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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Aw you want a hug too?
    That would be nice

    Rodney: I'd love to hug you Fh Just let me finish milking this cow...

    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


      Originally posted by False hope
      That would be nice

      Rodney thinking about me hugging him.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        *hugs back*
        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        Rodney thinking about me hugging him.
        Nope, this is Rodney thinking about hugging you -->

        Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
        Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


          Originally posted by False hope
          Nope, this is Rodney thinking about hugging you -->
          You know I think in reality *whatever that is* this would be Rodney thinking about me hugging him.

          Oh no the batteries in my mouse aren't working!!! I will have to go and raid the remote control!


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            You know I think in reality *whatever that is* this would be Rodney thinking about me hugging him.

            That's Rodney after he sees your face
            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            Oh no the batteries in my mouse aren't working!!! I will have to go and raid the remote control!
            oh no how will you ever change the tv channel now?

            Rodney telling you off for taking the battery form his remote control

            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


              Originally posted by False hope
              That's Rodney after he sees your face
              Hang on... what?!

              oh no how will you ever change the tv channel now?
              The old fashioned way, making my boyfriend do it.

              Rodney after realising I have a bf.

              Actually shouldn't he be pointing that at himself?


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                Hang on... what?!

                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                The old fashioned way, making my boyfriend do it.

                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                Rodney after realising I have a bf.


                Actually shouldn't he be pointing that at himself?
                No, he's pointing it at you, your bf looks suprisingly gorgeous next to you
                *ducks incoming attack by rose*

                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                  Originally posted by False hope
                  No, he's pointing it at you, your bf looks suprisingly gorgeous next to you
                  *ducks incoming attack by rose*
                  OK I am not entirley sure how to read that! Especially since I just posted in a slash thread. *too late gutter*

                  Rodney: Ladies, ladies please show some decorum. *what?* You will frighten away my other Thunkers... you know the ones I actually like.

                  Mg have you forgotten how to quote pics???


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                    OK I am not entirley sure how to read that! Especially since I just posted in a slash thread. *too late gutter*
                    i was calling you ugly

                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                    Mg have you forgotten how to quote pics???
                    no, i'm just too lazy to change the [ img] to [ url]

                    Rodney trying to get his head around my super laziness

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Originally posted by False hope
                      i was calling you ugly
                      I am not rising to your bait! * I may set fire to you and laugh as you burn*

                      I blame Arlessiar for this, as soon as the responsible adult leaves you start playing up.

                      I have to go now anyway. Yes running away from your witty repartee

                      Yep just like Rodney.

                      Man we need some more shots like this in season 3, they can humiliate him all they like as long as we get more of this.


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        I am not rising to your bait! * I may set fire to you and laugh as you burn*
                        i'm sure your flamethrower will probably run away as soon as it sees your face
                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        I blame Arlessiar for this, as soon as the responsible adult leaves you start playing up.
                        Yep, its Arlessiars fault If any photoshops happen while she's away I'm blaming her
                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        I have to go now anyway. Yes running away from your witty repartee

                        Yep just like Rodney.

                        Nah, it looks more like he's running away from your face muahahahahahahaha!!
                        Last edited by iLemon; 24 June 2006, 01:34 PM.

                        Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                        Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                          Geez people! Just cause Arlessiar leaves doesnt mean you dont have to thunk anymore, you've gone and hurt Rodney's feelings now!

                          Rodney: Nobody's thunked me for 10 hours?! Doesnt anybody love me anymore? *cries*

                          Look! You've made him cry!! Should be ashamed of yourselves!

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            im sorry david *hangs head in shame* in fairness the forum was down for a bit


                              OMG!!!! Treed Murrey came today in the post!!!! Guess where i spent the day. David is soo fantastic in it. i can't imagine filming was fun, shame there weren't any special feactures on the DVD. I've seen alot of the Traders and David's actoring really is fantastic in it, he plays the character brilliantly. i'd recommend getting it. He doesn't have alot to do in alot of the episodes but it is a good show in it's own. Even has a few familiar faces.

                              Sig made by Suekay.


                                Hooray! The forum's back up!

                                Now back to our regularly scheduled thunk!

                                sig by Pandora's_Box

