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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Man i was looking at the caps for that head touching scene!!! ANd boy!!! was there some loving going on btw those two!!!! The looks on their faces are classic...i think that there is definitely love between them; far out...i cant wait to see this episode!!!
    I just hope this thread can get back to talking about what we are meant to...not politics (cause that is just apart of life), but rather the 'couple' we have loved!!!

    edit: just quickly though i have to agree with steph...and we should try and make peace with people who dont agree with us...or at least come to some compromise...and i realise that they talk behind our backs...and are blatantly rude...but we shouldnt lower our standards...particularly in this situation...i dont really care what u do elsewhere..cause this is GW universe!
    Last edited by spirited Chihiro; 22 September 2006, 10:26 PM.
    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

    Thanks Camy!!


      Great episode. Though I hate cliffies.

      Head touch, adorable. They seemed very intimate, as if when they stepped up and looked at eachother, there was no one else in the room. Or atleast they filmed it that way.

      Teyla seemed distant in John's room. She probably was having a hard time saying goodbye. That goes for any of them...she has had to say goodbye to people she cares for all her life. She probably didn't want to do it again. It also shows, I think, how emotionally sound and preserved she is.

      Loved her smile when they returned. As soon as you see it, you know its a genuine smile.

      Love Carson, such a sweety!!
      Him tearing up was so cute, Rodney ruined the moment though. And how cute and sweet was it for him to go and see Elizabeth. He was so concerned for her well being.

      Oh and
      How funny was Dr. Lee with Weir and World of Warcraft. He was so thrilled that she was even talking to him about anything that wasn't work related. Liz can bring her flirt on when its required. Oh and notice that Rodney had been calling her, even though she didn't return his phone calls. I thought that was cute too.
      I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
        I loved the episode 'The Return P.1' ! Yay! Now's time for Wallpapers, videos...fanfics...gimme your best shot...

        I think we came full circle almost...Teyla came up to John in the 'Rising' for the head touch...and now Shep comes forward, he who is not good with his emotions...I loved it...he tried in his quarters to say something but then resorted to his old ploy of joking to get around the situation but in the end...he couldn't leave without truly saying good-bye to Teyla...That made the moment all the more better...and you know Ronon knows these two are suppose to be together...his look was perfect!

        Most of all... Atlantis is home to EVERYONE! But most of all Shep...and Weir actually, but while Weir loves the city and everything it did to change her life I think Shep is more inclined to think of the people he met while in Atlantis as to why he feels its home...

        But to wrap this up...
        I quote Aunt Trippy...."He Athosian Hugged her!"
        I have to agree w/you...

        Ronon could *tell* something was between J/T. We have come to know that *look* of Ronon's and it was certainly a lot of someone who has quessed a secret.

        I also seem to feel that had Ronon not been present when Teyla and he went to say good-bye to John in his room that the conversation would have been *different*. Possibly more on the side of more profound acknowledgements in the light of their past conversation on the Deddy.

        But these are just my thoughts



          Great episode!

          I loved the part where John goes up to touch Teyla's head. Ronan makes a significant move backwards to allow John and Teyla privacy. That smug smile of Ronan's after the head touch reminds me of a brother who approves of his sister's boyfriend


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            I loved the episode 'The Return P.1' ! Yay! Now's time for Wallpapers, videos...fanfics...gimme your best shot...

            I think we came full circle almost...Teyla came up to John in the 'Rising' for the head touch...and now Shep comes forward, he who is not good with his emotions...I loved it...he tried in his quarters to say something but then resorted to his old ploy of joking to get around the situation but in the end...he couldn't leave without truly saying good-bye to Teyla...That made the moment all the more better...and you know Ronon knows these two are suppose to be together...his look was perfect!

            Most of all... Atlantis is home to EVERYONE! But most of all Shep...and Weir actually, but while Weir loves the city and everything it did to change her life I think Shep is more inclined to think of the people he met while in Atlantis as to why he feels its home...

            But to wrap this up...
            I quote Aunt Trippy...."He Athosian Hugged her!"
            I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right
            they have come full circle, and you know all you can do from there is widen the cirlce...

            Exactly, it's as if, Atlantis, is the first true home Shep's had in quite awhile, and like i'd said a few days ago, this is hard for him, it is essentially his family being seperated.

            And when he shows up outside the tent, and says something about missing that, i've got to agree with Trippy, there's underlying currents there's, he keeps glancing at teyla with that sweet(i know shouldn't use that to describe a guy)/boyish smile, that you could almost translate it to mean he missed her/them.

