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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Maff -
    Well apparently the East Coast, Maff Galaxy, and the Caribbean share the same time!!! Hey do you know any pirates lol C'mon I had to ask


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Alright, I better get back to work now. And see if I can get these five Fridays off. LOL!

      Have a great night/morning everyone!!!!
      Bye LC

      Elf- I took your what scifi person are you quiz

      I'm like Luke Skywalker(I love that)
      Wraith villain(I sucked the life out of people HA!)
      And Babylon 5 group (go figure as I'm always in space)


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        OK, quick post and then I have to catch up on thread. LOL
        Don't forget tomorrow is MP day.

        Sacrifice. Part 4:



        John, Rodney, Ronon and a couple squads of Marines are getting ready to take off in two jumpers. Sam is in the control room waiting for them to enter the gate room.
        The wormhole activates and the technician announces that its an off world activation and that it’s Teyla’s IDC. Sam quickly informs John and the rest of the teams. John immediately leaves the jumper room and runs to the gate room. Ronon, Keller and Rodney follow right behind him.
        By the time John gets to the gate room the wormhole closes. What site he had in front of him was not what he was expecting. The lost Athosians were now standing in front of him. He scans the crowd looking for Teyla, but instead he sees a tall familiar face. It was Halling.
        Halling walks through the crowd to reach John. John smiles at him and tells him how glad that they are back safely. As John talks to Halling, he looks around him continuing to look for Teyla and his men.
        “Where’s Teyla?” Ronon asks.
        John sees the somber look on Halling face, “And where are my men?”
        John is about to continue when he begins to hear a baby cry. Halling lowers his eyes as a woman steps forward with a newborn baby. Sam covers her mouth as she gasps in disbelief. Rodney’s eyes open wide in fear. Ronon yells in frustration and Keller runs up to take the baby from the Athosian woman. She tells Sam that she’ll bring it the infirmary and Sam nods in silence. John stands quietly as he fights to suppress all of his feeling. He feels sick. He also feels that his legs are going to collapse from under him.
        He is startled back to reality when Halling places his hand on John’s shoulder. He looks straight into John’s eyes, “Teyla lives, but I’m afraid that your men may not be. We were held hostage by one who is not fully Wraith...”
        “Michael,” Rodney interjects.
        Halling continues, “That is correct.” John turns to get ready to leave, but Halling stops him. “Please Colonel Sheppard. I have a message that Teyla has asked me to tell only you. Is there a place we can talk in private?” John nods at him with worried eyes and leads him to the conference room.
        When they get there, Halling sits down and asks John to do the same, but he stays standing and begins to pace. “Colonel, this is going to be complicated. I need you to listen.”
        “I’m listening Halling. Go ahead,” John responds and he stops his pacing.
        “First, I would like express my sadness over Dr. Weir’s absent.” John nods. He lets out a deep sigh. “Teyla has told me that not that long ago the people of Atlantis got sick and some of you lost some of your memories, including you.” John nods and shows a confused look on his face. Halling pause briefly, “Teyla told me how upset you were when you found out that she was pregnant. And with us being missing she did not know how to tell you.”
        “Tell me what Halling?” John asks with a slight angry tone.
        “The child that we brought back to Atlantis is indeed Teyla’s, but it is also yours,” Halling pauses for John’s reaction.
        Confusion fills his face and he finally sits down in front of Halling. “When. When did… Did she say?” asks John.
        “There was a night when all had gone wrong, before we were taken away. It was the day you lost Dr. Weir. Teyla said it was a night that you comforted each other,” Halling stops
        More confused than before John looks up at Halling, “The baby. It’s mine?”
        Halling nods his head, “Yes John. He is your son. Teyla named him, Tagan Jonathan Sheppard.
        A tear rolls down his face, “I have a son.” He gets up and is about ready to leave the room.
        “Where are you going?” asks Halling.
        “I’m going to get Teyla,” answers John.
        Halling stands up and walks to John, “But I have told you this because Teyla does not want her son not to have a father. She sacrificed herself so that we could all be saved.”
        John’s eyes squinted in anger, “What do you mean she sacrificed herself?”
        “She agreed to do whatever Michael wanted with her in order to save us. She did not want you to go after her.” John starts to head towards the door again. “John. She does not want her child to be without a father!” Halling yells as John walks away.
        John stops briefly, “My son should not be without his mother and I’m not going to let that monster do anything to her. I will bring her back!”

