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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Title: Torpid
    Summary: Because being alone with nought for company but the multitude of marine creatures was exactly what John Sheppard needed.
    Characters: John, Graham
    Pairing: John/Teyla, John/Nancy, Teyla/Kanan.
    Rating: K
    Spoilers: Missing, Seer

    He’d known from the get go that he wasn’t going to enjoy it; that sitting at the edge of a pond (he couldn’t even call it a lake) with a stick and some wire dipping into the water, with nought for company but the multitude of sea creatures that seemed to be expertly avoiding his line and his estranged brother who John was beginning to remember for the reasons he’d become estranged in the first place was not something he really needed to do. He sighed and took another sip of the beer that had warmed in the sun, adjusted his shades while cursing his heathen of an ex-wife.

    It’ll be fun,” she'd said and John, ridiculously, had believed her.

    Who the hell went fishing these days, anyway? There were fishmongers and supermarkets for a reason. He grumbled again but Graham conveniently ignored him. This was not what John Sheppard had come to Earth for. He hadn’t wanted to be stuck doing nothing at the edge of a beautiful would be lake trying to make small talk with a brother he’d not spoken to for years because they had absolutely nothing in common and thus allow his brain to think about the reason he’d come to Earth in the first place.

    “Oh,” he murmured and glanced at his watch. He’d managed t successfully not think about What Had Happened for almost seven minutes. He rolled his eyes at his own pathetic-ness and shoogled the line again, watching the ripples fan out across the smooth surface of the mirror like water. In the reflection he saw his brother turn to him and John glared at him from behind his black Ray-Bans.

    “You’re rippling my pond.”

    John grunted.

    Your pond?”

    He saw Graham’s eyebrow rise up above his own ridiculously large sunglasses and John turned away.

    “You know what I mean.”

    John shook the line again, violently before leaning back against the grass, folding his arms behind his head. He’d be able to work on his tan, at least. The sun was warm beating down on his face and he was grateful that Nancy had somehow convinced him to East Coast it. He didn’t think he’d be able to stick with the cooler temperatures back in Colorado where she was.

    He supposed there were plenty of worse places he could be. Afghanistan... a hive ship... on Atlantis. He shifted slightly and shook his head. In a way, he supposed some senseless, purposeless, action-less time was what he needed to try and redistribute his equilibrium. At the same time though, he wasn’t used to it and he was pretty sure there were plenty of better places he could be, too. With Nancy, for example, or even gambling all his earnings away in Vegas, drinking down a couple of cocktails and brews that only Nevada could conjure up with a few old acquaintances he was sure wouldn’t find if he popped by to say hello.

    He closed his eyes and smiled as he was greeted with scenes from him flying through the air in an Apache helicopter, the sun dipping low in the horizon behind him. He liked flying, he really did. He wondered if there was any chance that Landry would let him have a go with one of the bases helicopters again because although the Puddle Jumpers were great, there was really something special about flying unaided by mind-reading computers.

    “There’s a nice bar and grill not far from your hotel that we can go to for dinner, if you’d like.”

    He opened his eyes and turned his head in the direction of the voice, a small smile playing across his features.

    “I thought you were trying to catch dinner.”

    He heard Graham chuckle slightly and he did too.

    He closed his eyes again and shuffled to a more comfortable position. He’d only been on Earth for a few days and he was pretty damn sure he’d slept through most of his time there. His body seemed to want to lie down and go to sleep more than he’d ever done in his life. It wasn’t a bad thing – not really – and he supposed that it was just his body letting itself relax after almost five years of concentrated stress.

    He didn’t know how long he’d been dozing before he heard his brother’s voice breaking through his foggy brain and pulling him from the realms of Neverland.

    “Nancy tells me you’re involved with one of the women back where you’re posted.”

    John groaned as his mind instantly projected an image of Teyla on his eyelids. He conceded, though, knowing that it must have been some kind of record for him not thinking about her since What Had Happened. He opened his eyes and sat up, pulling at a few blades of grass between his legs.

    “Nah, nothing like that.”

    John didn’t need to look at Graham to know the kind of look that would be on his face. He knew what Nancy must have told him and although he was a little angry, he knew he couldn’t fault her for trying to help him.


