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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    I haven't seen it yet...I was to tired to even think about it I have no idea if he said anything different there then what I've heard him say...
    that because Rachel would be pregnant for a large part of the season 4 shooting so most likely would Teyla be... but I haven't heard him say anything about delivery...BUT if he said it on Comic Con then it's undertanding why I haven't heard that one yet... I know there would be a Wraith delivery...

    Camy *lol* yeah start all my link posts with a banner ,,just like Elf is having on the newsletter
    Consider it done!

    Mrs. B...I'm going to read your updates very soon....WOOHOOO!


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      I'm 38, and I believe that saying was from the mid to late 80's. LOL
      Oh, gosh! are we back to stating our ages again...*sighs*

      I"m 37 but I don't look a day over 27! Actually, I"m loving my 30's!


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Next chunk of Nightmares

        John placed the technicians lifeless body down on the cold floor with trembling hands. Lorne stood,stock still, his gun still aimed towards them, eyes wide in confusion. John stood slowly, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and sadness. "Put down your gun, Lorne," he said gruffly.

        Lorne eyed the motionless body carefully. "Wha-What if it isn't dead?" John held back a nasty retort and replied through gritted teeth. "Believe me, Lorne. You got it." Lorne still looked unconvinced as John began very slowly making his way towards him.

        Lorne closed one eye as he positioned himself, straightening his aim upon the womans head. "Maybe I should just make sure though, Colonel," he started to say extending his arm.

        In an instant and with a giant roar, John lunged at Lorne tackling him hard to the ground. Lorne's gun clattered loudly as it slid across the smooth floor and hid itself under another shadow. John gripped Lorne's wrists and screamed into his face. "You just killed a civilian, soldier! You will DESIST!" Lorne's blue eyes seemed to pass through his superior as he struggled wildly under John's grip.

        John, knowing it was a futile effort to try to convince him any further, called to the women hiding in the alcove. "Can one of you go find me something to tie him up with?" he called as politely as he could although he felt quite overwhelmed with rage over the technicians unneccesary death.

        He held the flailing Major until finally Dr. Keller located a stash of wires and together they bound Lorne, cautiously trying to avoid being hit as he lashed out with his arms and feet.

        Once he was contained, John approached the dead body with the two woman by his side. He lifted his hand and closed the lids of her glazed over eyes with his sweaty palm. He looked up at both doctors, a look of pain echoed on his normally smiling face. "Do you you think she's really dead, ya know, like in the real world?"

        Both women looked at each other. Dr. Keller said, "I think thats a better question for you, Kate." Kate sighed deeply staring at the woman on the ground. "Well, my knowledge on dreams is fairly limited. But I do know that most cultures have some sort of lore following the same mantra. Basically it says that if you die in your sleep, you die in real life, to put it in simple terms. It's also a scientific logistic that the mind is greater than all other things, meaning whatever your mind thinks is real, becomes, in fact, real."

        John stood nervously, soaking in what Kate just said. "I think that just might be the worst thing I've heard all day."

        Entirety located @

        WOW! Another powerful chunk. Thanks MrsB. I can't wait for more.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          I'm 38, and I believe that saying was from the mid to late 80's. LOL
          Hey Scifan! Guess Elf's age....think you know...Huh?...C' can do it...
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Oh, gosh! are we back to stating our ages again...*sighs*

            I"m 37 but I don't look a day over 27! Actually, I"m loving my 30's!
            Again?? How many times have you had to state it?
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              OASIS - PART 11

              "JOHN!" screamed Teyla after his body flew over the edge into the dark pit. She flung herself towards the opening, hanging her head over in hopes of seeing some sign of his existence, but all she could see was the endless nothingness.

              She choked back tears as her breath came in short little wisps, her hands buried deep in mounds of sand. She sat back staring at nothing but the vision of him kissing her and then being dragged away that was etched, still burning in her mind.

              She didn't know how long she sat there before she noticed the deafening silence surrounding her. Remembering Ronon and Rodney she bolted up, aiming her light to where she last remembered seeing them walk away. Her light caught nothing but sand and shadows.

              She felt a large hand suddenly grab her shoulder and she turned quickly swinging the gun as a handheld weapon. It was caught swiftly by Ronon's open palm as the light shined directly into his face. "Its' me," he said roughly as he squinted away from the bright light. Teyla could make out several deep gashes on Ronon's face but the blood and white slime that covered him was obviously not his own.

