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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I hadn't thought about that.
    JM seemed to say that the 4th ep was changed to the second half. How can that be? It wouldn't make sense anywhere else but at the end of BAMSR as you said, so now I'm even more confused. It could have come at the end of TMC with a slight dialogue change or maybe she could have been referring to getting the repli!team out of the way.
    I love a good puzzle ya'll.

    And Pocus, my husband had the same reaction as yours. But he added that if the team doesn't do anything stupid and things don't go FUBAR then nobody gets to be a hero. LOL
    Simple, SR. They 'fibbed' (I'd like to use a stronger word, but I'd probably get jumped on) as a way of getting the Weir fans to watch every ep in the first half in the hopes of seeing her. They NEVER had her four eps in the first half.


      Nope, I haven't seen BAMSR yet. Won't see it until next week. But I am a shameless spoiler wh03r, and proud of it.

      Teyla's pregnancy:
      Finally! The truth is out! Took her long enough to fess up! Good to hear that the supposedly Sheyla stuff ended up being such a dud. Sounds more like "The Gift", redux. Heh. And Ronon being sweet with Teyla just makes me squee.

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      After having to deal with a stinky attempt-at-flirting-Larrin/Shep-scene, Shep is beamed down to Atlantis, where Rodney is in the control room tapping away at a computer. Shep comes over and needles Rodney about being 'back up to form' and askes what he's doing. Rodney explains he's removing the Asuran homeworld from the Ancient Database. He does so, saying something along the lines of "Goodbye, M######, you've been a pain the ass, so good riddance" and delete, it's gone from the screen. Shep and Rodney walk off.

      The camera zooms into the screen, then does a dissolve from the electronic stars to the real stars, to the broken up debris of the Asuran homeworld (which was destroyed). After passing through a few meteors, we see a ship, completely intact, in the middle of the rubble.

      We flash into the bridge, where two Ancient looking (or replicator looking) helmswomen are studying control consoles. Behind them, we can see the legs of someone sitting in the captain's chair--the legs are dressed in black, tight pants, a leather jacket, and high heel black boots.

      Helmswoman: Our intel was correct. The planet has been completely destroyed.
      Bridge voice (male): Can you detect any trace replicator cells?
      Helmswoman: Negative. They have been completely wiped out.

      Captains' Voice: Good.

      Camera pans up the captain, whose black leather jacket has a turtleneck collar with red shoulder stripes. SURPRISE! It is Elizabeth Weir! In a very steady voice, with a very smooth face--no expression, it's impossible to tell if she's replicator or real, good or evil, she replies: "Then we can get to work without looking over our shoulders."

      DRAMATIC PAUSE. Elizabeth makes a small, ambiguous smile.

      "It's time to begin."


      Originally posted by dana View Post
      Everyone, take a very good look at that picture. What does the design of that leather jacket look like?

      The new Atlantis uniform!

      I've never been able to warm up to the new design, it seemed too much like a slick scifi-ed flight attendant's uniform. But done up in leather... it looks hot. Our little Lizzie, all grown up and stalking around in leather, looking like the universe's ultimate bad*ss... I'm so proud! *squees* And John will be sooo panting and drooling when he gets a good look at her!

      Larrin, eat your slutty, greasy-haired heart out!

      Originally posted by k1037 View Post
      Elizabeth's statements show that she is definitely a part of Niam's group, or rather.. that it's HER group now.

      Being able to work without "looking over our shoulders" is a reference to the replicators' attempts to wipe out Niam's faction, like they did the fake Atlantis.

      The "work" is, presumably, ascension and likely using replicator-made human beings to study it.

      I think Elizabeth exerted quite a bit of influence and really did start her own little faction, and that it was her idea to recreate a second version of the team. I also think that she specifically gave the order to RepliKeller to tell both the fake/real team (if they ever made contact) that the real Weir was dead so that they'd stop looking for her, both to keep them safe from harm and for her to get on with whatever work she's doing.

      Lots of setup for future conflict. Imagine John finding out Elizabeth deliberately had him think she was dead... Happy she's alive, angry/hurt she misled him, both? To quote an admiral on another SciFi show.. "I'd love to sell tickets to that dance."
      Oh my goodness, yes!
      Twice now (three times, if you count CloneWeir from TMC), she's sacrificed herself to protect those she cares about. For her to be behind the TMC plot and plant the story that she's dead to stop Shep & Co. from looking for her, in order to keep them safe, makes perfect sense.

