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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Tonite is the Series Finale Of atlantis. I remember yesterday i watch ghost in the machine and i still cant believe how well a job joe flanigan during this episode.


      Originally posted by yunadax View Post
      Hi All,
      a late thread finder here Love the John / Elizabeth ship and wished they'd done so much more with it.. ahh the potential. At least we have dvd's and fanfic


      Hello and welcome.

      Originally posted by M-CharmedAlantian View Post
      OMG We just felt a big earthquake in Riverside and it was a HUGE jolt. It was a 4.5 earthquake and centered in San Bernardino. Though it felt much MUCH bigger than that. Me and my family are fine, but I'm still shaken up. My dad and I heard a loud rumble then my trailer started swaying back and forth and I was at my computer and talking to my dad then BOOM it hit. I was screaming my head off and even though I felt other earthquakes before, but this is my first large jolt. Just before it hit my cats just came inside and then they immediatly ran in different directions. Though we're fine, but still shaken up.
      Whoa. Glad you're okay. At least your internet stayed on.

      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      Tonite is the Series Finale Of atlantis. I remember yesterday i watch ghost in the machine and i still cant believe how well a job joe flanigan during this episode.
      I can't believe it's over. I wonder when it will hit me. I think as far as Sparky goes it hit us all a good while ago. I also found it really odd in the SciFi marathon that they skipped all of S4. Or did I miss something?

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        Tonite is the Series Finale Of atlantis. I remember yesterday i watch ghost in the machine and i still cant believe how well a job joe flanigan during this episode.
        *Hopes that Belgian tv won't wait too long to broadcast s5*
        I just saw some of the previews on gw and OMG!!! the finale looks GOOD!! *drools*
        And I'm so missing Elizabeth in this photo and totally hating the fact that Shep and Teyla are mirroring each other :

        Sig by me


          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          *Hopes that Belgian tv won't wait too long to broadcast s5*
          I just saw some of the previews on gw and OMG!!! the finale looks GOOD!! *drools*
          And I'm so missing Elizabeth in this photo and totally hating the fact that Shep and Teyla are mirroring each other :

          Look at Woolsey and Carson. It must be love if mirroring means anything.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            (Also posted this on the Weir/Torri WOW thread)

            Not sure how many of you follow the Merchandise forum, so I'll pass on the word here...

            Star Trek author Terri Osborne has been given approval by MGM for her first SGA novel, entitled 'Portals of Discovery,' which is apparently going to be the memoirs of Elizabeth Weir. SWEET!

            Terri has a post on her own LJ, and there's an article at Unreality SF.

            Thanks to morjana for the news!
            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

            *dies laughing*

            Not scifi, but horror... victims in Nightmare on Elm Street movies. *headdesk*

            Yup, because Sparky rules the universe.

            She doesn't write fanfiction, she's a professional author. She's written a number of short stories that have appeared in licensed Star Trek and Doctor Who anthologies and digital ebooks.
            Cool! I just hope that it includes 'thoughts and feelings' on her relationships with other characters, and isn't a dry set of memoirs. I'm not expecting any major sparky, but if the author writers Doctor Who I'm guessing she knows a little angst. Here's hoping she incorporates it! @____@

            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            ((hugs)) I am glad you're safe! Earthquakes are scary things, I felt few minor ones but I was scared nevertheless.

            Guys, how about a new game? I think we need a little bit of fun around here! That "room full of UST" gives me ideas, post pictures where we can see exactly that? 100 room full of UST moments?

            Also, did we finish why sparky is awesome game?
            I like the picture game idea--plus, we need to up our post count, we're less than 500 posts away from cracking 70,000. And I need to up my post count, cuz I'm less than 200 posts away from being able to have my own avatar, and I wants one of the new BIG ones they're promising.

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Hello and welcome.

            Whoa. Glad you're okay. At least your internet stayed on.

