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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Naturally. And John's wearing these big sexy glasses.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      Indeed, she is. And John's wearing these big sexy glasses.

      aww man!. Why did you have to go and do that! least you didn't mention toes...

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Toes are now offically reserved for my Chuck/Lizzie love, lol.

        Sparky love consists of dorky!John in glasses, closets, leather, and strawberries. Not necessarily in that order.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          Toes are now offically reserved for my Chuck/Lizzie love, lol.
          DUDE! *imagines*

          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            *peeks in* Are they still talking about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? *picks up cane and hobbles out*
            I'll join you. I do seem to remember reading/hearing about them being one of those "must have" toys one Christmas. But that's all I know about them.


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
              That's true. Now that you mention it...

              John: (having remembered/heard others talking about it) You know it was Valentines Day yesterday?
              Lizzie: Really?
              John: Yeah.
              Lizzie: Oh.

              Then they'd both shrug and get back to work.
              *L* Yep that's pretty much the way I see it. Love it!

              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              Hi Reaceania, nice to see you delurk again ^^.

              Hey I agree with everything you said. I was mostly kidding around with my little list. In fact my list would be too long to write down. They've had so many moments that prove that their relation is incredible to watch and see evoluate. Natural chemistry...Sparky"tend" to be made out of it.

              Sparky will forever be ( to me ) the perfect example ( interpretation ) on screen that you don't need the writers approval to have a real relationship, something that built itself alone, that has never been forced.

              Sparky is True Romance. Happy Valentines day again shippers
              Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
              ITA Reaceania! Is it a case of great Sparky minds think alike? Let's make a deal, you delurk more often and I'll do the same.
              If only lurking was my problem. I don't really get the time to even do that. much. I work crazy hours and then with other things on top of that I don't have much time for the net I do like popping by this thread when I can though, because there's such a nice bunch of warm and accepting posters in here *looks at EVERYONE* who come up with such wonderful ideas of the wonderful sparky couple.

              And Blower'sGate. I agree. Shep/Weir has to me naturally evolved from day one. I love seeing the contrast between Rising to later episodes like The Real World, Echoes and especially, First Strike. When you look back over those 3 years it's just been such a wonderful journey for them: Seeing how their relationship has progressed, how much they have grown to care about one another and how the bond between them has come to be so strong. I will admit that it has become one of the reasons I've come to love this show, and that wasn't something I had expected when I started watching it.

              *looks around for Ronnikins* I'm here where are you?
              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              There is just something about cute rebellious pilots with crazy hair.

              Oh, yeah, Lynn Minmei, he'd make so mad when he'd go running to her an leave Lisa alone. But we know who he chose in the end.
              Minmei was THE most irritating character ever to grace the screen *shudders* Rick and Lisa though *goes gooey* The more I think about it, the more I can see Shep/Weir in Rick/Lisa.

              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
              Sparky storytime! *opens up picture book*


              Lizzie: Looks like Sally is slaying Ronni again.
              John: Quick, to the batcave puddlejumper! I'll go rescue her!!

              Lizzie: Not exactly what I meant, John. You need to go get with the slang and stop making us look old.
              John: Whatever. I was hot and manly; it's what I do.

              Lizzie: *gets distracted by the thought of John being hot and manly*...

              Doctor: I only admitted, Dr. Weir. How did you both end up in bed?

              Sparky: ...uhm...

              Background singers: "It started with a kiss..."
              ZOMG!! *ROTFLMAO* That was too good.
              Last edited by Reaceania; 15 February 2007, 05:39 PM. Reason: to remove a double negative


                Apologies for 2 posts in a row.
                Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                OT, my hubs surprised me with a single long-stemmed red rose for Val. Day. A couple of decades of marriage and he can still do something unpredictable. (not the most romantic soul in the world)
                Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                Given that this is the 27th consecutive year (yes, I'm starting from birth. What of it?) that I've been without a special someone on this very special of days for a romantic like myself, I'm feeling pretty upbeat about it. Especially since two years ago my then-boyfriend dumped me on the 13th and this year It's only been 2 1/2 weeks since the most recent boyfriend and I broke up.

                Yep. I'm growing up. No longer am I depressed by the fact that I'm single again on this most special of days.


                The Sparky Love makes it all better. + = Happy A.L.!
                *hugs A.L.* Yay
                You know, I actually find valentines day one the least romantic days of the year *shrugs* and a little too commercial/plastic for my tastes. I mean there's an expectation that you have to do something on the day and I find it a little disturbing to do something like that because you are essentially told to. To me it means more when doing something to show you care is unexpected (even if that's on Valentines Day)*looks at Ronnikins post* So it's honestly not a day that I think that much about (until others bring it up ..or I go shopping) and I never let it worry me when I wasn't in a relationship on the day, and when I have been we've agreed to not do anything on the day (strange as that might sound to some). I know it's important to some and you know that's great for them. It's whatever works for you.

                Regardless, I say celebrate YOU, ... everyday.

