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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post

    And thanks Mayra! I hope you join LJ and friend the journal for I will be making it friends only soon. That is a lot of work as I found out last night.
    I definitely will Camy thanks!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Here's some more fic recs. In case some of you have not read these.

      There's Something I Have to Tell you by MKRG

      And, Quania, is this you? Did you pen this?

      Lost by Quania

      If you did it is great. I can not wait till the next chapter.

      Enjoy! They are both very good so far..
      You know, you are very good at this too, maybe you should be our recorder and post every Friday all the wonderful JT stuff happening in the thread...*hint hint*

      thanks for the to read!


        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        I definitely will Camy thanks!
        *claps madly* WONDERFUL!


          Have I been gone that long? Boy I got a lot to catch up.

          It's nothing fancy, but it's kinda techy.



            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            This is fun LOL I hope you guys are still enjoying these...

            "C'mon Sheppard, I know exactly what you need," Ronon said. Sheppard hadn't moved from his solitary position and continued throwing his tennis ball repeatedly. "Oh yeah? What's that?" he replied. Ronon walked over to him, viciously grabbed the tennis ball mid-air and walked over to the stereo playing and switched it off. "First, you need to stop listening to this garbage. Secondly, you need to take a shower and shave all that hair you've been growing on your face. And third, we're going out." John still hadn't moved. "Did you just call Johnny Cash, Garbage?" Ronon smiled and reached down to where John sat. With one hand he pulled John up by the front of his shirt. "Go. Shower. Now."
            After they made their way through the Stargate, John asked Ronon, "Ok I've showered, shaved off the beard it took me weeks to grow,and you got us clearance from Carter for an off world visit. What the hell are we doing here on planet....planet...what the hell planet are we on?" Ronon slapped his arm across Johns shoulders and gruffly said "Come on."

            Ronon led the way into a building with loud folk music, pretty waitresses, and many patrons sitting around dozens of tables, all of them with large frothy mugs in their hands, laughing and talking obnoxiously. "A bar? You made me shave that beard for a bar?" Ronon smiled and sat down at a table, and ordered two of the largest mugs available. John sighed heavily and sluggishly joined him.
            After many mugs and bad jokes, Ronon finally asked John, "So when are we gonna talk about this?" John looked at him through bleary eyes. "Talk about what?" Ronon looked annoyed. "Sheppard, you've been doing nothing but moping around Atlantis for months now. Our missions are a joke, we're lucky if you even speak to half of us anymore. We need to talk about Teyla." John scoffed. "We are NOT gonna talk about her," he slurred. "Yes we damn well are. I know how much you care about her John, I'm not stupid. But you've got to do something about this. If you love her then you need to tell her. If you don't, then you need to get over this and fast before I have to kill you myself." John was leaned over on one side, the table holding him up. "Listen big guy, I don't hear YOU making any late night confessions so why should I?" He hiccupped loudly. Ronon took a big swig of his drink and said, "Fine. I think the new doctor is hot. You're turn." And then he took another swig. John looked at him for a minute. "Oh....well allrighty then. Look, theres nothing I can do. She made her choice, she's with someone now. It's over before it got started." John looked miserably at the inside of his mug, staring at the swill. Ronon stood to get another drink and looked back towards the table and said, "Don't you think its strange Shep that she's three months pregnant and we've never met the guy? No one has, and something tells me no one will." And he walked towards the bar. John stared at him for a minute before replying, "HUH?"

            *Deep breath, exhale* Wow! This is awesome. I looking forward to more.


              OOOOH, VERY NICE! Love it!


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                I'm on a roll today!

                John and Ronon stumbled through the gate well after 2:00 am Atlantis time. There were only four guards in the gate room and one technician in the control room. Ronon was practically carrying Col. Sheppard like a football with one arm even though he himself was swaying mightily when they came through the wormhole. The technician who had let them through came stomping down the stairs at incredible speed. He was a small man with large glasses and quite an attitude. "Colonel Sheppard, Colonel Sheppard there is no scheduled gate activity for this time! What's the meaning of this?" Col. Sheppard flung Ronon's grasp off him and stumbled to stand on his own. He tried to make a commanding face through his stupor and he pointed right in the face of the tech and said, "The point is....the point is....don't drink and gate." And then he fell face first to the floor. Ronon burped loudly and laughed and picked his friend off the floor. The technician got huffy and stormed off, muttering to himself.
                John pushed Ronon away again. "I'm fine, Ronon thank you for being such a perfect date tonight. We should do this again sometime." Ronon smirked, clapped John on the shoulder and walked off towards his bedroom. John stood a moment before the Stargate, and slantedly saluted his four fellow officers guarding the gate, before gaining enough composure to climb the stairs and head toward his bedroom.
                "Two more hallways, you can make it, John," he told himself outloud. Holding the wall for support and squinting his eyes he was almost there when he looked down the hallway to his right. There was her door. Without thinking about it much, John still hugging the wall walked slowly until he was directly in front of her door. His heart felt flooded with emotion and more than anything he wanted to barge in there and tell her that he loved her, that he had always loved her and that she should be with him. But he couldn't. He lay his forehead upon her door and breathed a heavy sigh of sorrow. His hands lay beside head, his shoulders slunk in defeat. He was so close to her, all he had to do was knock. Moments passed and he suddenly turned and walked away, his eyes welling up. No sooner had he turned the corner, than Teyla's door opened and she stood there, staring out into the empty hallway.
                Okay. I do not like when fave couple are tearin' up!! You can't leave me
                hangin',just wondern' what's gonna happen next! It's killing me!!!
                That is how now you've got my attention!! I start gettin' all protective of
                my ship!!!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  This is fun LOL I hope you guys are still enjoying these...

