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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    WP,Congrats on 1300 posts!!!!

    Sorry hun.
    Thanks Auntie! I love those vids.

    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    This here fic is dedicated to you WP, for our lack of observational skills. This one is not evil (not so much anyway) and I hope you likes it

    Title: Evasion
    Summary: She's not even sure why she's avoiding him; all she knows is that it's habit now.
    Characters: John, Teyla
    Pairing: John/Teyla.
    Rating: K
    Spoilers: The Long Goodbye

    (cut for length)
    Oh, nice job Laura! You're a good writer.

    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Theres a Preview clip of the Seer on Yahoo here is the link
    and spme body capped the video there is even a couple of Shots of Shepard and Teyla
    Thanks for the links Donna!

    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    YAHOOOO!!!! (NOTE TO SELF: Give Darren as much green as possible ASAP!) I'm back I'm back I'm back! I live ey I'd seen the light!...... But it was a Drone coming (big boom here)

    Anyhoo now that I'm back Darren is a sweet guy go give him some green!! (side note he MIGHT be a JT'er too but don't quote me on that!)

    Ahem..... GUYS< what do you think of my "Merlin Knew About The Who?" snippet from my nano story?
    Kitty! Hey, how ya doin'?

    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    What??? Missed Milestone for WP....unacceptable..

    Happy 1300+ Posts WP

    You Rock!!!!

    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    how bout a pic guys:


    Camy'll kill me so I gonna post it in the galleria also. BRB.

    Aw, thanks Maff! Love the pic, too.

    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Lovely I don't understand why people can't see it.

    Here's a question for y'all.

    Besides, obviously, the kiss in Conversion, what is everyone's favourite JT moment. Not a scene but moment. For example, you can select the way Teyla hesitated then put her hand on John's shoulder in the fight/kiss scene but you can't select the kiss scene... comprendez?
    Ooh, that's tough. There are so many! Does the hug count? If not, then I'd probably have to go with either the infirmary scene at the end of "The Ark", or the end of "McKay and Mrs. Miller" where John teases Teyla. I liked that.
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      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      I think my fave JT scene/moment was in Rising (which I now own on DVD) when Teyla first smiles at John when he starts talking of Tea and food, the look in her eyes is actualy really neat to see, I'm unsure if there is insteant liking of the guy in front of her, or plain amusement.
      I just went to watch this scene... I totally agree John is pretty dang cute as well though
      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        Thanks Auntie! I love those vids.

        Oh, nice job Laura! You're a good writer.

        Ooh, that's tough. There are so many! Does the hug count? If not, then I'd probably have to go with either the infirmary scene at the end of "The Ark", or the end of "McKay and Mrs. Miller" where John teases Teyla. I liked that.

        Thanking ya! Glad you liked it! I like the scene at the end of M&MM... Cute, lol. Though why would you choose one where he's teasing her about liking someone else??? LOL
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Maff & DONNA - Spectacular artwork guys!!!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Mine would be the look on Teyla's face the moment John says he cares for her more than she knows...........
            Yup, this would be mine too.

            On a side note, I love Elizabeth's comment about how she figured Teyla would be the only one who would be able to find him.

            Can we tell that The Long Goodbye is one of my favorite episodes?
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Yup, this would be mine too.

              On a side note, I love Elizabeth's comment about how she figured Teyla would be the only one who would be able to find him.

              Can we tell that The Long Goodbye is one of my favorite episodes?
              I'm still divided about TLG. Elizabeth annoys me to no end in it (even tho it isn't her) but the Shepp/Teyla ness... does it even it up? I don't know.

              Can we tell I have insomnia and have nothing else to do?? Lol.
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                I'm still divided about TLG. Elizabeth annoys me to no end in it (even tho it isn't her) but the Shepp/Teyla ness... does it even it up? I don't know.

                Can we tell I have insomnia and have nothing else to do?? Lol.
                For me, it was an episode when Weir had spunk. I like spunk. But, the action in it...totally rocks! What can I say? I've been watching my hubby play too many video games over the years

                Plus, the JT factor...the fact Caldwell was in there...Rodney's defiance to him..Ronon getting shot and Carson having to do surgery in the dark.

