queen finds access to the baby.

                  Teyla cries out in pain in real life on the hive and through the Queen's body, doubling over.

                  John, "Teyla, Let go!"

                  Teyla/Queen, "John, help me!"

                  John shoots the queen.

                  On the hive ship, Teyla gasps, Lorne jumps to help.

                  The team runs through the outpost as one of the wraith begins to activate all the pods. They have to leave without the ZPM, but John has another idea.

                  Teyla tells Lorne she saw the others, she is distraught about the queen going after her child. Todd tells them the other hive has found them and is on its way.

                  On outpost, team enounters more wraith, shoot their way out.

                  On the hive, Todd wants to leave, but Lorne and Teyla insists on waiting for the team. The other hive starts to fire on them just as the jumper reaches them. Todd fires back while they board. John tells Teyla to set a new course. She flies the hive straight into the outpost. The ship is shown crashing into the outpost just as we see the team without Todd in the jumper.

                  Back on Atlantis, John and Rodney fill Zalenka in, also telling him they gave Todd a dart. As they walk up the stairs, John stops mid-step when he spots Teyla in the distance on the balcony. The others keep walking as he stands there for a moment and watches her before going up to her.
                  John, "Talk to Keller?"
                  Teyla. "I've just come from the infirmary. Everything is fine. At least physically."
                  John, "What does that mean?"
                  Teyla, taking a deep breath. She is emotional. "I exposed my unborn child to the mind of a killer. Even before he has opened his eyes on the world."
                  John, "He?"
                  Teyla, smiling softly. "It's a boy."
                  John, "Really? I thought you didn't want Keller to tell you anything."
                  Teyla, "She didn't."
                  John, looking slightly freaked out. "Okay."
                  Teyla. "You were right to question my involvement in this mission. There was a time when I would have laid down my life for you, or Ronon, or Rodney without hesitation. But...I have other considerations now."
                  John, "It's understandable."
                  Teyla, with tears in her eyes. "You have no idea how close she came to extinguishing his life." She pauses, sniffling. John watches her intently, brows creased. "If you had hesitated for even...a moment.." She sniffles again and sighs, falling into him for a close hug, her hands on his shoulders. The camera then turns to John's face, creased with emotion as he slowly puts his hands on her back and rubs. The camera fades to black. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!

                  I so love this ep. And five, count it FIVE, separate J/T scenes. Woohoo!!!!

                  Hi girlie,

                  I loved this ep too my #1 fav now second to Missing. You summary is right on the money and here's some things I noted:

                  When Teyla goes to fly the Wraith ship, John's concern is clearly written on his face. Unlike the first time he asks not once, but *twice* if she was okay and his voice was softer with his concern. Also when she almost faints, it's John who quickly jumps to her aid, holding on to her longer than necessary to make sure she is okay(even after the others are gone).

                  I also really liked the balcony scene so much emotion shared there. And when Teyla says it is a boy, he almost beams as though it is his. Maybe I was seeing things, but I did watch it twice - LOL!! He also winces when Teyla speaks of the child's father missing. And the hug, although initated by Teyla was different too. John's holding her was although you could see he was troubled by her emotions he was also very much more at ease w/this hug - rubbing her back gently and then turning his head into her hair. Both Joe and Racheal did a wonderful job thoughout this ep!!!

                  Some have said that this only proves that John and Teyla are friends. His concern for her is as such and as a member of his team, but I think as we get deeper into this season esp w/Kindred 1&2 these feelings will be explored more giving this ship even more

                  Steph,you did a great job as always on this summary and some of my commentary may be off, so I may have to watch again tomorrow a couple of times to make sure -*G*.

                  Anyway, as I said one of my fav eps so far this season.!

                  P.S - Camy's going to have a seizure - LOL!!!!!!!!!
                  Last edited by jtjaforever; 11 January 2008, 11:50 PM.


                    Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                    Hi girlie,

                    I loved this ep too my #1 fav now second to Missing. You summary is right on the money and here's some things I noted:

                    When Teyla goes to fly the Wraith ship, John's concern is clearly written on his face. Unlike the first time he asks not once, but *twice* if she was okay and his voice was softer with his concern. Also when she almost faints, it's John who quickly jumps to her aid, holding on to her longer than necessary to make sure she is okay(even after the others are gone).

                    I also really liked the balcony scene so much emotion shared there. And when Teyla says it is a boy, he almost beams as though it is his. Maybe I was seeing things, but I did watch it twice - LOL!! He also winces when Teyla speaks of the child's father missing. And the hug, although initated by Teyla was different too. John's holding her was although you could see he was troubled by her emotions he was also very much more at ease w/this hug - rubbing her back gently and then turning his head into her hair. Both Joe and Racheal did a wonderful job thoughout this ep!!!