      And to be a fly on the wall when John and Elizabeth finally come face-to-face again! This is gonna be good... *rubs hands together in glee*

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      I also think she was behind the whole scenario in TMC. Which would be really awesome, in a way. My only question is whether she's good or bad. They didn't really answer it, and I'm not really going to speculate at this point. I think it could be good either way, though there's a part of me, perhaps the evil, sexy part, that would like to see her be a little domineering.
      I've wondered about this ever since "Lifeline." Afer RepliKeller told CloneWeir in TMC about RealElizabeth introducing a dangerous influence on the Replicator Collective...
      I've wondered if perhaps Elizabeth might have picked up some darkness from the "bad" Replicators. Or at least, if the contact let her own inner dark side loose a little.

      Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
      In terms of Larrin
      maybe JF is grimacing because he knows that she's coming on to John and John hates that because he's in love with Elizabeth and is still grieving over her 'death'!
      And he's trying to be a brave little flyboy and deny it to protect his poor wounded heart. *sighs*
      I get the feeling that I'm gonna hate Larrin even more than I did in "Travelers."

      The board is cutting me off... a little bit more to come in a second post...
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        And on to part 2...

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Now I even had another thought. What if it's all a fake out? What if Weir is not really gone but
        the ending of BAMSR just sets up a new arc? Why would they set this up so perfectly and not do anything? They even sprang for a new leather outfit. And if they wait until S5 most viewers will have forgotten the whole set up. We've always said that not enough was said about her leaving, that TPTB and even some of the cast didn't seem to give a **** that she was gone. What if she's not gone and never was meant to be gone?
        It is really unlike me to be so optimistic.
        A while ago (may have been on the Pro Weir thread), I expressed my thoughts about how this storyline with Weir
        might be SGA's answer to the Daniel Ascension arc from SG-1. What always impressed me about it was not that Daniel Ascended, but that he came back. Now, the Daniel thing was written when Michael Shanks chose to leave the show; it wasn't something that they'd planned to do all along.

        But the RepliWeir storyline? We know that they'd been having trouble writing good stuff for Weir, and that even Torri wasn't happy with some of the material she was given. We know that at the end of Season 3, they decided to move Weir away from Atlantis. We know they did give Torri a choice of not coming back at all for Season 4 (in which case, I think they probably would've sent a comatose Weir back to Earth with her condition to be updated later, just as they did with Bates after "The Siege"), OR coming back in Season 4 as a recurring character. With recurring status, there's much more of an opportunity to keep Weir in the game, to move her around on the playing field and do much more with her than she was ever able to do when she was practically chained to her desk in Atlantis.

        Could this be setting up for a bigger return at some point in the future? I think we need to keep our eyes and ears open during the second half. We don't necessarily have to see Elizabeth actually appear for hints and clues that may tie into a Season 5 appearance to be dropped into our laps. Remember, the whole point behind foreshadowing is that the audience isn't supposed to realize what it means until we finally reach the point that is being foreshadowed.

        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
        I've thought that from time to time, the only thing that makes me think not is:

        Torri has said on occasion she wasn't asked back, and that she was surprised by the decision to cut Weir after S3. I don't think she would lie, if they were trying to throw us off...but who knows? I suppose it's possible...yeah, it could be one big ruse. On the show runner side, they've been really awkwardly quiet over it all, taking a lot of crap and dishing out some too. And adding this in is just so odd--what an odd 30 second cliffy if you've had a falling out with your actress and no intention to resurrect the character. Now EVERYONE's excited, and it's all going to fall flat? I'm so confused!
        If we're right about the end of BAMSR
        setting up new stuff for Weir in Season 5 and beyond, it's very possible that Torri (and the rest of the cast) do know more than they're telling, and can't talk about it for spoiler reasons (not to mention, it's probably in their contracts!), just as how JM has been mum about Weir's fourth episode all these months. And given the recent problems the production has had with episodes getting leaked, I suppose we really can't blame JM for wanting to keep his cards close to his chest. After all, if any one of us was planning a really cool surprise for someone, we wouldn't want it spoiled ahead of time, would we?

        As for fan reactions, I can only guess that they grossly underestimated how much fans were comfortable with Weir always being there and simply didn't expect to get such a negative reaction. You'd think that after the fiasco with Carson they would've gotten a clue, but noooo....