        *waits, which is hard to do for this cat* Scifan:....
        that's.. that's... thatthatthat... is so amazing! I like how you wrote John in that! it is JUST HOW HE WOULD ACT, I would LOVE to see this on the show!!!!!!

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by maffieg View Post
          Bye LC

          Elf- I took your what scifi person are you quiz

          I'm like Luke Skywalker(I love that)
          Wraith villain(I sucked the life out of people HA!)
          And Babylon 5 group (go figure as I'm always in space)
          I got Teyla, the Wraith and actuially a toss up of the crews of the Falcon from Star Wars, Firefly, and SG-1..... I'm going with SG-1, they got all the nifty weapons

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

            This actually brings me to why I came here tonight in the first place! You want to know how pathetic I am? I'm at work at the moment, staring at my vacation calendar for the rest of the year, trying to figure out which Friday nights I want to schedule off as vacation time so I can be home when SGA airs. I'm trying to figure out which are the most likely J/T eps! LOL!

            So yep, I am actually using up precious vacation time in order to see SGA air live instead of three hours later when I would normally get home from work. I can't stand the thought of being at work for those three torturous hours knowing a new ep is waiting for me at home. But alas, I can't take every Friday off unfortunately. I'm thinking, Reunion, Doppleganger, Tabula Rasa, and The Seer for the first 10 eps. What do you guys think??

            LOL! don't worry Steph, i'm already crossing my fingers and praying in advance that my friends don't ask me to go out on Friday nights till season 4 is over! LOL!. Or atleast i come up with some good excuse to give them!

            Yes!!! you can't forget about Missing!...Oh and don't forget Kindred 1 and 2!. They sound like it could very well involve Teyla!.

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              One of my friends is helping me with all the pics. She also happens to the up and pastor of my church. Slowly, but surely as the journey continues we will share it with the congregation as my testimony. She is also behind me 100%. I really blessed to have a strong support system for this. If did not, I would not be able to do it. And, that includes you guys in here and the whump thread.
              You have my support and utmost respect! You are an inspiration to me!!


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Alright, I better get back to work now. And see if I can get these five Fridays off. LOL!

                Have a great night/morning everyone!!!!
                'Night LC! Thank you!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Sci - AHHH!! Awesome!!!
                  I was wondering what you were gonna do with the babys father! May Tabula Rasa bring on the angst lol This is so great! Go get her Shep!!

                  And Congrats on 3700!!


                    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                    LOL! don't worry Steph, i'm already crossing my fingers and praying in advance that my friends don't ask me to go out on Friday nights till season 4 is over! LOL!. Or atleast i come up with some good excuse to give them!

                    Yes!!! you can't forget about Missing!...Oh and don't forget Kindred 1 and 2!. They sound like it could very well involve Teyla!.
                    far as I know there are three Teyla Centeric episodes, Both of Kindred, and Missing..... sadly I have to weait until the season comes to DVD to see both eppies, I refer to Kindred as one LONg episode because it is in two parts

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      AMAZING UPDATE SCI!! Keep writing, we're an impatient bunch.

                      Hm, MP day tomorrow? I'd better get the creative juices flowing, haven't had a good idea all week. No worries, I can just marvel at the cleverness of all you other ladies.
                      || twitter || tumblr ||


                        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                        Congrats Teylia and MrsB on 2100++

                        for our puuurrrrfect feline:

                        and MrsB... I feel for some horror

                        Fic writers like ruby, scifan, mrsb, teyilia and others love your fics and I want more. Pretty please.


                        I have no problem with him being back. The only thing is I wanted Teyla to be around to finish the beating he justly deserves. Guess shep can always shoot him.

                        Haven't seen that show Mrs.b
                        It's up now Maff.

                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        I've said or stated JT. I tried Sheyla but, it just didn't sound right to me.

                        Woohoo. 15 days!!!!!


                          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                          AMAZING UPDATE SCI!! Keep writing, we're an impatient bunch.

                          Hm, MP day tomorrow? I'd better get the creative juices flowing, haven't had a good idea all week. No worries, I can just marvel at the cleverness of all you other ladies.

                          FOr Everyones Info, it is hard as heck to tell what gender a half Wraith, Half feline is, so right now you may rightly call me..... Kitty or Tey or my username here on gateworld

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Ok JM BLOG has about five minutes to update before i go to sleep. Zzzzzz......


                              I don't think he's gonna update, mostly after yeaturdays posting.... poor guy

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                OK, quick post and then I have to catch up on thread. LOL
                                Don't forget tomorrow is MP day.

