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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    TF!!!!! *tackls TF in a hug* I feel terrible because I have to go like the second after you get online! Me and some of my friends are having a partay tonight....

    See y'all later! Enjoy the caps! (all of which are snurchable)
    *hugs back* Too bad..! Ah well.. have fun tonight
    See ya tommorrow!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
      My SOW caps are up!

      I have to go check out those pics from Kindred...
      Thank you so much JT4L!! These are great! I have really been enjoying all of the caps that all of you posted. Which I must be getting sick! I haven't even snurched any of them yet!!! Not normal for me.
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Heh Did you guys see this?

        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
        The official MGM Stargate site has posted some stills from the episode Quarantine

        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

        “Because you can.”



          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          Heh Did you guys see this?
          Doesn't Rachel look pretty or what?!
          sure she has the baby belly there but still she IS pretty no?!

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            Doesn't Rachel look pretty or what?!
            sure she has the baby belly there but still she IS pretty no?!

            She sure does!
            Yeah, hehe, that is one big belly all of a sudden! Because she didn't really have one in SoW.. Or maybe I just didn't notice.. But she sure looks amazing!
            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

            “Because you can.”



              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Heh Did you guys see this?
              Thanks TeylaFan, i hand't realized they posted Quarantine pics!. I think Rachel/Telya looks cute in that outfit. Shoot, if i'd had Rachel's legs, i'd show them off! LOL!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                Thanks TeylaFan, i hand't realized they posted Quarantine pics!. I think Rachel/Telya looks cute in that outfit. Shoot, if i'd had Rachel's legs, i'd show them off! LOL!
                Your not the only one.....If you've got it flaunt it...Some folk are so lucky!


                  Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                  I can't wait either! I can't really think of anything else they'd argue about...

                  I saw those pics this morning...
                  I found another one last night (it was in someone's signature). I'm not sure if it's even real, but it's of Teyla and possibly from The Kindred Part 2. It doesn't look like a manip or anything, but I've never seen it before... I was going to ask the user where they got it, but I really can't remember the username or what thread I was in...

                  I know, i can't think of another reason why they may argue, so hopefully we get some shippy moment between them!. I know, don't hope for too much but i could dream right?! LOL!.

                  Hopefully you remember who, what was Teyla doing in the pic?

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Your not the only one.....If you've got it flaunt it...Some folk are so lucky!
                    Totally agree! . Darn them and there luck! LOL!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Thanks TeylaFan, i hand't realized they posted Quarantine pics!. I think Rachel/Telya looks cute in that outfit. Shoot, if i'd had Rachel's legs, i'd show them off! LOL!
                      Your welcome Well, they weren't posted in this thread actually, I think it was the Teyla/Rachel WOW thread... Hehe yeah she does look cute, and hey she shows 'em off in that outfit, and in her sparring outfit as well...!
                      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                      “Because you can.”



                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Your not the only one.....If you've got it flaunt it...Some folk are so lucky!
                        Teyla FTW!!!

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Your welcome Well, they weren't posted in this thread actually, I think it was the Teyla/Rachel WOW thread... Hehe yeah she does look cute, and hey she shows 'em off in that outfit, and in her sparring outfit as well...!
                          the reasons I like Teyla is very simple actually... Hot Zone, Conversion, Dopp, and others! Sunday is best to me because (ya ready for the squeee to come?) Teyla gets STABBED!!!!!!


                          I'm done

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            I know, i can't think of another reason why they may argue, so hopefully we get some shippy moment between them!. I know, don't hope for too much but i could dream right?! LOL!.

                            Hopefully you remember who, what was Teyla doing in the pic?
                            I'll try to describe the pic...

                            She's standing infront of a man near the edge of forest and she's holding up her hand, there's something in it. We can't see the man's face, his back is facing us. There's something behind her, it looks like wreckage of some sort (I really can't tell)...There isn't much going on, I'm just wondering who the man is...

                            I'll just post it if you want me to... It would probably be better.


                              Gosh how in the world will I be able to sum up this epi....

                              Let's start with saying I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *lol*

                              I was never bored for a minute in this episode... I enjoyed it all..