    John didn’t look up as he shredded a blade of grass. To be honest, he wasn’t sure exactly what it was like. When she’d shown up at his door not more than a fortnight ago, he’d thought things would change. Instead, after What Had Happened, she’d told him she was getting married and would be raising her child with Kanan, he’d felt like he’d been tricked. He knew that none of it was her fault and that he wouldn’t need to be here if he hadn’t pushed the issue. But he had and he was. He pursed his lips and shook his head.

    He was his own worst enemy, really.

    “She just gave birth to a kid a couple weeks ago.” John tilted his head in Graham’s direction and saw the surprise covering his face. “And no, it’s not mine.” He looked away. “She’s getting married.”

    “I’m sorry.”

    John shook his head.

    “Nah, don’t be.” He tossed shards of grass into the air and watched as the wind whipped them around before depositing them carelessly on the water’s surface. “I’m not.”

    He thudded the ground next to him with his fist and lay back down, all thoughts of peace evacuating his head, leaving his mind riddled with thoughts of her and him and their child. He had to get over her. He did.

    Or he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it back on Atlantis.

    And he had to because there, with her was the only place he felt was home.
    Your writing just never ceases to amaze me! NICELY DONE!


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      *is now dancing on one foot to await the rest of the Year to arrive in the form of a lovely Teyla/Teyla Whump Calandar*
      *Bounces right back* never found the caps for me!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        *Bounces right back* never found the caps for me!
        I did! I posted them in this thread somewheres! they are back to yesturday, the last time you were in here!!

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Oh, I had not heard about Joe and Jason being affected if there's a strike...
          That's not good!

          Mrs. B...I finally you!!!!!

          Miss you!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

          Hey stranger!!! I'm alive!! Happy New Year to you as well!!! We will have to catch up soon!! Just reviewed your second chapter~ It was fantasticly angsty and thanks for updating so quick!!


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            ROFL. She's a riot.

            Thanks Padme. I love your quotes.

            Hey Elf. How is one of my favorite Shep whumper?

            OK. it's not the best, but after this it should get angsty. I'm hoping I can do it right.
            I gotta go do RL after this. Thanks guys for making me smile. That's why I love being here.

            Fate. Chapter 14:

            After Teyla leaves with her husband, John’s jealousy and mistrust towards Kanan starts to get him upset. The more he thinks of him with Teyla the faster his heart rate goes. Before too long his heart monitor goes off and it startles him. Keller comes into his room quickly to check on him.

            “Colonel? Is there something wrong?” Keller asks with a stressed tone.

            John shakes his head slowly and winces when he moves his head.

            “Oh. I’m sorry Colonel. That tube must be really bothering you. I believe you’ve been up long enough to remove it.”

            John gives her a relieved look. He is also glad that she didn’t know why he was really upset.

            “Ok Colonel Sheppard, after I take this out you’re throat will be sore for a little while. So, I’d rather you not talk until it feels better. I’ll get you a tablet so you can play computer games or write out anything you want to say,” explains Keller. “ It will only be temporary.”

            A few minutes later, Ronon and Rodney show up with big grins on their faces.

            “It’s good to see you up Sheppard,” says Ronon.

            “You had us worried. We didn’t think that you were…” begins Rodney.

            Ronon interrupts, “McKay!”

            “What!” Rodney whines.

            John begins to roll his eyes, but he also has an amused smile on his face.

            “Well, we almost did lose him and if it wasn’t for Carson, we wouldn’t have found Teyla either,” Rodney remarks with an attitude.

            John clears his throat, but his voice is still scratchy, “Teyla mentioned Carson too.”

            Rodney is excited, “It was weird at first when I was the only one that saw him at first, but when it came to rescue Teyla he showed himself to Sam and Ronon too. He told us that he had ascended.”

            “How?” John struggles to speak.

            “We don’t know. He left before he could tell us,” Ronon answers.

            “Actually, I was able to find out,” Rodney begins with a smug look on his face.

            “Before we returned Elizabeth’s stuff to the SGC, I download some data from her laptop onto a zip-drive,” boast Rodney.

            “Rodney!” John reprimands painfully and grabs his throat.

            “Well, it’s a good thing I did. Do you want to know or not?” snips Rodney.