        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        I asked Hubby if he thought it was RepliLiz or another copy. He thinks it is the real Elizabeth is going to continue the Ascension hunt. That would make sense to me too. How else can she be free from the Nanites that are keeping her alive? IMO She has two choices:

        1) live as she is knowing that she is not all herself or
        2) continue hunting for the clue to Ascension and become more than she is.

        I think she would prefer to Ascend. She always had a fascination for it.
        Yep. And that reminds me of something that Torri said in her interview on the MGM site just after TMC aired...
        “I think Weir, once she knew what the situation was, absolutely fast forwarded to the inevitable,” says Higginson frankly. “Once she understood what her situation was she knew the only thing for her was to die. She knew that there was no way to live with that side of her. She knew how difficult it was to get rid of them [and] she knew how hard it would be to be part of her world with that threat inside of her. So then she was just looking for a way to help as much as she could before she had to separate herself from everyone. I think that was the weight for that whole episode. There were scenes where she was just sitting there quietly, thinking about that.”

        Rather fascinating food for thought, isn't it?
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

          Yep. And that reminds me of something that Torri said in her interview on the MGM site just after TMC aired...
          “I think Weir, once she knew what the situation was, absolutely fast forwarded to the inevitable,” says Higginson frankly. “Once she understood what her situation was she knew the only thing for her was to die. She knew that there was no way to live with that side of her. She knew how difficult it was to get rid of them [and] she knew how hard it would be to be part of her world with that threat inside of her. So then she was just looking for a way to help as much as she could before she had to separate herself from everyone. I think that was the weight for that whole episode. There were scenes where she was just sitting there quietly, thinking about that.”

          Rather fascinating food for thought, isn't it?
          Wow, don't remember reading/hearing that. Thanks for posting it!


            Originally posted by dana View Post
            Image behind cut, non spoilery

            Like that?
            Move aside Emma Peel. (The Avengers)

            Sqeee, Internet working again, but sigh, gotta go to bed, catch you later sparkies Night.

            Still what old Lizzie back.


              100 Sparky Kisses - List below the cut
              Let me know if I missed anything
              (So far I've got 1 - 57 listed there)

