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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by pavaneofstars
    In Duet, yeah, what was his purpose again? I think for dialogue w/McKay and Cadman. Don't get me wrong, I loved that bit, but what was the medical reason he was there for? Sorry for going a bit OT here.
    Well, in "Duet"
    they were looking for survivors of the culling, so it's not illogical that they had a doctor with them. Or maybe they went there for a medical routine mission (like inoculating babies or whatever) and had to discover that the planet had been culled, but for that Rodney and Carson seemed to be a bit too cheerful.

    Anyway, I'm also not happy with Carson at the moment, but mostly because his behaviour towards Rodney changed. Some things he said to Rodney in "Sateda" and in "Common Ground" were a bit mean I think, and I don't know why the writers think that this is necessary.

    But Klenotka is right, we need more pics, so:

    Bye, A.
    Last edited by Arlessiar; 26 August 2006, 03:34 PM.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by Arlessiar
      Well, in "Duet"
      they were looking for survivors of the culling, so it's not illogical that hey had a doctor with them. Or maybe they went there for a medical routine mission (like inoculating babies or whatever) and had to discover that the planet had been culled, but for that Rodney and Carson seemed to be a bit too cheerful.

      Anyway, I'm also not happy with Carson at the moment, but mostly because his behaviour towards Rodney changed. Some things he said to Rodney in "Sateda" and in "Common Ground" were a bit mean I think, and I don't know why the writers think that this is necessary.

      Bye, A.
      I agree. His behviour to Rodney changed. It was funny in Sateda but in CG it was just annoying.
      And I think in CG wasn´t any reason for him being there. He said it by himself, he didn´t know what to do with Sheppard. So some immediate help wouldn´t be much useful. I just didn´t like him today. Especially because of his behaviour to Rodney. It was almost "Carter-like" but in the bad way.

      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


        OT - Another thing about Beckett...he seems willing to break his oath every episode this while back...while I know the phrase 'do no harm' isn't actually in the hippocratic oath...I don't think a medical doctor would condone violence let alone take part in any!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          I heard there was a cry out for more here is a bit of pic spam for ya.....

          And one more for good measure.....


            pic spam!!!

            i absolutely love always playing it on my ipod


              Originally posted by teknikal

              Oh my goodness me!!!!!


              sig by SheppyD
              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
              So he just looks crazy


                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                Anyway, I'm also not happy with Carson at the moment, but mostly because his behaviour towards Rodney changed. Some things he said to Rodney in "Sateda" and in "Common Ground" were a bit mean I think, and I don't know why the writers think that this is necessary.
                Sorry, this a bit OT
                I thought my perception of things was twisted but I'm sort of glad to know I'm not the only one wondering what they are doing with Carson and Rodney!
                Up until "Sateda", they had an easy friendship. Not as deep as John and Rodney but still.
                I thought that Carson was downright mean to Rodney in "Sateda" because there is some kind of special bond between Rodney and Ronon. They both love food and more seriously, they both don't hesitate in speaking their minds, even if they're not on the same page as the others. I think Ronon may appreciate that in Rodney.

                My theory about Carson is that the events of "Michael" and "Misbegotten" are starting to catch up with him and that he's sort of starting to break, hence the out of character behaviour. He's a very kind and a very caring man and his conscience can't agree with what he's done in the long term.
                But that would mean that the writers actually think about character arc and developpement. Hmmm

                And on this very profound note, I'm off to bed, hoping my fic plot will write itself in my sleep.


                  Originally posted by Aurore
                  Sorry, this a bit OT
                  I thought my perception of things was twisted but I'm sort of glad to know I'm not the only one wondering what they are doing with Carson and Rodney!
                  Up until "Sateda", they had an easy friendship. Not as deep as John and Rodney but still.
                  I thought that Carson was downright mean to Rodney in "Sateda" because there is some kind of special bond between Rodney and Ronon. They both love food and more seriously, they both don't hesitate in speaking their minds, even if they're not on the same page as the others. I think Ronon may appreciate that in Rodney.