            I'm totally luving the head touching scene just for the vids it will produce......

            I'd say we started the hiatus off with a BANG!!!...

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              All righty.

              I don't even want to know what's been happening elsewhere on GW. Unfortunately, I can guess.

              For what it's worth, I think that it's acceptable to rejoice/celebrate/gloat/what-have-you about John/Teyla moment in this thread. That's what this thread is for - squeals and excitement about John-and-Teyla moments.

              However, I don't think it's acceptable to:
              - go over to another thread - particularly a 'rival' shipping thread - and squeal in excitement about our pairing;

              - go around the boards taking potshots at other posters who've previously done you wrong; and

              -bash other shippers and slashers wholesale for their pairing preferences - particularly on this board.

              IMO, these behaviours are not on.

              I also think that Vabs is right in that bad behaviour should be reported to the moderators - but for the specific individual, not a whole group of people. So if imaginary user StupidFan01 is trolling this thread and claims to be a Shweir, we report StupidFan01, not the Shweir collective, as trolling. And hopefully, the Shweirs will give us the same respect when reporting John/Teyla fans trolling their threads.

              And if they don't, then we take a leaf out of Teyla's book in Rising.

              When the Colonel Sumners dismiss you as uninteresting, stupid and not worth their time because you don't look like you're bristling with modern weaponry, then be polite, offer tea and any assistance they'll accept (including directions to the exit), and smile at the cute Major who's willing to be friendly. M'kay?

              Disclaimer: The characters of Stargate Atlantis are not mine. (Dammit!) They belong to {insert list of production companies here}. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and the management of GW does not necessarily endorse them. I'm not a regular around here, and I don't have much influence among the regulars on this thread. I'm not a mod at GW and I don't intend to become one (the stomach ulcers would be horrible). I can't enforce my suggestions above and if I could, I wouldn't because GW isn't a police state. This is just my $0.02 worth on appropriate behaviour in a public forum and is not intended to rile, annoy, dismiss, deride, inflame, or otherwise infuriate anyone (although it probably will).

              Yeesh. And I haven't even seen The Return yet.


                Originally posted by mello123
                Great episode!

                I loved the part where John goes up to touch Teyla's head. Ronan makes a significant move backwards to allow John and Teyla privacy. That smug smile of Ronan's after the head touch reminds me of a brother who approves of his sister's boyfriend

                Oh that is so a good analogy...that's how I'll think of that scene from now on..

                Oh and I sense a plotbunny?
                Do you think we would get any profession of feeling or maybe an 'I don't want you to go'?


                  Originally posted by jtjaforever
                  I have to agree w/you...

                  Ronon could *tell* something was between J/T. We have come to know that *look* of Ronon's and it was certainly a lot of someone who has quessed a secret.

                  I also seem to feel that had Ronon not been present when Teyla and he went to say good-bye to John in his room that the conversation would have been *different*. Possibly more on the side of more profound acknowledgements in the light of their past conversation on the Deddy.

                  But these are just my thoughts


                  No no, you and AG definitely nailed it...
                  Ronon's look was sensational. It was really the best look I've seen in regards to the relationship. It definitely gave you the 'about damn time' expression. Not only that, when Ronon says that this probably isn't the place for him, it's a good example of how they are definitely siblingly, since Teyla will definitely not just let her people be alone. She invited as a friend to have a home and it's cool that we get that. I still get a kick out of her smile to John when he comes in from behind the bushes...SQUEEEE!!!

                  You don't know what you're missing Sel...You'll love it!! Check out MT's pics...she posted them here on page 917...fantastic!!
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    I also forgot to add...

                    The fact that Teyla felt the need to bend down into John's personal space to say they would meet again and that she was certain of it showed her need to be closer to him, to let him know that she did not feel they would be forever seperated.

                    And from the wonder caps that I have seen of this scene the look on her face shows that she means to say more that what she does. That the *lightness* of her words are only meant to be diplomatic in the wake of the situation.

                    I also noted that John's attention was more often than not on Teyla during most of that conversation when he sat on the bed. Again, I think he would have said more had they been alone.

                    Again just my thoughts.



                      Sel, you deserve a round of appluase. You handled that oh so perfectly. And I agree with you hundred percent.

                      We should try extra hard to be tactful and respectful of others. As other(normal) people will try to be towards us.

                      Originally posted by seldear
                      and smile at the cute Major who's willing to be friendly. M'kay?
                      Yes, totally!

