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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    I didn't know you were Psychic Yeah it's ok when your inside but it's murder to drive in....I could barely drive up the Brae the Car was sliding all over the place!
    Yeah that's the downside to snow... still love it though!

    Good morning MrsB!

    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      Afternoon ladies lol

      No matter the time, its still freezing here lol

      One more day till SGA! Hope the ep is a good one.


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Afternoon ladies lol

        No matter the time, its still freezing here lol

        One more day till SGA! Hope the ep is a good one.
        Yeah can't wait! Woo!!

        I hate the xmas break... grr...

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          Yeah can't wait! Woo!!

          I hate the xmas break... grr...
          LOL You hate Xmas break or you hate the end of Xmas break??

          So I wasnt around for a few days, has anyone here attempted to decipher all those clues from JM's poem?

          The engagement= Rodney/Katie??

          The death close to Rodney= Katie?

          The relationship blossoming= Ronon/Keller?


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            Thank you so much EC for posting the link for Reconcilation!
            Note: If I have already thanked you for this, just consider it some more love!

            I really love the fics by the way! I can read today but, I can not spell worth anything! Sorry!

            I just needed to post this 'cuz I love this cap!...
            OUCH!!! That has gotta hurt....
            I LOVE IT!!!

            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            I hadn't heard about that either. it's pants because some other shows I watch are already affected by the writer's strike, so I only hope that the Actors don't go on strike now too BOOOOOOOOOO!
            Yeah tell me about it...Criminal Minds,Bones.....GRRrrrrrrr!!

            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            I. Am. Done.

            Deception is complete!!! See my resolution to complete projects is already going well, LOL. I hope y'all like it!
            WOOHOO,off to read in a mo!!!

            Originally posted by Deborah View Post
            This is off-topic I know, but if any of you are or have been a disgruntled shipper at some point and are a fan of BBC's Robin Hood, this may interest you.

            If you are aware of the events of the Season 2 finale, there's a petition to
            Save Marian
            or at least make your opinion known:

            I'm so disappointed at the moment, all my ships are unfolding in front of me - and to top it off:

            Warning - Spoiler for The Mummy 3

            Now hang on a minute
            Where the hell is Rachel Weisz.....No no that is unacceptible.....They can't have someone else replace Rachel.....No Rachel no watchy!

            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

            I'm totally POd that they killed Marian, mostly because they've completely shot themselves in the foot for series three. They're idiots. However, I think it would be way worse if they bring her back in some tacky 'it was all a dream' way or whatever. Though as I was saying to MrsB the other day I think Lucy Griffiths will still be in the show, as a kind of memory haunting Robin and Guy.

            As for the Mummy - stupid, right? I mean, the story's not even about Evie, it's about Rick and Alex in China, so why not just not have Evie in the film? I really hate it when film makers do that kind of thing.

            I din't watch the new Robin Hood that's on but wait.....Did i get this right....They killed Marion.....They can't do that,it's just not right...I mean Robin and Marion,it's always about Robin and Marion...It's like killingBonnie from Bonnie and Clyde.....One doesn't work without the other,that's just the way it is.......They've made a right boob of it there!!

            OT Check view from my House...The one's with Snow were taken today!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              LOL You hate Xmas break or you hate the end of Xmas break??

              So I wasnt around for a few days, has anyone here attempted to decipher all those clues from JM's poem?

              The engagement= Rodney/Katie??

              The death close to Rodney= Katie?

              The relationship blossoming= Ronon/Keller?
              Nope but JM did say they were from S4 and beginning S5 eps that haven't aired yet and once the eps have aired he would explain it to us!

              So do you think Katie Brown will die,i hope so...I find her very boring!


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Nope but JM did say they were from S4 and beginning S5 eps that haven't aired yet and once the eps have aired he would explain it to us!

                So do you think Katie Brown will die,i hope so...I find her very boring!
                For some reason I always thought she would die. I think her relationship with Rodney is a very "safe" place and to take that away from Rodney, on top of everything else that has darkened his heart would make for a very intresting storyline for him.


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  For some reason I always thought she would die. I think her relationship with Rodney is a very "safe" place and to take that away from Rodney, on top of everything else that has darkened his heart would make for a very intresting storyline for him.
                  I still think it would have been far better if it was Rodney and Cadman together,now that relationship would be anything but Boring

                  mmmmm,MrsB,very nice avatar!


