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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Thanks for the transcript again LC.

    It will be interesting to see what happens in the second half of the season and what these interesting surprises will be. I think that we will be getting quite a few surprises at the end of the season, including whatever happens to Carson and that the PTB can change with the wind when it comes to relationships. We have been getting great consistancy in season three where Teyla and John are concerned and this was once again evident in Irresponsible. They are just so in tune with one another and John is usually not so easily persuaded to change his mind. You can see how he respects Teyla's opionion and how she balances his "act before thinking" side.

    I am really trying to stay out of the ep threads at the moment and really think that it is being taken over by a minority of people who are letting their own personal issues cloud their judgement on the ep - I hope the PTB don't think that this is how the majority of fans feel about SGA. I have to admire Ken C for his stamina too.
    Well said, BA! I too love the consistency we've seen where J/T are concerned!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      some of the comments on that thread are nasty and unessary some one should tell them what we think of people like that by the way beautiful vid bp
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Yeah, and now they started with the Teyla thing....ARG!

        We can't let them get away with it...but we can't fall for the bait either...that's why I can't comment's sickening...

        but moving on to bigger and better things..Wikked just posted some gorgeous pictures on the Galleria for the episode Irresponsible...go and check them out and thank her for them...that is time consuming believe me, I"ve done it!

        I hope the writers give us that bit of leap of faith...I get the feeling they are dying to do something different and out there..and putting these two together or even acknowledging it...would definetly be a big step for these writers...I"m hopeful.... matter what you decide..I know it will be great...also, Steph...I"m inspired but I want to find that right cap for you...I hope, hope, hope...we get something really good for Sunday!


          Ok no offence to anyone, but I prefer posting my pics here.


            Hypercaz..of coarse it's no offense.....I like it that both threads have pics...I can never have too much viewing of these two...that's just me of course...I can't speak for the others...*grins*


              guess it just annoyed me that people didn't enjoy my pics as much because they were waiting for other people to post similar ones in that thread instead of looking here.

              *loads sheyla jukebox with fav pic*


                Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                guess it just annoyed me that people didn't enjoy my pics as much because they were waiting for other people to post similar ones in that thread instead of looking here.

                *loads sheyla jukebox with fav pic*

                All hail the sheyla jukebox


                  Hi Everyone! I was going to just read a few pages, but was compelled to drop a few comments:

                  FanFics: Finally caught up on all the stories and they were awesome. I left reviews were I could.

                  Been checking out the beautiful sigs, especially the ones for the holiday, may have to do one myself.

                  Videos: I couldn’t get the first one to download , but I was able to see Black Panther’s; you did a beautiful job.

                  Spoilers/Caps: Thanks again everyone who’s posted info about the new episodes. It helps the time go by since it seems like we won’t see the second half of season 3 until hell freezes over. I’m trying to be a good girl and not actually look at the episodes until they air on Scifi, but I’m reading everything I can get my hands on. So, again, thanks.

                  1: Teyla’s influence over John – What did you expect? He’s been whipped since day one.
                  2: Their argument was pretty steamy – They always are, especially when John grabs her and cuts off what she’s saying with a hot ‘n juicy kiss…..urr (sorry, I was daydreaming again). ** sighs** I’ll just wait until April,….no wait , it’s posted in the gallery. Wikked bless you!Woohoo!
                  3: Did someone mention fruit bowls? …never mind.…
                  4: Posting on other threads – Rarely do it because people are out of control. They have very little respect for anything or anyone and yet feel that others should respect them even when they say horrible things. I just avoid it all together.
                  5: Sunday – I can’t wait….for the spoilers, but I guess I’ll have to.

                  Newbies: I think a missed a few with my last post so, Welcome, Welcome!
                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  where's Dee...she said she was making some more...right?

                  Okay...I"m off to cut some heads off!
                  Urr....that's for the rug people, right? Ha!

                  I have video ideas, but I need clips so for now I’m trying to finish Growth and after that I’ll be free to start over. May even remix a couple that I made before that I wasn’t so happy with. Anywho, that’s all I have for now.



                    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                    guess it just annoyed me that people didn't enjoy my pics as much because they were waiting for other people to post similar ones in that thread instead of looking here.