            John reluctantly nods his head yes.

            “Well, I guess only a few people know this and she doesn’t say who, but Elizabeth was there with Carson before he died. Well, I mean before he ascended. She said he was in a lot pain, but before someone was able to get him any morphine, she was able to calm him down a little and focus on trying to ascend. The rest is history,” explains Rodney.

            For a brief moment everyone is silent in aw, but Ronon breaks the quietness.

            “Has anyone seen Teyla yet?” asks Ronon.

            “She was here when I woke up and just left not that long ago with him,” John says with a clearer voice.

            “Him?” Rodney begins, but he sees a side look from Ronon. “Oh! Him.”

            “Something about him makes me uncomfortable,” says Ronon.

            “You too!” interjects John.

            “What? Why don’t you trust him,” questions Rodney.

            John contorts his face, “I don’t know, but it’s just a feeling I have.”

            “Well, you better not let Teyla know you have these feelings. Otherwise, she might have some choice words for you,” suggests Rodney.

            “As much as I hate to say it, but McKay has a point,” agrees Ronon.

            John releases a big sigh, “I know, but I still think we should keep an eye on him.”

            Ronon nods in agreement.
            Sci, I read your update for Fate, very nice! I am glad to see that John and Ronon know that something is off with you know who.


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Whoa! Nice avatar Nina!

              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Hi guys...THANK YOU to all for the GREAT reviews....

              It means the world to me...I actually didn't get any reviews in the fandom that I actually wrote it for...*sighs*

              You can't win them all, I guess! Let me know if it works cause fanfic was giving me a hard time!

              Here's chapter 2....

              This is what I have been trying to do today is catch up on fics and reviews. It is going slowly because, I'm finding I'm rereading them because, I love them all!
              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              JM BLOG UPDATE

              Lori K. writes: “I was curious if there was any truth behind this “rumor” that if the Screen Actors Guild goes on strike that it’ll affect Joe Flanigan and Jason Momoa finishing off the fifth season?”

              Answer: If SAG strikes, it will certainly affect Joe and Jason who are SAG members.

              Squall78 writes: “Based on how the show is doing success wise now and if the trend continues, do you see the show going past 5 seasons?”

              Answer: 10 seasons may be too much to hope for, but certainly a healthy 7 or so isn’t outside the realm of possibility.

              Doci21787 writes: “1. Will we ever see any ori in stargate atlantis? 2. Is Baal ever going to atlantis? 3. Is Oma gone for good?”

              Answers: 1. Unlikely. 2. No plans for Baal in SGA at present. 3. That’s a question for Robert Cooper.

              Majorsal writes: “what happened to the deleted scene where sam and keller were talking and sam mentioned a not-so-subtle hint about ‘that guy in washington’ (jack)? you said you’d either a- put it (deleted scene) in the s4 dvd package, or b- put the same sentiments in an s5 ep. or you’d do both maybe”

              Answer: Martin chose the deleted scenes from his episodes. I’m not sure if this one was among them.

              Jimbo writes: “Towards the end of StargateG1’s run it seemed like Tealc was carrying and using earth based weaponry instead of his staff weapon or Zaat. Was this done to save FX costs and if not why?”

              Answer: It was felt that Teal’c had adapted to battling with Earth-based weaponry over the years and that said weaponry was more efficient than the unwieldy staff weapon. Also, Chris preferred the earth tech.

              Catriona writes: “The original version mentioned Weir. The revised version did not. Obviously Weir was mentioned, but you didn’t seem to want to have what was said about her in print.”

              Answer: I didn’t edit the article and I didn’t ask that any references be removed, only clarified. I believe the reason the sentence didn’t appear in the revised version was because it was hard to make out what it was I had actually said (as I mentioned in a previous post, a problem in these phone interviews). As to what it was I said: don’t recall. But, given the context, it no doubt had something to do with the fact that some Weir fans were upset with the creative decisions made.

              Malhoney writes: “How do difficult characters become fleshed out (if they do)? My guess would be that it would be a sort of group effort, with writers, producers, actors, directors maybe contributing, but, then again, maybe not.”

              Answer: It’s always a group effort.