                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Title: Torpid
                    Summary: Because being alone with nought for company but the multitude of marine creatures was exactly what John Sheppard needed.
                    Characters: John, Graham
                    Pairing: John/Teyla, John/Nancy, Teyla/Kanan.
                    Rating: K
                    Spoilers: Missing, Seer
                    Great job Laura!!!!!

                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Sad but yet sweet...
                    I'm glad that John felt that he would know how to be there for her this time... cool that he felt the baby kick... a little something getting them closer together... and just how he tells her he will always be there for her,, and her slip up of telling him she loves him...yup I bet he could sleep well with some Teyla dreams that night
                    Thanks Nina for all the kind words.

                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Hi guys...THANK YOU to all for the GREAT reviews....

                    It means the world to me...I actually didn't get any reviews in the fandom that I actually wrote it for...*sighs*

                    You can't win them all, I guess! Let me know if it works cause fanfic was giving me a hard time!

                    Here's chapter 2....

                    Awesome Job Camy!!! I left a review.

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Sci - Awesome quick fic.
                    Thanak MrsB!!

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    JM BLOG UPDATE
                    I wonder how they will work it if they do have to go on strike.
                    Let hope that doesn't happen.

                    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                    Sci, I read your update for Fate, very nice! I am glad to see that John and Ronon know that something is off with you know who.
                    Thanks Hope.
                    Sorry I forgot to PM you.

                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Aww, the boys looking out for Teyla! Thank you sooo much for the update!!!
                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Awww! Sci, that was so sweet! I really enjoyed it! Thank you!!!
                    Thanks Steph. I'm really glad you liked them both.

                    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                    Sci, that is so sweet!
                    Thanks Again Hope.

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Sci, I take it you changed the end of fate and made it longer? I will read it, I promise I will
                    Yeah. Sorry Laura.
                    I started an epilogue and it was getting to big. I was planning to do a few chapters, but it's got a mind of it's own. LOL.
                    Take your time hun. Most of it is on


                      The poem, you know I haven't really studied it until now... let's have a think...


                      The brilliant one slowly loses his mind,
                      Obviously McKay... maybe The Last Man?
                      While a group of replacements puts the team in a bind.
                      Hmm... no idea. Maybe the replicator-made team makes another appearance - we know the John survived the crash. But that's unlikely.
                      Wallace’s research a menace let loose.
                      That's most likely the replicator on Earth.
                      The key to success is compress not diffuse.
                      Something to do with a strategy in dealing with the Wraith or the Replicators... who knows?
                      A relationship blossoms, an engagement is planned.
                      I'd agree with Ronon and Jennifer, and also Rodney and Katie.
                      An old enemy sweeps down and gains the upper hand.
                      Michael! Wahoo!
                      In an underground chamber the trio is stuck,
                      While Sheppard battles some really bad luck.
                      Could be anything...
                      A corpse is discovered and John plays detective.
                      ...Could be to do with the replicator in Outcast.
                      The city assailed by mutations infective.
                      Could it be that Atlantis is attacked by Mikey's bug people? Or maybe there's some kind of infectious disease that is the reason the city is deserted in The Last Man.
                      Call the doctor from Earth to help us take action,
                      Dr Lee? Dr Lam? Probably the former.
                      As the death of a loved one spurs McKay into action.
                      I know that hardly anyone like Katie, I think it will be sad if she dies, though I can't think of anything else this could mean.
                      Get talked into escorting a precocious young brat.
                      The experiment’s minions the team will combat.
                      So the team meet the bugs.
                      A battle is waged on the defender’s home field,
                      Ooh they take the fight to the Wraith. Or the replicators. Or maybe the replicators and the wraith have a huge battle.
                      And the means of production is fully revealed.
                      Wraith birth. Ew.
                      Two warriors head off an incursion on Earth.
                      Ronon and Teal'c in Midway - I can't WAIT for this ep!!
                      A mission is snagged by an untimely birth.
                      I think this might be the wraith birth, rather than Teyla... or maybe it's more bugs hatching...
                      The status quo shifts, a power play made.
                      ??? Michael against the other Wraith?
                      The arrival of this one leave some feeling dismayed.
                      Larrin on Atlantis?
                      An old friend returns, loyalties are reversed,
                      Carson ... and who knows?
                      And a ghost from the past has us fearing the worst.
                      Huh. No idea.
                      Atlantis the target of a mysterious race,
                      Ooh, intriguing. But again - no idea.
                      While myriad permutations are viewed from space.

