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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just a short note to say that yes, I still owe many people answers to their PMs, and I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't answered yet, but I planned on doing it this evening, and then, about two hours ago, my computer went bonkers - a virus. I try to get everything fixed right now, but I don't know how long it will take, and I also can't be here tomorrow (I go to a horse-race). Sorry if I don't post much for a few hours!

    Bye, A.
    Last edited by Arlessiar; 05 August 2006, 11:16 PM.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Arlessiar, you mean you have a life outside of this thread?

      I really hope that your computer will be back to normal soon. Don't you wish that Rodney or Radek were here to fix it?


        Originally posted by Arlessiar

        Just a short note to say that yes, I still own many people answers to their PMs, and I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't answered yet, but I planned on doing it this evening, and then, about two hours ago, my computer went bonkers - a virus. I try to get everything fixed right now, but I don't know how long it will take, and I also can't be here tomorrow (I go to a horse-race). Sorry if I don't post much for a few hours!

        Bye, A.

        Sorry about your PC Arlessiar Hope you get it sorted soon! And I am out nearly all day tomorrow until quite late so I may not be here much - just for a little bit in the early morning!!

        Have a nice time tomorrow!

        A new Sateda 'dignity' shot!!


        Oh he does look good in black!!

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Okay, I didn't get to watch Sateda last night because I had to study for a test, but now I've seen it and I so love
          the new uniforms! I'm really hoping they will continue updating everyone's look, and Rodney just looks so hot and yummy in black! (And Sheppard's leather jacket! *swoons* But that's another thread...Although a leather jacket for Rodney would be nice, too. ) Also, I had to rewind the part with the lemon boxers five times, because the first time I saw it I was laughing too hard to truly appreciate the sight. And then, well, the other four times were to appreciate the sight, of course.

          And I really, really want to go to Pegasus 2, but since I live in the states I think the only way I can justify the expense is if Joe is a guest, too. (crosses fingers) I really, really want to see DH in person! It's just not fair that he never goes to conventions in the US!

          Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
          McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
          Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
          McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


            Originally posted by Porthos1013
            And I really, really want to go to Pegasus 2, but since I live in the states I think the only way I can justify the expense is if Joe is a guest, too. (crosses fingers) I really, really want to see DH in person! It's just not fair that he never goes to conventions in the US!
            To be fair... I still have house money that would allow me to afford Peg 2, my problem is going to be fitting it in with school. That said... I just looked up flight prices from my local dinky airport in south Mississippi and was very very suprised at how cheap the tickets would be. The Peg 2 'meet and greet' ticket itself was amazingly cheap too... but I've only got the Vancouver Creation con gold pass to compare to. If you don't mind sharing a room, you can decrease your costs there too. And while you won't get the set tours like you could in Vancouver, I gotta say, I enjoyed Pegasus One so much more just based on how much more you get to see of the actors.

            'Erm.. not that I'm trying to talk you into it or anything.. I just think the cons are neat experiences where you not only get to see these crazy actor guys in person, but to also meet up with these crazy fanfolk that you've only chatted with on GW or LJ... or you can make new friends entirely!

            Okay... must wander back to work....


              Originally posted by Porthos1013
              I really, really want to see DH in person! It's just not fair that he never goes to conventions in the US!
              Yeah, it looks like David has a thing about the whole money aspect of it. Which I respect, in a way. But doesn't he realize how much we all pine for him in the US? Heh.

              David should go to Shore Leave in Maryland. It's fan run, so he doesn't have to feel someone is making money hand over fist at the expense of the fans. Amanda was there this year, and I think she really enjoyed herself. Michael Shanks and Chris Judge have attended and I think they all had a good time. I know I did!

              Or Dragon*Con in Atlanta. Another fannish con and it's so big it even has its own Stargate track. At that con, money does visibly exchange hands for autographs, but it's not like the extreme amount some guests get at a con like Creation *cough* $129 for Scott Bakula's autograph *cough*. I think Paul McGillion enjoyed himself last year, and I hope Rachel does this year.

              Hey, I just found out that my computer problem is with the telephone jack that I'm using. A jack in another part of the house works fine. Unfortunately, it's out of bounds most of the time, so I'm going to have to limp along until I can fix the one I normally use.