                Ok...I'll be quiet now.
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Thanking ya! Glad you liked it! I like the scene at the end of M&MM... Cute, lol. Though why would you choose one where he's teasing her about liking someone else??? LOL
                  Because it says they're such good friends, and because she objects so adamantly.
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                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    I just went to watch this scene... I totally agree John is pretty dang cute as well though
                    The smile on his face in that scene of when they first meet is actually drop dead goofy, heck he's look at a hot alien babe ya know that?! FIRST TIME offworld too heck first time through the dang Stargate for that matter

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      How about the Return pt 1. John is packing up, ready to go...

                      He says "Before our paths uncross..." and eyes Teyla up and down... Then follows it up with "And popcorn, for yo-oh my god..."

                      I should go to bed and stop posting so many messages
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        I see that we're goin' thru some fav JT moments... mine? I CAN'T PICK! ah- there are so many!! ok, i absolutley LOVE the classic JT hug in Doppleganger! seriously, it = my life! but there are so many more... let's just say that i luv 'em all and that i could be here till kingdom come talking about each one!!! hehe actually, i could probably be here past kingdom come just rambling on and on and on and on and on and... well, you get the picture!!!


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          This here fic is dedicated to you WP, for our lack of observational skills. This one is not evil (not so much anyway) and I hope you likes it

                          Title: Evasion
                          Summary: She's not even sure why she's avoiding him; all she knows is that it's habit now.
                          Characters: John, Teyla
                          Pairing: John/Teyla.
                          Rating: K
                          Spoilers: The Long Goodbye


                          She opens her eyes and glances quickly to the ceiling, before closing them again and furrowing her brow. He has been trying to find her for almost as long as she has been trying to avoid him.

                          “I know you’re here.”

                          She peaks around the corner and sees him standing in the middle of the hallway looking around as though she had somehow disappeared into the walls. He’d come into the gym looking for her a few moments before and she’d tucked herself into one of the small cupboards in hopes of evading conversing with him. She knows it is ridiculous, childish even but she has made a habit of hiding from him that now it seems almost pointless to give up.

                          “Well, I think you are.”

                          She smiles at that and lowers her eyes as a smile graces her features. She shakes her head to dislodge the smile. She isn’t even sure anymore why she’s avoiding him.

                          “Look, all I wanna do is talk to you.”

                          She nods then. That’s why she’s avoiding him; she doesn’t want to talk to him. Not about that anyway and she knows that’s what he wants to talk about. There can be no other reason why he has been so laboriously looking for her.

                          Before she knows it, she’s stepped out of her hiding spot and is standing in full view of John Sheppard. He sees her and closes his mouth which was just about to speak again and they stare at one another. The moment drags on endlessly for Teyla and she chastises herself for succumbing to his words. She glances away from his imploring gaze uncomfortably and shuffles her feet.

                          “You’ve been avoiding me.”

                          She doesn’t recognise the tone in his voice, nor is she sure she really wants to. She can’t bring herself to look at him when he speaks to her like that. She wants to sink back into her self-imposed sanctuary and forget that she’s seen him, that he’s standing in front of her and that ridiculously, inconceivably she wants to talk to him because she can’t stand not talking to him. She sighs and bites her lip, looking away.


                          She raises her eyes to his then, hoping that he doesn’t see the sheen of tears there. She can’t appear weak in front of him. She turns away from him then and steps back into the gym, towards the dark window seat and curls herself up on the ledge. She can’t hear him following her but she knows he is; he always will.

                          “Teyla?” She is sure she can detect a hint of apprehension in his tone and she is sorry that she has caused it. “What’s wrong?” He places a hand on her shoulder and she flinches involuntary. She remembers there was a time when she would have relished his touch but over the past few weeks their moments alone have been strained and tedious and she’s sure there is something he’s not telling her. She glances to him then taking in his features; dark, handsome, rugged. He’s an attractive man, she knows – oh, how she knows; her midnight dreams remind her every night.

                          “Nothing is wrong,” she manages out past the sudden lump that has formed in her throat. She tries a smile and finds the muscles in her cheeks ache at the attempt.

                          “Now… I know you’re lying. You’ve been avoiding me ever since I was taken over by Thalen.”

                          She cringes at the mention of the impostor’s name and chances a furtive look in his direction. He’s staring at her with his guarded hazel eyes and she feels naked beneath the penetrating gaze.