                  "C'mon Sheppard, I know exactly what you need," Ronon said. Sheppard hadn't moved from his solitary position and continued throwing his tennis ball repeatedly. "Oh yeah? What's that?" he replied. Ronon walked over to him, viciously grabbed the tennis ball mid-air and walked over to the stereo playing and switched it off. "First, you need to stop listening to this garbage. Secondly, you need to take a shower and shave all that hair you've been growing on your face. And third, we're going out." John still hadn't moved. "Did you just call Johnny Cash, Garbage?" Ronon smiled and reached down to where John sat. With one hand he pulled John up by the front of his shirt. "Go. Shower. Now."
                  After they made their way through the Stargate, John asked Ronon, "Ok I've showered, shaved off the beard it took me weeks to grow,and you got us clearance from Carter for an off world visit. What the hell are we doing here on planet....planet...what the hell planet are we on?" Ronon slapped his arm across Johns shoulders and gruffly said "Come on."

                  Ronon led the way into a building with loud folk music, pretty waitresses, and many patrons sitting around dozens of tables, all of them with large frothy mugs in their hands, laughing and talking obnoxiously. "A bar? You made me shave that beard for a bar?" Ronon smiled and sat down at a table, and ordered two of the largest mugs available. John sighed heavily and sluggishly joined him.
                  After many mugs and bad jokes, Ronon finally asked John, "So when are we gonna talk about this?" John looked at him through bleary eyes. "Talk about what?" Ronon looked annoyed. "Sheppard, you've been doing nothing but moping around Atlantis for months now. Our missions are a joke, we're lucky if you even speak to half of us anymore. We need to talk about Teyla." John scoffed. "We are NOT gonna talk about her," he slurred. "Yes we damn well are. I know how much you care about her John, I'm not stupid. But you've got to do something about this. If you love her then you need to tell her. If you don't, then you need to get over this and fast before I have to kill you myself." John was leaned over on one side, the table holding him up. "Listen big guy, I don't hear YOU making any late night confessions so why should I?" He hiccupped loudly. Ronon took a big swig of his drink and said, "Fine. I think the new doctor is hot. You're turn." And then he took another swig. John looked at him for a minute. "Oh....well allrighty then. Look, theres nothing I can do. She made her choice, she's with someone now. It's over before it got started." John looked miserably at the inside of his mug, staring at the swill. Ronon stood to get another drink and looked back towards the table and said, "Don't you think its strange Shep that she's three months pregnant and we've never met the guy? No one has, and something tells me no one will." And he walked towards the bar. John stared at him for a minute before replying, "HUH?"
                  I don't know what you got yourself into, but I hope you have fast fingers and no writer's block. LOL

                  It's so awesome and I love the part in the gate room. I'll be waiting for the next section. Please make sure you save this all and post in one of the sites Camy gave you.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Have I been gone that long? Boy I got a lot to catch up.

                    It's nothing fancy, but it's kinda techy.

                    Very Cool!! I like this alot!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Howdy all! I just stopped by for a bit to give you this link we were talking about the other night for Conversion. Just head on over to JTC and it's right on the front page. Enjoy! More later. (link is my sig banner)


                        normally post all the TV listings for the month at the NEWS thread (here's the recent one - but here are the Joe pieces coming up in early-mid July.

                        JOE FLANIGAN

                        Tell Me No Secrets
                        An attorney is psychologically terrorized by a rapist who knows about a secret in her past. 107 minutes
                        Sat Jun 30 04:26P on Lifetime Movie Network
                        Sun Jul 1 05:45A on Lifetime Movie Network
                        [Joe has a substantial part in this movie; his character is trying to date the attorney]

                        Danielle Steele’s Family Album (4 hours)
                        Sat, Jul 7, 12:00 PM, WE, part 1 of 2
                        Sat, Jul 7, 2:00 PM, WE, part 2 of 2
                        [well, we all know he's got a good part in this one, right?]