              But now that I know I can upload from home, it's capping time again! Unlike some folks who can use a program to cap every 3 seconds, I have to do my manually. It takes forever, but I do get to know the episodes quite well. Yes, I could have been capping all along and saved them up, but it just didn't seem right.

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Um, didn't he just do a Con in the US? Could have sworn it was in the US. I on the other hand am just ignoring it all; it is far too depressing.
                Originally posted by watcher652
                But now that I know I can upload from home, it's capping time again! Unlike some folks who can use a program to cap every 3 seconds, I have to do my manually. It takes forever, but I do get to know the episodes quite well. Yes, I could have been capping all along and saved them up, but it just didn't seem right.
                You can't use the free-ware programme IrFanView? It lets you take caps every second, or less if you can get the setting right.

                My main problem is getting quality material to work with, this last ep I need in HD.


                  Well what a suprise McKay is the comic relief again and really it over shadows he scientific endeavours no end.... ranting and god I have had it up to here!

                  I did enjoy most of Sateda, but seriously could do without the arrow in McKay's butt! I know it was funny, sure it was funny DH is brilliant with his comic timing and really no one else is as good as him on the show when it comes to acting.

                  I am just a little sick of it; when they need to have a funny moment in an otherwise serious episode they go to McKay ALL the time. But it isn't just the funny that annoys me; I have a sense of humour, I can laugh and sure I did laugh at him doped up, but that doesn't mean it sits well in my overall enjoyment of the show, it is the nature of this comic releif.

                  To me it is not self deprecating *a nod and wink to the audience*, it is not in self defence *snarky* it is mocking and it makes McKay IMO seem immature, I can believe socially he is inept but why do TPTB need to make him immature when dealing with others in these comical moments? We saw a similar thing in TPP last week on SG-1, his reaction to the lemon was almost of a child being confronted by a sibling holding a spider and threatening to make him eat it!

                  To me it does not make sense, he is a grown man, he is intelligent and although he lacks social graces I see no reason for that to make him appear immature. I can buy the low threshold for pain, he is a scientist *people seem to conveniently forget that when comparing him to Sheppard or He-man Ronon* he had before Atlantis by his own admission a life that involved mostly sitting and if lucky lying on a couch with his computer in hand; none of that makes for a soldier or even comes close, and he is not the only one, Zelenka has been shown to be wary of going off world, and Beckett still has the cowardly lion following him around.

                  So again, why is it always McKay that is treated this way?

                  Someone asked for a hero episode. An episode where McKay would not only save the day *like he hasn't already done that* but where he would be acknowledged for it, they wanted something like a death not death ep, where people on SGA would morn him and realise what he means to them.

                  Now it sounds all good from a McKay fan perspective, but given the way he is treated on SGA I don't think the audience would buy it; I do honestly believe some hold McKay in contempt for his SG-1 behaviour, and for his lack of courage *although I don't see that* on SGA. These fans would no doubt say "but McKay is a wuss he couldn't save them if he tried" and "I wouldn't shed one tear if he was killed off so why are they all upset?" you can hear it now, with the talk about him being a baby *yes Carson did say that too, some friend and Doctor! * and that it was only an arrow...yeah well, I am sure they would feel no pain at all if they had and arrow fired from a cross-bow stuck in their ass!

                  It is getting old and I am over it, one more ep like this were his scientific exploits are side lined so we can all laugh at him will be one ep too many for this fan, some counter balance is all I really ask, lets do have an episode where he really is seen to make good with the science and not have it blow up in his face and god forbid actually have someone say he did a good fraking job! Come on everyone even McKay needs to have some reinforcement of what they are doing is appreciated. I just don't see that as having seriously happened, they seems to always be a backhanded compliment in there somewhere.

                  Hands up the people that actually remember the little bit of science in this ep that lead to finding Ronon?

                  Yes, well I bet you are all McKay fans.

                  Seriously most people missed *or didn't bother mentioning* that it was McKay that found Ronon....heck they talked more about Sheppard's leather jacket!....

                  I wonder why.
                  Last edited by Willow'sCat; 05 August 2006, 07:20 PM.


