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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Ok read this little bit and tell me if it's even remotely interesting cuz if not I wont bother writing more and posting a whole story in a fanfiction section!

    Teyla looked at John’s eager face and her heart broke having to tell him the truth. She felt ashamed she had not known it was him. She had just wanted to be with him so badly that she put any odd behavior he had displayed out of her mind since she was overwhelmed with the sudden turn of events. She felt sick thinking the person she had been with, the person who had touched her, the person she confessed her feelings too, was not John. It was a parasite, a mockery, and she was glad it was dead, she only wished she could have killed it herself. And now, she knew she had to tell John she was pregnant. Already Dr. Keller knew, although she did not know by whom. No one knew the truth, and Teyla planned to keep it that way. Why suffer the embarrassment from both herself and the Colonel, she thought, when he obviously did not feel the same way about her as she did him. She decided to make something up, invent a lover. It would make no difference since the real John Sheppard had never seemed interested in Teyla in that way besides when he was not himself. Her eyes focused steadily on his as she said, “John, please do not worry. I am not ill, I am pregnant.” And then something happened she never expected. John’s face appeared blank for a moment. Then his eyes seemed to fill with sadness, and soon his whole face looked shattered. He didn’t say anything for a few moments, before he looked at away and gave sort of a half cough. “Wow, well that’s… Teyla. I mean that’s, that’s really something.” His eyes evaded hers completely. Teyla lay there confused at his reaction. This was not what she expected. “I’m ……really glad for you and stuff...,” Suddenly his eyes beamed directly on hers and his expression changed. “Who’s the father?” he asked almost forcefully. Teyla, taken aback, stammered for a moment before replying with her lie, “It’s a fellow Athosian man. One with great honor and dignity.” John looked at her with utter disbelief. “Yeah that’s great, I’m gonna let you get your rest.” And with that, he simply turned and walked out the door leaving Teyla speechless, lying on the bed in the infirmary staring at the empty doorway.

    Awesome teaser! I can't wait for the rest. GREAT JOB! And you had your doubts.


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      WELCOME, Linda! Are you new here? I'm a bit hazy right now so forgive my lack of memory....

      That fic was a nightmare! I still get chills thinking about it! I chose to join two ficathons and they were back to back and one was due in November the other in December. Suffice to say, that both were turned in very late. But certainly I was challenging myself with that one first cause I never ventured into the M category myself with writing and I am not sure I ever will. How sad that I"m married and with three kids and one hubby and words just fail me! LOL

      The other one that was also part of the ficathon was The Price for A Jar of Pickles. That's actually, I think the one that I have the most hits for. I was very pleased with that one but then I got no reviews from the community that I entered and that really killed me!!!!! I mean, I don't know about you but everytime I post a fic or anything that I do I feel like I"m showing and sharing a part of me. Mind you, I already do, but still that is more serious.

      so, to see that I"m still getting reviews mean a lot, Scifan. Thanks!

      I EVEN did RESEARCH for that! Last time I researched something to do any type of writing was to get my masters' degree!


      But I am very pleased with those pieces. But I promised myself never to join those things again. They make those prompts sound so simple and then WHAMO, you get writers' block! At least that was my experience. But lots of wonderful fics and participations come out of those as well, so I"m simply sharing my experience. But one thing I am most proud of is the support that I get from everyone here!

      Yeah i'm pretty new to this forum but i'm not new to Stargate,I've watched them right from when they first started,before actually cause i watched the movie and i was so stoked that they were making into a series so i've been a fan right from the start.

      I kinda just found this site when i was googling,there's so many members here it's unbelievable....Awesom site though...oh and i'm from Scotland so yep i've got the braw Scottish accent.

      I was a Jack/Sam shipper but now i'm just totally hooked on Shep/Teyla,i would just love to see them acknowledge the fact that they have feelings for one another,i be quite happy with that for now.
      I hope it's not a normal pregnancy,where will that leave Shep/Teyla,maybe it could be some kind of alien experiment or she could be in some sort of virtual reality thing! hmmmm,that would be a pretty good idea!


