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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    *waves to all the newbies* welcome to the madness...hope you enjoy your stay lol *hands out cookies*

    hmmm i dont have loads of pics to post cause they are just the same as everyone elses lol so um to keep it on topic i think ill just say

    PEGASUS 2 IN 155 DAYS!!!!! *bounces*


      yay cookies



        Mercury, I hope the move goes smoothly. Sorry about missing M&MM by a day.

        Originally posted by Klenotka
        I just loved David´s shirts in Nothing
        Me too!

        sig by Pandora's_Box


          Weekend! Finally!
          Originally posted by jesserella
          i had my sig deleted on my first day, so since then i've been careful to follow the rules
          Please don't get that wrong, no offense, but why is your sig still too big then?
          I like it, the pic of Rodney and his cat is great! But the limit is 700x200 for the whole sig (including text underneath or above), and the pic shouldn't have more than 50kb.
          Originally posted by simona
          and yay i just finish page 200!! and OMG you all had done sutch a good job posting a lot of tunkable pics,
          Pretty cool that you're reading the whole thread! Takes some time, hu? I read the whole thread, too, when I joined, but that was last year in June so the thread was a lot shorter.
          But we had so much fun since then.

          Oh, simona, here's a tip (took me ages to realise that myself ): Not everyone uses the same settings when he views the forum. Under "Options" everyone can choose how many posts he wants to have displayed on one page when he opens the thread. So not everyone sees the same amount of pages, and not every one has the same page 20 then for example. So it can be better to talk about the number of a certain post you're referring to (or say which post was the last one you read). You can see the number of a post in the right upper corner, where the rep and the report button is.

          That's a very sweet pic!
          Rodney has horrible fashion style in all universes
          You think? Well, that's ok of course. But personally I like his fashion style. I like the (Hewletty striped) shirts he usually wears when he wears casual clothes. Ok, the pullover in "Moebius" is not really something to be proud of IMHO. But since it's AU I don't care...
          I will soon get to 200 posts...I should make more spam...
          Hehe, well, as simona said, such cool and "meaty" picspams are always good! But you're such a great poster/thunker, please don't ever become a one word-one pic spammer!
          Originally posted by Mercury973
          I am moving this weekend! Yeh! To a sweet appartment overlooking Lake Union just north of downtown Seattle.
          Hey, all the best for the move! The location of your new appartment sounds great!
          Have another gun porn pic:

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            wow, things have been busy here.
            Welcome to all the new Thunkers
            I'm sure you will all love it here

            I loved all the caps too

            Originally posted by Aurore

            I'm so not going to type here what this one makes me think of
            See, I've been here for what, one minute and my mind's already in the gutter. But did it ever leave it?
            Welcome Anthony!
            Looks at the picture again.
            *feels mind falling in to gutter*
            Darn, now noone will believe me again when I tell them
            that I'm sweet and innocent.

            Originally posted by McKayRocks!
            Well they know all about me at work because I d/l the official wallpaper from scifi and have it on my pc at work I also squeed like mad when I told them DH was going to the con! They are very indulgent of me and don't tease me - infact I tease myself a bit and laugh along with them! I have not told them I am a whumper though - some things are better kept between folk who understand what that really means!! I think they would not understand that!
            At my work they know I like sci-fi too. They sometime tease me a bit, but mostly they are cool about it. I haven't told them about the whump either. I don't think I'd be able to explain it to them properly. Its better that they don't know everything whump is one of them,and slash is another

            Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
            i want to see A Dog's Breakfast....i heard things about that movie
            really? I haven't heard anything yet

            Originally posted by jesserella
            i've found it really hard to get hold of films he's been in, i'm in the UK.
            eBay is your friend. And or Amazon

            Originally posted by tiggerific
            *waves to all the newbies* welcome to the madness...hope you enjoy your stay lol *hands out cookies*
            Isn't a newbie, but takes a cookie anyway.
            Aircowhere are you?


              I wanted to order a new SGA book Halcyon. I saw it in German Project and in but not in I tried to order it from but they don´t accept my Visa Electron. I think the credit cards hate me
              Did you read it someone already? It should be something with McKay again.

              Did somebody say about gun porn?...

              "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                Oh yeah.. gun porn

                By Kidwizz

                By JessM


                  Originally posted by Klenotka
                  Rodney has horrible fashion style in all universes
                  I happen to really love that strippey pullover/shirt combo. I think the pullover enhances his broad shoulders But then, my sense of fashion can be a bit hazy

                  Ah, love the Gun Porn, even if I'm not fond of guns in general. Thanks for the pics!

                  Welcome to all the newbies!


                    he is so cute in that pic ^ ahhhh,


                      Originally posted by Klenotka
                      I wanted to order a new SGA book Halcyon. I saw it in German Project and in but not in I tried to order it from but they don´t accept my Visa Electron. I think the credit cards hate me
                      Did you read it someone already? It should be something with McKay again.
                      I haven't read it yet, as I posted yesterday I only got it yesterday, but I was pretty happy that it has arrived - and it has a tiny pic of McKay on the spine of the book. Will start reading it soon!
                      Hope you'll be able to buy it somewhere soon!

                      Yesterday in the evening I also ordered the S2 companion I forgot to order when I orderd "Halcyon" earlier. Got the confirmation mail today that it's already been sent out. Won't be home tomorrow though, so I won't be able to look into it before Monday.

                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        I've not seen Halcyon in the shops, but I bought the s2 companion's pretty good
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Double thunk gun porn- I really do love my boys....

                          I don't like guns either, but gun porn is fun.
                          I just went and picked up my keys this afternoon. Looks like the move is a done deal. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

                          But the best gun porn pic for last

                          Last edited by Mercury973; 01 September 2006, 11:22 AM.
                          Sig by im_meli
                          More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                            Originally posted by Klenotka
                            I wanted to order a new SGA book Halcyon. I saw it in German Project and in but not in I tried to order it from but they don´t accept my Visa Electron. I think the credit cards hate me
                            Did you read it someone already? It should be something with McKay again.
                            they have it on

                            hope that helps


                              I like Rodney's stripie shirt as well.. it just screams him for some reason

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                I squeed when I saw this!

                                Spoilers for M&MM!

                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