              Kristen writes: “ 1.Have you ever read “House of Leaves” by Mark Danielewski? 2.Did you catch the bowl games? I hated the ‘traditional’ match ups. Would have preferred to see Ga vs. USC. 3.Does Carson’s return have anything to do with events from “Misbegotten”? 4.For Sheppard fans, besides “Outcast” any angsty character moments of emotional ones to look forward to? What about whump? Sorry had to ask.”

              Answers: I haven’t. Recommended? 2. Some. Yeah, a Trogans-Bulldogs match-up would have been fun. 3. Carson’s return? He’s coming back? 4. Possibly Last Man.
              DUDE! This how I know that MrsB is definitely back! You Da Bomb MrsB!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Title: Enough
                Summary: As he left the mess hall, he smiled. For now, it was enough.
                Characters: John, Teyla, Kanan
                Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
                Rating: T
                Spoilers: Missing, Seer
                It wasn’t that he intended it to turn out the way it did.

                In fact, if he was honest, he hadn’t really intended anything; especially not with so many people around. It was just that when his lips touched her skin... hell, he wasn’t sure what actually happened – all he knew was that he couldn’t stop his lips from seeking out hers.

                And even as these thoughts flitted through his mind, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. It wasn’t the type of kiss that sent blood rushing to certain parts of his anatomy – not that it didn’t, anyway – but more that of... hell, he wasn’t sure at all but it felt undeniably right. It wasn’t like the kiss – ha! – that they’d shared over a year ago when she’d shown up at his door after What Had Happened; it didn’t hold the same passionate want, undying need, the heart-wrenching desperation that occurred when one seeks comfort - desperate refuge - from the pains of the world in another.

                No. This was like coming home. Layered love, consumed by a world of lies and facets and things that could go so horribly wrong and John felt something inside of him burst at the feeling.

                And he’d tried to kid himself that he’d gotten over her.


                He somehow managed to stop his hands from rising to her hair and pulling her body closer to his, needing to feel her warmth closer to him, yet he couldn’t quite tear his lips from hers. He wasn’t sure how long they’d been like that but his thoughts were starting to make it awkward for him to be kissing her in that way with his hands at his side, hovering somewhere way past platonic but not quite anywhere else.

                He pulled back hesitantly, his body screaming in protest, trying to urge his lips back to hers for some more welcoming warmth but he denied it and leant away, his fingers coming up to brush a light caress over her cheek bones and sought her eyes. Uncertainly, she smiled up at him before her eyes darted over his shoulder, effectively breaking whatever spell they’d been under. John followed her gaze and noticed that, conspicuously, no one was watching them, their eyes all carefully placed elsewhere. Except one pair that, once John’s eyes caught the green orbs, lowered their lids in sad knowing, before turning their body away and adjusting the small bundle in his arms.

                He turned back to Teyla and saw that her eyes were on her husband also, and John felt something inside of him creak in protest at the pensive look in her eyes. He reached his hand out and touched her arm and she jerked slightly before turning to him, apology written on her features. He saw her lips moving, trying to form words that he was sure were an apology. But an apology was not what he saw in her eyes.

                And, for John, it was enough.

                He leaned in again, brushed a kiss to her cheek and this time resisted the urge to further it and murmured gently in to her ear,

                “Happy New Year, Teyla.”

                He faltered when he pulled away, his lips catching the edge of hers, his hand coming to rest involuntarily on her hip. He saw her take a small breath and turn her head slightly to his.

                “You too, John.”

                He watched as she walked away, taking the small bundle from Kanan’s arms and spared him one more glance, followed by a small smile. John laid his drink down on a nearby table and ran a hand through his longer than normal hair.

                As he left the mess hall, he smiled.

                For now, it was enough.

                Woohoo!!! That was HOT! And WOW, in front of Kanan too! Gotta love it! LOL! Thank you so much!!!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  My latest fic is up guys....I hope you like it..It's all complete so I will be posting it in between days...

                  Let me know what you think....

                  Awesome job, Camy!!! Left you a review!

                  Danielle, welcome to the J/T thread!!!!!!

                  Padme, I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs!

                  More AWESOME artwork everyone!!!!! I'm too far behind to name them all, but just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the beautiful things to look at and enjoy!!!! It is much appreciated!!!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by seldear View Post
                    The Twelve Days Of Teyla has started up!