              She almost laughed in her excitement to find he was alive. "And Rodney?" she asked hesitantly.

              "Hey..... I'm still here...Somewhere...." came his wavering voice out of the darkness. Her smile continued.

              "Where's Sheppard?" Ronon asked, wiping away bits of the creatures flesh from his clothes. Teyla's smile disappeared and Ronon followed her long gaze toward the dark opening.

              They both stood over the edge, peering in, as Rodney finally managed to find them. He crawled over and looked down as well. "Hey, did you guys know theres a big hole here?"

              Teyla turned her head quickly and looked at Ronon. "There is rope in your pack Ronon, if we combine it with the rope in mine, it might be enough for..."

              "No." Ronon's voice came hard.

              "It was not a request, Ronon."

              "I'm not gonna let you go down there. It's suicide."

              "I will be fine, just get the rope, please."

              "Teyla, listen to me! He could be dead for all we know!"

              "Get the rope, Ronon."


              "THE ROPE. NOW." Her eyes held a fiery glow of fury as Ronon struggled to defy her further.

              "Just get her the damn rope," Rodney slurred.

              Ronon's eyes battled a war against hers and ultimately, he surrendered, turning to open his pack and muttering angrily to himself.

              As she readied, Teyla closed her eyes and pictured John, broken but alive, lying at the bottom of the pit.

              She couldn't leave him. She could never leave him.

              These were her thoughts as Ronon tied the rope around her and she began her descent as Rodney waved a lazy hand in farewell.
              Boy, someone has been busy. Awesomely done!


                Thanks guys! I'm glad your liking them...Sorry I was gone there for a minute, I had to pretend I was actually doing something. Isnt that awful, I hate when they interrupt me lol

                Elf - I would guess you were...hmmm....38?

                - I am 10000% in agreement with you wanting to see
                posessive, crazy, jealous, angsty, pent up, freaked out John - thats the storyline i want this year

                OT - I just freakin hurt my finger wicked bad on my soda can...damn thing


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Hey Scifan! Guess Elf's age....think you know...Huh?...C' can do it...
                  Close but...just a little off..
                  35...I know. I feel way younger....
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    I want to see worry and possesive John. I want him to loose control and to go out of his way for her as he's always done. This is a new dynamic and really it's going to affect the team greatly. Clearly Weir is not going to be there and not that I think she would reallyd do anything that would really put Teyla in danger, but I know that her first priority would be Atlantis. So, if this is something supernatural or unexplainable, then precautions would have to take place. Quarantines would be made in to place or even thinking of what to do with Teyla. So, if this is not the case, then we have to assume that whatever she's carrying isn't a threat to Atlantis or its members. Again, going back to the whole is it a normal pregnancy or not. If it's a Wraith child...I doubt it! Then these wouldn't be the scenario in my view. It would be too controversial and not only will Teyla's life be in jeopardy, but also the rest of the team might be compromised. I'm thinking this is something beyond that if it's meant to be something supernatural. I"m almost certain they aren't going to go with the whole Wraith thing. So, is this something that has to do with the Ancients, or the Assurians. Or is this something to do with the Replicators. Is this a surrogate child? So, many possibilities. It's really nail bittingly exciting. LOL...

                    What I care not to see, is John comforting Teyla while the father is away or unknown or dead. As much as it pains me, I just can't see this type of scenario being something that I can see as doing anything good for John and Teyla. Anything else, I think I can live with.

                    I agree Scifan a baby now between John and Teyla would be too fast and not the way that I would like their relatioship to begin. Reminds me of Devine's wonderful fic The Family just doesn't fit for this scenario. I think the pregnancy itself being something out of Teyla's control and out of her hands is definetly something that can bring them together for John would be very protective of her and would at first feel very awkward and he knows that changes would have to be made, but I think overall, it can so bring them to that next level that we so desperately want them to move forward to. And JM has confirmed that for us when he mentioned that those emotional scenes he was going to have would be with Teyla. And I can't wait. I"ve also been thinking. Rachel is most likely going to be out of some episodes midway in the second half of the season. Eventhough they are filming out of order and with scenes here and there and many of Teyla's shot were taken a long time ago, I still wonder if there will be a period where Teyla might go missing or something herself. Whether it be that she's kidnapped or that she's off on her own to find her people or maybe even something as a result of the pregnancy. I hate episode that are Teyla light and worse NO Teyla. It's like she's such a part of the team, that without out her its very incomplete and I would imagine that's going to be a big blow for the team, especially for John whose really come to rely on Teyla so much.
                    Didn't some say or even JM, but I think they said that Teyla was going to be a Wraith Queen? Or at least her Wraith side comes out. Maybe during this time she's missing or they need to find her. How knows, just rambling.


