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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I personally don't actually read much into how close characters are standing to each other unless it's set up intentionally, eg A walks up to B and delibrately stands too close.
    On stage I've sung romantic duets from opposite sides of the stage, hidden from other characters in plain view, it's all to do with presentation and the audience than realism and I assume it's the same for TV. With the camera angles and everything I don't think standing a realistic distance apart usually works.

    Not that I mean to be negative about it, I just don't want people to get too over-excited about what is pretty much a TV practicality.


      Welcome newbies and delurkers!

      Witchy, great caps. Thanks! Love the Teyla smiling pics.

      So, I heard that both Joe and Rachel were at Comic Con and that people were asking about at least one pairing. Anyone know if people asked about Teyla/John?

      Was anything hinted at or mentioned about the upcoming season? I read an email from someone who went who said the cast members talked about behind the scenes pranks during shots etc. There was one in which Teyla was up a tree and had to be all serious and the guys were poking her feet with sticks and tossing pebbles at her to make Rachel laugh.

      What ep was that? I don't remember Teyla being in a tree. Was that from Rising maybe?

      Anyone know if Wireimage or another major photo outlet has any press pictures from the con? I imagine they'll eventually have some of each of them.

      Anyway, I'm trying to come up with some new fic challenges from the past two eps. Normally, that's not difficult, but the baby seems to be sapping all of my brainpower. LOL. Seriously. ;D

      You all have a great day. Don't know if I'll be popping in again soon, but will try.



        Originally posted by Doxymom
        I read an email from someone who went who said the cast members talked about behind the scenes pranks during shots etc. There was one in which Teyla was up a tree and had to be all serious and the guys were poking her feet with sticks and tossing pebbles at her to make Rachel laugh.

        What ep was that? I don't remember Teyla being in a tree. Was that from Rising maybe?
        Rachel talked about that at the London Film and Comic Con a couple of weeks ago that I went to - it was an episode that they just shot, so I guess that it is from towards the end of the first half of this season.


          *waves shyly* Yeah, so it's been a while, but between not having electricity for what seems like half the summer and working alllllll the time, I swear I have good reason!

          Okay, thought I'd better pop in with the new season starting to see how everyone's doing. I for one am liking the episodes so far and I will admit to a small squee
          at Teyla's HUGE grin in "Misbegotten". Seriously, when have we ever seen our girl as happy as that? Good, good stuff, my friends.

          Anyways, I'm going to make the rounds, but I'll talk to you all later!

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Originally posted by purple_cube
            Rachel talked about that at the London Film and Comic Con a couple of weeks ago that I went to - it was an episode that they just shot, so I guess that it is from towards the end of the first half of this season.

            Cool! Thanks! I wonder if we'll be able to tell they were doing that to her when we see the final product. Maybe she'll look a little annoyed or like she's trying not to laugh.



              SWWWEEEEETIIIIIEEEEEE! *runs over to SP and smothers her with mommy love kisses and hugs*

              I loved was a great episode and we got to see some great moments from all of them...great team episode...I even liked Caldwell defending Weir and Sheppard....Great....

              Bella, I see your point in the standing between each other stuff..but I can't help but think that also this is all practiced and played out for a reason.....Jonn and Teyla give each other those looks and it would be difficult for the camera to view them when they aren't close together...and then also it sets a mood as well..and probably a hidden meaning as well...
              These two spend a lot of time very close to each other and at Weir and John do it as well, but not as much....but you are right, we can't read too much into it...but I think that sometimes it's all part of the mood and the purpose of the scene as well....for example, John was constantly over Teyla in
              the Hive Ship...that was not to show anything else beyond that he was worried about her and he wanted to be there for her if anything happened to her while flying the ship....and he was just constantly hovering over her....

              DEVINE! I was listening to that song in my IPOD and I kept forgetting that I wanted to mention it here to see if someone could do a vid for it...It's such a great song and so much into John and Teyla...and I can't believe it's your first one....That was absolutely gorgeous..and the scenes were perfect..and crystal must do more!

              DM..hope you feel better and baby isn't too hyper..stop drinking coffee...I don't care what your doctors say..they don't know everything you know! coffee is not good, decaf or regular!

              And that bit about Rachel is fantastic...thanks....I loved that Rachel gets along with all of them so well..she's always said that they all love to tease her an make fun of her..that must be a wonderful place for her to be.....
              I can't wait to see Teyla up in a tree.....what would cause her to do such a thing? Interesting.and will John be there with her...?next to her...or climb up to save her? AH!


                Originally posted by Doxymom
                Welcome newbies and delurkers!