                                Sacrifice. Part 4:



                                John, Rodney, Ronon and a couple squads of Marines are getting ready to take off in two jumpers. Sam is in the control room waiting for them to enter the gate room.
                                The wormhole activates and the technician announces that its an off world activation and that it’s Teyla’s IDC. Sam quickly informs John and the rest of the teams. John immediately leaves the jumper room and runs to the gate room. Ronon, Keller and Rodney follow right behind him.
                                By the time John gets to the gate room the wormhole closes. What site he had in front of him was not what he was expecting. The lost Athosians were now standing in front of him. He scans the crowd looking for Teyla, but instead he sees a tall familiar face. It was Halling.
                                Halling walks through the crowd to reach John. John smiles at him and tells him how glad that they are back safely. As John talks to Halling, he looks around him continuing to look for Teyla and his men.
                                “Where’s Teyla?” Ronon asks.
                                John sees the somber look on Halling face, “And where are my men?”
                                John is about to continue when he begins to hear a baby cry. Halling lowers his eyes as a woman steps forward with a newborn baby. Sam covers her mouth as she gasps in disbelief. Rodney’s eyes open wide in fear. Ronon yells in frustration and Keller runs up to take the baby from the Athosian woman. She tells Sam that she’ll bring it the infirmary and Sam nods in silence. John stands quietly as he fights to suppress all of his feeling. He feels sick. He also feels that his legs are going to collapse from under him.
                                He is startled back to reality when Halling places his hand on John’s shoulder. He looks straight into John’s eyes, “Teyla lives, but I’m afraid that your men may not be. We were held hostage by one who is not fully Wraith...”
                                “Michael,” Rodney interjects.
                                Halling continues, “That is correct.” John turns to get ready to leave, but Halling stops him. “Please Colonel Sheppard. I have a message that Teyla has asked me to tell only you. Is there a place we can talk in private?” John nods at him with worried eyes and leads him to the conference room.
                                When they get there, Halling sits down and asks John to do the same, but he stays standing and begins to pace. “Colonel, this is going to be complicated. I need you to listen.”
                                “I’m listening Halling. Go ahead,” John responds and he stops his pacing.
                                “First, I would like express my sadness over Dr. Weir’s absent.” John nods. He lets out a deep sigh. “Teyla has told me that not that long ago the people of Atlantis got sick and some of you lost some of your memories, including you.” John nods and shows a confused look on his face. Halling pause briefly, “Teyla told me how upset you were when you found out that she was pregnant. And with us being missing she did not know how to tell you.”
                                “Tell me what Halling?” John asks with a slight angry tone.
                                “The child that we brought back to Atlantis is indeed Teyla’s, but it is also yours,” Halling pauses for John’s reaction.
                                Confusion fills his face and he finally sits down in front of Halling. “When. When did… Did she say?” asks John.
                                “There was a night when all had gone wrong, before we were taken away. It was the day you lost Dr. Weir. Teyla said it was a night that you comforted each other,” Halling stops
                                More confused than before John looks up at Halling, “The baby. It’s mine?”
                                Halling nods his head, “Yes John. He is your son. Teyla named him, Tagan Jonathan Sheppard.
                                A tear rolls down his face, “I have a son.” He gets up and is about ready to leave the room.
                                “Where are you going?” asks Halling.
                                “I’m going to get Teyla,” answers John.
                                Halling stands up and walks to John, “But I have told you this because Teyla does not want her son not to have a father. She sacrificed herself so that we could all be saved.”
                                John’s eyes squinted in anger, “What do you mean she sacrificed herself?”
                                “She agreed to do whatever Michael wanted with her in order to save us. She did not want you to go after her.” John starts to head towards the door again. “John. She does not want her child to be without a father!” Halling yells as John walks away.
                                John stops briefly, “My son should not be without his mother and I’m not going to let that monster do anything to her. I will bring her back!”

                                This just keeps getting better and better! I'm hooked scifan

                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                there is no blood, just a really burned neck which is now ash grey because of a half kilowatt of power from the lovely new necklace Teyla has on started up and the button to have it on got stuck down meaning it was on for a half hour and now her neck is all.... ash....y

                                I'm about half a lightyear from your galaxy Maff... I think
                                Good then I'll check it out.

                                I guess that means your my neighbour!

                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Maff -
                                Well apparently the East Coast, Maff Galaxy, and the Caribbean share the same time!!! Hey do you know any pirates lol C'mon I had to ask
                                Apparently, the time is similar. Of course I KNOW pirates....Only they tend to smell terribly of fish...
                                Don't believe everything you see none looks like Johnny D or Orlando

