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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Mmmm... David's newest clip was... er... entertaining. Especially the opening scene. *giggle* I love rubber duckies...
    thankee toasteronfire


      Gateworld has the first review of "A Dog's Breakfast".

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        Originally posted by Red Phoniex View Post
        NOTHING could be worse than that!
        Yeah, but "Irrespnosible" tries really hard.

        Too much Lucius, not enough Rodney. David must have been happy for the break. Lucius did most of the talking. Joe was great, though, given what he has to work with. You gotta feel sorry for the actors, sometimes, having to work with some of the stuff they're given.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
          Gateworld has the first review of "A Dog's Breakfast".

          Squee! I am dying to see this movie! It looks so good--with or without David! At this point he's like a huge perk.
          thankee toasteronfire


            David has a new entry on his site. He has a new computer. And look at Mars gazing so lovingly at David, so sweet!

            Oooh, someone made up a game! Damn, I just can't get it. I just don't play video games, I'm so lousy at it.

            David posted the ADB articles on his links page. Looks like I only missed one in my earlier post.

            Edit: Ha, just after I posted, I got a hit! 692.6. Wonder if that's good or bad? Hee, it reminds me of "Nothing". Ok, next hit was 353.2 Guess that first one was a lucky shot.

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
              David has a new entry on his site.
              I just saw the entry and the pic - very sweet! That their livingroom?

              But I'm also green with envy - he owns a MacBook Pro now!!! *wants*

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Has anyone posted these? GW has them up... I hadn't seen them before anyway.

                I love his hair, and his hands.


                  hello, popping in to say hello and that I haven't dissappeared from the planet, just been very busy lately (practicing for 2 concerts this week, egads!). I was able to see the nbc news clip about ADB. I see that some of you aren't able to see it. I hope you are able to because, well, it's about David and ADB and he's in it and...I'M IN IT TOO! No interview (heh: me + interview = freakout ) But you can see me at the very tail end to the right of the woman with the green sweater. I'm in the brown jacket, blue jeans (pic of me for reference). David's got his back to the camera and for just a moment Jane is standing next to me!

                  Have also seen the latest trailer from ADB and it had me in fits of laughter all over again! I *cannot* wait for you guys to see this movie!!

                  Oh, and I played that game for ADB: it's ok watcher, I'm not very good at it either, but it did have me in giggles.

                  Originally posted by watcher652
                  Damn, just missed David by 4 hours. He must have been checking at lunch.
                  This morning I was on and saw that he'd been logged in 17 minutes from the time I was on. Whee!

                  New pics from the movie! Thanks Willow!

                  sig by Pandora's_Box


                    One more honor added from the last time I posted. These disappear when the day ends. Looks like it's just about to end, so I just want to keep track.

                    Honors for This Video:
                    #89 - Most Viewed (Today) - All
                    #14 - Most Viewed (Today) - Comedy - All
                    #69 - Most Viewed (Today) - English
                    #13 - Most Viewed (Today) - Comedy - English
                    #15 - Top Rated (Today) - All
                    #5 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedy - All
                    #15 - Top Rated (Today) - English
                    #5 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedy - English
                    #45 - Top Rated (This Week) - Comedy - All
                    #43 - Top Rated (This Week) - Comedy - English
                    #25 - Most Discussed (Today) - All
                    #6 - Most Discussed (Today) - Comedy - All
                    #23 - Most Discussed (Today) - English
                    #5 - Most Discussed (Today) - Comedy - English
                    #9 - Top Favorites (Today) - All
                    #2 - Top Favorites (Today) - Comedy - All
                    #9 - Top Favorites (Today) - English
                    #2 - Top Favorites (Today) - Comedy - English
                    #24 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Comedy - All
                    #23 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Comedy - English

                    Wow, a #2! Way to go!

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
                      I'M IN IT TOO!
                      I thought that was you!


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        Has anyone posted these? GW has them up... I hadn't seen them before anyway.


                        Wow, there are 15 photos with the movie review. Some we've seen before, but some are new.

                        Love this one (spoiler for size). Gah, those eyes!


                        Oh, hey! At the end of the GW article about MGM picking up the movie distribution, I got a mention! I emailed GW as soon as I found the news on Multichannel, even before David posted the press release on his site. Heh, never did that before.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Just saw Irresponsible (major spoilers!!!!)

                          My favorite moment in the ep was when Kolya was going to shoot McKay and everyone stood in front of him! very sweet As for the rest of the ep...meh.

                          BTW, I thought you couldn't eat and drink with the shield on? wasn't that a major plot point of Hide and Seek? (Of course maybe he was turning it off and on frequently. It wasn't always easy to see if it was lit up or not...) and don't you have to have the ancient gene to activate it? I wasn't aware Lucius had it... I thought they had just tricked him into thinking he'd gotten it in the first ep. just sayin'

                          And could there be a more anticlimactic end to the arch rivalry with Kolya? of course maybe they could bring him back...or something. Sorry, I know, wrong thread but I can't stop myself...
                          "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                            New ADB pics!

                            Soooo great! Thanks for posting about that watcher and Willow, I would have missed that otherwise!

                            Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                            Just saw Irresponsible (major spoilers!!!!)
                            My favorite moment in the ep was when Kolya was going to shoot McKay and everyone stood in front of him! very sweet
                            I liked that too, and I think a scene like that was really necessary by now.
                            It made sense that the 'soldiers' in the team wanted to protect Rodney, but I think this was more, this was about friendship, too. Especially since "cowardly Carson" wanted to give his life for Rodney, too!

                            BTW, I thought you couldn't eat and drink with the shield on? wasn't that a major plot point of Hide and Seek?
                            It was.
                            Rodney couldn't eat with that thing on.
                            That was discussed in the episode thread yesterday. Take a look at that thread to see what one of the writers (Ken) had to say about that. He tries to defend their decision to have Lucius eating with the shield on by saying that only highly energetic impacts are blocked by the shield. But I say it's nonsense and simply inconsistency.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              It made sense that the 'soldiers' in the team wanted to protect Rodney, but I think this was more, this was about friendship, too. Especially since "cowardly Carson" wanted to give his life for Rodney, too!
                              Well, I think this thing was the one that was really annoying to me too. I am maybe just overreacting bc I looked forward to this episode after great Echoes.
                              Why Carson? I mean, he acts differently in every episode, it is improbable and I think they just don´t know what to do with him, when they take him offworld, where, btw, has like doctor nothing to do.
                              And the protection of was nice, especially from Teyla, but I am not sure if I want to see this. Nice, from friendship..? ...maybe, but I would be happy to see more interactions of Rodney and Kolya when you think what happened in th Storm and in The Eye. I would be so happy to see sometimes Rodney to say just: "Go ahead, shoot me."...or so, I think his character already got there.
                              And the thing with I the only one who thinks it wasn´t funny?

                              Sorry, wrong topic but I can´t ventile my feelings about Rodney anywhere else bc I am annyoing with my hewlettofilia.

                              And to the ADB...I am so glad that MGM wants DVD´s. I hope we will have it here, too. When I am thinking what absolutely stupid movies are here, this would be nice. And I would certainly buy the original, bc it´s first movie and David needs more money for his new movies.
                              I love the photo with that pinguin

                              "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                                If anyone wants the clip PM me. If the mods don't like this, sorry, just delete it, i just think everyone would like this but alot of people can't get it.

                                Sig made by Suekay.

