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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Well what a suprise McKay is the comic relief again and really it over shadows he scientific endeavours no end.... ranting and god I have had it up to here!

    I did enjoy most of Sateda, but seriously could do without the arrow in McKay's butt! I know it was funny, sure it was funny DH is brilliant with his comic timing and really no one else is as good as him on the show when it comes to acting.

    I am just a little sick of it; when they need to have a funny moment in an otherwise serious episode they go to McKay ALL the time. But it isn't just the funny that annoys me; I have a sense of humour, I can laugh and sure I did laugh at him doped up, but that doesn't mean it sits well in my overall enjoyment of the show, it is the nature of this comic releif.

    To me it is not self deprecating *a nod and wink to the audience*, it is not in self defence *snarky* it is mocking and it makes McKay IMO seem immature, I can believe socially he is inept but why do TPTB need to make him immature when dealing with others in these comical moments? We saw a similar thing in TPP last week on SG-1, his reaction to the lemon was almost of a child being confronted by a sibling holding a spider and threatening to make him eat it!

    To me it does not make sense, he is a grown man, he is intelligent and although he lacks social graces I see no reason for that to make him appear immature. I can buy the low threshold for pain, he is a scientist *people seem to conveniently forget that when comparing him to Sheppard or He-man Ronon* he had before Atlantis by his own admission a life that involved mostly sitting and if lucky lying on a couch with his computer in hand; none of that makes for a soldier or even comes close, and he is not the only one, Zelenka has been shown to be wary of going off world, and Beckett still has the cowardly lion following him around.

    So again, why is it always McKay that is treated this way?

    Someone asked for a hero episode. An episode where McKay would not only save the day *like he hasn't already done that* but where he would be acknowledged for it, they wanted something like a death not death ep, where people on SGA would morn him and realise what he means to them.

    Now it sounds all good from a McKay fan perspective, but given the way he is treated on SGA I don't think the audience would buy it; I do honestly believe some hold McKay in contempt for his SG-1 behaviour, and for his lack of courage *although I don't see that* on SGA. These fans would no doubt say "but McKay is a wuss he couldn't save them if he tried" and "I wouldn't shed one tear if he was killed off so why are they all upset?" you can hear it now, with the talk about him being a baby *yes Carson did say that too, some friend and Doctor! * and that it was only an arrow...yeah well, I am sure they would feel no pain at all if they had and arrow fired from a cross-bow stuck in their ass!

    It is getting old and I am over it, one more ep like this were his scientific exploits are side lined so we can all laugh at him will be one ep too many for this fan, some counter balance is all I really ask, lets do have an episode where he really is seen to make good with the science and not have it blow up in his face and god forbid actually have someone say he did a good fraking job! Come on everyone even McKay needs to have some reinforcement of what they are doing is appreciated. I just don't see that as having seriously happened, they seems to always be a backhanded compliment in there somewhere.

    Hands up the people that actually remember the little bit of science in this ep that lead to finding Ronon?

    Yes, well I bet you are all McKay fans.

    Seriously most people missed *or didn't bother mentioning* that it was McKay that found Ronon....heck they talked more about Sheppard's leather jacket!....

    I wonder why.
    This was a fantastic post! I read it, but since I have to leave GW now (real life) I can't comment on single aspects right now. But I really agree with the things you said.

    And concerning the last thing you said about

    the scientific scene and McKay's big part of the rescue - I noticed it *is a McKay fan* . He found Ronon, if he hadn't done so there wouldn't have been a rescue. But I missed the "well done" or "good work" again. Is that too much to ask for, at least from time to time?
    And the fans - yeah, it seems the leather jacket was more important. It's in all the discussions...

    Got to go!
    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      I'm sorry for the big size of the pic

      Forum Français sur Joe Flanigan : Visit My Website


        Originally posted by watcher652
        These aren't new, but they are ensemble. I'll use any excuse to post them.
        Wow, a lot of them are new to me but then I was away from GW for far too long. Any bigger versions somewhere?

        Originally posted by Syera
        David looks good, but that's one of the ugliest shirts I've ever seen.
        You're kidding, right? Must be because I have one that looks a lot like this, but I really like his shirt. Better than the one of last year, IMO. It's both casual and smart and me likey the colors. But at least you said that David looked good, so you are forgiven

        Originally posted by Titine
        Don't be sorry at all! I love his face, he looks like he's about to burst laughing.