                          “We have both been very busy lately. It has been a very productive year for the harvest on the mainland, the crops needed harvesting. Our missions have been difficult also. I assure you, Colonel, that my evasion is not intentional.” She still can’t bring herself to look at him even though he is standing right in front of her.

                          “I want to know why,” he continues as though she has said nothing. She frowns at him and he quirks an eyebrow in return, knowing that she hates it when he directs that cocky look at her. “And I’m not buying that crap about being busy. We’ve been busier, had more difficult missions and we still manage to make time for one another. I even offered to come to the mainland with you to help with the harvest and you were gone before I could even blink my eyes.” She doesn’t say anything but feels guilt well in her chest. She thought she’s been more subtle than that. “I don’t spar so well with Ronon; look.” She jerks back when he thrusts his arm into her face and she can’t help the gasp that forms when she sees the black bruise on his forearm.

                          She cocks an eyebrow and sets her jaw.

                          “You should have blocked.”

                          “Have you ever sparred with Ronon?” He asks as he pulls his arm away. She nods. “You can’t block.”

                          “Yes, you can. You must have been distracted.”

                          “I was. I was wondering why I wasn’t sparring with you like I normally do.”

                          She glances up at him and nods effervescently, conceding defeat. She had walked right into that one. She closes her eyes and shakes her head.


                          “That’s the first time you’ve said my name in for weeks.” He sits beside her and his fingers skim the edge of her thigh. She glares at where the tingles start in her skin but he doesn’t move his hand that has come to rest dangerously close to her skin. “I just… I want to know what I’ve done wrong so I can fix it.”

                          She frowns. He hasn’t done anything wrong – not consciously anyway. When he’d been possessed with Thalen, she’d been scared; not of him but of what might have happened had the two gotten to each other, if they’d managed to kill one another… if Phebus had killed Thalen. And the fear had shaken to the very core of her existence; she cared for John Sheppard and she had always thought she was looked upon with fondness by his eyes but neither had truly shown it. Not without alien influence, anyway.

                          Or at least that’s what she’d thought. Phebus had poked holes in Teyla’s cool exterior, her mask by insinuating that it was only she who could find John – she hadn’t understood it but many sleepless night’s later, she’d figured it out. But then something far worse had happened; she’d been unable to sacrifice John for the peoples of Atlantis. What did that mean?

                          And that’s why she’d been avoiding him.

                          That and his radio-wide confession to caring for her, more than she knew.

                          Truth be told, she was embarrassed and hiding from him was the only thing she knew how to do.

                          “So I have done something wrong.” She snaps out of her reverie and glances at him; he’s nodding his head knowingly, his face twisted in pained understanding. “Look, I don’t really remember much from when I was… Thelan…” She knows he is lying; she’d spoken to Elizabeth about the ordeal and she’d said she remembered everything. There were only so many reasons as to why he would be omitting what was said: perhaps he, like her, was embarrassed; he didn’t want to put them through the discomfort of having to deny the feelings, or he truly did not remember.

                          But then, why had he been looking for her?

                          She didn’t understand.

                          “But whatever he said… whatever he did… if it was out of line, I apologise.”

                          She frowns in his direction. His choice of words, the searching look on his face makes her believe that he knows exactly what he is apologising for. The only reason he is apologising is because he’s scared that she didn’t want to hear what he had said and so he is giving her the opportunity to not talk about it. And she’s glad, truly.

                          “I spoke to Dr Weir.” He glances at her, his eyebrows dipping slightly. “It seems strange that she should remember all that transpired while you do not.”

                          She raises a single eyebrow and manages a smile when she sees his eyes widening, bit her lip when his mouth opens once, twice, three times with no sound coming out. She didn’t pull back when his hand found hers on the sill.

                          “Thank you.”

                          “For what?” She murmurs, her eyes fixing on their entwined fingers.

                          There is a long silence in which she can feel his gaze burning the top of her head. Eventually she looks up, her heart thundering in her chest. She’s sure he must be able to feel the blood pulsing to her fingertips. Her breath catches in her throat when her eyes meet his. Hazel meets black, opening an obsidian chasm between them that she is sure she will never escape. She’s felt like this once before in her life; in this very gym, not so many months ago when she thought she’d lost him once again.

