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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Very interesting points.

    I have to say that I have always thought that John was more into Teyla than Teyla was into John - that is until season three. Teyla, like John is a bit of a closed book when it comes to revealing any emotions. She tends to come across as the strong leader, only intent on destroying the Wraith and that is her whole focus.

    Johns attraction to Teyla has been more obvious IMO - but he also tends to keep his feelings under wraps, but unlike Teyla he has inadvertantly let them spill out from time to time. Conversion - was that Johns pent up feelings for Teyla coming out - when he apologised to her was he hoping for some other reaction besides "think no more of it". I don't think that Teyla has ever given John any indication that he was anymore to her than a friend and her team leader, so I can see John not been all that sure where he stood with Teyla.

    But in season three we see Teyla seek out John more - we see her spending more time with him and getting to see what is behind the John Sheppard mask. I think she has always felt a connection to John but decided that it couldnt go any further possibly because she is on his team and they are fighting a war. But its almost as if they are both breaking down each others defenses. They have wormed their way into each others hearts without even realising it. I think they both have a physical and emotional attraction to each other but NEITHER are quite sure if the other wants to do anything about it. They are both possibly thinking the same way - I think he/she likes me but not sure how to take the next step. John may be holding back because he thinks he sucks at relationships and doesn't want to get hurt again - he has built this wall around himself and it will take a lot to knock it down - but I believe that it time it will come down - with a little help from Teyla. Teyla has said that her customs are different to earth customs - so she is also hesitant in making any further move. But I believe that the feelings they have for each other will come to a cresendo and one of them will take the plunge - this may happen if one of them is injured -
    John was a lot more agitated in Sunday than in the Ark - almost loosing her again so soon made him lose some of that famous Sheppard coolness,
    or the attraction may just spill over like it did in Conversion (minus the retrovirus) and someone plants a kiss on the other. But either way I think they will admit feelings for one another and I'm hoping that the writers will continue to build up on these feelings the way they have been in season three - and who knows we may even get some admission of feelings before the end of season four.


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Hello everyone...and welcome...

      I've been having some difficulty with the computer, not to mention real life...

      I saw Sunday...and...

      well, I don't want to be the devil's advocate and for those newbies....bare with me..since if you don't know me, AG invented the shippy glasses not for me...but for the rest of you to see what I, this may sound much as I liked Sunday...and I didn't like has it's very very nice moments for me....The infirmary scene was awesome, the scene where John finds Teyla injured, PRICELESS!

      However, the sticky point for me is the wording in that first scene coming out of Teyla's friends mouth....she says or confirms with Teyla by asking her, "you like him?"

      Now, am I the only one that finds this I to believe that after almost 4 years that Teyla knows John..knows everything about him...that now, Teyla finds herself having a crush on John? she likes him? What exactly does that mean? I mean Thalen gave more emotion by saying "he cares for you more than you know...."

      so, that bothered me.....Teyla doesn't like John....Teyla has deep feelings for John....John said he loves them, like a family.....and Teyla now is only liking John?...UH, NO!

      So, that bothered me....

      and the last thing that bothered me.....So, John was married....could he be more screwed up....I mean, we already know the baggage that he's carrying...but now, he feels like he can't do another marriage...or at the very least the way he said it, he's not good at it....does John now have issues with commitment? jeepers....and what does that mean for Teyla and him....

      I still believe like Ms. Houston said to Teyla..he's oblivious to the whole thing....he doesn't think that Teyla likes him at all....romantically or physically at least...that conversation in Conversion I think did it for him and so now he says, I"m not even going to bother, hence his reaction when Ronon told him that he always saw John with Teyla.....

      so, John has no clue, he feels that he's not good at any type of long relationship and Teyla is not going to make the first move cause its against her tradition...
      which to me spells, either Ronon is going to have to intervene and smack them both across the face...

      or this is going to go on like this for a very long time...which then to me looks like we are almost starting up again with this relationship as if it was season 1....


      Now, your job....especially my old timers here..that know me, is to correct me, enlighten me and clarify this for me....LOL

      cause right now, I"m not feeling what you guys are feeling....could be that I've been sleepless and that the stupid computer keeps shutting down on me everytime I"m watching the, take that for what it's worth....