                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                Fic by melyanna that I hadn't read in ages and thougt was worth reccing:
                Idle Reports
                And where is Melyanna these days? *peers behind SallyLizzie* Is she hiding back there ...?

                Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                I think Vala is as horrified as we are by the control crystal in her hands. LOL What were they thinking??!
                I just looked at that. I suspect they knew exactly what they were doing I can just imagine one of the designers saying "lets give the crystal to the one in the black leather" *LOL*
                I'm not one to buy stuff other than DVDs but you know those figures don't look too bad.


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post

                  *iz ded*

                  *floats to Club Cloud9 where there's an ep with Lizzie saying the latter to John*

                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                  Toes are now offically reserved for my Chuck/Lizzie love, lol.

                  Sparky love consists of dorky!John in glasses, closets, leather, and strawberries. Not necessarily in that order.
                  Don't forget the chocolate.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Don't forget the chocolate.
                    Talking of Sparky!edibles, I forgot the most important one!



                      Originally posted by Reaceania View Post
                      And Blower'sGate. I agree. Shep/Weir has to me naturally evolved from day one. I love seeing the contrast between Rising to later episodes like The Real World, Echoes and especially, First Strike. When you look back over those 3 years it's just been such a wonderful journey for them: Seeing how their relationship has progressed, how much they have grown to care about one another and how the bond between them has come to be so strong. I will admit that it has become one of the reasons I've come to love this show, and that wasn't something I had expected when I started watching it.
                      You know that is so true, the natural progression that their relationship has taken over the last three years...totally squee worthy. And you know, they became close right from the beginning, I mean think of 38 minutes...the worried look on her face- and I mean, I know that she didn't want to lose him because he was her military commander but something tells me that the spark was already there......
                      .....of course, I called them as a ship from the very beginning (like a lot of people)....

                      *sigh* Just let me reiterate how much I WANT season 4 NOW!
                      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                        Again, taking liberties with the time zones, but...

                        Happy Birthday,
                        Southern Red & Easter Lily!


                          Oooo I rarely go near the front page so thanks for the heads up SallyLizzie
                          *bypasses the mints for the chocolate*

                          *group hug*

                          Happy Birthday
                          Southern Red & Easter Lily
                          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                          You know that is so true, the natural progression that their relationship has taken over the last three years...totally squee worthy. And you know, they became close right from the beginning, I mean think of 38 minutes...the worried look on her face- and I mean, I know that she didn't want to lose him because he was her military commander but something tells me that the spark was already there......
                          .....of course, I called them as a ship from the very beginning (like a lot of people)....

                          *sigh* Just let me reiterate how much I WANT season 4 NOW!

                          *sigh*Yes such a nice journey. I think there was a spark *hehe* of a connection in Rising but that they were initially simply colleagues (with that spark lingering somewhere) but then as the years have gone by they've grown very close and beyond it being just that anymore (even if they can't admit it).

                          First Strike comment:
                          The scene where Elizabeth says "Good luck" to John in First Strike just breaks my heart. He looks so crestfallen with her response and she walks off raising her hand to forehead

                          Waits not-so-patiently for Season 4.
                          Last edited by Reaceania; 15 February 2007, 07:51 PM.


                            Happy Birthday
                            Southern Red & Easter Lily

                            May your day be a great one.

                            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                              Originally posted by AnnaBee View Post

                              *covers ears again*

                              *covers eyes too*

                              @hopalong: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I'm a geek, so sue me.

                              Don't get the parallel either really. But them I'm not a Tommy/Kim 'shipper and tend to avoid that whole "character arc"...

                              Never watched it (though one of my ex's did). My first ship was either Anne/Gilbert from the Anne of Green Gables mini series, or Jo/Michael from A Country Practice, whichever I saw first. I can't remember. I only know that Jo/Michael was an early ship of mine from rewatching eps on Hallmark (though now they've gone back to eps before Molly died, which is at least 4 years earlier...) But that's OT.

                              Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                              Happy V-Day everybody! I so haven't writing the fics I wanted to write for V-Day! So there's gonna be really late V-Day fic one day or another...

                              So how do you think Shep and Weir would celebrate V-Day if they were together?

                              Me thinks he could take her to the mainland for a picnic on the beach at sunset. Ok, cheesy but we all know he has to be a romantic!

                              *jaw drops* I wrote that fic as a belated valentine fic last year! Here's the link:

                              Gather Ye Rosebuds

                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                              Again, taking liberties with the time zones, but...


                              Happy Birthday,
                              Southern Red & Easter Lily!

                              Happy Birthday to Both of You!

                              Almost forgot, here's the latest 'Truly Madly Deeply' wallpaper:



                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                Again, taking liberties with the time zones, but...

                                Happy Birthday,
                                Southern Red & Easter Lily!

                                Nice one... Sally...
                                Thank you very much...

                                Many thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes...
                                May S/W continue in canon or fanon...

                                And to Red... I see I've got a bit of catching up to do... Many happy returns.
                                Last edited by Easter Lily; 15 February 2007, 11:09 PM.
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