                      I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                        Okay, I'm continously on again/off again with the two of them, but the last couple of episode have me in the "on" position. Like in tonight's episode,
                        was it just me, or did Teyla and John seem to wish Ronan wasn't in the room when the three of them said their goodbyes. But maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part. I loved how they both asked the other to come with/stay even though they both knew what the answer would be. But as they said, they just had to ask anyway. I also really liked how John seemed to be alternating between looking at Teyla and avoiding her gaze. It just seemed to me that he was more comfortable looking at Ronan than he was looking at her. Also, was it just me or when John said before our paths uncross could you help me with these boxes, did Teyla look a little disappointed, like she was hoping he was going to say something else. Then again, maybe it just was these shipper glasses playing tricks on me again.

                        And the headbowing...*squee* Loved that it was John who approached Teyla, loved the way Ronan stepped back a little, loved the way John looked at her, loved the way Teyla looked at him, loved the whole scene!

                        And John's expression when the team showed in the Athosian settlement--that incredibly adorable smile he gave Teyla. And Teyla's outburst of "John" before saying it was great to see all of them.

                        The scenes between the two of them were all such incredible moments that even though I loved this episode for a million other reasons, the moments between the two of them really made me ADORE this episode.

                        And that's my two cents...
                        My LiveJournal
                        ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


                          Hey, my 300th post in my favorite thread. I've been trying so long to get to 300, yay...

                          Piccie(cap from Trippy actually, thanks trip )

                          I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                            After rewatching the episode

                            I also noticed that John's eyes don't leave Teyla during the whole conversation when they come back to get Ronan and Teyla - he looks at Ronan for a millisecond and then looks right back at Teyla for the entire conversation. OH, YESSSS!!! Hard to deny that - Also when he says " I'll be damned if I let a bunch of Replicators take our home away from us." he is looking directly at Teyla - no doubt he's thinking of Teyla as his future and as his significant other - not once does he look at anyone else on his team thru that complete sentence. He is speaking directly to her!! OH, YESSSS!!!He doesn't look away until he asks Ronan if he's with them...and you can see his head and eyes move.


                              Originally posted by mello123
                              After rewatching the episode

                              I also noticed that John's eyes don't leave Teyla during the whole conversation when they come back to get Ronan and Teyla - he looks at Ronan for a millisecond and then looks right back at Teyla for the entire conversation. OH, YESSSS!!! Hard to deny that - Also when he says " I'll be damned if I let a bunch of Replicators take our home away from us." he is looking directly at Teyla - no doubt he's thinking of Teyla as his future and as his significant other - not once does he look at anyone else on his team thru that complete sentence. He is speaking directly to her!! OH, YESSSS!!!He doesn't look away until he asks Ronan if he's with them...and you can see his head and eyes move.
                              Oh sweet! I can't wait to rewatch it.

                              Originally posted by DANIquinn
                              Okay, I'm continously on again/off again with the two of them, but the last couple of episode have me in the "on" position.
                              yay, for the 'on' position!'s a nice place to be.

                              I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                                Originally posted by Drewzy
                                Hey, my 300th post in my favorite thread. I've been trying so long to get to 300, yay...

                                Piccie(cap from Trippy actually, thanks trip )

                                Ah crud, look at those ears..what's not to love. I think loves every goofy thing about John...I loved the way she played off him during that
                                headtouch scene, her face at his attitude. And he was so flirtatious...there's no way someone can't read into that. It was overly romantic. I loved it. The shuffling people, it's the shuffling.

                                Originally posted by mello123
                                After rewatching the episode

                                I also noticed that John's eyes don't leave Teyla during the whole conversation when they come back to get Ronan and Teyla - he looks at Ronan for a millisecond and then looks right back at Teyla for the entire conversation. OH, YESSSS!!! Hard to deny that - Also when he says " I'll be damned if I let a bunch of Replicators take our home away from us." he is looking directly at Teyla - no doubt he's thinking of Teyla as his future and as his significant other - not once does he look at anyone else on his team thru that complete sentence. He is speaking directly to her!! OH, YESSSS!!!He doesn't look away until he asks Ronan if he's with them...and you can see his head and eyes move.
                                Yuppers, that's a bit thing is the amount of time John spent staring at Teyla during each conversation. He devoted to her his whole concentration and attention and it was really romantic. As I have said in the past, they do have a fantastic bond, and I liked how it was shown here. It's great to finally see so much and in so many eps of J/T action and understanding of one another as not only team mates, but friends, and possibly more!
                                Click statement above to read article.

