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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Concerning the DHAW, I'm really torn and don't really know what to do. What would be a wise choice? The pro and the contra side both have valid points.

    Skein on LJ reminded me of the interview (the one watcher also mentioned) where DH said that he doesn't like the word 'awesome'. Don't know how serious he meant this in a funny questionnaire, don't think he really dislikes this word so much that he doesn't want to hear it ever again, but well, it made me think if this idea is so very good.
    Maybe Gero was really only making his comment because he wanted to allude to the fact that DH doesn't like the word. Or maybe he doesn't even know that (it's not something you tell everyone every day after all) and was really just looking for a funny way to say that he does admire DH's superb acting skills.

    So will David think we want to annoy him because he doesn't like the word "awesome" or has he already forgotten about this answer in the questionnaire by now? Will he get scared because of all the postcards or would he like the attention and fan love? Will he be spammed or will someone else sort all the mail he gets? Would he rather like us to donate something instead of spending so much money on postage (all fans combined) or would he simply see this as a nice gesture/compliment/funny event and be fine with it?

    I don't know. I said on LJ that I'll participate, because I'd like to be part of an international fan project, it sounds funny and I like the idea of fans from all over the world to do something together, and I'd love to take the time to look for a nice postcard for him. I do see the danger that he might not like the idea, for various reasons. But in the end I guess he might see this as what it is: A funny fan event from people who like him.

    One thing though: I WILL write my name under it. I know it's supposed to be anonymous, but I don't think that's a good idea. Of course I will really only write this one sentence and nothing else about me, but I will write my name and country under it (xxx from yyy), because I think it's impolite not to do that. And I think it might be even more interesting if he can easily see from where all these cards have been sent off. I bet he gets cards from many places, and that's part of the fun, to see that there are so many people everwhere on the world who like him. So I think we should mention it, as succintly as possible.

    My two cents.

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by Allestian

      Be careful with the fruit though.

      Haha, I just thought of that, better not make it orange chocolate then, I don't want a passed out Rodney... or do I.



        We could always be on standby waiting to catch him LOL!!!


          Originally posted by Arlessiar
          Concerning the DHAW, I'm really torn and don't really know what to do. What would be a wise choice? The pro and the contra side both have valid points.

          One thing though: I WILL write my name under it. I know it's supposed to be anonymous, but I don't think that's a good idea. Of course I will really only write this one sentence and nothing else about me, but I will write my name and country under it (xxx from yyy), because I think it's impolite not to do that. And I think it might be even more interesting if he can easily see from where all these cards have been sent off. I bet he gets cards from many places, and that's part of the fun, to see that there are so many people everywhere on the world who like him. So I think we should mention it, as succinctly as possible.

          My two cents.
          I was planing on writing my name as well, but really I think the point is this is a fun/silly maybe stupid thing for fans and not for David.

          Look I know some people love David too much, not a criticism just an observation, but I think he is able to understand that his fandom is larger then him, most actors/singers etc get that, most would I think understand that sometimes their fans like to have a bit of fun and really I just see this as fun. Maybe my sense of humour is a little more whack then most but I would get a kick out of it myself, and as for donating money "been there done that" and no I don't really see the need for everything to come back to his wish for people to donate to that charity rather then send him things... that is just his wish, not a rule about being his fan.

          I think this could get out of control but then I also think in the end it will result in a few hundred if that postcards and what is the harm? I say lighten up people.


            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
            Do you go Friday as well?
            No I think it was under one of my pics, so maybe you just missed it. Or the outage destroyed it!
            That's strange, maybe I just didn't see it, I scrolled through the pages several times, I even searched for the word, but I didn't see it. Will look again later, we have a break now and will go for a short walk.
            Oh be quiet... I expect some kind of chocolate from you, what's that orange stuff you use to go on about? That will do.
            Always go on about? Really? Hehe, I thought I mentioned here that I like orange chocolate only one or two times.
            But, as Allestian pointed out, it might be dangerous for Rodney! We have to be careful! We don't want to kill him!