      Now, please, do NOT misinterpret me....I liked the episode and I saw and understood the story and the pieces held together....I just didn't get the vibe and excitement that I get with an episode say like The Ark...for me it was like, forget the past three to almost four years that these two have known each other and lets' start up again from scratch!

      in the Ark.....everything was clear and everything was done without hesitation and question...Okay, I know it was two different scenarios, here they were relaxed and the Ark was all about survival....I get it...but still...I guess I just don't see Teyla and John as questioning and playing around with their feelings and asking each other out on cutesy dates....*rolls eyes* I don't see John and Teyla asking each other to give this a try...they know each other already, what's there to question...this isn't your ordinary relationship.....

      Devine's series has one scene where John and Teyla are secretly seeing each other and they just started out together unknowngst to the rest...and in one scene John explains to Teyla what courtship is like on Earth especially in his culture..and he mentions dating and figuring out if the couple likes each other....and one thing I love is what John says to Teyla...something in the nature as to "we are beyond that" John and Teyla are just seeing each other in the fic and yet, John is able to say that to Teyla...that's how I see these two....when and if they ever get together, I don't expect them to be all cutesy and loveydouby and trying to figure out whether they belong with each other or not...for me, the only thing stopping these two is to acknowledge their feelings for each other and then, the rest is just, with Sunday...I don't get that feeling.....

      Oy, I"m leaving...I think I"m making my point worse....LOL

      *clears throat* and no throwing tomatoes at Camy for being honest!
      some good points there I understand where you are coming from however the point you made about John being married we have to remember that we don't know the reason why it failed... It could have been due to the fact that he is in the military and would have barely been around anyway and that might be the reason why he thinks he's no good at it but still we don't know.. also its funny how he never mentioned this to Teyla but to Ronon maybe he didnt want her to feel Jealous.... I don't know just a thought I had


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Very interesting points.

        I have to say that I have always thought that John was more into Teyla than Teyla was into John - that is until season three. Teyla, like John is a bit of a closed book when it comes to revealing any emotions. She tends to come across as the strong leader, only intent on destroying the Wraith and that is her whole focus.

        Johns attraction to Teyla has been more obvious IMO - but he also tends to keep his feelings under wraps, but unlike Teyla he has inadvertantly let them spill out from time to time. Conversion - was that Johns pent up feelings for Teyla coming out - when he apologised to her was he hoping for some other reaction besides "think no more of it". I don't think that Teyla has ever given John any indication that he was anymore to her than a friend and her team leader, so I can see John not been all that sure where he stood with Teyla.

        But in season three we see Teyla seek out John more - we see her spending more time with him and getting to see what is behind the John Sheppard mask. I think she has always felt a connection to John but decided that it couldnt go any further possibly because she is on his team and they are fighting a war. But its almost as if they are both breaking down each others defenses. They have wormed their way into each others hearts without even realising it. I think they both have a physical and emotional attraction to each other but NEITHER are quite sure if the other wants to do anything about it. They are both possibly thinking the same way - I think he/she likes me but not sure how to take the next step. John may be holding back because he thinks he sucks at relationships and doesn't want to get hurt again - he has built this wall around himself and it will take a lot to knock it down - but I believe that it time it will come down - with a little help from Teyla. Teyla has said that her customs are different to earth customs - so she is also hesitant in making any further move. But I believe that the feelings they have for each other will come to a cresendo and one of them will take the plunge - this may happen if one of them is injured -
        John was a lot more agitated in Sunday than in the Ark - almost loosing her again so soon made him lose some of that famous Sheppard coolness,
        or the attraction may just spill over like it did in Conversion (minus the retrovirus) and someone plants a kiss on the other. But either way I think they will admit feelings for one another and I'm hoping that the writers will continue to build up on these feelings the way they have been in season three - and who knows we may even get some admission of feelings before the end of season four.
        I shouldn't even be here...but I Love how you wrote this blue....GREAT CONVO GUYS!