            I can't believe it's over. I wonder when it will hit me. I think as far as Sparky goes it hit us all a good while ago. I also found it really odd in the SciFi marathon that they skipped all of S4. Or did I miss something?
            If I remember correctly, sometimes recently aired seasons of things are not allowed to be 'rerun' on their debut networks until they've gone through a certain period of time--something having to do with the syndication rights. So Sci-Fi might not have been able to run S4 (they have the rights for S5, to air and rerun through the life of S5, but once it hits syndication they can't rerun it for a year or something or until it gets through syndication first airing).

            I think S4 is currently being run in syndication on local affiliates. At least it's that way in Atlanta (where it runs as 2 AM on Monday mornings ).
            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Okay...I'm going to start the Sparky UST game:

              #1: Probably the best stereotypical example of UST in shows, The Hot Zone fight

              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                So, I gave in and watched Remnants. Here's the review I posted on my LJ:

                So I gave in. I admit, I want my Shep -fix. That's all. So I'm hunting for Shep - heavy eps. I hoped this would be Shep heavy but... it wasn't. There should have been more John. Now. Let's review.

                I thought it would be much harder for me to watch S5, but surprisingly, when I focused on the enjoyable things everything else didn't matter all that much (enjoyable things = John). Some parts I even liked, and all of those were John – parts. (who doesn't like John – parts? All parts of him? Okay, brain, get out of the gutter.)

                And because I'm writing/wrote parts of this while I'm watching Remnants – I see we have a JLo clone for a gate tech. Poor Chuck, he's probbably missing Elizabeth. She named him, after all. Take that, PTB – you can't erase her, no matter how hard you try.

                Anyway, looks like hallucinations are trendy this season. I mean, subconscious can tell you oh so much. About someone, I mean. Or not - well not when M&M are writing an ep. I wasn't so interested in Woolsey's job related fears and I'm totally not impressed with that part. Okay, he got to love the City, that's okay, but the W – plot doesn't make much sense; until the Aussie chick explains what's her real purpose. Still. If Elizabeth was in W - boy's place, it would have been more believable, but still, that part of the story I find pretty thin. Reminds me of some Star Trek episodes way too much, only Star Trek handled things like that way better.

                Seems like one handed Sheppard is still a mortal danger for the Genii. Or the Genii soldiers became victims of massive stupidization. They were a little bit better than sitting ducks. If all of that is John's fantasy/hallucination, I still think he would make the whole thing harder for himself, and "make" the Genii more dangerous. John - plotline and Robert Daavi are the only reason why I'm chose to watch this, and on Sheppard part I'm not completely disappointed. Not thrilled, either, M&M forgot – again – they're dealing with a human being here. Guys, tell me the reason why John is doing this to himself. (I wanted to laugh out loud at the beginning when the biology chick wanted to impress him. That part he didn't hallucinate. Ha! Poor John, he was suffering badly. And he looked so sad. Like a big sad puppy. He still misses Elizabeth. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

                To me it looked like part of John gave up the fight. Any kind of fight. Sort of. When Kolya beats him, John looks numbed. Yes, in pain, but it's like he's barely registering it, like he put in a lot of effort to mentally numb himself. Which is fascinating – this is John and I'm wondering how big is the part of him that had simply shut down. After Kolya cut off his hand, John seemed to be too much in shock to even react and I'm wondering what was going through his head. I guess that's something we'll never see, just like Teyla's leadership skills. Thumbs up PTB. Not. (There should have been, you know, some blood on that bandage. Lots and lots of blood. Even John's face should have been more bruised. I guess they spent too much on CGI and couldn't afford proper make up artist.)

                Other things? Keller looks way too young, Ronon's wig is hideous, those jackets they wear now look very uncomfortable and completely ridiculous. And we thought S1 outfits were bad. They at least looked like uniforms. I'm glad to see Radek being his old self.

                Overally? Not a bad episode, but it doesn't even come close to any S2 episode. Let's not even mention S1. John part was interesting, but the most important thing wasn't explained. Surprise, surprise. Who wrote this, again? The IOA subplot was mildly stupid, IMO. And I was wrecking my head about portraying them as bunch of jerks who fight over power and wondering will that be too much over the top. I don't think it would. I mean, it's frakking canon. I couldn't possibly do worse than M&M – those two usually have neat ideas, start with a promising concept and then completely ruin it.

