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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong
    Well you just sucked all the fun out of that little plot bunny! Having a bad day VB?

    Oh, you are killing me! ROFLMAO....She does have a way with words doesn't she? With VB, it's either you love her or NOT! I love her..I think!


      Thank you everyone for the warm welcome, its really lovely!!!

      Originally posted by vaberella
      and a heated discussion that's just mellowed out. I'm sure there'll be more.
      Yup ive noticed that discussion, been trying to post for like a week now but the forum kept crashing on me!!! Im here now though!!!
      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


        LoveConquers: Amazing Vids!! You do such a great job!! You must do more
        Originally posted by vaberella
        Hmmm....something along those lines. You know my problem with silliness. But you know what--let me hear the plot bunny, but don't throw in this nonsense about peace. I can't see the Wraith bowing down in reverance, of the John and Teyla special baby, when it's hungry.
        Agreed!! The wraith haven't cared to stop culling each different race seperately so why would they stop culling if the races were all melded into one child? Pretty farfetched.. although it would be kind of cool.. a nice way to keep the wraith at bay. But then there would need to be a new enemy... I kind of like the wraith, they just can't go yet!!!


          Welcome White Tigress...OOOOOOOHHH I love that name!

          Um....what made you choose John and Teyla....?

          What heated discussion? did I miss the heated discussion? where the heck have I've beeen?


            Okay...Two challenges for the Defiant One....

            Write a missing scene between John and Teyla from the Defiant One...maybe what they discussed after Teyla came with Ford to rescue the others....

            And, make a John/Teyla wallpaper, sig, banner, icon out of these pics...choose and pic what you want....WOW ME, people!

            This is a big one...


            Check out more choices in here....
            and here..

            Choose whatever pics you want...Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!


              Originally posted by Camy
              Um....what made you choose John and Teyla....?
              Well with who i ship for i always go with wat the first episode or so tells me and in rising it just clicked for me and ive been a J/T shipper ever since!!! It just seems... right!!!
              Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                Thank you Ssansong, for saying the light was dawning... I maybe slow at learning but i am willing to find out... I apologise about the misconception of Teyla's and Sheppards' child being wonder baby and bringing peace brcause that ws not what imeant ar all!!!. I apologise for any offence I gave all of which is entirely unintentional. Most of all i promise never, never to do any poetry again here!!!!

                I have always seen Teyla as a human, even with her "Taken." past- past is just that, the past. She has a future as the leader of the Athoisian people with Sheppard on the SGA away teams. It was brave of her to leave all she knew for allies and friends she had just met. She is not a fool though and would never throw such a chance away.
                We are angels of death in black leather
                Your demons without wings, we glide
                We are angels in black with a hunger
                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                We are angels in the blackness for ever


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers
                  Of course.

                  For me, when I say they are equals, I mean in terms of honesty, conviction, values, interests, passions, etc, not in terms of job or physical strength. Ones job or ones expertise are tangible things, I was thinking more of the intangible.

                  Yes, this is what I ment when I said I see them as equals. Well said.


                    Originally posted by kaeyla
                    Thank you Ssansong, for saying the light was dawning... I maybe slow at learning but i am willing to find out... I apologise about the misconception of Teyla's and Sheppards' child being wonder baby and bringing peace brcause that ws not what imeant ar all!!!. I apologise for any offence I gave all of which is entirely unintentional. Most of all i promise never, never to do any poetry again here!!!!
                    I'm pretty much a newbie here myself so I know what you are feeling right now, not wanting to offend anyone with your ideas, beliefs, and creations, but I assure you that anything that is said to anyone in this thread is not meant to be offensive. Some people in here have strong beliefs, and you will learn quickly who they are. I will say one word of advise, never be afraid to share what you create in here! If you haven't noticed, many people post artwork, caps, and many other creative things. I really hope you continue to post your poetry!!! I hope we didn't scare you away! We truly are a great bunch of people. Although we do tend to argue amongst ourselves, but it's not because we are angry towards any one person, it's because different people believe different things, which is bound to end up in some heated discussions!

                    You're always welcome here Kaeyla!


                      Camy- Heres a sig! Hope it WOW's you!


                        Just catching up with the thread after being away for a few days and I find so many great vids!
                        Mel-Hero was AWESOME!!! Loved it so much! Excellent work!
                        LoveConquers-You have awesome vidding talent too! I've only watched Memory Book so far, but it was just awesome! I loved how you mixed the video with the still frame shots.

                        Back later hopefully with some art for Defiant One and maybe some catch up from The Eye.

                        Sig by Cazzblade


                          WOW! 4PS! I LOVE that banner!! I like how you made the outside edge look.
                          Sig by Cazzblade


                            Originally posted by 4prettierships
                            Camy- Heres a sig! Hope it WOW's you!

                            WOW! I LOVE IT!

                            *Camy faints*



                              Did we scared you?

                              No, no, no...we are a great bunch of nutty's! We see this ship and that's all there is to it! Some of us have better looking shippy glasses than others..that's all! but personally, I think it's not the glasses per say, I think it's the get better with age! many here are young, it's veterans like me that need to clarify a few things now and then......

                              Okay, just kidding...

                              But seriously, I don't think we do heated discussions in a negative way...I've always said that sometimes people see and/or interpret things differently! I mean I've had my moments where I've had to come here and my girls and boys...(Ritter, Gatelover) always intervene and bring me back to the light...

                              Where are my girls by the way? SP..I miss you...Witchy, I hope all is well..and where is AG? she always has some fantastic work! where is she?

                              Everyone here...EVERYONE....even the ones that disagree or have a difference of opinion, is WONDERFUL! and that is why a nutty like me loves to come here...and like Bella said, I"m a slavedriver here...I think that's what she called me! YIKES!

                              keep up the good work, everyone! I need to see more people!



                              Wait, to keep this on of the best things about John and Teyla that we like in here, is that since their relationship is developing right before our eyes..we rely on the looks, the innuendos, the gestures and the interpretations that we see on TV from them and the others..and we have so much to discuss because it's not so plain and in your face, but instead it's slowly unfolding, nurturing and magnifying right before our eyes..and for me that is where my curiosity and love for this ship comes from...I'd probably wouldn't be as crazy about them if they had this relationship already developed from the beginning....this is just more fun and I especially love how the writers and the actors are playing the roles....YIPEEE!


                                Storm. Whats next?


                                4ps is on a sig making roll. Is that your third or fourth great sig in a row.?