              1) On the Balcony, they first step foot on.
              2) Control Room - infront of everyone
              3) Infirmary - 38 Minutes
              4) In Elizabeth's room when they are preparing to leave in The Return
              5) In the Mess Hall when John confronts her about her "date/lunch" with Mike
              6) In the Puddle Jumper/near the flight controls.
              7) In her office, both of them standing and sharing a small kiss above the desk
              8) On one of the piers (or all of them)
              9)in the Gateroom - The Seige, when he returns
              10) The Meeting room - He strides in while she's in a Meeting with O'Neill, Cardwell and IOA members
              11) Standing in the rain and kissing, whist on an off-world mission
              12) On the Beach of the Mainland after having a friendshippy walk what turned out to be more…
              13) On a ballroom dance floor, after John danced with her a slow Waltz
              14) Elizabeth lands on top of John after a snow ball fight and they end up kissing
              15) On a park bench when John and Liz are walking home from TheReturn-Dinner
              16) In the dark tunnels when they were together in Submersion.
              17) When Elizabeth wakes up in Adrift
              18) After Elizabeth gives birth to their first child.
              19) After he pulls her up the stairs in Seige. A quick & hard one, in front of everyone.
              20) During Conversion. After he pushes her up the wall holding her neck, the human part of John takes over and he kisses her where his fingers had left bruises.
              21) In the jumper after she was attacked by Niam
              22) Instead of holding her hand in TRL, he leans down and kisses her awake. She wakes up, and sees him getting dragged away.
              23) They go to an off world mission, and the way of greeting is kissing on the mouth. John get's jealous, and wants to practice.
              24) After he receives his promotion.
              25) After she informs him he's gonna be a daddy!
              26) When she cries at a sad movie.
              27) - When they are hiding out in the closet.
              28) In the mess hall during Intruder when they are having their chat over coffee. He notices how withdrawn and pensive she looks, asks what's wrong and Elizabeth, in a moment of weakness, tells him about what happened about Simon. He hugs her and brushes a kiss to her forehead, telling her that Simon is an idiot. Then he goes all cheeky on her and says he's glad Simon stayed on Earth, that it will make continuing their flirting game a lot easier......she gives him the raised eyebrow look and then laughs, knowing that she will be okay.
              29) After they are released from the infirmary in the TLG she goes to his room in the early morning hours and says she just needs to feel what it is like to kiss him. Not Phoebus kissing Thalen!
              30) After John shoots Kolya in The Eye, he kisses Elizabeth before they rush to the Control Room.
              31) At the end of Before I Sleep, Elizabeth never shows up for the mission briefing. John finds her still on the balcony. Their eyes meet, hers full of sadness. Wordlessly he takes her in his arms, hugging her tight. When they finally pull back from each other, he is pleased to see a small smile on her face. And then she kisses him...
              32) - Kisses old Weir due to sadness once she died.
              33) McKay was experimenting w/ some botanical samples. He infused a rose like plant w/ some combination which resulted in huge blossoms on it. John thought they'd look beautiful in Elizabeth's office, so he gave her a couple. Elizabeth breathed in the perfume and dropped the roses and tackled John in a kiss.
              34) John and Elizabeth engage in a food fight. Tasty looking cake ends in her face and John thinks it would be such a shame to waste that cake! Kissy kissy
              35) John and Elizabeth are on their knees under her desk looking for a lost USB port. The lights go out suddenly startling them and they bump heads, then noses, then lips.
              36) John gives Elizabeth a golf lesson. He has his arms around her showing her how to hold the club. She turns her head to ask him if she's doing it right. He drops the club and kisses her.
              37) It is the beginning of John's birthday present!
              38) Elizabeth gets powder on her nose from baking a cake, John licks it off, then they end up kissing.
              39) John is laying in the infirmary after another near death experience. They are not sure he is out of the woods yet. Elizabeth is keeping her vigil but can't resist leaning over for a kiss. He wakes up and catches her and uses a weak, shaking hand to draw her back for another one. This time he can kiss back!
              40) John gets an eyelash in his eye and asks Elizabeth to look for it. Even though tears are streaming down his face, he notices she keeps looking at his mouth. After that, there's nothing to do but kiss her.
              41) Elizabeth gets a paper cut on her finger, and absentmindedly starts to suck on her finger. John eyes her for a second, and snatches her hand, and starts to suck on her finger himself. When he stops, she's staring at his mouth, and she grabs a hold of his jacket and pulls him down into a kiss.
              42) After a meeting with a new race of Amazon type women who keep eyeing up John, Elizabeth pulls him into her office and kisses him madly and bites his neck, leaving a mark. "There, now let them look!" is her only comment
              43) Elizabeth is swimming in the ocean, drowns after getting cramp; being to far out. John pulls her and gives her mouth-to-mouth, she starts breathing and they end up kissing.