                My favorite thing? Sad John. He was sad all the time. Completely, profoundly sad, and the sadness is there even when you see other moods on the surface. And “You torture yourself every day” line. Now if we could hear what the weird looking alien really meant with that? We kind of already knew John was prone to self – torture. Robert Daavi, even as not!Kolya was a real treat to see.

                The final scene sucked entirely. Richard Woolsey is an okay guy, but he doesn't belong to the leadersip position. That's my uncensored and honest opinion. This "we're one big happy family" thing they're pushing now feels wrong and in light what they did to Elizabeth, whom they never treated like a real part of the family, completely unfair. That's also my honest and uncensored opinion. There's only one person who deserves the position of the City's leader, and without her Atlantis is empty. No wonder John is so depressed.

                I think I'll watch Vegas, The Shrine and maybe finale. Oh, and Outcast. Those should provide me with all the information I need for that long John fic I'm working on.

                Oh and I forgot to mention. John is hot, even with gray hair and more wrinkles on his face (more than he already had). Sad look suits him well – but I bet he would look happier and younger if his 'Lizabeth was there.

                For completely shallow purposes, I'm open to watching more, just because I want some new Shep stuff. Rec me good eps with least ewww factors, please?
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Room full of UST - moment #2 - Letters from Pegasus. They look at each other so intensely here.

                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    UST Sparky Game

                    1. Hot Zone Fight
                    2. Letters from Pegasus discussion

                    #3: The Brotherhood: John finds out about the Wraith Dart. I loved how intense he was, and angry, about it, until Elizabeth explains why she couldn't let him know. She matches his intensity.

                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      The first three were really good. #5 not so much, #4 not at all. Who dies in their dream? Even in sci-fi!
                      I thought Duet was funny, but I didn't like Kate's look in it. And as most know I have hate/love relationship with Doppelganger, cause yeah she dies, but OH MY GODDESS there's so much Kate/Teyla goodness in there ... *thud*

                      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                      *Hopes that Belgian tv won't wait too long to broadcast s5*
                      At 5pm in the afternoon... but I don't care one way or another.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Cool! I just hope that it includes 'thoughts and feelings' on her relationships with other characters, and isn't a dry set of memoirs. I'm not expecting any major sparky, but if the author writers Doctor Who I'm guessing she knows a little angst. Here's hoping she incorporates it! @____@

                        I like the picture game idea--plus, we need to up our post count, we're less than 500 posts away from cracking 70,000. And I need to up my post count, cuz I'm less than 200 posts away from being able to have my own avatar, and I wants one of the new BIG ones they're promising.

                        If I remember correctly, sometimes recently aired seasons of things are not allowed to be 'rerun' on their debut networks until they've gone through a certain period of time--something having to do with the syndication rights. So Sci-Fi might not have been able to run S4 (they have the rights for S5, to air and rerun through the life of S5, but once it hits syndication they can't rerun it for a year or something or until it gets through syndication first airing).

                        I think S4 is currently being run in syndication on local affiliates. At least it's that way in Atlanta (where it runs as 2 AM on Monday mornings ).
                        Makes sense. And I think they're running it here on Sat afternoon.

                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        So, I gave in and watched Remnants. Here's the review I posted on my LJ:

                        So I gave in. I admit, I want my Shep -fix. That's all. So I'm hunting for Shep - heavy eps. I hoped this would be Shep heavy but... it wasn't. There should have been more John. Now. Let's review.

                        I thought it would be much harder for me to watch S5, but surprisingly, when I focused on the enjoyable things everything else didn't matter all that much (enjoyable things = John). Some parts I even liked, and all of those were John – parts. (who doesn't like John – parts? All parts of him? Okay, brain, get out of the gutter.)

                        And because I'm writing/wrote parts of this while I'm watching Remnants – I see we have a JLo clone for a gate tech. Poor Chuck, he's probbably missing Elizabeth. She named him, after all. Take that, PTB – you can't erase her, no matter how hard you try.

