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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Haha, imagine they take in some refugees from xyz planet and John is holding a baby. And Elizabeth goes "see a baby, want a baby". And since John looks so cute while holdink a baby... do the math sparkies!

    E: I want a baby!
    J: You want ... what?!
    R: Carson! Send them away!!!! They are making me wanna puke!
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post

      Searching for Honeymoon Locations

      (actual dialogue from scene)
      SHEPPARD: What about M1K-439?

      FORD: Which one's that?

      SHEPPARD: The one with all the waterfalls.
      oh yeah... now you mention it...
      maybe that was it, what they've been really talking about? i mean we all know that john never spends attention to conferences ... and ford was kinda the same *lol*

      good one, lizbeth!


        Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post

        Searching for Honeymoon Locations

        (actual dialogue from scene)
        SHEPPARD: What about M1K-439?

        FORD: Which one's that?

        SHEPPARD: The one with all the waterfalls.


        So am I. Well, we have a lot of exploring to do.


        Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I’m all yours. Put me to work, Colonel.

        Alright, let’s make up some time. Break into teams. Ronon, you’re with Teyla. Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.

        Either or eyther way.



          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Haha, imagine they take in some refugees from xyz planet and John is holding a baby. And Elizabeth goes "see a baby, want a baby". And since John looks so cute while holdink a baby... do the math sparkies!

          E: I want a baby!
          J: You want ... what?!
          R: Carson! Send them away!!!! They are making me wanna puke!
          *thumbs up*
          can we have a fanfic to that one?? *giggling*


            Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post

            Searching for Honeymoon Locations

            (actual dialogue from scene)
            SHEPPARD: What about M1K-439?

            FORD: Which one's that?

            SHEPPARD: The one with all the waterfalls.
            Oh nice catch! *is reminded of her The Falls fic....awwww*


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              I got the pic of the champagne bottle.

              Woo Hoo. Now what could have possibly made her look directly at John when she got that? I have no idea. He isn't handsome at all. No sense of humor. He is just a big stick in the mud. I don't know why she would think he would want to celebrate with her.

              **a little fic about what was running through her mind would be appreciated**
              Gee, thank you Pocus! Like I haven't got a farm already! *adopts more bunnies*

              I wonder why does she feel that instant connection to him. Why is she singling him out? She already knows Rodney. She picked out the members of her expedition and John is her newest man. Maybe that's part of the reason, maybe she wants him to feel accepted, especially after reading his military file (and reading between the lines there). But my shippy mind says she felt instantly connected to him, and that's why she put so much effort in him. In a way she raised him to be the leader he is. John certainly learned from the best.

              More of that wonderful, amazing support she always has for him. They are just ... awww!
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Elizabeth's speech. OMG she is so bright, sparkling with life and optimist and ideals. And John - how is he looking at her! Like she's the purest thing he saw in years.
                The novelization of that scene is pretty good, too...the POV is John's, and as he's listening to her the omniscient narrator has him thinking. "She was good. This was good."

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Ha I so agree with you! he totally forgot about poor ole Rod when he found out that she was alive and well. And if I'm not mistaken lots of people properly noticed sparky after THAT scene. It's like sparky history!
                Since I sorta watched Atlantis weirdly backwards, I actually saw everything from "The Lost Boys" through "The Long Goodbye", "Sunday" and THEN a few of the first season. In TLG, I thought 'man, they must be hinting Sheppard and Teyla' cuz of the whole "he cares about you more than you know" but they had THAT kiss and the 'and then there's that kiss scene at the end' so I was all confused. Seeing The Storm/The Eye cleared me right up. Much preferred Sparky after that.

                Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                You gotta love the balcony scenes . I miss that .
                ME TOO.

                Anuna stole meh thunder with her game, but I was going to post this next on my covert slip away from work:

                THE REASON: *Simon? Who's Simon?*

                I saw 38 minutes after The Storm/The Eye--which were the episodes that convinced me to go out and buy Atlantis S1 & 2 on DVD and watch them properly. Though the connection was cute in Rising (and I had been schooled in some of the story by then--including the planned arc of Sheyla), THIS scene I went "WHOA! That's a pretty blatantly obvious flirting right there!" Where they could have had a nice John/Teyla moment at the end, they chose to wrap up with a Sheppard/Weir moment instead, with both being quite flirty, especially John.

                Which is why I never now buy the writers' excuses that Sparky was never intended or planned. Whether the scene meant to come out that way, or JF and Torri played up to it, I don't know, but the connection is pretty DARN obvious right there.
                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                  Haha. Oh how I gotta laugh. I think they planned sheyla, and they wrote sheyla, but sparky stole their thunder. And in what fashion! They stole the show so many times. To me it seems that the on screen chemistry worked for JF and TH. What an amazing example of on screen chemistry - if the writers gave them just a little bit more the TV screens would seriously explode all over LOL! Or as one of my LJ friends says, they are too canon for canon!