                    *loads sheyla jukebox with fav pic*

                    No, no...hon...We love your's just that Wikked did a lot of them....but it's not a competition sweetie...we love know that...and we love your jukebox....Any pic of Teyla and John is welcomed in my book from anyone in any thread! is that better......

                    and I love that picture of Teyla holding John's picture...she looked so beautiful and he's so damn hot even in black and white and in poor quality picture...LOL

                    DEE...I"ve missed you...have we heard from Cyn...I hope her sister is okay...


                      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                      Hi Everyone! I was going to just read a few pages, but was compelled to drop a few comments:

                      FanFics: Finally caught up on all the stories and they were awesome. I left reviews were I could.

                      Been checking out the beautiful sigs, especially the ones for the holiday, may have to do one myself.

                      Videos: I couldn’t get the first one to download , but I was able to see Black Panther’s; you did a beautiful job.

                      Spoilers/Caps: Thanks again everyone who’s posted info about the new episodes. It helps the time go by since it seems like we won’t see the second half of season 3 until hell freezes over. I’m trying to be a good girl and not actually look at the episodes until they air on Scifi, but I’m reading everything I can get my hands on. So, again, thanks.

                      1: Teyla’s influence over John – What did you expect? He’s been whipped since day one.
                      2: Their argument was pretty steamy – They always are, especially when John grabs her and cuts off what she’s saying with a hot ‘n juicy kiss…..urr (sorry, I was daydreaming again). ** sighs** I’ll just wait until April,….no wait , it’s posted in the gallery. Wikked bless you!Woohoo!
                      3: Did someone mention fruit bowls? …never mind.…
                      4: Posting on other threads – Rarely do it because people are out of control. They have very little respect for anything or anyone and yet feel that others should respect them even when they say horrible things. I just avoid it all together.
                      5: Sunday – I can’t wait….for the spoilers, but I guess I’ll have to.

                      Newbies: I think a missed a few with my last post so, Welcome, Welcome!

                      Urr....that's for the rug people, right? Ha!

                      I have video ideas, but I need clips so for now I’m trying to finish Growth and after that I’ll be free to start over. May even remix a couple that I made before that I wasn’t so happy with. Anywho, that’s all I have for now.

                      ROTFLMAO..Dee...yea....that was for the rug people...although......


                        in the episode thread....they've gone from conversion to Irresistible, to Echoes and then back to Oh, I don't even know...

                        Dee....I can't wait till you update Growth and vids...Oh, love it...

                        some new fics went up in's a new writer....I"m liking her fics and Nytel updated her latest JT fic with Chapter 7....leave them a review...we need more fics...



                          Thanks for all the comments! I am really glad you guys and gals enjoyed my vid!

                          spirited Chihiro it is really nice to have my inspiration back! The other ship didn't keep my interest long. JT has always been and always will be my main ship. I am too dedicated to these two. Just look at them! How can I not love them?

                          LoveConquers glad to be back!

                          HyperCaz love the pic! Glad to have the jukebox back!

                          I have really enjoyed the discussions, and find myself agreeing with a lot that is being said. Especially about Teyla's influence over John. As for Sunday and the rest of the eps I have hope for something shippy, but won't hold my breath. Keep the spoilers coming. It is the only thing keeping me from going crazy.


                            Gorgeous vid BP! Love the song too. Never heard it before then but I really like it. Celine Dion right? *runs to download*

                            I'm loving everyones new xmas sigs and artwork. I love this time of year... *grin*

                            Hypercaz, love your pics. The Sheyla jukebox is awesome! I reeeeally like that pic of Teyla holding Johns picture. The expression on her face is lovely. So concerned...

                            some new fics went up in's a new writer....I"m liking her fics and Nytel updated her latest JT fic with Chapter 7....leave them a review...we need more fics...
                            New fics! Yay! I'll run to read them as soon as I'm done here.

                            As for Teyla being able to influence John;
                            I've thought that for a while. She's always been the one that can get through to him. Even when he's not exactly in the world of the sane (Phantoms anyone?) so it didn't suprise me that she was able to get him to stay put when he so clearly wanted nothing more than to go out and kick some serious Kolya butt!
                            I loved how Rodney and Ronan just sorta let them get on with it. That was great!
                            Very hot argument indeed. Major eye-contact going on.. Yum!

                            Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                              Hey there!

                              Tired refugee from the episode thread coming home ...