        LC...first of all, I don't think VB meant that comment for you.....I think she was referring to my comment! *grins*

        But, Blue...I have to agree with you....Teyla has definetly shown more emotion this season for John than in others....and I loved it!

        Which is why....never mind...

        I think you are soo right....these two are battling whether to make the move or not...and I like how VB pointed out that Teyla did say,

        We shall see,
        which only means....Teyla is not going to give up on him and she will get him to admit it..which tells me, that she really believes that John feels the same way about her.....[/spoilers]

        Now, I like the comparison here between the Ark and Sunday...

        I don't know that it will take Teyla or John to get injured..I mean, been there done that with these two.....I think what struck John in Sunday was that different from The Ark...he was able to do something, in Sunday, she's hurt and he can't do nothing about it, and he knows it is up to Carson...hence his connotation to poor was almost a demand..."you make her be alright...and in case he didn't hear it the first time, he repeated it again!" jeepers, the whole damn episode was about hidden words....

        That's it...why didn't they call it, What You Meant to Say! LOL


          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          My take on John/Teyla has always been that John has more interest in Teyla than Teyla has in him. He might say he's got no interest in anyone in Atlantis, but while words can lie, actions are more likely to tell the truth. It's Teyla he reaches out to when she's alone in the city, and Teyla whose good opinion counts to him. It's Teyla whom he kisses when the Iratus retrovirus is taking down his inhibitions, and Teyla to whom he confesses about his sense of family.

          While the bulk of John's functional interaction is with Rodney and Elizabeth, his 'personal moments' tend to be with Teyla.

          Teyla, by contrast, hasn't really given him that much to work with. She's the one telling him to 'think nothing of it' in Conversion when he tries to apologise. She's the one walking away from him in The Long Goodbye. And while she glances at him fairly often when they're out on missions, that seems more like someone looking to take cues from the leader than 'loving glances'.

          So, in Sunday,
          Teyla's statement was a huge breakthrough for me. (Assuming she meant it about John; which, since this is the John/Teyla shippy thread, we're going to accept!) She is romantically interested in John, but is unwilling to take it further than her liking him. There are many different kinds of love - not all of them have to involve wanting to spend your life with someone.

          John having previously been married and having screwed it up (from his perspective: "not very good at it") gives another reason for why he's shown all this interest in Teyla (through his actions) but never made a move. On one hand, he knows he's stuffed up a relationship before - and his wife probably wasn't a friend, team-mate, and ally in a fight against life-sucking space vampires - there's a lot more riding on his relationship with Teyla than just the 'me and you' of a standard relationship.

          The actions/words dichotomy is important, IMO.

          In terms of actions - yeah, we're at Season Three John/Teyla interaction. Action-wise, John keeps telling Teyla that she's incredibly important to him. (Echoes, The Ark, Sunday.)

          In terms of verbal discussion/contemplation of this relationship on-screen? We are all the way back at Season One!

          But hey, at least we made it out of the starting box! Other pairings haven't been so lucky.

          *hugs Camy* I wouldn't lose hope, hon - our pairing got mentioned on-screen, Teyla and John both got to spill about their love lives, and John got to show his concern about Teyla.

          In terms of what Stargate Atlantis usually gives us? This is a big step forward!

          Oh, bother. This turned into one of my mammoth meta posts, didn't it?

          *looks embarrassed*

          Sorry, folks!

          Sorry for cutting your post, I LOVED the whole thing! I totally agree with you on your comments about John and about John and Ronon. That's exactly how I see it as well!

          For Teyla, I do see her a little differently. But I can totally see your point. She is definitely the harder one to read. This one is harder for me to explain, but I'll give it a go!