                  My theory about Carson is that the events of "Michael" and "Misbegotten" are starting to catch up with him and that he's sort of starting to break, hence the out of character behaviour. He's a very kind and a very caring man and his conscience can't agree with what he's done in the long term.
                  But that would mean that the writers actually think about character arc and developpement. Hmmm

                  And on this very profound note, I'm off to bed, hoping my fic plot will write itself in my sleep.


                    lovely pic spams!

                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    Well, in "Duet"
                    they were looking for survivors of the culling, so it's not illogical that hey had a doctor with them. Or maybe they went there for a medical routine mission (like inoculating babies or whatever) and had to discover that the planet had been culled, but for that Rodney and Carson seemed to be a bit too cheerful.
                    Ah, good points. I haven't seen Duet in a while, I think it is time for that.

                    this is for Mx and everybody else too

                    omg! Just realized - this is my 1000th post! And in my fav thread!

                    sig by Pandora's_Box


                      Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                      lovely pic spams!

                      Ah, good points. I haven't seen Duet in a while, I think it is time for that.

                      this is for Mx and everybody else too
                      someones been working out!!! if i was in college i could probably rattle off all the possible exercises..but im not and that part of my brain aint switched on!!

                      congrats on 1000!!!!!! yay!!*claps!!*


                        Congrats on 1000 posts, pavaneofstars! Woah, what a milestone!

                        And I don't know if I said it or if I forgot or missed it, but

                        congrats on 2000 posts, McKayRocks!

                        Pics for both of you to celebrate. Happy!Rodney!

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          You people do know we have CHARACTER discussion threads?!?!?

                          Congrates Pavane, Congrates McKayRocks!

                          *how did you do that* Whumping.


                            Originally posted by teknikal
                            Arlessiar- i really happy for you!!!!! got a weird look from my sister cos i did a lil clap and 'yay'..but soo worth it!
                            Oh thank you! Hehe, you did a little clap when you saw the news? How sweet, thanks.
                            They can add that scene to the upside down Russian Flag in the pilot! You saw 2 Russians in Rising... 1 male, 1 female. The female has it right, but the guy has his upside down!
                            Yep, I was thinking of that too. The second flag they had upside down now.

                            And now Arlessiar becomes a bit nitpicky, but excuse that please, I think it's necessary from time to time:

                            Could we maybe only quote the parts of someone else's post we're actually referring to? It's easier to see what someone means then, because if you quote a complete post it's hard to see what exactly you were referring to, especially if it is only a small part of the original post. If the rest isn't important for your post you can simply delete those parts you aren't referring to when you were answering in the reply window.

                            Also, could we maybe quote pics as an URL and not as an IMG, so that they don't show up again when they are quoted? It's not really an official GW rule, it's more an unwritten rule and a courtesy. If you quote the pics as an IMG so that they show up again then it takes the bandwidth of other people, slows down the loading times of the thread pages, and although DH is beautiful, it's not that interesting to see the same pic on the same page several times. Especially not when you are not even referring ot the pic but to something else in someone else's post and simply quote the whole post including the pics!
                            To change it that the pic shows in the quote you simply need to replace the [IMG] tags with [URL] tags when you answer to a post.

                            Ok, that's it, thanks for reading.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              And now Arlessiar becomes a bit nitpicky, but excuse that please, I think it's necessary from time to time:

                              Could we maybe only quote the parts of someone else's post we're actually referring to? <>
                              Also, could we maybe quote pics as an URL and not as an IMG, so that they don't show up again when they are quoted? To change it that the pic shows in the quote you simply need to replace the [IMG] tags with [url] tags when you answer to a post.<>
                              ^ What she said.... with bells on.


                                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                                Congrats on 1000 posts, pavaneofstars! Woah, what a milestone!
                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat

                                Congrates Pavane,
                                Thanks! And congrats to you McKayRocks! on 2000!

                                Off to a baseball game tonight, see you all later.

                                sig by Pandora's_Box