                        Anyway, looks like hallucinations are trendy this season. I mean, subconscious can tell you oh so much. About someone, I mean. Or not - well not when M&M are writing an ep. I wasn't so interested in Woolsey's job related fears and I'm totally not impressed with that part. Okay, he got to love the City, that's okay, but the W – plot doesn't make much sense; until the Aussie chick explains what's her real purpose. Still. If Elizabeth was in W - boy's place, it would have been more believable, but still, that part of the story I find pretty thin. Reminds me of some Star Trek episodes way too much, only Star Trek handled things like that way better.

                        Seems like one handed Sheppard is still a mortal danger for the Genii. Or the Genii soldiers became victims of massive stupidization. They were a little bit better than sitting ducks. If all of that is John's fantasy/hallucination, I still think he would make the whole thing harder for himself, and "make" the Genii more dangerous. John - plotline and Robert Daavi are the only reason why I'm chose to watch this, and on Sheppard part I'm not completely disappointed. Not thrilled, either, M&M forgot – again – they're dealing with a human being here. Guys, tell me the reason why John is doing this to himself. (I wanted to laugh out loud at the beginning when the biology chick wanted to impress him. That part he didn't hallucinate. Ha! Poor John, he was suffering badly. And he looked so sad. Like a big sad puppy. He still misses Elizabeth. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

                        To me it looked like part of John gave up the fight. Any kind of fight. Sort of. When Kolya beats him, John looks numbed. Yes, in pain, but it's like he's barely registering it, like he put in a lot of effort to mentally numb himself. Which is fascinating – this is John and I'm wondering how big is the part of him that had simply shut down. After Kolya cut off his hand, John seemed to be too much in shock to even react and I'm wondering what was going through his head. I guess that's something we'll never see, just like Teyla's leadership skills. Thumbs up PTB. Not. (There should have been, you know, some blood on that bandage. Lots and lots of blood. Even John's face should have been more bruised. I guess they spent too much on CGI and couldn't afford proper make up artist.)

                        Other things? Keller looks way too young, Ronon's wig is hideous, those jackets they wear now look very uncomfortable and completely ridiculous. And we thought S1 outfits were bad. They at least looked like uniforms. I'm glad to see Radek being his old self.

                        Overally? Not a bad episode, but it doesn't even come close to any S2 episode. Let's not even mention S1. John part was interesting, but the most important thing wasn't explained. Surprise, surprise. Who wrote this, again? The IOA subplot was mildly stupid, IMO. And I was wrecking my head about portraying them as bunch of jerks who fight over power and wondering will that be too much over the top. I don't think it would. I mean, it's frakking canon. I couldn't possibly do worse than M&M – those two usually have neat ideas, start with a promising concept and then completely ruin it.

                        My favorite thing? Sad John. He was sad all the time. Completely, profoundly sad, and the sadness is there even when you see other moods on the surface. And “You torture yourself every day” line. Now if we could hear what the weird looking alien really meant with that? We kind of already knew John was prone to self – torture. Robert Daavi, even as not!Kolya was a real treat to see.

                        The final scene sucked entirely. Richard Woolsey is an okay guy, but he doesn't belong to the leadersip position. That's my uncensored and honest opinion. This "we're one big happy family" thing they're pushing now feels wrong and in light what they did to Elizabeth, whom they never treated like a real part of the family, completely unfair. That's also my honest and uncensored opinion. There's only one person who deserves the position of the City's leader, and without her Atlantis is empty. No wonder John is so depressed.

                        I think I'll watch Vegas, The Shrine and maybe finale. Oh, and Outcast. Those should provide me with all the information I need for that long John fic I'm working on.

                        Oh and I forgot to mention. John is hot, even with gray hair and more wrinkles on his face (more than he already had). Sad look suits him well – but I bet he would look happier and younger if his 'Lizabeth was there.

