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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Part 12 - The Trial

    There was a short foyer before the next room. Rodney's eyes caught a small set of heiroglyphs etched into the wall and he slowed down to study them. He recognized the symbols. John stopped and turned looking at him. "What is it?"

    "These symbols. Look."

    "Well, what do they mean?" Sheppards voice was cold. Rodney was oblivious as he carefully interpreted the signs. "Bravery....... love...... friendship......and...... sacrifice. Thats all it says."

    John turned back around, his eyes steely. "It's of no use to us. Let's keep moving."


    The next room was completely empty. Two torches perched on either stone wall and the floor was made of sand.They stood a few feet inside the doorway and looked around, wondering. "What the hell is this now?" John said, irritated. Rodney looked around, eyes wide. "I have no idea. There's nothing here. Maybe we took a wrong turn?"

    A strange sound towards the back of the room grabbed their attention, as they saw a hidden door slide open and the most gigantic being either of them had ever seen stepped through and into the room. He looked human, but his eyes were a strange bright yellow. He was at least twice their size, topless, and carried a long metal spear. His muscles were enormous and he was covered in some sort of shiny oil. He said nothing as he approached them slightly, stopping in the center of the room, and locking his body into a fighting stance, his yellow eyes fixed on the Colonel.

    Rodney's eyes filled with fear as he watched this monster. "Captain, captain, we gotta get out of here!" he whispered loudly to John. John looked at the monster, a sly smile spreading on his face. "No, Twitchy. We're not going anywhere."

    "What??? This is wreckless!! No offense, but there's no way you can take him! Look at him! He's.....rippling.... all over the place!"

    John snorted arrogantly, his eyes locked with the monsters. "I said, I've got this."

    Rodney looked at him in disbelief. "You're not seriously planning on fighting him, are you? Just shoot him! I can't believe you feel so guilty that you're willing to just throw your life away.....and mine! Is this how you think you're going to get your vengeance? Will this make you feel better, Captain? Do you really think this is what she would have wanted?"

    John's face flickered for a moment before setting back to stone. "It doesn't matter now. Nothing matters now."

    Rodney threw his hands in the air, dismayed. "Fine, go ahead! Fight till the death, which is probably gonna be our deaths if I might add!"

    John removed his vest and gun, placing them on the ground. He stretched his neck and arms and threw some practice punches in the air as he slowly began circling the monster.Once he felt ready, John advanced on him, striking the monster square in the jaw.

    "OW!" John shouted in pain for his hand and looked in utter horror as his punch seemed to have no effect on the monster. His eyes opened huge as he saw the massive fist flying through the air, coming to return his blow, striking him hard on the chin, sending him flying across the entire room.

    Rodney stared at John's crumpled body. "Our father who art in heaven....."
    Last edited by MrsB108; 12 July 2007, 06:45 AM.


      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      It's so quiet today!! Anyway, here's a response to the word 'Snickersnee'. It's very silly and not really very romantic but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the word.



      ‘The criminal cried as he dropped him down, in a state of wild alarm –’

      “Why would he be so alarmed by dropping?” Teyla interrupted, cutting off Rodney’s singing.

      “It’s talking about him hanging by his neck,” said John. “It’s a way of executing people on Earth.”

      Teyla nodded, but Rodney tutted loudly.

      “No, it’s not!” He said, annoyed. “I just told you that Ko-Ko had told the Mikado that they had beheaded Nanki-Poo, so obviously the song refers to him dropping to his knees.”

      Teyla nodded. “Oh, of course,” she said. She caught John’s eye and they smiled slightly. Rodney, who was sitting behind them in the jumper, didn’t see.

      “Right,” he said. “Anyway… ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared – ’

      “Why was Ko-Ko fearful?” Asked John.

      Rodney scowled at him, and Teyla tried not to laugh as she also pretended to glare at the Colonel.

      “Obviously it is because he was scared that Nanki-Poo would fight back,” she said.

      John nodded. “Yeah, sorry, stupid question,” he said.

      Rodney was off again. “Of course he wasn’t going to fight back!” He said angrily. “Ko-Ko’s talking about his frown being scary, not being scared himself!”

      John and Teyla glanced at each other, smiling slightly. “Oh…” They said simultaneously.

      ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared my big white arm… I seized him by his little pigtail –’

      “Is not that dangerous?” Interrupted Teyla. “If he was going to cut off his head Ko-Ko should not hold onto his hair.”

      Rodney blinked at her. “I – I’m sure he let go,” he said.

      “He was probably just being cheeky,” said John.

      Rodney rolled his eyes. “‘I seized him by his little pigtail as on his knees fell he –’

      “He was already kneeling!” Said Teyla at the same moment John said “But he was on his knees already!”

      They smirked at each other as Rodney threw his hands in the air.

      “Would you two stop interrupting!?” He cried.

      Teyla and John looked straight ahead out of the jumper window to hide their laughter.