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        This is very good MrsB ... you should continue..
        I agree with Blue. You should definitely continue this.

        I do not know about anyone else but, did notice Ronan's expression whenever
        John was trying to explain to Teyla about the Mr. Fantastic thing. To me, it
        looked as if Ronan knew what John was trying to explain in the first place with
        it her being the Invisible Woman. That's just my opinion.

        Your very welcome Nina. I do not really make vids or sigs ,etc. . So, I really
        enjoy what all you guys are able to do.
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Yeah i'm pretty new to this forum but i'm not new to Stargate,I've watched them right from when they first started,before actually cause i watched the movie and i was so stoked that they were making into a series so i've been a fan right from the start.

          I kinda just found this site when i was googling,there's so many members here it's unbelievable....Awesom site though...oh and i'm from Scotland so yep i've got the braw Scottish accent.

          I was a Jack/Sam shipper but now i'm just totally hooked on Shep/Teyla,i would just love to see them acknowledge the fact that they have feelings for one another,i be quite happy with that for now.
          I hope it's not a normal pregnancy,where will that leave Shep/Teyla,maybe it could be some kind of alien experiment or she could be in some sort of virtual reality thing! hmmmm,that would be a pretty good idea!
          I"m sooo with you on this one...if this is not
          John's baby...and I"m not even sure that I want it to be DG baby either, but other than that...I don't want it to be a normal pregnancy otherwise. Give me ALIEN BABY anytime over WHOSE THE DADDY fiasco!


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Awesome teaser! I can't wait for the rest. GREAT JOB! And you had your doubts.
            LOL Your right...I started writing like three different scenarios when I was like duh, why dont I use the one I proposed someone else use...


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Oh, I totally agree...
              I never meant to imply that I think John would ever do that to Teyla. First of all, why would he when Teyla is no where near in comparison to Vala's character, they are night and day. And two, John would never treat any woman like that in my opinion. He just doesn't seem the type. He loves women too much unlike Daniel who has tried to keep himself away from them out of love for his wife.
              I don't care what Vala did to him, I thought he crossed a line and even Vala, in my opinion shouldn't have fallen so easily for him and made him wait and at least explain why he eventually did think she was worth the risk. In the end, it showed me again, why I really cringe with Vala's character. And when she left the room, I was like...didn't that just prove Daniel's entire argument to begin with? So a part of me was glad she did that and another part of me was like...yuck! But she did grow on me towards the end.

              You know I wasn't expecting an "ending" but at least something with more UMPH and action.

              John and Teyla again, are just so different, so unique, so damn HOT and yet settled and proper and well, they just know each other too well. I still love that balcony scene in First Strike and how Teyla caught John off guard by asking him why he was Mr. Fantastic, I mean if Ronon wasn't there, maybe he would have said because he likes the Invisible Woman. But his expression is priceless and again we see Teyla confused at his reply and departure but Ronon sure as heck knows what is going on beneath the facade.

              LOVE IT!

              And thanks Mayra! I hope you join LJ and friend the journal for I will be making it friends only soon. That is a lot of work as I found out last night.

              OKay, I"m heading out cause the Camitos are demanding attention and food.
              Todays' Challege....

              We love HIGH TECHY toys don't we? Well, um..I do. So, create, post, anything and everything techy related. Caps with technology in the background or whatever fits your mood. Or simply WOW us with a unique and original design. Or, you could write a picfic or one of Q's excellent comic strips that I"m loving, or a short or long fic that has something to do with a techy toy!....whatever your mood, whatever your inspiration hits HIGH TECH DAY! WOOOHOOO!

              WOW ME PEOPLE!

              Oh Camy I know you did imply...
              I know you were pointing out the simular wordings. I love Daniel, but he can be so cold some time and I know John is totaly different. He may keep his feelings in check especially with Teyla, but he usually has a way of making a woman feel comfortable. That's how he won Teyla over.

