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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Tigger- All I will say is
    that the Vaughn character just ruined the movie for me. Why would you be friends with a guy like him? And would you sleep with your best friends girlfriend?
    But the ice skating scene was funny.

    Do tell- you're gonna meet RDA?
    Sig by im_meli
    More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


      Originally posted by Mercury973
      Well, I finally saw Icemen last night. Uh, interesting. I actually *didn't* like it (Nobody hit me).
      Slap! what is wrong with you?! Just teasing! You are right, I think it is definitlely a "guy" movie but I still thought it was interesting and David is fantastic in it (that last bit is a given )

      Originally posted by tiggerific
      side note: OMG im gonna meet RDA!!!!!
      omg! Squeee! He must be attending a con you're going to? How exciting! You'll have to let us know how it goes.

      sig by Pandora's_Box


        its the gabit event called AVALON i still cant believe i got a ticket *dies*

        its rick and amanda argh my god i still cant believe it!!

        *cough* anyway back to the regular programming....

        so ywah ice men... LOVE the skating scene! LOL


          Obligatory Icemen pic

          Yeah, from the few movies that I have seen of David's, I liked Nothing the best. Well, it is the best of his movies. Then Treed Murray (very McKay) then Cube, then Icemen. Obsession much?
          Sig by im_meli
          More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


            its a healthy obsession

            and oh yeah nothing can beat nothing


              sig by Pandora's_Box


                From the IMDB...
                Mounted Police Officer: Dave Johnson?
                Dave: Yes?
                Mounted Police Officer: You're under arrest. For embezzlement
                Dave: [closing door] Oh, hang on a sec, let me just get my horse.

                Ah, I need to learn how to screen capture, so I can get some more pics from Nothing.
                Sig by im_meli
                More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ



                  How are we all tonight then?!?!

                  Arlessiar I hope your grandma is ok

                  Re the
                  two Rodneys David mentioned in the Urban Rush special - I thought that was McKay and Mrs Miller as that deals with Jeanie working out a theorem that bridges parallel universes and in the Cult Times article David says "......suffice to say we discover that the parallel universe has a few more things running around in it than we expected...."

                  Just my take on it!!

                  Haven't seen Icemen so can't comment but will watch it! BTW I still haven't watched Cube as I want to watch it with my daughter and we haven't had an opportunity yet would you believe!!!! Either I am doing something or she is!!! Anyway now she has finished her exams she has more free time so I will try to do it soon!

                  sig by SheppyD
                  Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                  I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                  So he just looks crazy


                    *Comes in and sits down to Present a Complaint*

                    I've been wanting now for months to dream about Rodney McKay. No, not me hanging out with Rodney McKay, but rather me being Rodney McKay. Yes, I'm female. Yes, I'm straight. No, I have no urges to make McKay anything with another man.

                    I've dreamed about him a time or two, but I want to experience his character first-hand.

                    With that complaint filed... here's one of my favorite shots. That smile looks so sweet - too bad he doesn't use it more often!
                    [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                      Hi there folks!
                      No real news on my grandma yet, they are still not sure what caused the stroke and it seems you have to wait a few days until you can really verify a stroke on a CT if there wasn't any bleeding to begin with. She's doing better today, she can move and talk, only her short-term memory is a little off. But it seems in general she was very, very lucky.
                      I thank you all for your support and the lovely posts! I can't answer to every single post, but I want you all to know that I appreciate your kind words and the comfort you gave and continued to give me so very, very much! Thanks for being there!

                      *waves to smushybird*
                      Hey smushy, it's wonderful to see you again!

                      And now back to DH - I finally managed to see the Urban Rush special and OMG do I envy these two interviewers! I so want to be on that set like they had the chance to! Well, in fact I envy the cast even more, they get to work there, surrounded by each other and a great crew, having lots of fun and an interesting workplace (even if they have to work very hard). BUt even a visit on the set yould be fantastic.
                      I loved it when David explained the fandom expression 'snarcastic'

                      All the interviews and pics were just great! How cute is David Hewlett when he smiles? Sooo adorable!
                      And did I already say how much I want to see ADB? Thanks for posting some caps, Willow, these new pics are great!

                      And concerning IceMen - generally I liked the film, but it was a bit weird and a little boring at times. David was funny though and acted very well, and I really liked the hot tub and the ice hockey scenes.

                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        [QUOTE=pavaneofstars]Slap! what is wrong with you?! Just teasing! You are right, I think it is definitlely a "guy" movie but I still thought it was interesting and David is fantastic in it (that last bit is a given )

                        A guy movie? I 'm a guy and I didn't think that much about Icemen and I even love hockey! IMO DH wasn't that good in it either. But then again, I don't have the hots for the man Like they say, "love is blind".


                          My complaint is why hasn't Rodney McKay blasted his way into this hell hole that I call work, say something really snarky and cutting to my dumb co-worker who thinks he's my boss, then drive off with me in his green Saab 95 and get some Thai food (No lemons).

                          The Urban Rush vid was funny. David Hewlett is such a sweetie. And funny too. And hot. I like them geeks; what can I say.