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Oh, gosh! are we back to stating our ages again...*sighs*

                      I"m 37 but I don't look a day over 27! Actually, I"m loving my 30's!
                      Oops, Sorry. No more age thing.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Linda, I'm sorry if I missed you. I know what I want for this chpt, but it's hard to figure out how I want to word it. How's this? Be honest guys.

                        Teyla decides to wait to tell John until she is able to figure out what to say. She also realizes that if she tells him and the rest of the team they might not let her help with the search for her people and that is something she just can’t do. She knows that lying to John is going to be hard to do, since he usually can tell. She will just make sure that she keeps herself busy and unavailable to be with him.
                        During the next several days Teyla went off world with Lorne, Ronon and a few Marines. She visited planets where she knew the people to see if she could get any information about her people. She also gave Carter addresses to other worlds for other teams to try. Even though John’s ribs were still sore Carter still let him fly the puddle jumper to different locations, but most of the time he stayed in Atlantis to organize any efforts there.
                        Finally, Teyla is able to get a gate address to someone who is supposed to see the future. Carter and Rodney are able to contact the man by an analog message and he agrees to come to Atlantis to see what he could do. Teyla is still off world on another planet with Lorne and Ronon during this time. When she gets back to Atlantis she is very pleased to hear the news. Carter informs her that he will be visiting tomorrow. John is also there to hear the great news and gives her a big smile. Teyla’s heart sinks. She made herself so busy that she didn’t realize how long it was since she saw John and the knowing of having to tell him just killed her. She forces a smile and he gives her a curious look. She quickly advances to Carter to thank her for all she has allowed Atlantis to do for her and her people, and hoping to avoid John’s glare.

                        I'm also thinking of not posting anymore and just tell you when I post it on FF. By the way the chpt before this is up.
                        That's ok gave me something to cheer me up a bit,
                        poor poor Teyla,it's really killin her not being able to tell John,i hope she finds the courage to tell him.He would stand by her no matter what!

                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        *thinks Linda shoulda taken Elfs' coffee and not mine*
                        Ok,*gives Kitty coffee back*

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Doxymom. I hope a five minute fic doesn't also mean that you have only five mins. to type the story. 'Cause mine went long.