      “Right,” said Rodney. “‘And gnashed my teeth as from its sheath I drew my snickersnee.’
      Teyla turned round in her chair. “I am sorry, Rodney, but what is a snickersnee?”

      “It’s a knife.” Teyla, John and Rodney all looked at Ronon in surprise – they had thought he was asleep. He kept his eyes closed and didn’t say anything else.

      “Yes, it’s a large knife,” said Rodney.

      “Gotta love that word,” said John, s******ing. “Snickersnee…”

      Teyla grinned and Rodney rolled his eyes again. “What do you think of the song?” He asked.

      John shrugged. “It has some serious narrative inconsistencies,” he said.

      Rodney shook his head. “Oh never mind!” He said. “It’s not like I’d expect you to appreciate Gilbert and Sullivan anyway.”

      John looked over his shoulder at Rodney and raised an eyebrow. He sat back again and cleared his throat. Then he started singing.

      “‘We know him well, he cannot tell untrue or groundless tales, he always tries to utter lies and every time he fails.’

      Teyla smiled as John stopped singing. Rodney stared at him.

      “How do you know The Mikado?” He asked.

      John shrugged, smirking. “That’s for me to know,” he said. He winked at Teyla and she struggled not to laugh.

      “Very well sung, Colonel,” she said.

      “Why thank you, Ma’am,” said John. “If you’re a good I’ll sing Tit Willow for you later.”
      Too funny! And what do you know, I learned something new. I originally had no idea what a snickersnee was.

      my ships


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        The Mikado's an opera by Gilbert and Sullivan set in Japan and the song was 'The criminal cried' which 3 of the characters sing to try and convince the emperor that they've executed someone, which they haven't.

        the bit that John starts singing is the chorus' response after the first verse. it's a very funny song, and the first thing i thought of when i saw the word 'snickersnee'!

        I tried to use the word 's.n.i.g.g.e.r.i.n.g' but becasue the word ****** is in the middle it starred it out.

        Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

        Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*

        S4 story.

        It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
        When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
        And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
        Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
        John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
        A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.
        Last edited by scifan; 12 July 2007, 06:46 AM.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

          Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*


          It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
          When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
          And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
          Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
          John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
          A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.
          Ok scifan, awesome, totally awesome. I completely picture the
          in s4 previews for that scene!!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Part 12 - The Trial

            There was a short foyer before the next room. Rodney's eyes caught a smile set of heiroglyphs etched into the wall and he slowed down to study them. He recognized the symbols. John stopped and turned looking at him. "What is it?"

            "These symbols. Look."

            "Well, what do they mean?" Sheppards voice was cold. Rodney was oblivious as he carefully interpreted the signs. "Bravery....... love...... friendship......and...... sacrifice. Thats all it says."

            John turned back around, his eyes steely. "It's of no use to us. Let's keep moving."


            The next room was completely empty. Two torches perched on either stone wall and the floor was made of sand.They stood a few feet inside the doorway and looked around, wondering. "What the hell is this now?" John said, irritated. Rodney looked around, eyes wide. "I have no idea. There's nothing here. Maybe we took a wrong turn?"

            A strange sound towards the back of the room grabbed their attention, as they saw a hidden door slide open and the most gigantic being either of them had ever seen stepped through and into the room. He looked human, but his eyes were a strange bright yellow. He was at least twice their size, topless, and carried a long metal spear. His muscles were enormous and he was covered in some sort of shiny oil. He said nothing as he approached them slightly, stopping in the center of the room, and locking his body into a fighting stance, his yellow eyes fixed on the Colonel.

            Rodney's eyes filled with fear as he watched this monster. "Captain, captain, we gotta get out of here!" he whispered loudly to John. John looked at the monster, a sly smile spreading on his face. "No, Twitchy. We're not going anywhere."

            "What??? This is wreckless!! No offense, but there's no way you can take him! Look at him! He's.....rippling.... all over the place!"

            John snorted arrogantly, his eyes locked with the monsters. "I said, I've got this."

            Rodney looked at him in disbelief. "You're not seriously planning on fighting him, are you? Just shoot him! I can't believe you feel so guilty that you're willing to just throw your life away.....and mine! Is this how you think you're going to get your vengeance? Will this make you feel better, Captain? Do you really think this is what she would have wanted?"

            John's face flickered for a moment before setting back to stone. "It doesn't matter now. Nothing matters now."

            Rodney threw his hands in the air, dismayed. "Fine, go ahead! Fight till the death, which is probably gonna be our deaths if I might add!"

            John removed his vest and gun, placing them on the ground. He stretched his neck and arms and threw some practice puches in the air as he slowly began circling the monster.Once he felt ready, John advanced on him, striking the monster square in the jaw.

            "OW!" John shouted in pain for his hand and looked in utter horror as his punch seemed to have no effect on the monster. His eyes opened huge as he saw the massive fist flying through the air, coming to return his blow, striking him hard on the chin, sending him flying across the entire room.

            Rodney stared at John's crumpled body. "Our father who art in heaven....."
            Love it, but

            would it have killed you to have John rip off his shirt?

            Keep going!

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Part 12 - The Trial

              There was a short foyer before the next room. Rodney's eyes caught a smile set of heiroglyphs etched into the wall and he slowed down to study them. He recognized the symbols. John stopped and turned looking at him. "What is it?"

              "These symbols. Look."

              "Well, what do they mean?" Sheppards voice was cold. Rodney was oblivious as he carefully interpreted the signs. "Bravery....... love...... friendship......and...... sacrifice. Thats all it says."

              John turned back around, his eyes steely. "It's of no use to us. Let's keep moving."


              The next room was completely empty. Two torches perched on either stone wall and the floor was made of sand.They stood a few feet inside the doorway and looked around, wondering. "What the hell is this now?" John said, irritated. Rodney looked around, eyes wide. "I have no idea. There's nothing here. Maybe we took a wrong turn?"

              A strange sound towards the back of the room grabbed their attention, as they saw a hidden door slide open and the most gigantic being either of them had ever seen stepped through and into the room. He looked human, but his eyes were a strange bright yellow. He was at least twice their size, topless, and carried a long metal spear. His muscles were enormous and he was covered in some sort of shiny oil. He said nothing as he approached them slightly, stopping in the center of the room, and locking his body into a fighting stance, his yellow eyes fixed on the Colonel.

              Rodney's eyes filled with fear as he watched this monster. "Captain, captain, we gotta get out of here!" he whispered loudly to John. John looked at the monster, a sly smile spreading on his face. "No, Twitchy. We're not going anywhere."

              "What??? This is wreckless!! No offense, but there's no way you can take him! Look at him! He's.....rippling.... all over the place!"

              John snorted arrogantly, his eyes locked with the monsters. "I said, I've got this."

              Rodney looked at him in disbelief. "You're not seriously planning on fighting him, are you? Just shoot him! I can't believe you feel so guilty that you're willing to just throw your life away.....and mine! Is this how you think you're going to get your vengeance? Will this make you feel better, Captain? Do you really think this is what she would have wanted?"

              John's face flickered for a moment before setting back to stone. "It doesn't matter now. Nothing matters now."

              Rodney threw his hands in the air, dismayed. "Fine, go ahead! Fight till the death, which is probably gonna be our deaths if I might add!"

              John removed his vest and gun, placing them on the ground. He stretched his neck and arms and threw some practice puches in the air as he slowly began circling the monster.Once he felt ready, John advanced on him, striking the monster square in the jaw.

              "OW!" John shouted in pain for his hand and looked in utter horror as his punch seemed to have no effect on the monster. His eyes opened huge as he saw the massive fist flying through the air, coming to return his blow, striking him hard on the chin, sending him flying across the entire room.

              Rodney stared at John's crumpled body. "Our father who art in heaven....."
              That was so good! But the suspense is still killing me.

              Thanks Mrs.B.


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

                Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*


                It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
                When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
                And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
                Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
                John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
                A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.
                Oh, so sad and sweet!

                I loved that you used the hug!

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                  Love it, but

                  would it have killed you to have John rip off his shirt?

                  Keep going!

                  LOL You're too funny, ruby

                  Scifan - It wont be too much longer I'll be done!!


                    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                    Too funny! And what do you know, I learned something new. I originally had no idea what a snickersnee was.
                    Thanks girlinabox, glad you liked it!

                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Thanks Ruby.

                      Here's a couple of presents for you.

                      Since you got jipped your shirtless scene in MrsB's story.


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Oh, I think that he was thinking of it, dreaming of it and just waiting for a chance...remember when landry first told him of the problem, he jumped at the idea of going back and briefing them about it...the thing is that he didn't mention the others, he was only thinking of himself.

                        now, I know he likes Ronon...I know that..but when he came to New Athos, did he glance at Ronon?

                        Let's take a look, shall we?

                        hmm...very, very briefly...his eyes go straight to Teyla and then he sees Ronon and then goes back to smile at Teyla....

                        I just love that moment,,,the smile,, the look in their eyes,,,it's so telling... and he looks at Ronon oh so so briefly in that scene and the same in the tent later or,,,looks at Teyla hte whole time,,just very briedly over on Ronon than back at Teyla...the guy couldn't keep his eyes of her
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Thanks Ruby.

                          Here's a couple of presents for you.

                          Since you got jipped your shirtless scene in MrsB's story.
                          Love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!

                          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                            Scifan - Love the little season 4 story...could picture something like that for that scene...

                            MrsB108 - Are you trying to kill me with that story... *lol* great couple of chapters...can't wait to read more and see what will happen...

                            Artwork has been awesome,,,can hardly remember everyone... but they are great as usual....

                            Also wanting to remind everyone...if you haven't given your nominations for the J/T awards,,,it's time to get going like your pants are on fire since the last day is tomorrow (Friday)
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Thanks Nina.

                              Ruby I'm glad you liked it.


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Thats awesome ruby. We'll expect your play by play updated every minute while your there of course.
                                That's right! We want the play by play!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