                              Truly liked the fact that we got to know what happened to the Wraith after the battle,,since they just seemed to dissapear.. The Wraith could think about snatching a couple of ZPM's but Rodney couldn't *lol*

                              Loved the locker room see the how they prepear for a mission... to see them get the tac vest and guns and all that..makes it more real to see stuff like that...
                              just how Teyla just walks right in and over to John... so we get the feeling here they haven't talked much since she told him,, so he has been avoiding her... it also gives to show that it isn't just a commander kind of reaction...if he had only been angry for the reason of her not telling him sooner ,,I don't think he would get just that stubborn and not talk to her at all and avoid I feel there is something deeper that is bothering him,,,only that he is just way to good at hiding it...
                              I loved the fact that he really didn't wanna get into it infront of his men like that and with a subtle hint with his head that Lorne and the rest should leave him alone with Teyla... and I was laughing when Rodney just stayed and John was like having the kind of stance like ,,,that means you too Rodney and Ronon knowing what John wanted just went and grabbed Rodney.. *lol* hilarious...
                              I liked that fact that John also realizes why she want to be out there.. it's for her people,, the missing father of her baby,,she wants to find them, she wants to tear up the galaxy in search for them and he knows it could come to the point where she is to careless and he can't let her make that mistake...

                              I think when he realized he had to gt Teyla for this mission..her sure wasn't looking forward to having to ask her or feel like he had to suck it up and tell her he might have been a little to hard on her... or looking forward to that this time he will be the cause if something were to happen to her... kinda cool seeing him almost grumbling when Zelenka talked to him and he knew what he was going to do... *lol*

                              The mess hall scene was maybe a little uncomfortable for him,,he knew he had to talk to her,,knew he had to ask her to be on this mission basically shortly after telling her to stay back... she was a little smug there,,like on now it's fine to have me tag along...but in a way it was kind of cute scene... having him like..yeah well are you in or out *lol*

                              And at the hive ship... intresting how her abilities are way stronger now..can fully work the ship... she truly have John concerned there... it's like he is thinking..hrmm okay now that didn't happen the last time you try to fly a hive ship... at that time she almost drained her energy trying only to fly it... and now suddenly everything just works for her... if the baby is giving her strenght I feel it's a little weird how things can make it stronger.. I mean I know Teyla have wraith dna...but I don't feel the gene would be stronger since if the baby had wraith gene it would come from Teyla... so I just get the feeling there is something else going on here,,,it can't be a normal pregnancy... we haven't seen her being able to communicate with another human,, only connect with how come she could be able to somehow communicate with the baby... since well you can't really tell if it's a boy or girl... there has to be something else to this that she doesn't know,,and we haven't been able to figure out yet...I think the coming episodes is going to be intresting to see how this plays out...

                              And then when she let's go of the controls and stumble... how I loved that John was closest to her,,,and just how fast his reactions are..*lol* he is like a hawke over her now
                              Just also so cute how he kind of holds on to her maybe a little longer then needed ,,,
                              And again he basically get everyone else out of there...he doesn't seem to be able to get to emotional with everyone else there... he has to be alone with her to tap into thos emotions... and show just how darn much he is concerned for her and her baby... Twitter you will always have competition *lol* I can very well see John being there for her and her baby... even though I have no desire what so ever to see that waste of space.. I think it would have been so cool if he got just a cold hard slap on his face seeing just how close Teyla and John are...and see just how much John is there for her.. or him getting the feeling there is more then friendship between these THAT would make my day.,,and then we can toss him out an airvent or have some Wraith snack on him *lol*

                              Okay the Wraith birth scene...I was actually expecting something more disgusting... was that it?? gosh I've seen worse *lol* but hey atleast we got to see what they look like under the armor or whatever that is

                              The scene with the Queen and the team... it's kind of intresting how the Queens always goes after John first...he must be thinking,,,oh not again...this is the what is it the third time he is on his knees... *lol* but it's also very intresting to hear how they have never met a stronger willed human before...hell even Sumner wasn't that strong... it seems John is way more stubborn and has way more will power then others... how he just keeps the info away from her,,he just wont let it out... even after hearing she will snack on Rodney he doesn't give in... I love seeing him so strong..

