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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    well and i'm bad i writing fanfics in english

    so ... anuna???


      Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
      that's it, I want credit for the idea

      oh... well I knew that! lol
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
        oh... well I knew that! lol


          Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
          Ok new 2nd request, John and Emily bond by coming up with ways to infuriate McKay (clearly they are a bad influence on each other lol)


            Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
            Ive got an idea for a sparky story but I don't think I could write it.

            Idea under spoiler tags
            John and Elizabeth meet at a College party that their respective friends have dragged them to (they go to different Colleges). They hit it off get then a little drunk and spend the night together. John's dragged off by his mates in the morning before they Elizabeth wakes up and they can exchange numbers and don't leave time for him to leave a note etc. Elizabeth thinks he just used her. We return to the story with at the time of Rising, events have transpired the same as the series except now Elizabeth has a 16yr old daughter. Elizabeth is reluctant to tell him cause she thinks hes a bit of a *******, but she needs him for the expedition and its pretty much will be now or never for him to have a relationship with his daughter who has the choice of going along too as she's a bit of a genius (lol takes after her parents I guess)
            Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
            Ok new 2nd request, John and Emily bond by coming up with ways to infuriate McKay (clearly they are a bad influence on each other lol)
            Love those ideas! Someone should really write it *pokes*
            I love college fics (read a great one a few days ago), but this one is interesting because of the "consequences".
            + It's always fun to infuriate McKay


              Afternoon Sparkies.

              I’ve been thinking about this for sometime now, about turning ‘A Moment in Time' into a series/sequels/continuing saga. Keep them separate from the main lead.

              For example
              Main title - A Moment in Time - Pompeii

              Title heading - Pompeii Day one



              “Date and year?” Asked Elizabeth, fearing the worst.

              In truth John didn’t want Elizabeth to know, the last thing she needed right now was stress piled up on top of everything else that’s happened to her since all this time-travel business began. “Get some rest, I can tell you later.”

              Elizabeth put on her leadership persona she was determined to know. “John. Don’t hide it from me.”

              John took out his watch from his right pocket to show her.

              What do you all think?
              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                LOOOOL! Five times John is thankful for his hair - thing? I'll think about it.

                Martin Gero
                .... *facepalm* is all I have to say about him.
                Might be opening a can of worms here, but I actually kind of like Gero. Now, I don't agree with him on Keller...but if you look back at his episodes, he seems to be the only one who can give us character moments/personalities. ANd, I mean, we do have him to thank for a lot of our fav. Sparky eps. Him, and Carl. (Goodness Carl is love. I completely agree there.) Damian gave us one or two, too.

                As far as a charri dying needing respect, I think that first off, they never DID intend to completely take off 'Lizbeth (Which, I'm not saying they weren't writing her off because they didn't know how to handle her. I agree with that.) But, in retrospect...what happened in Lifeline was kind of heroic and sweet. Gero didn't write TMC. That was what really got under my skin.

                I know that's somewhat off topic, but I felt the need to speak up.

                As for the college story-Hmm! That's interesting. I wouldn't mind reading it. ^.^

                wormhole- oh. my. That would not be one surprise I'd like. I really need to read moment. Maybe it will be one of the fics I save away for my two-week away from net jaunt. *nodnod*

                And I gotta say you sparkies are just the lovely motivation I need in the morning to get going. (even after four hours of sleep. @.@) Thanks!
                "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                  For everyone who hasn't, go vote for JE.

                  And because we know it's true:


                    Hiya Sparky Shippers!

                    Sheyla fan myself sorry, but thought I'd just pop in and drop these off, they're WPs for No Mans Land:


                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Hiya Sparky Shippers!

                      Sheyla fan myself sorry, but thought I'd just pop in and drop these off, they're WPs for No Mans Land:


                      Don't appologize, hun! You like the ship you like! ^.^ Thank you for the lovely papers!
                      "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                        A better version of the picture I posted earlier.

                        I still have too much time on my hands...
                        The Geek shall inherit the earth

                        Proud Sparky Supporter
                        Keeping the Heart and Soul of Atlantis Alive
                        "They can take our Elizabeth, but they can ne'er take our SPARKY!"


                          ...It's really quiet in here!

                          Also! Thanks to CazzBlade for the WP's!


                          I'm done with my essay!! And I still kept up with my Sparky-ness! Mission:Accomplished.


                            Pic Spam: From Rising.

                            Spoiler for size.


                            What did everyone think about my story idea I posted earlier?
                            BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                              CazzBlade_ Great wallpapers!!!!!

                              Thanks for the pic spam Wormhole, I love the end of that episode Too cute!! Some awesome looks between the both of them!

                              edit: I love the story idea btw, I'll read anything you'll write lol Same with Anuna, you're just fantastic writers!!


                                Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
                                well and i'm bad i writing fanfics in english

                                so ... anuna???
                                No anuna today. anuna is pi**ed off and very tired.

                                Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                                Might be opening a can of worms here, but I actually kind of like Gero. Now, I don't agree with him on Keller...but if you look back at his episodes, he seems to be the only one who can give us character moments/personalities. ANd, I mean, we do have him to thank for a lot of our fav. Sparky eps. Him, and Carl. (Goodness Carl is love. I completely agree there.) Damian gave us one or two, too.

                                As far as a charri dying needing respect, I think that first off, they never DID intend to completely take off 'Lizbeth (Which, I'm not saying they weren't writing her off because they didn't know how to handle her. I agree with that.) But, in retrospect...what happened in Lifeline was kind of heroic and sweet. Gero didn't write TMC. That was what really got under my skin.
                                Oh they did. They very much did. Just look at the way Torri was handled. I know I might get my wrists slapped, so if you wanna talk that - PM me.

                                And there are number of reasons why Elizabeth was written off... again - PM me if you want to hear what I think.

                                Yes, people I'm in an extremely bad mood tonight. However I don't have anything against you.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