                    It's hosted at the TeylaFen LJ and is eagerly awaiting people to come in and participate with fic and graphics about Teyla and the John/Teyla pairing.

                    Hey Sel! How are we doing with participation on this one?
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Hey, LC!

                      I still want know where Jess send Bren & Shla. That story too funny and sexy at the same time.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        This is my favorite quote:
                        Complicating the situation are Sheppard's hidden feelings for Teyla. Even before the infected Sheppard planted a kiss on Teyla, viewers speculated there were sparks igniting between the two friends." My take on the relationship is the audience is not far from the truth," smiles Luttrell.

                        That made my night last night.
                        Oh, mine too! LOL! Thanks to Camy for scanning the article, now everyone can read the whole thing! Woohoo! Even with JM saying no outright romance, we know there are plans for sublty, just like this. Awww!!!! Love that!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Title: Enough
                          Summary: As he left the mess hall, he smiled. For now, it was enough.
                          Characters: John, Teyla, Kanan
                          Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
                          Rating: T
                          Spoilers: Missing, Seer
                          It wasn’t that he intended it to turn out the way it did.

                          In fact, if he was honest, he hadn’t really intended anything; especially not with so many people around. It was just that when his lips touched her skin... hell, he wasn’t sure what actually happened – all he knew was that he couldn’t stop his lips from seeking out hers.

                          And even as these thoughts flitted through his mind, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. It wasn’t the type of kiss that sent blood rushing to certain parts of his anatomy – not that it didn’t, anyway – but more that of... hell, he wasn’t sure at all but it felt undeniably right. It wasn’t like the kiss – ha! – that they’d shared over a year ago when she’d shown up at his door after What Had Happened; it didn’t hold the same passionate want, undying need, the heart-wrenching desperation that occurred when one seeks comfort - desperate refuge - from the pains of the world in another.

                          No. This was like coming home. Layered love, consumed by a world of lies and facets and things that could go so horribly wrong and John felt something inside of him burst at the feeling.

                          And he’d tried to kid himself that he’d gotten over her.


                          He somehow managed to stop his hands from rising to her hair and pulling her body closer to his, needing to feel her warmth closer to him, yet he couldn’t quite tear his lips from hers. He wasn’t sure how long they’d been like that but his thoughts were starting to make it awkward for him to be kissing her in that way with his hands at his side, hovering somewhere way past platonic but not quite anywhere else.

                          He pulled back hesitantly, his body screaming in protest, trying to urge his lips back to hers for some more welcoming warmth but he denied it and leant away, his fingers coming up to brush a light caress over her cheek bones and sought her eyes. Uncertainly, she smiled up at him before her eyes darted over his shoulder, effectively breaking whatever spell they’d been under. John followed her gaze and noticed that, conspicuously, no one was watching them, their eyes all carefully placed elsewhere. Except one pair that, once John’s eyes caught the green orbs, lowered their lids in sad knowing, before turning their body away and adjusting the small bundle in his arms.

                          He turned back to Teyla and saw that her eyes were on her husband also, and John felt something inside of him creak in protest at the pensive look in her eyes. He reached his hand out and touched her arm and she jerked slightly before turning to him, apology written on her features. He saw her lips moving, trying to form words that he was sure were an apology. But an apology was not what he saw in her eyes.

                          And, for John, it was enough.

                          He leaned in again, brushed a kiss to her cheek and this time resisted the urge to further it and murmured gently in to her ear,

                          “Happy New Year, Teyla.”

                          He faltered when he pulled away, his lips catching the edge of hers, his hand coming to rest involuntarily on her hip. He saw her take a small breath and turn her head slightly to his.

                          “You too, John.”

                          He watched as she walked away, taking the small bundle from Kanan’s arms and spared him one more glance, followed by a small smile. John laid his drink down on a nearby table and ran a hand through his longer than normal hair.

                          As he left the mess hall, he smiled.

                          For now, it was enough.
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post

                            Fate. Chapter 14:

                            After Teyla leaves with her husband, John’s jealousy and mistrust towards Kanan starts to get him upset. The more he thinks of him with Teyla the faster his heart rate goes. Before too long his heart monitor goes off and it startles him. Keller comes into his room quickly to check on him.