                    Some have said that this only proves that John and Teyla are friends. His concern for her is as such and as a member of his team, but I think as we get deeper into this season esp w/Kindred 1&2 these feelings will be explored more giving this ship even more

                    Steph,you did a great job as always on this summary and some of my commentary may be off, so I may have to watch again tomorrow a couple of times to make sure -*G*.

                    Anyway, as I said one of my fav eps so far this season.!

                    P.S - Camy's going to have a seizure - LOL!!!!!!!!!
                    Cyn!!! I miss you! And I love what you added! Totally agree with everything!

                    A few more SOW caps because it's 3am and I still can't sleep, LOL.
                    This is when Teyla stumbles and John and Ronon catch her. I love how John catches her first with one hand and his gun in the other while Ronon a beat later grabbed her side from behind. LOOK AT THAT LAST PIC! I knew it looked like they were holding hands for a second! Cute! I love how as Cyn says, John lingers a little longer than necessary.

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      I'm sure someone else will have MUCH better quality caps, but here are a few from the final J/T scene and hug from SOW! Just beware, these aren't the best quality as I don't have a good capping program.

                      CAPS CAPS CAPS! Gorgeous caps! They're very good quality LC! I still haven't seen the ep, but
                      SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                      Hi girlie,

                      I loved this ep too my #1 fav now second to Missing. You summary is right on the money and here's some things I noted:

                      When Teyla goes to fly the Wraith ship, John's concern is clearly written on his face. Unlike the first time he asks not once, but *twice* if she was okay and his voice was softer with his concern. Also when she almost faints, it's John who quickly jumps to her aid, holding on to her longer than necessary to make sure she is okay(even after the others are gone).

                      I also really liked the balcony scene so much emotion shared there. And when Teyla says it is a boy, he almost beams as though it is his. Maybe I was seeing things, but I did watch it twice - LOL!! He also winces when Teyla speaks of the child's father missing. And the hug, although initated by Teyla was different too. John's holding her was although you could see he was troubled by her emotions he was also very much more at ease w/this hug - rubbing her back gently and then turning his head into her hair. Both Joe and Racheal did a wonderful job thoughout this ep!!!

                      Some have said that this only proves that John and Teyla are friends. His concern for her is as such and as a member of his team, but I think as we get deeper into this season esp w/Kindred 1&2 these feelings will be explored more giving this ship even more

                      Steph,you did a great job as always on this summary and some of my commentary may be off, so I may have to watch again tomorrow a couple of times to make sure -*G*.

                      Anyway, as I said one of my fav eps so far this season.!

                      P.S - Camy's going to have a seizure - LOL!!!!!!!!!
                      Wow, great summary jtjaforever!

                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Cyn!!! I miss you! And I love what you added! Totally agree with everything!

                      A few more SOW caps because it's 3am and I still can't sleep, LOL.
                      This is when Teyla stumbles and John and Ronon catch her. I love how John catches her first with one hand and his gun in the other while Ronon a beat later grabbed her side from behind. LOOK AT THAT LAST PIC! I knew it looked like they were holding hands for a second! Cute! I love how as Cyn says, John lingers a little longer than necessary.

                      Greenage for you for the pretty caps, hun!

                      I've been reading everyone's opinions for SOW (I still haven't seen the ep but I've lost my self control over soilers!) and they're all so detailed! Kudos to y'all for taking the time to do so.


                        I have to be strong,,,I have to be strong... *lol*

                        Gosh it isn't easy when seeing Squee, OMG , WOW and YAY all over the place... *lol* but I will NOT click on spoiler tags I want to see it before even reading more detailed posts... so again I'll be back later tonight to give my thoughts,,,but I have a feeling I wont be dissapointed with the why do I get that feeling *lol*
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          DAILY VOTING

                          Vote for J/T on The Lost Boys in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                          Pics to follow for use in game:

                          Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                          (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                          Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                          (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                          Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                          (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                          VOTING UPDATE

                          Well Missing has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,Missing is our 20th JT episode on the list...

                          LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                          PREVIEW OF SEASON 4

                          Check out a preview for the back half of season 4......
                          *Be aware of major spoilers*

                          *NEW*QUARANTINE PREVIEW

                          Check out the preview for the next episode of Atlantis airing January 18 named Quarantine.

                          BEST OF 2007
                          Over at you can vote for different categories, and Atlantis is nominated for Best In Genre Show - SciFi so head on over and VOTE
                          So far Atlantis is on 1st place

                          *NEW*AMANDA TAPPING INTERVIEW

                          Watch part 2 of Amanda answering fans questions...spoilers for Trio

                          RACHEL LUTTRELL OFFICIAL SITE

                          Check out Rachel's official site.. she has updated with a note to her fans, in the form of a little video message!!
                          Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.

                          JEWEL STAITE OFFICIAL SITE

                          Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.


                          Support Teyla in the poll of who is your favorite beauty in Stargate universe.