                        Dawson's Creek
                        "Tamara's Return"
                        Tamara (Leann Hunley) returns to seal a deal with Mitch; Jack makes a good impression on Joey at an art exhibit; Andie goes through Dawson to learn more about a potential paramour. John Wesley Shipp, Katie Holmes.
                        Tue 07/10/2007 09:00A on TBS Cable

                        Dawson's Creek
                        “Full Moon Rising”A full moon over Capeside draws Joey to Jack; sets the scene for Pacey and Andie's first date; and tears the Leerys apart. Monica Keena. 60 minutes
                        Wed Jul 11 09:00A on TBS Cable

                        Tru Calling
                        “Brother’s Keeper”When Tru's brother, Harrison, falls in love with a beautiful young woman, only Tru knows that he could be implicated in the death of the woman's estranged husband. Tru must race against time in order to keep her brother from committing murder or being killed himself.
                        July 17 –7:00 PM on SciFi

                        This is from Shep Whumping Thread. Prion posted these in there.
                        I thought maybe y'all would be interested also. Elf
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          So, the new challenge is HOT/FIRE/BLAZE!

                          Now, you can either write a fic regarding something to do with the above challenge or you can write a fic that brings those adjectives in mind, in other words right me a HOT SCORCHING BLAZING FIC!

                          Or do a combo of both! *grin*

                          Some goodies....All snaggable, snurchable, whatever! LOL

                          Present for you Camy, and for all you cool catz here... I hope you like it! It's called 'The Heat Is On':


                          I also updated Baby Love (finally). Here's the link:



                          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            So, the new challenge is HOT/FIRE/BLAZE!

                            Now, you can either write a fic regarding something to do with the above challenge or you can write a fic that brings those adjectives in mind, in other words right me a HOT SCORCHING BLAZING FIC!

                            Or do a combo of both! *grin*

                            Some goodies....All snaggable, snurchable, whatever! LOL

                            Present for you Camy, and for all you cool catz here... I hope you like it! It's called 'The Heat Is On':


                            I also updated Baby Love (finally). Here's the link:


                            I Love you Ruby!! You know Baby Love is my faves by you!!!!

                            Feel the Big Ol' (((((((HUG)))))!!!:
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              I'm on a roll today!

                              John and Ronon stumbled through the gate well after 2:00 am Atlantis time. There were only four guards in the gate room and one technician in the control room. Ronon was practically carrying Col. Sheppard like a football with one arm even though he himself was swaying mightily when they came through the wormhole. The technician who had let them through came stomping down the stairs at incredible speed. He was a small man with large glasses and quite an attitude. "Colonel Sheppard, Colonel Sheppard there is no scheduled gate activity for this time! What's the meaning of this?" Col. Sheppard flung Ronon's grasp off him and stumbled to stand on his own. He tried to make a commanding face through his stupor and he pointed right in the face of the tech and said, "The point is....the point is....don't drink and gate." And then he fell face first to the floor. Ronon burped loudly and laughed and picked his friend off the floor. The technician got huffy and stormed off, muttering to himself.
                              John pushed Ronon away again. "I'm fine, Ronon thank you for being such a perfect date tonight. We should do this again sometime." Ronon smirked, clapped John on the shoulder and walked off towards his bedroom. John stood a moment before the Stargate, and slantedly saluted his four fellow officers guarding the gate, before gaining enough composure to climb the stairs and head toward his bedroom.
                              "Two more hallways, you can make it, John," he told himself outloud. Holding the wall for support and squinting his eyes he was almost there when he looked down the hallway to his right. There was her door. Without thinking about it much, John still hugging the wall walked slowly until he was directly in front of her door. His heart felt flooded with emotion and more than anything he wanted to barge in there and tell her that he loved her, that he had always loved her and that she should be with him. But he couldn't. He lay his forehead upon her door and breathed a heavy sigh of sorrow. His hands lay beside his head, his shoulders slunk in defeat. He was so close to her, all he had to do was knock. Moments passed and he suddenly turned and walked away, his eyes welling up. No sooner had he turned the corner, than Teyla's door opened and she stood there, staring out into the empty hallway.
                              I seriously love this story - it's so well written and you have the characters down so well. And I looooove Ronon taking Sheppard to bar - priceless! Do make sure you put it up on or somewhere else.

                              I'm going to bed now (2.29am here - ow!) but when I wake up I expect more updates! I mean it! Grr...

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                                I Love you Ruby!! You know Baby Love is my faves by you!!!!

                                Feel the Big Ol' (((((((HUG)))))!!!:
                                Lol, well, I only hope you like it! Night all xx

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

