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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    OT - Hey folks

    I'm moving house, so I'm gonna be internetless for about a month *wails*

    So when I return...I will return with goodies (cos I haven't given you that many)

    Well I'll talk to you all soon, and if I'm online at all, I'll be at my own site - (where we have a DH/RM thunk thread) so feel free to pop along and annoy me

    bye bye

    Good luck.
    We will miss you

    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


      hello. Wow, things are busy 'round here when Mx has the day off!

      Klenotka, glad to hear you passed your English lit exam

      lovely pic spams Arlessiar and Mx

      Great "Nothing" pic spam Rose!

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
      Originally Posted by McKayRocks!
      *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* I nearly spilled my coffee all over the keyboard. Turning out to be quite a good day today!!
      Maybe I should have given you warning!
      haha! You two crack me up! I had a very clear mental image of a shocked Mx spilling her coffee!

      hello AP. You're welcome (for the RM article). Yeah, it wasn't so great in places, especially the frog bit which provided material for an original FH creation . That sucks that you won't have a computer for a time.

      Originally posted by sueKay
      I'm moving house, so I'm gonna be internetless for about a month *wails*
      Good luck with the move

      some caps from Nothing

      and SGA

      sig by Pandora's_Box


        Originally posted by pavaneofstars
        hello. Wow, things are busy 'round here when Mx has the day off!
        *looks all innocent*

        I've not been on here much (yeah right!!)
        haha! You two crack me up! I had a very clear mental image of a shocked Mx spilling her coffee!
        Well shocks like that are very welcome!!!

        Thanks for your caps!!

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Hi y'all!

          Oh I'm pretty excited right now - my best friend (the one I converted to SGA) finally had her baby! A cute little baby girl called Jiska (if you want to know how it sounds in German, pronounce the 'j' like a 'y'). I'm so happy! *dances*

          And when I'm happy I post pics. Happy pics.

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Hi y'all!

            Oh I'm pretty excited right now - my best friend (the one I converted to SGA) finally had her baby! A cute little baby girl called Jiska (if you want to know how it sounds in German, pronounce the 'j' like a 'y'). I'm so happy! *dances*
            Oh what lovely news Arlessiar!! What a beautiful name!! Give your friend my congratulations!!

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              Hi y'all!

              Oh I'm pretty excited right now - my best friend (the one I converted to SGA) finally had her baby! A cute little baby girl called Jiska (if you want to know how it sounds in German, pronounce the 'j' like a 'y'). I'm so happy! *dances*

              And when I'm happy I post pics. Happy pics.
              That is happy news! Extend my congratulations your friend and her family. Jiska is a beautiful name, do you know it's meaning?

              Nice pics too.

              And while I'm thinking of babies, maybe some folks have seen these photo manips of Rodney, John and Ronon with babies here.

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                *Looks at manips*



                  Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                  And while I'm thinking of babies, maybe some folks have seen these photo manips of Rodney, John and Ronon with babies here.
                  Oh that one of Rodney holding a baby is so cute!!! Very cleverly done!! I hadn't seen them before so thank you for posting them!

                  sig by SheppyD
                  Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                  I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                  So he just looks crazy


                    Originally posted by Allestian
                    *Looks at manips*


                    yes, they are quite adorable. I get a chuckle out of the Ronon one.

                    sig by Pandora's_Box


                      Very funny, specially since I just read a fic where John and Rodney become co-fathers (of the same child). Weird alien-tech-influenced conception, accelerated male pregnancy. Just your usual day on Atlantis.
                      "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                        Pavane and Mx - thanks so much for your congrats, I'll pass them on!
                        Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                        Jiska is a beautiful name, do you know it's meaning?
                        As far as I know it's origin is hebrew and it means "feast for the eyes"
                        And while I'm thinking of babies, maybe some folks have seen these photo manips of Rodney, John and Ronon with babies
                        Yeah, I saw them a while ago, and I think the're perfectly done, especially the one with John and the baby looks very real. And Rodney with the baby - simply awwwwww!

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                          And while I'm thinking of babies, maybe some folks have seen these photo manips of Rodney, John and Ronon with babies here.
                          Nothing like a baby to make a man look appealing.
                          [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            I'm moving house, so I'm gonna be internetless for about a month *wails*
                            Sorry to hear that! All the best for the move and I hope we'll see you again soon!
                            Originally posted by AbydonianPrincess
                            but I don't know if I'll have a computer for a while once i move so I might not see you all for a bit!
                            Oh no, you too? Well, I hope that your move will be going smoothly and that you can come back to us soon!
                            I'll think of you two when I thunk here!
                            Originally posted by McKayRocks
                            *looks all innocent* I've not been on here much
                            Nooo, of course not. Just look at your post count, you'll be hitting 1000 soon! Don't get me wrong, not that this is a bad thing, it simply took me far longer than three months, and I thought I was addicted to GW! Guess you'll get ahead of me soon concerning the post count.

                            For the thunker extraordinaire Mx:

                            Bye, A.

                            P.S. Posted a pic of my friend's baby in my LJ
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              Nooo, of course not. Just look at your post count, you'll be hitting 1000 soon! Don't get me wrong, not that this is a bad thing, it simply took me far longer than three months, and I thought I was addicted to GW! Guess you'll get ahead of me soon concerning the post count.

                              For the thunker extraordinaire Mx:


                              P.S. Posted a pic of my friend's baby in my LJ
                              *hangs head in shame*

                              I have been particularly naughty today but it is my day off work and I am allowed to indulge myself!!!! I blame my friends on the Shep whump - they have corrupted me!

                              I shall go check out your LJ to see the picture of the little poppet!!

                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                Arelessiar send my congratulations to Jiska's perents, Yay, another little Stargate fan has entered the world!

                                Pavane those baby pics are so cute, the ronan one is halarious! Its a bit of a worry how mushy I get when I see a georgous man with a baby. I'm only 22 and am not even contemplating children for a few years yet! Damn female hormones!

                                Originally posted by Mx
                                And if you need to vent - you just vent away!!! That's what mates are for!
                                Thanks for that, I wasn't going to say anything at first, just leave it but then I thought no I feel pretty strongly about this and these guys will understand and let me have my rant. it's not like a have a lot of them... well at least not as much as Rodney