              44) John fries his fingers on a broken puddle jumper console. Elizabeth offers to help with the injury and John keeps pouting like a kid because he was clumsy and not careful enough. She tries to reason with him, but he won't stop behaving like a big kid so she says "maybe I should kiss it better?" She kisses tips of his fingers, they stare at each other... he forgets all about pouting and pulls her to his lap to do some more kissing!
              45) Elizabeth is standing out on the balcony eating a peach. John walks out just as juice starts to run down her chin. Without even slowing down, he walks right up and starts licking it off. She drops the peach and plunges her sticky hands into teh hair.
              46) John and Elizabeth are given a double bed whilst off-world and end up kissing.
              47) John trips and breaks his arm when Elizabeth tells him they're expecting. Elizabeth writes 'Property of Doctor Elizabeth Weir' on his cast while he's asleep, when he wakes up and notices, she tells him they'd have to let everyone know about them soon enough anyway. Then she kisses him before he can come up with any more imaginative ideas on how to let the rest of Atlantis know.
              48) both couldnt sleep, so each of them took a nice night-walk on one of the altantis shouth piers. it was a warm lovelly summer night and allowed elizabeth to walk with bare feet. she was alone in the dark so she didnt bother going swimming naked into the warm see. who should see her? she's at an empty south pier during night...
              however, after elizabeth stripped her cloths off and jumped into the warm sea. she started to swim a bit. after a while she could see shadows passing by and someone stopping right next to her cloths to pick them up. nervously swam elizabeth back to her stuff. the closer she came the better she could see who was standing there - john, who looked down at her with a smirk on his face.
              'soso, naked night swimming, dr. weir?' he teasted her and looked at his boss.
              the blush on her face he couldnt see. nor could he see her naked body under the water. thank god!
              'well, colonel. better naked then not!', she answered with a hint of irony in her voice.
              'well then. sounds like i have to go swimming too', he said, with a cheeky spark in his eyes and without warning he stripped his cloths off.
              within a second he was in the wather right next to her - naked of course - and looked innocent at her. 'what?'
              'nothing. i...', elizabeth struggled. she didnt know what to say to her muscly first officer next to her.
              after a while of friendshippy talk and swimming they started to bespatter each other and they ended up kissing and touching.
              49) Rodney catches John and Elizabeth kissing on the monitor screen after checking the security cameras near their quarters.
              50) During the big Asuran battle in BAMSR, Elizabeth and a team of Asuran rebels save Atlantis. When John realizes who's commanding the Asuran ship who saved their butts and realizes it's the real Elizabeth, he demands that Caldwell beam him from Atlantis to the Deadalus and then over to Elizabeth's ship. He's beamed directly to the bridge, sees her, strides over to her and voila, we get a TLG kiss replay, this time initiated by John. YUMMO!
              51) A mandatory day off and everyone goes to the mainland. John brings his guitar and John and Elizabeth sit beside a Bon fire at night. John plays a melody and Elizabeth tells him she loves the melody. John tells her that he didn't have a name for it until now. Elizabeth asks what its called. He replies telling her that he's called it "Elizabeth's Song". Elizabeth is stunned, but then leans over and kisses him on the moonlight with the light from the bonfire.
              52) Elizabeth refuses to share and puts the last piece of chocolate in her mouth as John was just about to grab it. John decides to teach her a little lesson about playing nice and kisses her- and steals the chocolate back- Elizabeth will have to get her chocolate back somehow, right?
              53) A fire traps John and Elizabeth; in a room on Atlantis. There’s only one thing left to do
              54) During the middle of a battle on Atlantis, John pulls Elizabeth out of the path of enemy fire and they end up pressed together in a small maintenance corridor. Did I mention how small these corridors are?
              55) Liz models a new leather outfit she has purchased and John is just overcome!
              56) Elizabeth catches John doing laundry in the early morning hours. He had decided to do every stitch of clothes at one time, except for the boxers he is wearing.
              57) Liz is working on a crossword puzzle in her office while John finishes up a report. He can't concentrate because she keeps chewing on the pencil. Finally, he grabs it out of her hand and kisses her.
              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I hadn't thought about that.
                JM seemed to say that the 4th ep was changed to the second half. How can that be? It wouldn't make sense anywhere else but at the end of BAMSR as you said, so now I'm even more confused. It could have come at the end of TMC with a slight dialogue change or maybe she could have been referring to getting the repli!team out of the way.
                I love a good puzzle ya'll.
                Maybe that scene, of Lizzie in the ship (OMG she's totally hot), was meant to be after the replicators destroyed the fake Atlantis in TMC or the captured/killed the fake Atlantis team in the end, and they just moved it to the end of this ep cuz it fitted a bit better.
                I think she's gotta be in another ep (even just snippets) cuz it's too long to leave her til S5.
                I wouldn't mind seeing Lizzie a lil bit darker. It would make for hot Sparky-ness(not that they're not hot already!)!