                Witchy, great caps. Thanks! Love the Teyla smiling pics.

                So, I heard that both Joe and Rachel were at Comic Con and that people were asking about at least one pairing. Anyone know if people asked about Teyla/John?
                No, unfortunately the only question about ship was Weir/Cadwell. And that led to Joe tipping Torri back and planting a big ol' kiss on her lips!

                Originally posted by Doxymom
                Was anything hinted at or mentioned about the upcoming season? I read an email from someone who went who said the cast members talked about behind the scenes pranks during shots etc. There was one in which Teyla was up a tree and had to be all serious and the guys were poking her feet with sticks and tossing pebbles at her to make Rachel laugh.
                Wasn't that "Condemned"? I think I may be getting confused though. I have a fuzzy recollection of her in a tree, and for some reason, I'm thinking Condemned.

                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                *waves shyly* Yeah, so it's been a while, but between not having electricity for what seems like half the summer and working alllllll the time, I swear I have good reason!

                Okay, thought I'd better pop in with the new season starting to see how everyone's doing. I for one am liking the episodes so far and I will admit to a small squee
                at Teyla's HUGE grin in "Misbegotten". Seriously, when have we ever seen our girl as happy as that? Good, good stuff, my friends.

                Anyways, I'm going to make the rounds, but I'll talk to you all later!
                SP! You're here! I've been looking for you to show up! *WAVES* And yes, how absolutely adorable was it in Misbegotten that
                Teyla got all giddy and un-composed when she heard John's voice. For a girl whose as cool as a cucumber, that expression and tone of voice she adopted was so very unique. It totally had me squeeing!
                My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


                  *tackles Ironic* Hey, buddy! Hope that GW is treating you well!

                  *huggles Camy* MOMMY!!! I haven't seen you in forever!!! And I definitely miss the Camy love times infinity!

                  And "Misbegotten":
                  I think that they did a great job of giving us subtle little moments between the characters (all of the ships, not just S/T), which is kinda the way I like it. I think my favorite for this relationship was when the team was on the Hive ship and Shep kept pausing next to Teyla. You could tell he was anxious and worried, and he immediately asked if she was okay when she "woke up". Great stuff.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Okay... first thing is first. Business. Witchy... Devine... I'm downloading your vids now... Witchy... I know yours will be good, Devine... I have high hopes... and a first vid you always feel bad about... it may be gold though... I still love my first.

                    Secondly... I have a fifth chapter of Never Alone Again


                    Now... on to something completely OT.

                    *Tackles SP and refuses to let her leave*

                    We've missed you SP... welcome back!
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      DEVINE! I was listening to that song in my IPOD and I kept forgetting that I wanted to mention it here to see if someone could do a vid for it...It's such a great song and so much into John and Teyla...and I can't believe it's your first one....That was absolutely gorgeous..and the scenes were perfect..and crystal must do more!

                      I have another video. This one has a lot more J/T. The song was a little harder to work out, but I think it's okay. Right now, I'm getting an error from that stupid, so I'll post it as soon as I can. Glad you liked Reason.


                        *waves at Ritter*

                        HI Ritter..OH, I"m so glad....I'm reading another fic that allisnow posted in LJ but it's loooooonnnnnngggg! and I had to take a break...

                        Devine...Oh, girl it's awesome...can't wait till I see the other one..YIPEE!


                          Here's alli's new's posted in several sites..again, haven't read it yet but her stuff is always exceptionally good....



                            I just finished Alli's fic, and I give my two thumbs up. Very, very, very well-done. If you like dark and angsty, definitely give this one a look.

                            And for my amount of OT-ness...*bounces on Ritter* It's soooooo good to see ya!!!

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by Devine27
                              I have another video. This one has a lot more J/T. The song was a little harder to work out, but I think it's okay. Right now, I'm getting an error from that stupid, so I'll post it as soon as I can. Glad you liked Reason.
                              Devine... that video... Reason... I really liked it. It was nice to get a very different video. There wasn't a constant bombardment with Shippy scenes.. but I felt it was Shep telling how he found a way to change... told with the shippy scenes and the action. A very different take and very enjoyable.

                              Oh... an Alliesnow fic.. so much for getting any sleep tonight.
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                Oh, Ritter..I just finished it and it's readable in about two hours or so...but the first one that I posted, in Wraithbait..Oh, that is a long one..but I loved it so much I"m reading it again tonight!

                                I recommend Allie's fic as well guys..very dark though..but good!

                                so, are we looking forward to Irresistible? I have my doubts about that one..A funny episode..Hmmmm..anything can happen..everyone will be out of character and that can bring about many changes....Hmmmm....