          To me, Teyla has been drawn to John from the start. She just shows it differently, and her explanation of Athosian custom fits quite nicely into that concept. As said before, Teyla is more reserved, more controlled with her emotions, in places where she is unsure. We see two sides of Teyla, the warm and compassionate leader who has no problem showing emotion for or with her people or with people she calls her family. Then we see the side of Teyla that's been on Atlantis, the reserved and controlled side. For me, her uncertainty of her place and of her acceptance (as shown in Gift, Sateda, etc) makes her so. S3 has been wonderful about showing her opening up to John to admit these fears and uncertainties and learning to more fully emotionally trust and believe in her new family. They have become exactly that, her family. So we now see her letting down that guarded wall caused by her own fears and self-doubt, and showing them the side the rest of the PG has known all along.
          I believe this guard also relates to her feelings for John. She was lovestruck by him from the start...the look on her face when he put on her necklace in the cave. But then she saw that he was human, he was flawed. She saw him not acting on the obvious tension and attraction while her world was thrown upside down and utterly changed. I think those feelings were pushed to the background by both for obvious reasons, but I think she still let them show on her face. If you watch my vids, I like to focus on the looks she gives to John. She watches him. A lot. And her expression says it all. Awe. Fear. Uncertainty. Bemusement. Adoration. Frustration. Love. We have example after example of this throughout all the seasons.

          John is verbal through his actions and Teyla is verbal through her expressions. And now, they are both just barely beginning to express those feelings with words.

          Not sure if that makes any sense at all, but that is how I see them. Equally struck, equally afraid. I just think Teyla has dealt with those fears holding her back more readily than John has so far. Not that he doesn't feel the same, but that he isn't ready for them yet. And not that Teyla has been waiting for years and years, but that she has just finally accepted them herself.

          And Sunday just shows that she has faith he will soon as well.

          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Sorry for cutting your post, I LOVED the whole thing! I totally agree with you on your comments about John and about John and Ronon. That's exactly how I see it as well!

            For Teyla, I do see her a little differently. But I can totally see your point. She is definitely the harder one to read. This one is harder for me to explain, but I'll give it a go!

            To me, Teyla has been drawn to John from the start. She just shows it differently, and her explanation of Athosian custom fits quite nicely into that concept. As said before, Teyla is more reserved, more controlled with her emotions, in places where she is unsure. We see two sides of Teyla, the warm and compassionate leader who has no problem showing emotion for or with her people or with people she calls her family. Then we see the side of Teyla that's been on Atlantis, the reserved and controlled side. For me, her uncertainty of her place and of her acceptance (as shown in Gift, Sateda, etc) makes her so. S3 has been wonderful about showing her opening up to John to admit these fears and uncertainties and learning to more fully emotionally trust and believe in her new family. They have become exactly that, her family. So we now see her letting down that guarded wall caused by her own fears and self-doubt, and showing them the side the rest of the PG has known all along.
            I believe this guard also relates to her feelings for John. She was lovestruck by him from the start...the look on her face when he put on her necklace in the cave. But then she saw that he was human, he was flawed. She saw him not acting on the obvious tension and attraction while her world was thrown upside down and utterly changed. I think those feelings were pushed to the background by both for obvious reasons, but I think she still let them show on her face. If you watch my vids, I like to focus on the looks she gives to John. She watches him. A lot. And her expression says it all. Awe. Fear. Uncertainty. Bemusement. Adoration. Frustration. Love. We have example after example of this throughout all the seasons.

            John is verbal through his actions and Teyla is verbal through her expressions. And now, they are both just barely beginning to express those feelings with words.

            Not sure if that makes any sense at all, but that is how I see them. Equally struck, equally afraid. I just think Teyla has dealt with those fears holding her back more readily than John has so far. Not that he doesn't feel the same, but that he isn't ready for them yet. And not that Teyla has been waiting for years and years, but that she has just finally accepted them herself.

            And Sunday just shows that she has faith he will soon as well.

            *claps madly* Oh, Stephie....I like this too...

            I see Teyla very similar to your's the same Teyla...I would add though that I wonder how much of this plays into her role as a leader.

            In Conversion she was clearly overwhelmed and taken aback by John's action...*the kiss* she shook her head and said, Colonel....after only being told a minute before she could call him John....I think that Teyla does have a free spirited side to her that we haven't seen but that because she's a leader, she's had to guard somewhat.....I wonder how much of it is played into this side of her.....clearly there is a cultural barrier here....she won't go to John.....she expects him to come to her...which is what I've always thought.....and he will.....I really believe he will make the move..he's done it in the past....he will...