                  Originally posted by dana View Post
                  Image behind cut, non spoilery

                  Like that?
                  Dang it won't let me green! Mental green for that!
                  sig made by me


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    People we have lots to work with! Sadly, bf won't let me write but plot bunnies are there. *grins* I might revisit that idea - what would happen if Weir was stuck in time dilation field in "Epiphany". That one calls to be written, so much potential for character study! And I have to revisit my rescue Liz story! Now it's kinda canonish. Ha!

                    We rock.
                    We do rock...and Anuna you forgot TSM. What's going on with TSM??

                    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                    @Anjirika: isn't it obvious that Liz is his true love? He doesn't even need to say it, it's clear in the way Joe plays those emotional scenes concerning her.

                    Yeah, I'm loving the support Elizabeth has in the episode thread!
                    Eh- you're right about the true love bit. It is obvious!
                    And any support for Elizabeth away from our little haven is good for her and us!

                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    I find it really hard to fathom we'll be without her in S5. Considering what they've done the past two eppies, it would be like storyline suicide.

                    But...I'm not saying anymore until I read THE blog and find out the comments about the episode. Will not get overly excited. *headdesk*
                    Well, one can only hope.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Now I even had another thought. What if it's all a fake out? What if Weir is not really gone but
                    the ending of BAMSR just sets up a new arc? Why would they set this up so perfectly and not do anything? They even sprang for a new leather outfit. And if they wait until S5 most viewers will have forgotten the whole set up. We've always said that not enough was said about her leaving, that TPTB and even some of the cast didn't seem to give a **** that she was gone. What if she's not gone and never was meant to be gone?
                    It is really unlike me to be so optimistic.
                    SR, it is unlike you to be optimistic, but I love it 'cause it means that I'm optimisitic and I LOVE your theory!

                    Originally posted by dana View Post
                    I has fic! Wrote it today. It's angst, J/E if you squint, set at the end of TMC.

                    Three months

                    Feedback is appreciated.
                    *sob* Made me wonderful! I would put this up on if I were you, you'd get like 10-20 review the first day alone.

                    Originally posted by muffinnuffin View Post
                    Um...Hi. Newbie here

                    I can see the possibility of a Weir/Sheppard. Have done since I first saw Atlantis. I love Weir, I think she super and I would like her back in the show in any capacity

                    And of course, got to love Shep as well

                    Any other UK fans here?
                    WELCOME! I'm not a UK fan but from good ole Canada which makes us kin- sorta. ^_^

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    We're the ship that can't die. Does that make us repli!ship?
                    Lol. I guess it does... the little ship that could...^_^ Go us!

                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    I've thought that from time to time, the only thing that makes me think not is:

                    Torri has said on occasion she wasn't asked back, and that she was surprised by the decision to cut Weir after S3. I don't think she would lie, if they were trying to throw us off...but who knows? I suppose it's possible...yeah, it could be one big ruse. On the show runner side, they've been really awkwardly quiet over it all, taking a lot of crap and dishing out some too. And adding this in is just so odd--what an odd 30 second cliffy if you've had a falling out with your actress and no intention to resurrect the character. Now EVERYONE's excited, and it's all going to fall flat? I'm so confused!

                    Can we wear leather?
                    Well I wear a leather coat when it's semi-warm out.
                    And in terms of what is in your spoiler tag- well you're right, and I'm just as confused as you are and I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

                    Originally posted by dana View Post
                    Image behind cut, non spoilery

                    Like that?
                    Mental green Dana. Wouldn't let me actually green ya.
                    Is that a promo pic?

                    Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                    Wow!! I'm a bit exited now! *tries not to get her hopes up*
                    But, didn't they always say she was in four episodes in the FIRST half of the season? So maybe more are in the second?

                    But it would be REALLY odd to be as secretive as they were when she was meant to come back... Wouldn't you at least HINT that the character was going to be a part of the show in the future when all the fans were running away?

                    P.S.: I think I need a leather jacket.
                    LIke I said above, I already have a leather jacket ^_^ But you know you might be right.... ooo! My hopes are starting to rise again...

                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                    RE: Another possible Elizabeth sighting in season 4:
                    The guy who said Elizabeth was leading the replicators had just watched both BAMSR and SoW. He didn't specify which episode she was in, but I think we saw her last appearance for the season in BAMSR.
                    Oh I hope not...
                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                    Also, if you're interested, some authors on FF are doing a year of Sparky stories. Check it out here
                    I was approached to do that but had to turn 'em down cause I've got too many fanfics on the go....

                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                    And welcome to the new posters! Join in the fun because no matter what, Sparky just isn't going away!
                    Yes, welcome and make our thread grow...sparky will NEVER go away! NEVER!

                    Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                    Simple, SR. They 'fibbed' (I'd like to use a stronger word, but I'd probably get jumped on) as a way of getting the Weir fans to watch every ep in the first half in the hopes of seeing her. They NEVER had her four eps in the first half.
                    Fib, lie tis all the same with me... but so long as we see Lizze, even for a moment I won't complain...

                    ...I will complain about GW. I can't post all I wanna post in one post. Grr.
                    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                    |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                      And now the rest...