            Will have to think of something less dangerous for your 4000th post!
            Hmm, what else could I cover him with? *remembers old thunk thread discussions about that*

            Bye, A.
            Last edited by Arlessiar; 11 May 2006, 03:11 AM.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              That's strange, maybe I just didn't see it
              I can't see it either... I know I wrote it. I am sure I never deleted it... oh well.


                Arlessiar try post 11644. I knew I wrote it. It was under the pic with the post about my being a vegetarian.

                Isn't he cute.


                  Back from the lunch break. We went outside, sat down in a nearby park. Heaven! Now it's back to the boring nothingness for another two hours. And 27°C... *argh*
                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  Arlessiar try post 11644. I knew I wrote it. It was under the pic with the post about my being a vegetarian.
                  Ah! Thanks so much! Yeah, I missed that. I knew it was under a pic but I simply didn't see it.
                  Good to know that it was my fault and not a forum problem, that would have worried me.
                  I think this could get out of control but then I also think in the end it will result in a few hundred if that postcards and what is the harm?
                  I agree. And yes, the longer I think about it the more do I think that it's mostly a funny fan event and I hope that David will see it that way, too. He can imagine that he knows that fans can be a crazy bunch of people sometimes and that they need things like this (and there's not really any harm in this). And surely he does know by now (through numerous examples) that we heard him and that many of us do donate money to his fav charity.

                  So sorry for me not being able to post any pics! Will do so later!
                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Just found....THIS - It's a vid....

                    Last edited by Stricken; 11 May 2006, 03:31 AM.


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      Now it's back to the boring nothingness for another two hours. And 27°C... *argh*
                      Aw, time always goes slower when you don't want to be there. Are the people nice at least? 27 degrees, wow you are having an early Summer? It was about 14 degrees here today, we didn't' even get Autumn. Hmm talking about the weather, we must be bored.
                      And surely he does know by now (through numerous examples) that we heard him and that many of us do donate money to his fav charity.
                      Yeah I didn't mean that part to be quite as blunt as it may have read, I do like the idea of donating to a charity *especially that one* rather then sending him things, but then I also liked sending him a birthday card and a letter and a small something... very small something.

                      Anyway as I said originally no one has to do this if it isn't something they find acceptable.

                      So sorry for me not being able to post any pics! Will do so later!
                      Bye, A.
                      Oh well allow me to post one on your behalf.

                      S.G.C thanks for the link but it would have been nice to tell people it is to a vid, as some are on dial-up and blah, blah,blah. I liked the bit with the kid, now that is inspired!


                        And a nice pic it is as well.


                          Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
                          Hey FH I checked out your cow thunk thread. umm what can I say? very nice.. LOL
                          lmao!! you actually visited the thread? *admires your courage* it can get quite 'interesting' in there
                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          Hi, I wanted to pimp something out to you all, there is a person on LJ *yes LJ* who is trying to get as many people as possible to send DH a postcard in the same week *yes I know it is silly and annoying and possibly childish* so I thought you guys might like to think about participating...
                          That's a great idea, maybe if I can just find a postcard with the word 'awesome' printed all over the cover
                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          I seriously think David has a great sense of humour, I can't see him being offended or put off, and it is not like anyone wants a reply, and I also think Joe Flanigan would get loads I mean loads more fan mail than David (not that size matters!) so I am sure they (he) can cope with a few extra postcards... but you know no one has to participate and I just see it as a bit of fandom fun. Each to their own.
                          Yup, just a few
                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          She started it!
                          I did not! It was Arlessiar's fault! She gave the idea!

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            Originally posted by False hope
                            I did not! It was Arlessiar's fault! She gave the idea!
                            Oh well. We will blame her then... goes to hunt down Arlessiar.


                              Run Arlessiar run!!!



                                Sometime during the middle of June-

                                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl

