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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    its good so far (missed first showing of LFP) will have some lil comments after i see it


      Originally posted by CKO
      its good so far (missed first showing of LFP) will have some lil comments after i see it
      Emily and I are talking about it on MSN if you wan't to come.

      The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


        wow!!! this ep is amazing so far!! funny and heartbreaking at different times and the two don't clash and are appropriately placed!! (reckoning was awesome too... an awesome night of stargate!!!)

        will comment on the (great!) sheyla stuff when it's over...


          Spoilers (of course):

          McKay stole the show in LFP, but the Teyla thing is interesting here too. I think it's safe to say that Shep and Teyla are going to have a bit of a rift for a while, and the thing is, I'm kinda sickened by what we saw in her tonight. Her attitude was pretty selfish and the way she treated Shep was hardly heroic. If a hero has no higher sense of purpose, then they are marginal at best . That she was willing to sacrifice so much on "casting extras" ( ) is something to be concerned about...


            spoiler tags please [ spoiler ] your text here [/ spoiler ] (without the spaces)

            even though the states just saw the ep and the UK and Canada have seen the ep already. other contries may not have

            anyway back on topic...

            there wasnt that much sheyla in this eppy, and i think a rift maybe formed... however next wks ep looks wonderful... there was some interesting points made in the ep... was nice to see other members of the team ect. i did like that they went off world together... but they both wanted dif. things

            i really hate Dr. K (kavanagh.) that jerk is so frakkin arrogant... why cant he be a good drannit and DIE! yes he is very nit-picky

            over all a very good eppy

            loved seein all the previous clips... hehehehe..

            hmmm rodney snarky as usual

            carson... well he was crackin me up

            zelenka... god i need some translator microbes... i dont understand his native language.. czech..


              I thought teyla had shep wrapped around her little finger! love the ship!
              well my eyes hurt so goodnight or morning or whatever.


                personally i agreed with teyla!!!
                i don't know what i woulda have done if shep was gonna leave someone i cared about (people that COULD be saved!) behind.... selfish? maybe... the right thing to do?? yes... certainly in my opinion... plus the lovely scenes and juicy conflict we got between shep and teyla... and the MANY hurt looks on both their faces... you can tell shep's starting to wear thin, and it's starting to affect his relationships with everyone else....

                but really... the two scenes involving one of them leaving... you could really see that neither of them wanted to other to go somewhere alone and into harm's way... and that was really touching to me.... even if i wasn't a shipper i would still think that was touching...

                but i really liked the "what else do you want from me?" "too much i fear" poor teyla... shep's too closed off... and poor shep... needs to be closed off to handle so much!

                i also loved ALL the videos though!! ford's first one and mckay's message to his sister got me misty-eyed and could barely see the screen!! and shep's "goodbye" SO touching!!! and OMG!! when he says about having family "not all of us do..." makes me wonder if his family is either gone or he isn't close to them... poor shep

                and mckay and zelenka were HIilARIOUS!!! "you didn't say anything that would require security clearance, did you?" "security clearance?" ROFL!!! and mckay's "i record this message on the eve of our darkest hour"...."the kiss was... somethin" ..."see, i love blondes".... "samantha carter... if you're watching, the torch is still burning" ...and of course: "leadership"

                but then weir and shep's messages to the families were truly heartbreaking... and beckett and ford's messages were so touching.... i love all these guys!! "she knows i'm from earth son... it's not a bloody secret"

                but then there was EVIL PONYTAIL GUY!!! geez, what a jerk... they should feed him to the wraith for insubordination!!!

                but that chinese (??) scientist chic!! lol... her complete seriousness then the totally goofy "clips"!!! hilarious!!! "a very honerable and brave man"

                ok, well that's all for now!!! i have SO much to say on this episode!!! but i'll leave it there!


                  Just a quick flyby post...

                  The Asian scientist that had a small bit in LFP was actually Japanese. You can see the Japanese flag on her jacket sleeve.


                    yeah... i didn't know which she was... i forgot to look for a flag til it was too late...

                    but thanks for catching it!


                      Was LFP a good episode then people. As emily reich mentioned -
                      when both Shepaprd and Teyla wanted to leave the PJ you could tell both didn't want the other to go - when Sheppard went she said "Be careful" and when she saw him come back she was relived. I think the rift was nothing really - I mean everyone has differences on how to handle situation but Sheppard stayed in the end as he knew it meant something to Teyla.

                      Also - did anyone else think the Wraith might catch Teyla - that one scene was ace - great camera work.


                        good ep.. yes


                          make a great sig IMHO (yes it's from GW)


                            I'm aware there are plenty of John & Weir shippers but I'm aware too there are plenty of John & Teyla shippers too
                            But I'm really enjoying the dynamics between John & Teyla and I'm hoping to see these two developing moreso as Partners, Friends, and possibly Lovers though I'm still thinking if any shipping occurs it is not going to be soon but I'm still hopeful nonetheless !!
                            I still remember Joe discussing Teyla and calling her Beautiful and Smart and I do not remember him ever saying that discussing Weir and maybe I'm grasping at straws but I'm still crazy about John & Teyla as a couple but will enjoy all their scenes no matter what the circumstances



                              Is there a reason why you keep starting new threads for this stuff instead of containing it all in one place? I think there are enough Shep/Teyla threads already, perhaps you should try to stick to one of those and help reduce the general clutter on the board.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                                Is there a reason why you keep starting new threads for this stuff instead of containing it all in one place? I think there are enough Shep/Teyla threads already, perhaps you should try to stick to one of those and help reduce the general clutter on the board.
                                This is why I do not post alot ..
                                I hardly post at all which is why it irks me to post and then get hassled about it ..
                                I'll stick to Sci Fi Board where I'm not continually being blasted for *gasp* expressing my views about actually liking John & Teyla ..
                                Ok whatever ..