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                    Um, didn't he just do a Con in the US? Could have sworn it was in the US. I on the other hand am just ignoring it all; it is far too depressing.
                    Yes, the SGA cast were just at the San Diego Comic Con. But in my mind, that's more a media event, not a con.

                    Hey, I just did a close up view of a certain scene in Sateda and everybody has it wrong.

                    Rodney isn't wearing lemons, they're smiley faces! The faces aren't wearing sunglasses like the ones David wore in Joe's Wedding, but they're smilies! I thought when I first saw them that they were kiwis, but yellow, because the objects had an inner circle of black like the seeds of a kiwi. But then everybody was going on about lemons, so I went with along with it.

                    Check it out for yourself.

                    Here are his boxers from Joe's Wedding. A little risque, so it's a url.


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                    You can't use the free-ware programme IrFanView? It lets you take caps every second, or less if you can get the setting right.
                    I'll have to check that out. But I like looking for the best moment and sometimes I'll go frame by frame looking for the best one.

                    And, in the "I'm really stupid" department, I just realized that it was the cable from the telephone jack to my modem that was bad all this time. I could have sworn I changed that out. But lugging all the equipment around to another room made me change out the cable yet again, and now it's working. Augh! All that wasted time. But, hey, there will be caps from me now! And long posts, I couldn't post more than a short paragraph with that bad cable.

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      Wait, new ensemble pics? Where? How did I miss that? I have to see them!!!
                      These aren't new, but they are ensemble. I'll use any excuse to post them.

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        More ensemble photos. Sorry for the multiple posts, but I have a lot of posting to make up!

                        God, David looks so good in that last one!

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          David looks good, but that's one of the ugliest shirts I've ever seen.
                          [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                            Here's a pic from Hide and Seek!


                              Mckay got an arrow in his butt?


                                Hi folks!

                                Have to leave again soon, just wanted to comment on a few things first:

                                Originally posted by Aurore
                                Arlessiar, you mean you have a life outside of this thread?
                                Yes, actually! I know, hard to believe!
                                But believe me, once work starts again (I'm on holiday) I won't be here as much as in the last days.
                                I really hope that your computer will be back to normal soon. Don't you wish that Rodney or Radek were here to fix it?
                                Yes! That I do! Wish they could have helped me! My bf helped me a bit, but he always says "You're a big girl - try to do it alone first!" So I tried to fix my computer alone. Was a stupid trojan who downloaded other trojans and lots of adware - I couldn't work with the computer anymore, there were pop-ups every second! I think I fixed it now, will have to see if everything runs smoothly now.
                                I hate these stupid people who create viruses and ruin the internet fun for other people!
                                Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                                Have a nice time tomorrow!
                                Thank you! I hope it will be nice - I'm not in the best mood and would rather stay at home, but well... real life.

                                Watcher - Hi! Great to see you again!
                                Good that you found the reason for your computer problems! I hate it when I don't know why my computer is acting weird. I'm glad that your computer's working again!
                                Originally posted by watcher
                                These aren't new, but they are ensemble. I'll use any excuse to post them.
                                Thanks thanks thanks for posting all these ensemble promo pics! Some I've seen before, some not. Or wait - I could pretend that I couldn't see them because of my stupid computer -then you have an excuse to post them again, because such great pics can't be posted often enough!
                                Originally posted by watcher652
                                Hey, I just did a close up view of a certain scene in Sateda and everybody has it wrong.
                                Rodney isn't wearing lemons, they're smiley faces! The faces aren't wearing sunglasses like the ones David wore in Joe's Wedding, but they're smilies! I thought when I first saw them that they were kiwis, but yellow, because the objects had an inner circle of black like the seeds of a kiwi. But then everybody was going on about lemons, so I went with along with it.

                                Check it out for yourself.

                                Here are his boxers from Joe's Wedding. A little risque, so it's a url.
                                Hmm, I looked at this again and again (and felt pretty silly after a while! ), and:
                                I'm not sure if there are lemons on it, could be, but it's hard to see. But I also don't think these are smilies. Maybe it's just an abstract pattern without any meaning?

                                Oh the things I think about in this fandom!

                                Ok, gotta go! See you in the evening!

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