                          She licks her lips and watches as his eyes dart to them, his own tongue moistening his lips. She hitches a breath. His head moves closer to hers, his hand moves up her arm.

                          “For not shooting me…” he whispers, his hot breath brushing over her wet lips sending shivers down her spine.

                          “Oh!... Sorry…”

                          Teyla pulls back – she hadn’t even realised she’d moved closer to him – and presses herself against the wall. She tells herself she merely imagined the darkness that passed across John’s face at Lieutenant Cadman’s interruption.

                          “I can come back later…”

                          John stands up shaking his head in the young woman’s direction. Teyla simply smiles.

                          “That’s fine… I was just leaving,” John murmurs as he walks back across the gym to the door. Halfway there he turns back to Teyla and motion between them with his hand. “We good?”

                          She nods jerkily and a shaky smile escapes her lips.

                          “Yes, John, we are good.”

                          He smiles and walks away hurriedly without glancing back at her.

                          She’ll have to find him later so they can talk about what just happened.
                          Thanks Laura. Great job.

                          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                          Theres a Preview clip of the Seer on Yahoo here is the link
                          and spme body capped the video there is even a couple of Shots of Shepard and Teyla
                          Thanks for the link Donna

                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Sci -
                          Awesome update and so quickly done!! Great job man...I wouldnt blame Shep for taking it out on Carter though if he was overcome by his grief, grief isnt rational anyways......Excellent work dude

                          Gator -
                          Fantastic!!! I really liked the part about Elizabeth remembering though "somehow" he does not lol

                          You guys are writing so many fics and so quickly!! Dont stop!!
                          Thanks MrsB. I guess it's just rolling off my fingers.
                          But don't think you don't have to do any.

                          Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                          how bout a pic guys:


                          Gorgeous Maff. I love it.
                          Camy'll kill me so I gonna post it in the galleria also. BRB.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            LOL. I'm glad you feel bette. We'll see.

                            LOL. Thanks Nina.

                            WP,Congrats on 1300 posts!!!!

                            Sorry hun.
                            HERE'S A GREAT BIG OL' DITTO FOR YA WP!

                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              JM BLOG UPDATE

                              Anonymous #2 writes: “ Keller may well be some kind of book read wunderkind but she does not seem to be in the least the kind of person that would have ever willingly have pushed herself out of her comfort zone in the past.”

                              Answer: The fact that she joined the Atlantis expedition would contradict your last statement. As for being nothing more than book read, she demonstrated the coolness under pressure that got her the position in Adrift, saving Weir’s life as the situation deteriorated around her. Of course she wasn’t being chased by cannibals at the time.

                              Anonymous #2 writes: “Gateworld has said that Travelers rebounded. How is point one a rebound?”

                              Answer: The exact number had it only a shade (0.01) off Reunion’s number.

                              Dreams-of-skies writes: “Hey...would you mind if I copy/pasted some of the answers about Season 4 you've given to show SG fans I know who don't get to see your blog?”

                              Answer: People already do so go nuts.

                              Semisweet writes: “I was wrong to voice my concerns about how Keller was being portrayed here on your blog. This is not the place to do that kind of thing.”

                              Answer: If I objected, I wouldn’t have approved the comment. So long as the opinions expressed are respectful, you’re welcome to criticize to your heart’s content.

                              Irulan writes: “First, as somebody else pointed out, Keller's been in Pegasus for a while and been through quite a bit.”

                              Answer: Depends what you mean by “a while”. And in those instances in which she was pressed into action, she delivered.


                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                                How about the Return pt 1. John is packing up, ready to go...

                                He says "Before our paths uncross..." and eyes Teyla up and down... Then follows it up with "And popcorn, for yo-oh my god..."

                                I should go to bed and stop posting so many messages
                                Oh my I think this might end badly. moments are extensive and I gotta sleep tonight.

                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                I see that we're goin' thru some fav JT moments... mine? I CAN'T PICK! ah- there are so many!! ok, i absolutley LOVE the classic JT hug in Doppleganger! seriously, it = my life! but there are so many more... let's just say that i luv 'em all and that i could be here till kingdom come talking about each one!!! hehe actually, i could probably be here past kingdom come just rambling on and on and on and on and on and... well, you get the picture!!!
                                Your def at the right ship cuz your just as crazy as we are.....hey who said that!we're not crazy!!

