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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
    OH, thank you so much for making this!! I can't download when I'm at work, but I'll watch it tonight and send comments! Yay, can't wait!
    i hope you like it


      Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
      oh god when you get the little white window at the top left of the screen and you just have to wait for it to sort itslef out....argh!

      LOL, oh the joys of vidding.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
        Ronon can see it. And encourage it.

        I was watching random Sunday scenes (???) and saw this one ... sort of ... out of context. Read this as though two buddies in RL were chatting and tell me what you hear.

        One guy: "So, how long you been here, a year now?"
        Other guy: "A year and a half."
        One guy: "You hang out with anyone else besides me and [insert the lady's name]?"

        I'm quoting them wrong but you can get the point.

        If one guy said that to his buddy in RL, he'd be telling him dude three's a crowd, get a life, you're cramping my style.

        Of course John isn't implying ... would never imply this. No, really. I'm serious. He wouldn't.

        It just gave me a chuckle.
        yes and the thing about what he is sunday

        When he asks Ronon if he spends time with anyone else but him and Teyla...first of all he didn't say his it sure seems like they spend a lot of time together... and then when he kind of quickly said,,,not that we are sick of you or anything...

        giving an hint of ... could it hurt to leave us alone sometimes *lol* even though nothing he would say out loud *lol*
        Sigs by Scifan


          WELCOME TIRED_1!! wow how many people is that now hehe

          me thinks people saw what we saw in Sunday..and all the other episodes obviously..



            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Next up is Submersion where, according to Ken C, we get Shep
            whumped and wet!

            Spoilers for Submerion:
            I think he also mentioned a while back that Submersion is fairly Teyla-centric? Or was that The Ark? Heck, I forget....

            Also the entire ep takes place out of the city, underwater and the team is ambushed by a very old enemy or something like that?
            Yep, exactly correct.


            Ken wrote that he originally intended it to be Teyla centric and it was to be a follow up to The Gift, one of my all time favorite eps! But apparently it got changed in production, so isn't quite the story he originally wrote. So we don't know how much has been changed, but are hopeful that a good chunk of it is still around Teyla.
            Other rumors are that the surprise visitor underwater is an old wraith queen, which would possibly tie into Teyla and a Gift followup. But then again, others have speculated Carson will be the visitor, so I guess you just never know!
            Other comments from Ken are that Elizabeth learns it's sometimes better to stay in the comforts of the city and that John gets wet. WAHOO! I am excited for this one!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
              i hope you like it
              I'm sure I will, I'm a fan of your other work.
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Welcome Tired!!!

                I am starting to sound like a broken record, with all these new shippers!

                P.s. Why are you tired?

                26 people in the thread at the moment!! Geez louise!!
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  I'm sure I will, I'm a fan of your other work.
                  really? *blushes* Thanks. I knew i made these vids obsessively for a reason


                    Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                    hi there, Im a recent convert to Sheyla!! its now so clear.

                    I made a vid for sheyla with big spoilers right up to SUNDAY, if you're interested


                    So I am playing major catch up with this thread and have to greet many new friends but first...I saw a link...I clicked...I LOVED IT! So many great moments just make me want to give a little shippy sigh....

                    Thanks for the vid obsessed1...I so love music vids and after my failed attempt at making one, everytime WMM didn't like me it decided to kick me off...I decided to leave it to the professionals!

                    Welcome obsessed! Pull up a cushion, relax, enjoy yourself... style!


                      Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                      i always start to load it, immediately cancel it and then it loads it in as one big clip, then you can go through it, go to a specific bit and cut it up that way...speeds the process up
                      Oh, that's so interesting! I like to do the opposite. When you browse on your computer to import, at the bottom of that window is a little box you can check to either import the episode as one big clip or to have it split into a couple hundred little clips. I always choose the option to split it up. It does take it a few minutes longer to import each ep, but it's much faster in the long run when editing. At least to me! I even know of several Premiere vidders who still import into MM just for this function and make all their clips and then import their smaller made clips into Premiere. Premiere doesn't give you the option to split them like MM does, but imports as one big giant clip, which is annoying when trying to edit. I guess everyone has their own style and method, LOL!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                        really? *blushes* Thanks. I knew i made these vids obsessively for a reason
                        LOL! Oh yes!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Yep, exactly correct.


                          Ken wrote that he originally intended it to be Teyla centric and it was to be a follow up to The Gift, one of my all time favorite eps! But apparently it got changed in production, so isn't quite the story he originally wrote. So we don't know how much has been changed, but are hopeful that a good chunk of it is still around Teyla.
                          Other rumors are that the surprise visitor underwater is an old wraith queen, which would possibly tie into Teyla and a Gift followup. But then again, others have speculated Carson will be the visitor, so I guess you just never know!
                          Other comments from Ken are that Elizabeth learns it's sometimes better to stay in the comforts of the city and that John gets wet. WAHOO! I am excited for this one!
                          shep is not only wet but whumped too hehe

                          im thinking that if its a teyla centric ep then tehre should be some good sheyla stuff...or maybe im just hoping for that anyway heh



                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Argh. Darnit. Vidding is hard. Well, it is when you're struggling to find the clips you want and Windows Movie Maker takes 15 minutes to load every ep into the clipboard just so you can see if the clip you want is even in there... *sigh*
                            Something tells me your computer has been chatting it up with mine and says 'Let's not let them make a video'...because I got so frustrated everytime I imported clips to try to make a drove me nuts!

                            This is why I stick to making wallpapers...

                   rant over!

                            Welcome Alipeeps! I think I've seen you somewhere before...(perhaps when I go haunting the Shep Thunk Thread to drool..I mean view all the lovely pics)

                            Must go read your many nice surprises today in the thread!

                            BTW...I love your sig!


                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                              shep is not only wet but whumped too hehe

                              im thinking that if its a teyla centric ep then tehre should be some good sheyla stuff...or maybe im just hoping for that anyway heh
                              We all are Roo.... *lol*

                              If it's about Teyla...there might be yet again concern from John....
                              And if John ends up getting whumped then Teyla might very well show concern this time and she can take care of him *lol*
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                                shep is not only wet but whumped too hehe

                                im thinking that if its a teyla centric ep then tehre should be some good sheyla stuff...or maybe im just hoping for that anyway heh
                                We're keeping all our fingers and toes crossed! Ken has been very good to us so far!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

