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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Saw this and had to log in:
    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
    Just need to see this sci fi promo now that has
    Shep and Rodney talking about Rodney's lovelife and has Rodney standing in a doorway giving some flowers to a lady inside (his sister they think)!
    I agree with Ali and say:


    Where did you hear about that? Where can I get it? Oh, I wanna wanna wanna see that!!!! I have to see that! *goes and squees*
    Originally posted by Avreana
    This video seems to be missing the best part!
    OMG even more news! What a morning! Again, I wanna see that! I want to see the full version of this clip! AHHHH! Need to see it! *rotates*

    Sorry for my fangirlish behaviour, but I just got up and so I'm still not really thinking straight, and now this!

    Welcome to the de-lurked Avreana! And thanks for posting this!

    *runs off to work*

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      I second everything that Arlessiar just said!

      I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to see both these clips in full! Asap!

      *prays that someone taped them and can upload them somewhere... soon!*



        I saw some of these posts and I just have to say...





            Loving the pics.



              we dont want to see that clip we NEED to see that clip! LOL ill second, third, fourth whatever the please for the spaceys and the promo clips!!

              oh morning btw! LOL


                Good morning tig.


                  Originally posted by Syera

                  "Seriously, Carson, do I have something on my face?"

                  Rodney: Radek... d'you ever feel like... something's wrong? Off somehow?
                  Radek: Sometimes, but I usually blame it on on Major Sheppard's hair.
                  Rodney: Hm, yeah, that would do it.
                  Radek: Okay, back to work.

                  Edit: Fetched the original (and better) dialogue I'd come up with.
                  Did anyone even get the chance to really see these on the other page? I put a lot of work into them... *shuffles feet*
                  [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                    Originally posted by Syera
                    Did anyone even get the chance to really see these on the other page? I put a lot of work into them... *shuffles feet*
                    i saw it, tried green you but said i need to spread some great work though sorry i didnt say anything, i was lurking.

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Some very kind person posted this transcript of a little promo that appeared in an SGA marathon on Sci-fi. I have no info as to whether or not anyone managed to video it!

                      "For those of you who recorded the marathon for some reason or another the clip came on during the last set of commercials during Inferno"

                      ANNOUNCER: And now an exclusive SciFi peak at Stargate:Atlantis

                      SCENE: John running out of the control room out onto the balcony

                      Joe: We tend to create episodes for each character

                      David: I'm curious to see what happens in the McKay dating world

                      SCENE: Sam and Rodney in the downed Jumper in " Grace Under Pressure" She's
                      got him backed into a corner and advancing on him. Cut to Rodney standing in
                      front of a open door holding flowers with a blonde inside (can't see her face
                      but I'd assume that it's supposed to be his sister)

                      Rodney: I'll take that

                      David: The Atlantis nights version

                      Joe: That's an interesting angle to go down.

                      CLOSING: Stargate Atlantis new episodes coming this July

                      Short and sweet but something at least!

                      Lucky folk who get Sci-fi!!

                      And thanks watcher for the caps and transcript for the Spacey awards!

                      sig by SheppyD
                      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                      So he just looks crazy


                        Good morning Thunkers!

                        Originally posted by Syera
                        "Seriously, Carson, do I have something on my face?"

                        Rodney: Radek... d'you ever feel like... something's wrong? Off somehow?
                        Radek: Sometimes, but I usually blame it on on Major Sheppard's hair.
                        Rodney: Hm, yeah, that would do it.
                        Radek: Okay, back to work.
                        These are great Syera! I am still learning the art of photo editing/manipulating. I just installed Gimp last week and am still trying to figure it out.

                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        Pavane that pic is in the Rockett Thread post #469 it's by Alaskhah. It's a quote from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
                        Thanks Rose!

                        Avreana, thanks for that missing scene. And welcome to the Thunk!

                        Watcher, you are the best! Thanks for the Spacey caps. I'd green ya, but it won't let me.

                        Mx, thanks for the SGA promo transcript.

                        sig by Pandora's_Box


                          What promo? OMG, I want to see it. Or better, I want new episodes. Is it July yet?

                          My exam from English literature was hard but I have it. Phew

                          "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                            its not july no *stamps foot then sobs* i need new sga episodes!!


                              Originally posted by Syera
                              To be honest, I'm not much of a thunker. I hang out in this thread mostly because I adore Hewlett's face
                              Well, that's ok, everyone here has his own reasons why he's on the thread, and IMHO that's perfectly alright of course. And DH's face is a gooood reason. But well, since most of us in the thunk thread are die-hard thunkers, those that aren't have to put up with the occasional thunk-silliness.

                              Saw your manips, they're funny! But I was confused, I thought I had seen the genies pic already - did you post it somewhere else already?
                              Originally posted by McKayRocks
                              Some very kind person posted this transcript of a little promo that appeared in an SGA marathon on Sci-fi.
                              Oh thank you thank you thank you for posting this!!! Nice to have the transcript! But it also made me very, very curious! I want to see that clip so badly!
                              Lucky folk who get Sci-fi!!
                              Indeed. *pouts*

                              Klenotka - Good to hear that your exam went well!

                              Rodney's proud of you:

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                                Oh thank you thank you thank you for posting this!!! Nice to have the transcript! But it also made me very, very curious! I want to see that clip so badly!
                                No problem - as I say a really kind person posted it on the yahoo group I am in! And I am also very, very curious to actually see this!! Hopefully it will soon be out there somewhere for us all to enjoy - even if it is only for 10 seconds!

                                sig by SheppyD
                                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                                So he just looks crazy