                          WOMEN OF ATLANTIS FICATHON

                          Head over and sugguest some prompts for other people to write or you can also sign up and write one of the prompts, for details check this post from Seldear

                          WHICH COUPLE DO YOU LIKE THE BEST?

                          Vote for JT as your favorite couple on this survey


                          A huge congrats for the cast and crew for winning the Best SciFi Show award on People's Choice Award

                          GW post about the win

                          Video of the cast accepting the award (Thanks to Prion for vid)

                          Longer video of the cast accepting the award, thanking alot of people
                          Scroll until you get to Atlantis (PCA site)

                          Video with the cast answering a fan question (at the PCA site)
                          Further down on the page is a video section, scroll until you find the cast of Atlantis.

                          Pics from PCA posted by Kangamoo on her blog


                          I would like to say a big congrats to LoveConquers who rounded up a couple awards on Stargate Music Video Award 2007 ...

                          She managed to place herself in 5 categories .... AWESOME GIRL
                          2nd Place for Teyla's Fight in the Teyla Emmagen category

                          1st place for A Breaking Heart and also 2nd place for Finding Home in the Sheppard/Teyla category

                          1st place for In The Morning in the Episode category

                          2nd place for A Roaring Silence in the Editing category

                          And she rounded up snatching also 1st place in the Best Overall Artist category

                          If there is anyone here that has a username that I don't know of then I say congrats to them as I also give congrats to all that has won in all the different categories

                          If you wanna see all the winners then check them out here.
                          Last edited by NinaM; 12 January 2008, 01:32 AM.
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            OMG !!!

                            What an awesome John and Teyla ep..........

                            This is definitely my fav JT ep of the season and really gives me back my squeeee in bucket loads.

                            This makes me even more certain that there will be a twist to this baby story and that the Wraith are definitely involved. I just don't see Teyla having that much power over a Wraith Queen if her baby wasn't Wraith, or part Wraith. Maybe she just thinks Kanan is the father and he really isnt.... food for thought.

                            Anyway I just loved this episode so much and it brought back to me why I love JT so much and how wonderful they are together. No one has a bond like the one they share. Teyla always going to John for comfort and she does it almost unconciously. I stil feel that if she was in love with this Kanan as much as she thinks she is, she would not be seeking intimate contact with John. This is more than just friendship between them..I know a lot will say it's only because he is her friend, but why didn't she hug Ronan when he was being comforting to her and does she ever go to Rodney or hug him when she is upset. Nope she definitely has a much stronger connection with John and he with her and it was so sad seeing the pain in his face at the end when he held her.

                            This episode really confirrms for me that John and Teyla are very much alive and I do believe that there will be some twist to the baby storyline and hopefully we get to know a bit more about it in Kindred 1 and 2. But I'm sure that Twitter will be disposed off before the end of the season but I think that Teyla's feelings for John are still very much alive.

                            Oh I just loved the scene in the armory as well.... awesome..


                              Yay! I saw SOW!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I downloaded the ep from iTunes the second after it went up! I don't have time now to do a write-up, but I'll be able to whip something up later on today I think....

                              Overall, OUTSTANDING EP!!! Definetly one of the best yet!
                              I'm still going crazy about that hug at the end... This time, it was great because it looked like John was a little more open to offering her comfort than he was in DG.

                              I also found that it wasn't just what John and Teyla were saying that made me SQUEEEE, but how they were saying it to each other. Everytime she looked at him there was this glow of tenderness in Teyla's eyes... and for John, it was a protective and caring look that was slowly comming out as her became more comfortable around her throughout the ep.

                              Rachel and Joe did astounding jobs with the interaction of the two characters in this one... there was angst, fluffyness, practically everything we love all in one ep! BIG props to them for such a great job! Also, Rachel did some amazing acting with the scene where the wraith was in her mind! It looked so real, I was really convinced. I was also ready to kill the queen when she started talking about going after Teyla's baby!

                              It's a boy! I'm so excited! I loved the look on John's face after Teyla said that it was a he. it was the kinda look you'd imagine a guy woul get after the nurse told him he had a son. I'm convinced that they'll BOTH make great parents (without realizing it John is probably gonna start acting all daddy-ish after the baby's born.)

                              This is got to be one of the best JT eps in the season, but Kindred 1&2 is gonna offer some good stuff too, i think!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                I'm sure someone else will have MUCH better quality caps, but here are a few from the final J/T scene and hug from SOW! Just beware, these aren't the best quality as I don't have a good capping program.


                                I love how he kind of turns his head into hers and closes his eyes just as the camera fades to black. I mean, WOW. Like I said, not shippy perse, but oh wonderfully emotional and tender. Just look at the pain on his face there.
                                Thanks for posting these and the Summarys Everyone and Double squee we finally Got another Hug WOOHOO
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