          I just saw Sateda.

          Wow, it was so great. I mean, I expected that the Rodney´s injury will be like big comic relief, which was but not so much. It was accectable and even when Sheppard was helping to Rodney to the gate, it was serious. It was funny but in limits.
          I loved the interactions of the team members, all of them. But I still miss some Rodney and Teyla talk. Similar like was the one between her and Shep. Sure, Rodney would never say the same like Shep but it still would be nice.

          And the black uniforms? I love them. I really do, especially Rodney and Carson look great in them. But it looks like they won´t have them in Progeny. Maybe are these uniforms only "for action"?

          "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            Well what a suprise McKay is the comic relief again and really it over shadows he scientific endeavours no end.... ranting and god I have had it up to here!

            I did enjoy most of Sateda, but seriously could do without the arrow in McKay's butt! I know it was funny, sure it was funny DH is brilliant with his comic timing and really no one else is as good as him on the show when it comes to acting.

            I am just a little sick of it; when they need to have a funny moment in an otherwise serious episode they go to McKay ALL the time. But it isn't just the funny that annoys me; I have a sense of humour, I can laugh and sure I did laugh at him doped up, but that doesn't mean it sits well in my overall enjoyment of the show, it is the nature of this comic releif.

            To me it is not self deprecating *a nod and wink to the audience*, it is not in self defence *snarky* it is mocking and it makes McKay IMO seem immature, I can believe socially he is inept but why do TPTB need to make him immature when dealing with others in these comical moments? We saw a similar thing in TPP last week on SG-1, his reaction to the lemon was almost of a child being confronted by a sibling holding a spider and threatening to make him eat it!

            To me it does not make sense, he is a grown man, he is intelligent and although he lacks social graces I see no reason for that to make him appear immature. I can buy the low threshold for pain, he is a scientist *people seem to conveniently forget that when comparing him to Sheppard or He-man Ronon* he had before Atlantis by his own admission a life that involved mostly sitting and if lucky lying on a couch with his computer in hand; none of that makes for a soldier or even comes close, and he is not the only one, Zelenka has been shown to be wary of going off world, and Beckett still has the cowardly lion following him around.

            So again, why is it always McKay that is treated this way?

            Someone asked for a hero episode. An episode where McKay would not only save the day *like he hasn't already done that* but where he would be acknowledged for it, they wanted something like a death not death ep, where people on SGA would morn him and realise what he means to them.

            Now it sounds all good from a McKay fan perspective, but given the way he is treated on SGA I don't think the audience would buy it; I do honestly believe some hold McKay in contempt for his SG-1 behaviour, and for his lack of courage *although I don't see that* on SGA. These fans would no doubt say "but McKay is a wuss he couldn't save them if he tried" and "I wouldn't shed one tear if he was killed off so why are they all upset?" you can hear it now, with the talk about him being a baby *yes Carson did say that too, some friend and Doctor! * and that it was only an arrow...yeah well, I am sure they would feel no pain at all if they had and arrow fired from a cross-bow stuck in their ass!

            It is getting old and I am over it, one more ep like this were his scientific exploits are side lined so we can all laugh at him will be one ep too many for this fan, some counter balance is all I really ask, lets do have an episode where he really is seen to make good with the science and not have it blow up in his face and god forbid actually have someone say he did a good fraking job! Come on everyone even McKay needs to have some reinforcement of what they are doing is appreciated. I just don't see that as having seriously happened, they seems to always be a backhanded compliment in there somewhere.

            Hands up the people that actually remember the little bit of science in this ep that lead to finding Ronon?

            Yes, well I bet you are all McKay fans.

            Seriously most people missed *or didn't bother mentioning* that it was McKay that found Ronon....heck they talked more about Sheppard's leather jacket!....

            I wonder why.

            Although I did find the McKay moments funny, I really think that the...

            arrow to the butt

            .....belonged in a fan fic, not on the show. It just seemed way over the top, as I feared it would be from the spoilers before the episode aired.


              Originally posted by Titine
              I'm sorry for the big size of the pic

              I love that look, it is somewhere between sweet and sexy. Yum. *the size btw is fine*

              Originally posted by watcher652
              I like looking for the best moment and sometimes I'll go frame by frame looking for the best one.
              Yes I know what you mean but some how I still end up capping the same moments as others, the Sheppard/McKay
              sitting on the floor is a good example of that.
              I do find if capping from SciFi's site (videos) that the one second capping is good, as they usually are so short and move fast.