                  But - as I always say, I don't care much for the canon especially if the canon doesn't agree with me, especially when I'm right and I'm right about sparky.

                  Sol! More story ideas, please? So far we have what?
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Ack, i forgot moments!

                    Puppy eyes, Shep style!
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Haha. Oh how I gotta laugh. I think they planned sheyla, and they wrote sheyla, but sparky stole their thunder. And in what fashion! They stole the show so many times. To me it seems that the on screen chemistry worked for JF and TH. What an amazing example of on screen chemistry - if the writers gave them just a little bit more the TV screens would seriously explode all over LOL! Or as one of my LJ friends says, they are too canon for canon!

                      But - as I always say, I don't care much for the canon especially if the canon doesn't agree with me, especially when I'm right and I'm right about sparky.

                      Sol! More story ideas, please? So far we have what?
                      I know. All it took were a few looks, balcony scenes etc from JF/TH and Sparky was born. So the moments where it becomes more than just a look, or a smile, it's like *BOOM*.

                      If you go and look at our "favorite John/Elizabeth" moments in the game forum, we have like 20 moments posted--and I've got about 10 more saved up, I just haven't posted them because we have so many already.

                      Story Ideas?

                      Before I Sleep: What led up to the Gift-giving? How did he find out about her birthday, what made him choose that jar?

                      Next fave moment:

                      Echoes: John carries Elizabeth to the infirmary.

                      THE REASON: Though Season 3 is sparky-friendly, particularly in casual or intimate moments, this scene elevates Echoes to my top five. The fact that John knows she's not feeling well in the fainting scene (he covertly glances over at her once or twice when her tone of voice changes) leads up to this moment, which, frankly, surprised me. I did not expect him to carry her to the infirmary.

                      I know the reasons can be there were no medical technicians available to roll a stretcher up to the control room (WHUT? she's the leader of the expedition someone could have come) the idea of him carrying her all the way downstairs, through the halls, to get her to the infirmary is just *le sigh*

                      What were the Atlantis expeditioners thinking when they saw him making his way through the halls with her in his arms?

                      And then, his reaction after seeing Bael tickles me a little that he sees that, glances over as though trying not to look at Elizabeth (oh noes that could happen to her!) and then swings by Teyla's bed with a 'how's she doin' (lady is DYING, basically). When Ronon replies 'out of time' there's no sentimental pause there. John's out the door already, with a snarky 'seems we all are.'
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Yeah, John is so totally totally smitten by Elizabeth. I love how he glances over at her all the time and even when she starts to faint and fall to the floor - he promptly reacts and he is the first one to kneel next to her. I can imagine McKay and Zelenka panicking, but John, being John, he takes charge, gently lifts her in his arms, and Rodney maybe helps a little to position her head on the spot where it's really comfortable. The whole gate room is staring with mouts gaping open, Chuck is smirking because he saw all too many moments like this one, so it's just another moment between the leaders to chalk down at the very long list of Public Displays of Affection. (I wonder what Chuck saw during The Lost Boys/The Hive. I may write a fic about that period).

                        Then, as John walks through the halls, people stop and stare at him. Women are jelous of Elizabeth, and men of him. Sparky totally wins!!!

                        I think she's in love with his ears.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Yeah, John is so totally totally smitten by Elizabeth. I love how he glances over at her all the time and even when she starts to faint and fall to the floor - he promptly reacts and he is the first one to kneel next to her. I can imagine McKay and Zelenka panicking, but John, being John, he takes charge, gently lifts her in his arms, and Rodney maybe helps a little to position her head on the spot where it's really comfortable. The whole gate room is staring with mouts gaping open, Chuck is smirking because he saw all too many moments like this one, so it's just another moment between the leaders to chalk down at the very long list of Public Displays of Affection. (I wonder what Chuck saw during The Lost Boys/The Hive. I may write a fic about that period).

                          Then, as John walks through the halls, people stop and stare at him. Women are jelous of Elizabeth, and men of him. Sparky totally wins!!!

                          I think she's in love with his ears.
                          Oh that is SUCH a dreamy look on her face!

                          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                            No wonder, she's looking at TEH HAIR!!!
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              One of my favorite movies is Captain Corelli's Mandolin. And this scene makes me think of sparky. I bet John would do this for Elizabeth. *sigh*
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Or.... Elizabeth dancing with... eeern, Lorne? Or M ike Branton' And John is dead jelaous.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