              Boy this challenge seems hard, but I'll see what I can think of.

              Welcome to the family Linda if I haven't already said it. You're more than welcome to join in, give up your thoughts and if you have JT talents to share, the more the merrier.

              I'm not sure how I feel about the pregnancy thing. I guess I'm just waiting to see how tptb play it out. The only thing I really hope is that whatever happens it brings them closer together.
              Does anyone know about 2010? Someone mentioned it on JM's blog the other day.
              Last edited by scifan; 28 June 2007, 10:19 AM.


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                I agree with Blue. You should definitely continue this.

                I do not know about anyone else but, did notice Ronan's expression whenever
                John was trying to explain to Teyla about the Mr. Fantastic thing. To me, it
                looked as if Ronan knew what John was trying to explain in the first place with
                it her being the Invisible Woman. That's just my opinion.

                Your very welcome Nina. I do not really make vids or sigs ,etc. . So, I really
                enjoy what all you guys are able to do.
                Don't forget your spoiler tags sweetie!

                Yes, I so agree with this too...
                if he didn't know the direct connection as to who the Invisible Woman is and how she's Mr. Fantastic's wife, at the very least he knows that John is so playing with her. I bet, John definetly didn't think that Ronon would know the reference....Can you imagine the follow up convo between Ronon and John next Sunday?

                Q...and anyone else....I"ll leave that as your a follow up Convo with John and Ronon using the caps perhaps from even Sunday to follow this idea....Ronon knows and has read The Fantastic Four. What will he say to John this time and his use of analogy for this team. Will Ronon also think that John should have referred himself as Mr. Torch as well?

                GET to Work PEOPLE!

                Oh, gotta go...the Camitos are killing one another!


                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  Gee, I always feel that I'm falling behind on the thread. A day goes by and there are four pages to come back to read! Whew, you ladies know how to spread the JT love! What I need is a recap of all the vids, stories and wallies...every day!

                  From what I did see, the wallies on the fire theme look great. Maybe :::crossing fingers::: I'll have time to dig through the past few pages and get the links for all the new vids (and fic, if there has been any).
                  I know you feel YC. I always feel like I'm trying to play catch up!!
                  But, since I love JT so much it is not as much torture as having to do everyone's
                  laundry or something like that. I know I will encounter something wonderful in here!!!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Last posting...promise...

                    Maybe we should volunteer someone every Friday or something to do a recap of the week in the JT Thread.....

                    *raises hand*

                    I volunteer Stephi! Since she's missing in Action!


                      Oh Ronon knows...that is given...I think he has knows for a long time...
                      In Aurora in season clearly see his grin behind Teyla when she tells John something... he's like *here they go again* *lol*
                      In The Return he stepped away from them when John walked to Echoes he again stepped away from her infirmary bed when John walked over... it's like he is there to support and protect Teyla in John's absence but when he is there ,,he steps back... it's given Ronon is a J/T shipper *lol*
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Ok read this little bit and tell me if it's even remotely interesting cuz if not I wont bother writing more and posting a whole story in a fanfiction section!