                      Best I can do.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Hi, I am just loving these two every moment I watch Season 1, I bought Season 1 yesterday and plan to buy season 2 and 3 at a later date. I am going to rent Season 2 and three on Netflix right now.

                        I love the episode "Home". I think it was cute that he took her on a shopping spree (to bad it wasnt real Teyla could of kept the outfits), A friend of mine thought he would of shown her what a Ferris Wheel was.

                        I have to go to work (I amon my work computer!) now.


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Nope but JM did say they were from S4 and beginning S5 eps that haven't aired yet and once the eps have aired he would explain it to us!

                          So do you think Katie Brown will die,i hope so...I find her very boring!
                          I think Katie will die, no one is allowed to have a relationship onscreen in the Pegasus Galaxy. If our characters looks like they may be forming a deeper relationship, then either a love interest has to appear from nowhere for them, or someone has to die. And if anyone announces that they are in a relationship, we are just expected to form our own scenario about how they found the time to fall in love and decide to start a family, and that saves all that annoying romance that may turn the show into a soap opera.. yeah right.
                          I'm not that bothered by Katie and Rodney once we don't get too much of it but I do have a feeling that Katie will die, and then everyone will be up in arms because another beloved character has been killed off... eh who is Katie Brown again!!


                            Originally posted by DanielleG View Post
                            Hi, I am just loving these two every moment I watch Season 1, I bought Season 1 yesterday and plan to buy season 2 and 3 at a later date. I am going to rent Season 2 and three on Netflix right now.

                            I love the episode "Home". I think it was cute that he took her on a shopping spree (to bad it wasnt real Teyla could of kept the outfits), A friend of mine thought he would of shown her what a Ferris Wheel was.

                            I have to go to work (I amon my work computer!) now.

                            I think if it was real he probably would have but he figured out pretty early on that there was something not quite right!


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Has TeylaFan already gone? Lol she's gonna be annoyed - she's been nagging me for an update on this for over two weeks now...

                              Okay, brace yourself guys - I just updated Sleep Study!

                              What the heck is Sleep Study I hear you cry - it's a story I haven't updated in about three months, so here is a link to chapter one, so that you can read it from the beginning:


                              Hope you likey!
                              Damn! Just missed you lastnight, I'm so excited that you finally updated!! Squee! But... I don't have time to read it now.. 'Cause I have an appointment to get a haircut, as soon as I'm back I'm gonna read it!
                              And something else to squee about: It's SNOWING here!! In Holland it almost never snows..! So I'm happy today I'm off for now, see ya guys later!
                              *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                              “Because you can.”



                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                I think Katie will die, no one is allowed to have a relationship onscreen in the Pegasus Galaxy. If our characters looks like they may be forming a deeper relationship, then either a love interest has to appear from nowhere for them, or someone has to die. And if anyone announces that they are in a relationship, we are just expected to form our own scenario about how they found the time to fall in love and decide to start a family, and that saves all that annoying romance that may turn the show into a soap opera.. yeah right.
                                I'm not that bothered by Katie and Rodney once we don't get too much of it but I do have a feeling that Katie will die, and then everyone will be up in arms because another beloved character has been killed off... eh who is Katie Brown again!!
                                Beloved Character,Katie Brown......Aye right I'm sorry if i offend anyone that actually likes her but i almost fall asleep when she comes on...I find her extremely boring...Ok i'm beginning to sound like a broken record,i'll shut up now!

                                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                                Damn! Just missed you lastnight, I'm so excited that you finally updated!! Squee! But... I don't have time to read it now.. 'Cause I have an appointment to get a haircut, as soon as I'm back I'm gonna read it!
                                And something else to squee about: It's SNOWING here!! In Holland it almost never snows..! So I'm happy today I'm off for now, see ya guys later!
                                Kewl...You and me both got Snow!!!