                        For completely shallow purposes, I'm open to watching more, just because I want some new Shep stuff. Rec me good eps with least ewww factors, please?
                        Check your email for my opinions. S5 is a totally safe zone. But John gets the short straw until Vegas.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Look at Woolsey and Carson. It must be love if mirroring means anything.
                          Your mind scares me.

                          He's looking at Teyla or Rodney. Woolsey is not even there to him.

                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          For completely shallow purposes, I'm open to watching more, just because I want some new Shep stuff. Rec me good eps with least ewww factors, please?
                          Erm, Outsiders works as a classic Atlantis episode because I don't think there was any reference to Keller or Woolsey? In any way, it's one you can pretend Lizzie is back at home.

                          Spoils of War, Kindred I & II. Elizabeth mention in Kindred II. Cute Teyla/Lorne stuff in Kindred I and SoW. John/Teyla hug is SoW but it's so obviously a standard hurt/comfort thing so it doesn't matter.

                          I don't think I've seen anything else worth watching, but I haven't seen most of s4 and s5 either. It's hit and miss for me because I don't really care.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          cause yeah she dies, but OH MY GODDESS there's so much Kate/Teyla goodness in there ... *thud*
                          Hee, thats the same with my other 'ship in Sunday. Good parts but one half dies. LOL. Except I'm too chicken to watch it.


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            Cool! I just hope that it includes 'thoughts and feelings' on her relationships with other characters, and isn't a dry set of memoirs. I'm not expecting any major sparky, but if the author writers Doctor Who I'm guessing she knows a little angst. Here's hoping she incorporates it! @____@
                            The article at Unreality SF has a link to an interview that they did with her a while ago; sounds like she definitely knows how to turn the angst on and get into the characters' heads with their relationships and figure out what makes 'em tick. I'm feeling very good about this book.

                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            I like the picture game idea--plus, we need to up our post count, we're less than 500 posts away from cracking 70,000. And I need to up my post count, cuz I'm less than 200 posts away from being able to have my own avatar, and I wants one of the new BIG ones they're promising.
                            I could finally use my full-size Kitty avatar!

                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            If I remember correctly, sometimes recently aired seasons of things are not allowed to be 'rerun' on their debut networks until they've gone through a certain period of time--something having to do with the syndication rights. So Sci-Fi might not have been able to run S4 (they have the rights for S5, to air and rerun through the life of S5, but once it hits syndication they can't rerun it for a year or something or until it gets through syndication first airing).

                            I think S4 is currently being run in syndication on local affiliates. At least it's that way in Atlanta (where it runs as 2 AM on Monday mornings ).
                            Yup, that's exactly what's going on. Each season goes into syndication on broadcast channels for the year after it originally airs on SciFi, then the airing rights revert back to SciFi. That's why we didn't see any Season 3 reruns on SciFi last year when they were doing the 5-days-a-week airings, because the syndicated market still had Season 3 air rights. The rights appear to turn over in the fall, so we won't see Season 4 on SciFi again until then.

                            In the Los Angeles area, SG-1 and SGA had been running on one station for several years, but once S3 ended in syndication, I guess that station either lost or decided not to renew the contract, so another station got it. It's now airing in a much crappier timeslot; 11pm on Sundays. But it's S4, so I really don't care, anyway.
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              In the Los Angeles area, SG-1 and SGA had been running on one station for several years, but once S3 ended in syndication, I guess that station either lost or decided not to renew the contract, so another station got it. It's now airing in a much crappier timeslot; 11pm on Sundays. But it's S4, so I really don't care, anyway.
                              Hmm, that's interesting to know. Here FOX used to air SGA, 5:00 PM on Saturdays but when that was finished they don't do it anymore and have not picked up s4. Not that I care anyways.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                For completely shallow purposes, I'm open to watching more, just because I want some new Shep stuff. Rec me good eps with least ewww factors, please?
                                Don't forget about Outcast!

                                Whispers wasn't too bad, if you're into mindless horror movie clichés (and it was written by M&M, so remember to lower your expectations). It's got Carson doing some interesting stuff off-world, and Sheppard is in it a lot, but he's also made to look like an idiot in front of military personnel under his command. So it's a toss-up.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