                              I noticed a lot of fan angst was expended on that thread and it wasn't only about Irresponsible. IMO, it ran way deeper than that.

                              Some great points can be salvaged in and among the posts on what must be an epic thread (OMG) ... and I actually got something out of it for myself ...

                              For me, I found out I'm way, way more loyal to the cast than I am to the show itself ... don't ask me how I came up with this one ... I might scare you! But it's true. I really love this cast. I can watch a so-so ep and just love the heck out of it for the value the cast brings to it. If there's good sci-fi, I'm like a kid at Christmas. Give me some good character interaction, I will smile for a week. Give me some JT ship, and oh man ... I might start dancing in my living room. We could do with a little dance, right?

                              I rewound the heck out of that John/Teyla interaction in the cottage and came to the conclusion that these two must get on with it. I tried to get into Teyla's shoes and couldn't. I'm a strong woman, but that guy is the very definition of willful. Yet she stops him in his tracks. That is cosmic.

                              Okay, I'm exagerating ... and maybe blissfully exagerating ...

                              Too much reality on the episode thread.

                              I'm retreating into fantasy and loving it.

                              Seriously, though, I do love the way John and Teyla look in those scenes.

                              Looking forward to Sunday.

                              Oh yeah! ... I love you guys. You guys are always so fair to others, so nice, and clear-headed when you're on the gen threads.

                              Okay, back to work now.


                                Well, you are have to have a stronger will to get into someone's way to do that...and you have to be determined to go all the way to stop that person from doing something that you think it's wrong....

                                correct me if I'm wrong here..but this is what I got from that scene
                                that's why I said, it really looked like she was a step ahead of him....he didn't react that way immediately...he reacted to what Lucious said to him....he walked around the room before he turned around to leave...and then Ronon didn't help..egggin him on...LOL

                                the way I see it...if you look at the scene when John sees and says it's Koyla, Teyla moves from her position and she moves right to the door...and John moves and goes over to Lucious and then reacts....for me...I like to think that Teyla deliberatelly put herself there knowing that John would want to leave and take care of this himself....

                                for me, she was looking for the villagers well interest...but also for his own...cause you never hear her say, you can get him later or after or when we are in the outskirts of the village...if I"m not mistaken she says we can leave....or something like that, right? so she actually doesn't want him to comfront Koyla at all...right?

                                Also, for someone to get in the way like my because they feel confident that either with their words or their actions they are capable to challenge the we know Teyla knows that John is not going to be forceful with, she feels confident that she can hold him down....and that shows the connection that she has with him and the connection that he has with her....

                                in addition....remember back in Suspicion when she told Weir that she should have come to her first...or actually better when she told John about him speaking with Weir alone in Hot Zone.....what I"m saying is that she had no other choice but to put John on the spot at that moment in front of the others cause there was no other choice..he was going to go....and although we are confident that she can stop him...not everyone can do that even with a loved one....thus why I think Rodney was so surprise with her actions...who can stand in the way of John Sheppard when he's in that killing mode!? only if Rodney is smart...and I think he time he's in trouble with John, he should get Teyla immediately! LOL

                                Yeah, not a shippy's nothing romantic..or any declaration...but again...for a man like John there is only one woman that can understand his character and that can ground him with just a glance and two sentences...and that's only Teyla....

                                and you know what...he knows it! which is what I interpreted also in his tone with her when he said to her, "What"...if he wasn't going to be influenced by her words..he wouldn't have listened to her in the first place...he knew immediately what she was going to do....he could have just pushed her aside..or told her not to say anything..he could have ignored her...but when he said "what" not only was he acknowledging already what she was going to say to him...but in my view..she already had him! LOL

                                Edited: John knew that Teyla was going to stop him..... he was determined to go and kill Koyla on the spot..and he knew he could do it...he had Ronon by his side and he knew the others would cover for him as well...and yet, I strongly feel that a huge part of him was already giving in to her by the mere fact that he was even listening to her....and not only that...was it me, or did you guys notice that when those two started talking...for them, there was only the two of's almost like they zoned out everything and everyone around them and only concentrated on the two of them...that is powerful! It says a lot about how John feels about Teyla and what she says...and it also says how Teyla feels about John...she wasn't going to stop until she convinced him and that is powerful!
                                Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 08 December 2006, 06:57 AM.