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Everyone, take a very good look at that picture. What does the design of that leather jacket look like?The new Atlantis uniform!. I've never been able to warm up to the new design, it seemed too much like a slick scifi-ed flight attendant's uniform. But done up in leather... it looks hot. Our little Lizzie, all grown up and stalking around in leather, looking like the universe's ultimate bad*ss... I'm so proud! *squees* And John will be sooo panting and drooling when he gets a good look at her!

                      Larrin, eat your slutty, greasy-haired heart out!
                      I'll say.... and you know that promo pic seen through your eyes gives me a lot of hope....which is dangerous.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Oh my goodness, yes!
                      Twice now (three times, if you count CloneWeir from TMC), she's sacrificed herself to protect those she cares about. For her to be behind the TMC plot and plant the story that she's dead to stop Shep & Co. from looking for her, in order to keep them safe, makes perfect sense.

                      And to be a fly on the wall when John and Elizabeth finally come face-to-face again! This is gonna be good... *rubs hands together in glee*
                      I can't wait till they meet face to face.... I can only hope that they DO meet face to face.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      I've wondered about this ever since "Lifeline." Afer RepliKeller told CloneWeir in TMC about RealElizabeth introducing a dangerous influence on the Replicator Collective...
                      I've wondered if perhaps Elizabeth might have picked up some darkness from the "bad" Replicators. Or at least, if the contact let her own inner dark side loose a little.
                      That would be some nice character development for Lizzie...but will we see it?

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      And he's trying to be a brave little flyboy and deny it to protect his poor wounded heart. *sighs*
                      I get the feeling that I'm gonna hate Larrin even more than I did in "Travelers."
                      Poor wounded heart, and think we'll both be in the same camp concerning Larrin when we see it.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      A while ago (may have been on the Pro Weir thread), I expressed my thoughts about how this storyline with Weir
                      might be SGA's answer to the Daniel Ascension arc from SG-1. What always impressed me about it was not that Daniel Ascended, but that he came back. Now, the Daniel thing was written when Michael Shanks chose to leave the show; it wasn't something that they'd planned to do all along.

                      But the RepliWeir storyline? We know that they'd been having trouble writing good stuff for Weir, and that even Torri wasn't happy with some of the material she was given. We know that at the end of Season 3, they decided to move Weir away from Atlantis. We know they did give Torri a choice of not coming back at all for Season 4 (in which case, I think they probably would've sent a comatose Weir back to Earth with her condition to be updated later, just as they did with Bates after "The Siege"), OR coming back in Season 4 as a recurring character. With recurring status, there's much more of an opportunity to keep Weir in the game, to move her around on the playing field and do much more with her than she was ever able to do when she was practically chained to her desk in Atlantis.

                      Could this be setting up for a bigger return at some point in the future? I think we need to keep our eyes and ears open during the second half. We don't necessarily have to see Elizabeth actually appear for hints and clues that may tie into a Season 5 appearance to be dropped into our laps. Remember, the whole point behind foreshadowing is that the audience isn't supposed to realize what it means until we finally reach the point that is being foreshadowed.
                      Hmm... that even goes back to the TOR when Rodney says that Elizabeth could probably ascend over him... hmmmm.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      If we're right about the end of BAMSR
                      setting up new stuff for Weir in Season 5 and beyond, it's very possible that Torri (and the rest of the cast) do know more than they're telling, and can't talk about it for spoiler reasons (not to mention, it's probably in their contracts!), just as how JM has been mum about Weir's fourth episode all these months. And given the recent problems the production has had with episodes getting leaked, I suppose we really can't blame JM for wanting to keep his cards close to his chest. After all, if any one of us was planning a really cool surprise for someone, we wouldn't want it spoiled ahead of time, would we?
                      Nah- can't blame JM I guess not really... I'm just spoilt with all the spoilers around I guess then....

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      As for fan reactions, [SPOILER]I can only guess that they grossly underestimated how much fans were comfortable with Weir always being there and simply didn't expect to get such a negative reaction. You'd think that after the fiasco with Carson they would've gotten a clue, but noooo....[/SPOILERS]
                      Well maybe they have and are faking us out...

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Yep. And that reminds me of something that Torri said in her interview on the MGM site just after TMC aired...
                      “I think Weir, once she knew what the situation was, absolutely fast forwarded to the inevitable,” says Higginson frankly. “Once she understood what her situation was she knew the only thing for her was to die. She knew that there was no way to live with that side of her. She knew how difficult it was to get rid of them [and] she knew how hard it would be to be part of her world with that threat inside of her. So then she was just looking for a way to help as much as she could before she had to separate herself from everyone. I think that was the weight for that whole episode. There were scenes where she was just sitting there quietly, thinking about that.”