                        Teyla looked at John’s eager face and her heart broke having to tell him the truth. She felt ashamed she had not known it was him. She had just wanted to be with him so badly that she put any odd behavior he had displayed out of her mind since she was overwhelmed with the sudden turn of events. She felt sick thinking the person she had been with, the person who had touched her, the person she confessed her feelings too, was not John. It was a parasite, a mockery, and she was glad it was dead, she only wished she could have killed it herself. And now, she knew she had to tell John she was pregnant. Already Dr. Keller knew, although she did not know by whom. No one knew the truth, and Teyla planned to keep it that way. Why suffer the embarrassment from both herself and the Colonel, she thought, when he obviously did not feel the same way about her as she did him. She decided to make something up, invent a lover. It would make no difference since the real John Sheppard had never seemed interested in Teyla in that way besides when he was not himself. Her eyes focused steadily on his as she said, “John, please do not worry. I am not ill, I am pregnant.” And then something happened she never expected. John’s face appeared blank for a moment. Then his eyes seemed to fill with sadness, and soon his whole face looked shattered. He didn’t say anything for a few moments, before he looked at away and gave sort of a half cough. “Wow, well that’s… Teyla. I mean that’s, that’s really something.” His eyes evaded hers completely. Teyla lay there confused at his reaction. This was not what she expected. “I’m ……really glad for you and stuff...,” Suddenly his eyes beamed directly on hers and his expression changed. “Who’s the father?” he asked almost forcefully. Teyla, taken aback, stammered for a moment before replying with her lie, “It’s a fellow Athosian man. One with great honor and dignity.” John looked at her with utter disbelief. “Yeah that’s great, I’m gonna let you get your rest.” And with that, he simply turned and walked out the door leaving Teyla speechless, lying on the bed in the infirmary staring at the empty doorway.
                        Oh please please please continue! This is just the kind of thing I could see happening - if it is DG Shep's baby I could really see Teyla unable to tell him, at least at first!

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Oh Ronon knows...that is given...I think he has knows for a long time...
                          In Aurora in season clearly see his grin behind Teyla when she tells John something... he's like *here they go again* *lol*
                          In The Return he stepped away from them when John walked to Echoes he again stepped away from her infirmary bed when John walked over... it's like he is there to support and protect Teyla in John's absence but when he is there ,,he steps back... it's given Ronon is a J/T shipper *lol*
                          I will have to watch Aurora again to see that. I did not catch that one.
                          As impossible as it is for NOT to miss a JT moment in the eps.
                          Geez...I must be slipping!! Can't let my 8 yr old find out. She will never let me
                          live it down!!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            I will have to watch Aurora again to see that. I did not catch that one.
                            As impossible as it is for NOT to miss a JT moment in the eps.
                            Geez...I must be slipping!! Can't let my 8 yr old find out. She will never let me
                            live it down!!!
                            *lol* You will see it... I can't remember the exact quotes,,,but it's at the part where John is to go in to the pod for the first time,,and Rodney are whining about that he wants to go... and Teyla comes back with a line and John gives her a *what did you just say* face.. now the little grin on Ronon's face there...he so knows what they are up to...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Heres some more....should I just keep writing excerpts in here or would you guys prefer I wrote this somewhere else?

                              Part 2 -
                              Months had passed since Teyla's news and Col. Sheppard had avoided her and the topic of her pregnancy as much as humanly possible. He spent every night lying in bed, picturing her in the arms of another man and making himself sick over it. All he had ever wanted was Teyla, but was too much of a coward to do anything about it, and now look where that had gotten him, he thought. It was another night in Atlantis, and Col. Sheppard was sitting alone in his room, throwing a tennis ball against the wall over and over again. He felt particularly torn this night, today was the first day he had noticed Teyla's belly getting bigger and he could barely look at her. Her assignments had been limited and he was grateful for it. The less he had to look at what he had lost, the less pain he had to endure. A knock sounded at his door. He gave no reply. "John?" bellowed a deep voice. Ronon. "John, I know you're in there." John replied, "No, I'm really not." Ronon smiled. "C'mon Sheppard, I know exactly what you need.
                              Last edited by MrsB108; 29 June 2007, 05:16 AM.


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Oh Ronon knows...that is given...I think he has knows for a long time...
                                In Aurora in season clearly see his grin behind Teyla when she tells John something... he's like *here they go again* *lol*
                                In The Return he stepped away from them when John walked to Echoes he again stepped away from her infirmary bed when John walked over... it's like he is there to support and protect Teyla in John's absence but when he is there ,,he steps back... it's given Ronon is a J/T shipper *lol*
                                Oh i missed that as well,i'm gonna go check it out.

                                I also agree with the very last episode of SG-1,i was expecting some big battle scene with explosions and action but all we got was a damp squid,a little disappointing to say the least!