            But, on a side's amazing that now Teyla has come to grip with it and my question is why? what has happened that has made her see things or feel things or understand this......I agree with you Stephi...I think Teyla has shown me from the very beginning that her feelings for John have always been as strong and powerful as his....just that she shows it differently....but the connection was there for both of them from the start...they both placed equal amount of trust from the beginning with one and the other......Teyla opened her trust to John in the tent, cave and then after...and John did it the minute he stepped forward and told her of his hobbies and the things he loves....and it has been constant throughout the seasons....

            you guys got me all wired up now....I can't wait to see now, how it's all going to unravel!

            Jeepers, Ronon should just smack them both...

            or maybe lock them up in a room or something...


              Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
              Don't worry Camy, no tomoato throwing I promise.
              Now, onto your points...

              I see what you mean about Teyla having a crush on John but from that scene I got the feeling that Teyla wasn't exactlt telling the entire truth when she was talking to her friend. I don't think that Teyla is the kind of person to just turn around and say "I'm in love with him." I dont think she would say that to anyone... possibly not even herself- as in she doesn't think she should admit her feelings for him incase they got too.. I dunno... overwhelming or something... probably not the right word but I hope you know what I mean.
              Now, as you can imagine, if Teyla hadn't been entirely truthful about her feelings for John then her friend isn't going get that she's in love with him. The usual reaction when talking about something like that is to say that the person "likes" the man/woman he/she has feelings for.
              Afterall, I doubt that her friend (darn it, what was her name?) would have seen what John and Teyla are like together on missions and the like.. she may well have seen them have a conversation or two but after all of the significant moments we saw between the two happened while they were alone togeter, her friend isn't going to grasp the intensity of her feelings for him unless Teyla actually said "I love him."
              I think the chances are that Teyla would have said something along the lines of "I have feelings for him" or even I have "I have strong feelings for him" but nothing like "I'm in love with him". As, like I said, her friend hasn't seen their little moments and the like then I dont think she would have got "I'm in love with him" from "I have feelings for him".
              Having feelings for someone, and being in love with them is a huge step and so its doubtful that she would have come to that conclusion.
              So all in all, I dont think that Teyla was being 100% truthful about her feelings for this mystery man *coughJOHNcough*.

              Hope that wasn't too confusing...

              Missed this somewhere....great point and I thought of this as well...I wouldn't expect her to admit that either but like you said more along the lines of "having feelings for this man" *cough*...John....

              and you know what....this Ms. Houston seems to be there as of recently since she was commenting on the fact that it seems that this and I think you made another great point..she probably hasn't seen the two of them as others might have....remember there is a pool going on....LOL

              I bet Ronon is in on it! LOL


                this conversation is getting interesting i totally agree with you camy teyla is a totally shut book when it comes to revealing any feelings at all it takes alot for her to show emotion to anyone or confide in anyone but she seems diffrent with john she feels comfortable enough to confide her feelings and what she is thinking like when she confided to him in the gift that she had'nt been sleeping very well and that part of her was shown in sunday when she confided in john about how she felt about carsons death and how sad she felt and i think teyla has always been attracted to john from the first moment they met
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
                  Your welcome LC and the same to JB.

                  While reading the excerpt it didn’t even occur to me that the cliffhanger epi is suppose to revolve around the Asurans totally forgot.
                  I guess I was just a little too caught up in glee with the idea of getting to see her take on a WQ; it is interesting though that she would make mention of dealing with one in the cliffhanger…hmmm well anyway, being that she will not be in First Strike, then we should hopefully see her go up against the Queen based off of the rumors heard regarding Submersion or even Vengeance because I do remember reading over in the episodes news and spoilers site that in vengeance we’ll see the return of Michael…he’s apparently conducting some dangerous experiments with the iratus bugs; it’s likely with his return, and all of what’s been described as his life threatening research, he’ll also have a WQ hot on his heals fighting to get her hands on the experiments.

                  But Like you and Vabs, either way I’m gleefully happy that Teyla's finally getting some much deserved focus.