                      Rather fascinating food for thought, isn't it?
                      It is fascinating food for thought indeed...I never looked at that interview that way before.....

                      Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
                      Maybe that scene, of Lizzie in the ship (OMG she's totally hot), was meant to be after the replicators destroyed the fake Atlantis in TMC or the captured/killed the fake Atlantis team in the end, and they just moved it to the end of this ep cuz it fitted a bit better.
                      I think she's gotta be in another ep (even just snippets) cuz it's too long to leave her til S5.
                      I wouldn't mind seeing Lizzie a lil bit darker. It would make for hot Sparky-ness(not that they're not hot already!)!
             might be right about where the end scene in BAMSR should have gone, and I gotta admit even though I havn't seen the episode yet I think that I like it better in part 2 instead of 1.

                      And now I have to go study because I'm working tomorrow and my fiancee's dinner is in the evening...

                      ...till monday maybe sparkies. Till monday...
                      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                        I posted that on the Wow thread for old times' sake so I thought I'd post it here :

                        And since I'm around, lol and bc I haven't done that in a long time and bc I CAN, lol => Picspam from BAMSR!!! ( a funny one, I hope, lol )

                        Presented to you by Anonymous!Narrator01 :


                        *A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away* "A ship, lost in space ( well, not sooooo lost from what I've understood of the episode, lol ) that looks like a replicator ship but with lots of spotlights ( pink, red, purple, green... ) in these dark times..."

                        "Don't be fooled, those are not the legs of a wraith Queen, but the people that surrounds the pair of legs are indeed dressed as replicators ( but are they real replicators? ) "Is Lantis far away from what looks like Alien Resurection?"

                        "Then the dark shadows fill us up with a big close up on the boots... Could this be?"

                        "Black as a cat, wearing leather, close up on most of the black leather outfit... could this be? Oh My Gods! Catwoman!"

                        "No, Batman isn't around ready to sh.. .er. But what is it then? The Autumn/Winter Collection presented to you by SciFashion T.v."

                        No, that's not it, is it some kind of pr0n film? Is this person -what obviously looks like a woman, a dominatrix?

                        "I'll climb every mountain.... Wow, talking about a close up! I don't know who's taken these pics but I'm sure he or she has talent!"

                        *long pause*

                        *snores* Yeah, yeah, we got it, a long time ago, in the darkness of shadows, where people used to climb mountains, where there ain't no mountain high enough or boobz to climb, whatever that nonesense is about.

                        Dude, it's Sigourney, hm *coughs*, Ripley!Weir, hm *coughs* Repli!Weir from Stargate Alienated, hm *coughs* Stargate Atlantis!!!, looking concerned but in those dark days ( but what looks like bright days for her and her fleet as all the replicators are presumed dead ) she's actually thinking and is indeed...

                        ... quite happy with a not so hidden smirk on her face ( that she's the only Darth Vader chick alive and actually not as fugly as the original ) because she's indeed about to destroy the entire human race and ... er human wraiths?

                        But in these dark desperate times, she's also desperate to sex her ex on 'Lantis one last time before she slice his throat!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

                        ps. She also wants to terminate most of scifi's advertisers cause she gets most of the commercials on her face during her very important appearance!

                        SciFi HBO, it's not teevee, it's scary movie pr0n!


                          BG -- LOL!!!! RipleyWeir!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

                          Great job!!!!!


                            Ah! Made JT laugh as well! Yeah, I haven't completely lost it, lol. Of course it's not to be taken seriously, lol Except by Pocus of course, lol!

                            EDIT : Congrats on reaching 2,000 JT.


                              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                              Ah! Made JT laugh as well! Yeah, I haven't completely lost it, lol. Of course it's not to be taken seriously, lol Except by Pocus of course, lol!

                              EDIT : Congrats on reaching 2,000 JT.
                              What? You weren't serious. You can't believe anything. *hrumps*

                              If I looked that hot in leather, I'd get myself a whip. and tie John to a chair

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                What? You weren't serious. You can't believe anything. *hrumps*

                                If I looked that hot in leather, I'd get myself a whip. and tie John to a chair