                Originally posted by Aurore
                You're kidding, right? Must be because I have one that looks a lot like this, but I really like his shirt. Better than the one of last year, IMO. It's both casual and smart and me likey the colors. But at least you said that David looked good, so you are forgiven
                Nope. That shirt is tagged in my book as 'hidious.' The style isn't too bad, but the colors are horrible.

                I never liked that shirt very much either, and now I've figured out why. The colors on the shirt are too busy - too distracting from his face.
                [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                  I do believe I have to agree with watcher about

                  the pattern on the boxer shorts. I looked a little silly leaning in close to my computer screen and squinting at the image, but I do agree that they are smiley faces

                  "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural



                    smiley faces
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      you're right


                      it is smiling faces. had to get up really close but definitly smiling faces.

                      Sig made by Suekay.


                        Evening! I'm back!
                        At least for a while, will have to grab something to eat next and then I have to go to answer some mails.

                        Anyway - about this pic of you-know-what:

                        This morning I was sure that there aren't smilies on the boxers. At the same time I also wasn't convinced that there are lemons on it. In fact I was torn. So I just capped the scene again, opened the pic in Photoshop and zoomed in - well, this way I actually saw something that looked like a smilie. But I really only see it when I enlarge the pic, if I don't it does look like lemons or some weird random pattern.

                        Hmm, I guess Mx will simply have to ask David about that on the con!

                        Man I can't believe that I'm analyzing underwear here...

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          Evening! I'm back!
                          At least for a while, will have to grab something to eat next and then I have to go to answer some mails.

                          Anyway - about this pic of you-know-what:

                          This morning I was sure that there aren't smilies on the boxers. At the same time I also wasn't convinced that there are lemons on it. In fact I was torn. So I just capped the scene again, opened the pic in Photoshop and zoomed in - well, this way I actually saw something that looked like a smilie. But I really only see it when I enlarge the pic, if I don't it does look like lemons or some weird random pattern.

                          Hmm, I guess Mx will simply have to ask David about that on the con!

                          Man I can't believe that I'm analyzing underwear here...

                          Bye, A.
                          lol! agreed!!

                          ...but its all good!- i thought they were lemons?? confused! either way though- hilarious!!!


                            Welcome to this thread, *E*K*R*!

                            Originally posted by *E*K*R*
                            lol! agreed!!
                            ...but its all good!- i thought they were lemons?? confused! either way though- hilarious!!!
                            Well, it seems there's a lively discussion about this whole crazy
                            "lemons or smilies or whatever else"

                            topic going on everywhere in the fandom! I just saw a discussion of the issue at a yahoo group! And it seems there are quite a few people who want to ask David about this at P2. We'll see.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              I love you guys. Reading this thread never fails to make me smile. I never thought that discussing underwear could be so joyous. Of course, the model of said garment is the key.

                              Joy to all and big thanks to you for the lovely pictures.



                                Originally posted by strivaria
                                To be fair... I still have house money that would allow me to afford Peg 2, my problem is going to be fitting it in with school. That said... I just looked up flight prices from my local dinky airport in south Mississippi and was very very suprised at how cheap the tickets would be. The Peg 2 'meet and greet' ticket itself was amazingly cheap too... but I've only got the Vancouver Creation con gold pass to compare to. If you don't mind sharing a room, you can decrease your costs there too. And while you won't get the set tours like you could in Vancouver, I gotta say, I enjoyed Pegasus One so much more just based on how much more you get to see of the actors.

                                'Erm.. not that I'm trying to talk you into it or anything.. I just think the cons are neat experiences where you not only get to see these crazy actor guys in person, but to also meet up with these crazy fanfolk that you've only chatted with on GW or LJ... or you can make new friends entirely!

                                Okay... must wander back to work....

                                Gah! Don't talk me into it, or I just might cave! I went to a Creation Con in Chicago last year, all SG-1 (MS, AT, CJ, among others) and I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVED IT!!!! But at this point it's either grad school or Pegasus 2...although if Joe signs up too, I might just go ahead and cave...GAH! I am so weak! The things I would do for the boys of SGA. *sigh*

                                And I'm loving the boxer discussion, btw!

                                Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                                McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                                Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                                McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?