                  Oh I know, I'm super excited to see that storyline too! Whichever ep it's in! Or maybe it carries over into more than one! Who knows! LOL! I don't think anyone really knows for sure which ep that will happen in, but hopefully, when it does, it will be a GREAT Teyla moment and hopefully even more, it will allow some GREAT J/T moments as well! All three remaining eps sound so exciting, I'm dancing on the edge of my seat and grinning like a banshee. I think I'm starting to scare my co-workers. Hehe.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post

                    Jeepers, Ronon should just smack them both...

                    or maybe lock them up in a room or something...

                    LOL! I like that idea. Interesting things would happen.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Wow the discussion on this thread by the veteran J/T members are very insightful. You guys had me glued to the screen reading every last comment.
                      I just love all of your varying opinions, it gives a sense of diplomacy within this thread.

                      Admiring fellow J/T posters.

                      Valent: Renee Elise Goldsberry/Evangeline Williamson Fansite
                      by Sheylafan87


                        Nubian, are you from Scifi...I think I've read your posts...
                        Welcome to the board...hope you like it, I have to go and give more love to Uhura on the scifiboard!!

                        Click statement above to read article.


                          i think the John Teyla ship is far more plausible that the Shep weir. It just seems to fit somehow. Not sure how far I would like them to take it though.


                            Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                            i think the John Teyla ship is far more plausible that the Shep weir. It just seems to fit somehow. Not sure how far I would like them to take it though.
                            You know what, I'm with you on this...

                            I started with X-Files, I learned that I can wait indeffintely for something viable. Then end it with a kiss and John talking to ghosts, and I'm satisfied. It would be cooler if it had a bit of an extra twist, maybe a final stave mock fight and a welcomed kiss on both ends.

                            The baby is not that important to solidify the ship to me.

                            On another note...I always felt Pam Grier should have been hired to play alongside Doggett as his co-host, I wasn't a fan of Reyes (was that the twits name?!)
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              if shep had thought about teyla romantically before - perhaps after conversion and her respnse/his response - i think that in sunday
                              Ronon has definately planted a seed in his head that will make him think "me and Teyla......yeah....that could actually work" so it will be interesting to see what happens now.

                              There has been a connection from day one in Rising...their first as the seasons progress i think we might see them developing their relationship further


                                Twice in one week! Look what yall have done to me!

                                LC/Steph- as always thanks for the kind words, you are a sweetheart (and yes, the fic is mine).

                                Camy- it's always great to hear from the truest shipper of us all.

                                I'll take everyone's word on the great vids, one day when I get away from dial-up I'll watch them.

                                My thoughts (hope you have a minute)

                                In Sunday, what throws me off is that Huston says something along the lines of I could talk to him for you, like she's best buds with the mystery guy. It could have been meant as an absolute wink wink, nudge nudge, kind of thing, (ya know jokingly). Isn't this woman a junior scientist on McKay's crew? Would she really know Shep all that well? Sure, Shep and Rodney are friends, but I seriously doubt Shep is talking about potential lovin in front of the newbies (or anyone actually).

                                I don't think it's that he doesn't trust Ronon w/ the info, but maybe that he doesn't trust himself. As we've seen from Shep in the past, he plays his cards close to the vest. Anyone who has been been hurt by someone they loved/trusted or lost someone close to them can fall to avoiding talks of feelings. I'm not a very open person when it comes to that stuff and when confronted I'll usually turn to a joke or change the subject. It's just easier to avoid the topic than worry about getting hurt or hurting someone.

                                So he could be madly in love w/ the girl, she may never know cause he'll keep playing it off. And we'll prob see Teyla getting hit on by that new Marine she thinks is cute (the joke from Mc&Mrs Miller) and Shep getting jealous and eventually (in season 6) him admitting he likes her and two seasons later, they finally smooch.

                                And another thing- is it me or has Teyla spent a good chunk of the season in the infirmary (not that I am (or was ) opposed to seeing Beckett)? Is this the only place anyone can talk about how they feel? You'd figure w/ impending death every other week people would be more inclined to share. Anywho...

                                Am I a cynic, damn skippy. Please, please Stargate writers prove me wrong. Of course w/ all the discussion of new directions in season 4, who knows?

                                Feel free to discuss, or ignore.

                                (when I delurk, I do so w/ full gusto)