                          Hi LoveBuzz- It's a guys movie. you know, complaining about the wife/girlfriends and work. Sorta like a chik flick with Julia Roberts. Ugh! No! Bad brain!
                          Sig by im_meli
                          More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                            Originally posted by Mercury973
                            From the IMDB...
                            Mounted Police Officer: Dave Johnson?
                            Dave: Yes?
                            Mounted Police Officer: You're under arrest. For embezzlement
                            Dave: [closing door] Oh, hang on a sec, let me just get my horse.
                            I love that bit!

                            Originally posted by Syera
                            I've been wanting now for months to dream about Rodney McKay. No, not me hanging out with Rodney McKay, but rather me being Rodney McKay. Yes, I'm female. Yes, I'm straight. No, I have no urges to make McKay anything with another man.

                            I've dreamed about him a time or two, but I want to experience his character first-hand.
                            That would be an interesting dream experience. A bit OT here,
                            but have you explored conscious dreaming? I picked up a book last week that explores conscious dreaming (the ability to control events while in the dream state) and other things related to dreaming. I bet you can find a lot on it by doing a google search.
                            I'm quite content just to have him *be* in a dream, preferably w/me.

                            Originally posted by Arlessiar
                            No real news on my grandma yet...She's doing better today, she can move and talk, only her short-term memory is a little off. But it seems in general she was very, very lucky.
                            So glad to hear she is doing ok.

                            Originally posted by Mercury973
                            The Urban Rush vid was funny. David Hewlett is such a sweetie. And funny too. And hot. I like them geeks; what can I say.
                            I'm going to watch this in just a bit (you know what I mean ) so will let you know what I think. But just from reading everybody's comments it sounds great!

                            sig by Pandora's_Box


                              Originally posted by False hope
                              TEN DAYS?!! You cant leave us for 10 days!! We'll miss you I might have to make 10 different Bald McKay manips for each day you're away to make myself feel better and it'll be all your fault
                              I'll leave for ten days on the 12th July. Like Mx, who will be gone a bit later, I'll go on a holiday, together with my parents and my bf. We'll go to a small island on the Northern coast of Germany that is called Sylt, and it's a lovely place. I've been there quite a few times in my life, and I love it there. And also - I'll see the sea again. I love the sea, even more than the mountains. And I can pretend that I'm on the mainland of Lantia and Atlantis is out there, somewhere near the horizon.

                              Anyway, you say you might miss me (awwwwwm thanks! ), well, I'll certainly miss the thunk terribly! Ten days - I'll miss lots and lots of thunking. I planned on taking my Powerbook with me, but I don't now if I'll have time for surfing or if I'll manage to establish a working internet connection. Will have to see, but at the moment I guess I'll simply miss ten days of action here.
                              I say action especially because season 3 starts on the 14th - I'll miss that too, and I really hate that. I have to try to catch up with the season opener and all the discussions in the forum when I come back.

                              Yeah, make as many bald McKay manips as you like if that helps you feel better! I won't be here to see it, so feel free to blame me for having to do that as long as you stop when I come back.

                              Originally posted by syera
                              I've been wanting now for months to dream about Rodney McKay. No, not me hanging out with Rodney McKay, but rather me being Rodney McKay. Yes, I'm female. Yes, I'm straight. No, I have no urges to make McKay anything with another man.
                              I understand what you mean, it's simply an interesting perspective and only dreams give you the chance to experience that.
                              Luckily I've a lot of SGA dreams and in one of them I once was McKay for a very short time, but it was nothing special. I didn't really now that I was him until someone said so, I wasn't even on Atlantis and I did nothing that was 'McKayish'. I was just him and someone called me McKay.

                              Originally posted by LoveBuzz
                              But then again, I don't have the hots for the man Like they say, "love is blind".
                              Well, I understand that you don't "have the hots" for him and that's fine (yes I know you're male). It's also fine with me that you think his performance in IceMen wasn't that good, I respect your opinion.

                              But still, I feel slightly insulted now. As if we all are just so in love with him that we don't realize that he's not always the perfect actor, or what? Well, I disagree, I don't think he's perfect as an actor. I like many of the things he did, but not everything.

                              Sorry for reacting a little harshly, but saying something like "ah well, love is blind" in a thunk thread can be dangerous, this is a protected thread!
                              But I see you're a newbie, so you might not know that yet. Welcome to the forum!
                              Here's a link to the new members thread, you also find possibly helpful links about the forum there:

                              Welcome new members!

                              Bye, A.
                              Last edited by Arlessiar; 27 June 2006, 11:52 AM.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                                I'll leave for ten days on the 12th July. Like Mx, who will be gone a bit later, I'll go on a holiday, together with my parents and my bf. We'll go to a small island on the Northern coast of Germany that is called Sylt, and it's a lovely place. I've been there quite a few times in my life, and I love it there. And also - I'll see the sea again. I love the sea, even more than the mountains. And I can pretend that I'm on the mainland of Lantia and Atlantis is out there, somewhere near the horizon.
                                Sounds like a lovely trip. You're going to have a great time. I've been to the ocean several times (Pacific ocean) and it is beautiful. Here's a little inspiration for when you're looking out past the horizon:


                                sig by Pandora's_Box