                        The Message From the Future

                        “Unauthorized gate activation!” the tech announced. Carter approaches the tech in the control room. She asks who it was. “It’s Dr. Beckett’s IDC ?” They give each other a confused look. Carter orders for Marines to stand by the gate and be ready. She looks at the tech and nods to allow the shield down.
                        John, Teyla, Ronon and Rodney run to the gate room after Carter radios them and tells them about the odd IDC. When they get there they are shocked when the see a man that looks like Beckett. He agrees to go to the infirmary and do whatever test necessary to prove his identity. After hours of waiting the tests prove that he is who he says he is. They are surprised and they have a lot of questions, but first Ronon, Teyla, Rodney, John and many of the medical team all gives him a round of hugs.
                        Carson looks around very happy, but then he becomes serious, “I know this is gonna sound strange, but I have come from the future.” Rodney was about to interrupt, but Carson stops him. “I will explain later, but right now I need to talk to John and Teyla in private. It’s very important.”
                        John and Teyla look at each other with concern and agree to go to the conference room so no one can hear. John and Teyla sit down, but Carson stand up and paces. “Doc, you’re making us nervous,” John says as he looks at Teyla and she nods in agreement.
                        “You gotta understand that what I have to say is quite difficult and I don’t know how to say this,” responds a nervous Carson.
                        John shifts in his seat and leans back, “Doc just say it.”
                        Carson stops pacing and lets out a sigh, “Ok. Here it goes. John. Teyla. You need to stop denying your feelings and get together.” John and Teyla were in total shock. He continues, “In my time, Teyla leaves Atlantis to find her people and John you let her go. Though I don’t know why you would do such a thing is beyond me. I mean…”
                        “Doc!” interrupts John.
                        “Oh. Sorry,” Carson continues. “You find her month later and she was..” he pauses.
                        John leans on the table waiting to hear what Carson has to say next. Teyla straightens herself in her chair. They can see the sadness in his eyes. Teyla encourages him to continue.
                        Carson looks at Teyla with sad eyes, “I’m sorry my dear, but they found you dead. You were fed upon by a Wraith and they baby died too.” John shoots a look at Teyla and she hides her face from him. “Teyla dear. John was devastated when he found you and it was worse when he found out the baby was his…”
                        “WHAT!” John shouts as he jumps up. “What do you mean! We never..” he stops. Flashes of images pop into his mind. Teyla has also gotten up and starts pacing with her arms folded tight across her front. Confusion covers her face. They finally look at each other. “So that wasn’t a dream? We really did?” John stops. “Doc, we’re confused. Why are you here?
                        “If you’d let me finish, I’ll tell you. The Colonel was so upset that he left the service and Atlantis struggled with the fight with the Wraith and the Asurans. Many worlds that were allies because of you both turned from us. They loss hope.”
                        John finally plops back into his seat. Teyla looks up at Carson still dazed, “Were you there when this all happened?”
                        “No. Elizabeth and I were rescued from the Asurans months later, but that is a totally different story and I can’t go into that right now.”
                        John scrunches his face, “Elizabeth is alive? Doc? When were you going to tell us about you, Elizabeth and those damn replicators?”
                        “Please Colonel, I need to say this before I have to got back to the future! I know you love her Colonel. Ronon and Rodney told Elizabeth and me. I guess you got pretty well drunk and let it all out.” Carson let out a little snicker before recomposing himself, “Colonel Carter, Rodney, Radek and many of the others believe that your baby could be the answer to our survival.” Carson sees the questions on John and Teyla’s face. “I know that you don’t understand, but I’m just going to make it simple. Colonel, you have the Ancient gene and Teyla, you have the Wraith genes. We believe that that will be important, but what is also important is you to staying together and stay here in Atlantis. Otherwise Teyla’s people will also lose their wonderful leader. They were sadden when they heard of you dying.”
                        Teyla face beamed at the knowledge that her people will be found safe. Carson tells them that he needs to leave and go back. He leaves John and Teyla alone in the room. After Carson leaves and the conference doors close, John walks up to Teyla with a small glimmer in his eyes and a slight smirk. He begins to reach out touch Teyla’s still flat stomach, “I guess we’re going to be parents?”
                        Teyla smiles back, “And I guess that you really love me.” They embrace each other and Teyla whispers in his ear, “I love you too John.”

                        The End.

                        Ok. I'm gonna hide and catch up. Sorry Steph for the confusion. Jess is gonna bust my butt later. LOL
                        Awwww,that was so sweet,
                        now if only Carson would really come back!

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Yea, honestly I'm just as bad. I had to watch CG last night. Good ep. I also watched Return 1 and when John and Teyla do the Athosian head touch, did anyone notice that Ronon walks back at thay point to give them space or was that just me seeing things.
                        Nope you weren't seeing things,he did step back when John walked towards Teyla!


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Again?? How many times have you had to state it?
                          ROF! I"ll never admit this again..but since you reminded me of this fact....I"m going to take away a year off everytime I"m asked!



                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            OOOHhhh...I'll have a look! I had no idea and just asked you about this in the Galleria! BRB
                            Very nice Teylllia! This is strickly for Fics, right? How can I help?
                            well you may post challenges in the rules comments area (then I'll copy/paste them into their own post)

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Ok,*gives Kitty coffee back*
                            LINDA!!!! *tacklhugs Linda then sits in her lap*

                            OK now that I am all caught up, Scifan you like this title for a follow up story to Ties That Bind? "Unbreakable Bond" jumped into my head when I was thinking of a title.

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Mornin/afternoon. I have a question about the LJ fic challenges that I saw yesterday. Do we have to let everyone know if we choose one or is it just up for grabs from anyone? Is there a due date?


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                That's ok gave me something to cheer me up a bit,
                                poor poor Teyla,it's really killin her not being able to tell John,i hope she finds the courage to tell him.He would stand by her no matter what!

                                Ok,*gives Kitty coffee back*

                                Awwww,that was so sweet,
                                now if only Carson would really come back!

                                Nope you weren't seeing things,he did step back when John walked towards Teyla!
                                Thanks Linda. The fic is all done now if you want to read the whole thing.