                            “Colonel? Is there something wrong?” Keller asks with a stressed tone.

                            John shakes his head slowly and winces when he moves his head.

                            “Oh. I’m sorry Colonel. That tube must be really bothering you. I believe you’ve been up long enough to remove it.”

                            John gives her a relieved look. He is also glad that she didn’t know why he was really upset.

                            “Ok Colonel Sheppard, after I take this out you’re throat will be sore for a little while. So, I’d rather you not talk until it feels better. I’ll get you a tablet so you can play computer games or write out anything you want to say,” explains Keller. “ It will only be temporary.”

                            A few minutes later, Ronon and Rodney show up with big grins on their faces.

                            “It’s good to see you up Sheppard,” says Ronon.

                            “You had us worried. We didn’t think that you were…” begins Rodney.

                            Ronon interrupts, “McKay!”

                            “What!” Rodney whines.

                            John begins to roll his eyes, but he also has an amused smile on his face.

                            “Well, we almost did lose him and if it wasn’t for Carson, we wouldn’t have found Teyla either,” Rodney remarks with an attitude.

                            John clears his throat, but his voice is still scratchy, “Teyla mentioned Carson too.”

                            Rodney is excited, “It was weird at first when I was the only one that saw him at first, but when it came to rescue Teyla he showed himself to Sam and Ronon too. He told us that he had ascended.”

                            “How?” John struggles to speak.

                            “We don’t know. He left before he could tell us,” Ronon answers.

                            “Actually, I was able to find out,” Rodney begins with a smug look on his face.

                            “Before we returned Elizabeth’s stuff to the SGC, I download some data from her laptop onto a zip-drive,” boast Rodney.

                            “Rodney!” John reprimands painfully and grabs his throat.

                            “Well, it’s a good thing I did. Do you want to know or not?” snips Rodney.

                            John reluctantly nods his head yes.

                            “Well, I guess only a few people know this and she doesn’t say who, but Elizabeth was there with Carson before he died. Well, I mean before he ascended. She said he was in a lot pain, but before someone was able to get him any morphine, she was able to calm him down a little and focus on trying to ascend. The rest is history,” explains Rodney.

                            For a brief moment everyone is silent in aw, but Ronon breaks the quietness.

                            “Has anyone seen Teyla yet?” asks Ronon.

                            “She was here when I woke up and just left not that long ago with him,” John says with a clearer voice.

                            “Him?” Rodney begins, but he sees a side look from Ronon. “Oh! Him.”

                            “Something about him makes me uncomfortable,” says Ronon.

                            “You too!” interjects John.

                            “What? Why don’t you trust him,” questions Rodney.

                            John contorts his face, “I don’t know, but it’s just a feeling I have.”

                            “Well, you better not let Teyla know you have these feelings. Otherwise, she might have some choice words for you,” suggests Rodney.

                            “As much as I hate to say it, but McKay has a point,” agrees Ronon.

                            John releases a big sigh, “I know, but I still think we should keep an eye on him.”

                            Ronon nods in agreement.

                            Aww, the boys looking out for Teyla! Thank you sooo much for the update!!!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                              As promised ... Interlude 4

                              You don't need to read anything before it. You just need to know that in EC's perfect Atlantis bubble ...

                              Season Four Spoiler:
                              ... John is the daddy.

                              Okay, that totally made my WEEK! *Grins* Thank you so much!!! Once again, I love your take on adding the subtlies of a relationship while still keeping in tone with the Stargate universe. Absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much!! Now I just have to sit back and wait impatiently for Relic. Speaking of which, will Relic be a continuation of this storyline or separate since you originally started that one first?
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Woohoo!!! That was HOT! And WOW, in front of Kanan too! Gotta love it! LOL! Thank you so much!!!
                                Hahaha, thanks dude. It was supposed to be longer - I'd even written more into it but it just didn't seem right. Thank you, yet again, for your kind words!
                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Your writing just never ceases to amaze me! NICELY DONE!
                                And you never cease to make me blush with your compliments on my writing. Ergo, a good team we make, lol.

                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                I take it you liked it then? Lol. Thank ye
                                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

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