                              Rachel got some great stuff in this epi...loved the power scene between Teyla and the Queen... how the team was confused as why the Queen just suddenly stopped her attack on Rodney... and how confused the were when the Queen let the could see their confusion when she tossed them their weapons... they were like...uhm okay,,this is weird... and then when she said ,,it's me John...the look on their faces,,but John knew right away it was Teyla.. I think he was also confused to how she managed that task to take control over the Queen but also concerned for her and what might happen... and when he told her she can let go... the struggle for Teyla to keep control...was amazing..Rachel did an awesome job in that ,, and then when the Queen sensed the baby..knowing it was helping her keeping control and when she went for it,,the fear in Teyla then was overwelming,,and John just telling her to let go... and I'm not sure if the Queen was starting to gain on her and she knew she needed help and asked John to help her,,, and he didn't even hesitate.. he just took the gun and shot the Queen,, it was like he could feel Teyla's desperate plea for help...

                              It was a sweet scene between Teyla and Lorne too here,,and yet again you see the difference between his reaction and John's... Lorne was just as happy as Ronon was..starting to talk about kids,,to tell her the first is always harder, but she would make a great mom... I'm sure Ronon have said something two now that we have seen with the brother/friend kind of reaction...while John took it completely different...

                              Then the Wraith wanting to get out of there... I was kind of intresting how it was Teyla that kept telling him they will wait for John and the rest... they would not leave without them... *lol*

                              Then we are coming to my favorite scene of them all between John and Teyla... the end scene...gosh did I love that one... just how he sees her through the window..knowing what she had went through... even though she looked for comfort from him again,,,he was the one to come to her first..he took the first step towards her... asking her how she was.. just loved the look on his face when she said she was having a boy.. it was like a proud father learning he is having a boy... just so sweet...
                              And then her telling she understand why he did what he did... how she came close to losing her baby even before he had a chance to see the world...
                              I also think it hard on him when she told him if he had hesitated to shoot the Queen the result could be that she would have lost her baby... the face he made there... such pain on him there..knowing how close it was..and I think he realized if he had screwed it up and hadn't stayed behind,,I actually wonder why he did stay behind.. I guess he was even then looking out for Teyla even in such close encounter with a terrifying enemy... but I think it might have struck him there,,what if he had left... I think he might have blamed himself to no end for not chosing to kill the Queen..or chosen to just take her out along with the rest of the place...even then it would have been to late...
                              I just loved how it kinda looked like he wanted so bad to give her comfort but didn't know how or if even should try.. and she then took the initiative and went into his arms... not as hesitating as he was in DG.. a little better this even see him stroking her back up at her shoulder... and when the screen fades out you see him close his eyes and turn his head and puts his cheek more into her hair....that was just so touching..
                              I adored that scene...such emotions from them ,, and how we yet again see when she needs comfort,, she seeks it from John... I can't say enough how I loved that scene and how their expressions were in this scene...

                              Awesome epi...loved had a bit of everything for me... and JF and RL did an awesome job with their scenes.... such emotions in their scenes together,,, and how well they do in their own scenes as strong they come off here..

                              Also loved seeing just how much John truly showed he is the he took out orders..coming up with ideas.. leading the team.. and just how stubborn and such will power the man can have..this is how I enjoy seeing him...

                              Holy,,,this got long...and a little late...sorry,,,it's not easy typing up this much,,but I usually end up typing everything that makes an impression on me,,and then chatting with friends at the side on chat programs isn't easy...multitasking *lol*
                              Last edited by NinaM; 12 January 2008, 02:45 PM.
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                the reasons I like Teyla is very simple actually... Hot Zone, Conversion, Dopp, and others! Sunday is best to me because (ya ready for the squeee to come?) Teyla gets STABBED!!!!!!


                                I'm done
                                I always like her, in every ep! Yeah sunday! And how about Phantoms.. You know... where she gets- Shot!

                                I'm done as well...
                                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                                “Because you can.”


