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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    What? You weren't serious. You can't believe anything. *hrumps*

    If I looked that hot in leather, I'd get myself a whip. and tie John to a chair
    I said it's not to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean I'm not being serious... at times.

    There's no need to wear leather to be allowed to use a whip!

    And that is exactly why this scene made my night, we knew this day would happen, now it just needs to be written in a more explicit content fic.


      My god that made me laugh! Ripley!Weir good one.

      Here's the end scene for everyone who wants to see Liz in Leather


        Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
        My god that made me laugh! Ripley!Weir good one.

        Here's the end scene for everyone who wants to see Liz in Leather
        THANK YOU!!!!

        I had to laugh, tpbp were clearly trying to make it seem all evil with the music but I LOL'ED so much. Not watching Atlantis has made me forget how cheesy SGA can be. Also just because of the evil music I will say Elizabeth is not evil because the music was the only thing that suggested evil.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
          THANK YOU!!!!

          I had to laugh, tpbp were clearly trying to make it seem all evil with the music but I LOL'ED so much. Not watching Atlantis has made me forget how cheesy SGA can be. Also just because of the evil music I will say Elizabeth is not evil because the music was the only thing that suggested evil.
          Well, I agree :

          That's said nowhere she's evil. But I do believe it's the real Weir ( nanited of course ).


            Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
            Well, I agree :

            That's said nowhere she's evil. But I do believe it's the real Weir ( nanited of course ).
            Let's get her to Larri Shep's behind. SR: did you hear the plot bunny rustling?
            sig made by me


              Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
              My god that made me laugh! Ripley!Weir good one.

              Here's the end scene for everyone who wants to see Liz in Leather
              I believe she's the real Weir also and looking at this again I believe even stronger. They say "Can you detect any trace Replicator cells? Negative they've been completely wiped out" Meaning the Replicators are gone, ergo these folks are not replicators per se. I think it's Weir from Lifeline with either a bunch of clones or rebel replicators. In fact I wonder if another repli!team is somewhere on that ship. Now that opens up a lot of fic ideas.
              Great granny's goose, this ep has given Sparky a whole new direction. I may just be as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. End of Southern platitudes.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                BG, that picspam was hysterical! The board won't let me green you, so I'll have to offer some mental green instead.

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Wow, don't remember reading/hearing that. Thanks for posting it!
                I'll do one better... here's the link back to the full article...



                Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                I'll say.... and you know that promo pic seen through your eyes gives me a lot of hope....which is dangerous.
                Heh! Seriously, though, the fact that Lizzie's jacket is basically a leather version of the new Atlantis uniform jacket... that can't be a coincidence. It just can't. Let the foreshadowing begin. Muahahahaha!!!!

                I can't wait till they meet face to face.... I can only hope that they DO meet face to face.
                They have to, now. With all the movement towards John (and the others) coming to terms with her loss and moving on, they absolutely must milk their future reunion for all the emotional shock and awe that it's worth.

                That would be some nice character development for Lizzie...but will we see it?
                I guess it really depends on what direction TPTB are going with this.

                Poor wounded heart, and think we'll both be in the same camp concerning Larrin when we see it.
                Larrin must die. A lot. Let's see that wench get blown up real good by the Wraith. Grr! Hey, maybe Todd could feed on her the next time he's hungry?

                Hmm... that even goes back to the TOR when Rodney says that Elizabeth could probably ascend over him... hmmmm.
                I thought so, too. She just seems so much more in tune with that than anyone else on the team. Which I suppose makes it doubly ironic that it was John who got stuck in the time distortion in "Epiphany" and had to guide Teer's people to Ascension.

                Nah- can't blame JM I guess not really... I'm just spoilt with all the spoilers around I guess then....
                Hee! Spoiler wh0r3s, unite!

                Well maybe they have and are faking us out...
                There's that, too. I'm learning to leave no stone unturned when it comes to TPTB. They're tricksy b*st*rds!

                It is fascinating food for thought indeed...I never looked at that interview that way before.....
                I know! Because just as John said in "Lifeline" that he'd keep looking if there was even a chance that Elizabeth might be alive... if Elizabeth had found a way to keep helping Atlantis, even from afar... you know she'd take it in a heartbeat, no matter the risk to herself.

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                If I looked that hot in leather, I'd get myself a whip. and tie John to a chair
                I wouldn't. I'd be too afraid that RepliWeir would kill me! I'd probably just offer to kill Larrin for her in the hopes that Lizzie would repay my loyalty with letting me watch her play with a whip and John tied to a chair...
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                  THANK YOU!!!!

                  I had to laugh, tpbp were clearly trying to make it seem all evil with the music but I LOL'ED so much. Not watching Atlantis has made me forget how cheesy SGA can be. Also just because of the evil music I will say Elizabeth is not evil because the music was the only thing that suggested evil.
                  It's ok. It's the first vid I've ever uploaded and I was in the process of photobucket-ing caps, but that got all too complicated cause I had to resize them and I was just like meh, I'll youtube it for all my Sparky friends.

                  I gotta admit I was sorta in hysterics, I was laughing over the whole music and settings and I was screaming with a mix of squee over Elizabeth. Fun was had. I was lucky no one was at home.
                  I think it's the real Elizabeth too. Why would they have a copy leading... what ever she's leading and I don't think TPTB would just pull out another copy and be all like 'oh yeah the real one's still dead, this is just another copy'.


                    Thx for the greens and mental greens guys.


                      Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
                      Here's the end scene for everyone who wants to see Liz in Leather
                      *shrieks in joy* Oh yeah, I'm gonna be replaying this one a lot...

                      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                      I had to laugh, tpbp were clearly trying to make it seem all evil with the music but I LOL'ED so much. Not watching Atlantis has made me forget how cheesy SGA can be. Also just because of the evil music I will say Elizabeth is not evil because the music was the only thing that suggested evil.
                      Yeah, that was like, "ooooh, we're supposed to be scared here." Hah! Just like having CloneWeir in TMC telling John about how she's the "only" Elizabeth Weir now. Didn't someone here mention a day or two ago that doing something like that is just shorthand for saying that the one believed dead is really alive?

                      The same thing has to be going on with the music.

                      Either that, or it's going to be the "temporarily evil/just plain darker" Elizabeth before she hooks up with John again and he makes it all better.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      I believe she's the real Weir also and looking at this again I believe even stronger. They say "Can you detect any trace Replicator cells? Negative they've been completely wiped out" Meaning the Replicators are gone, ergo these folks are not replicators per se. I think it's Weir from Lifeline with either a bunch of clones or rebel replicators. In fact I wonder if another repli!team is somewhere on that ship. Now that opens up a lot of fic ideas.
                      Great granny's goose, this ep has given Sparky a whole new direction. I may just be as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. End of Southern platitudes.
                      Probably rebel replicators, but maybe clones as well. Dunno if they'd do another repli!team, though, since they've already done it once.

                      But yes, it's definitely got to be the original Repli!Weir from "Lifeline."

                      Oh yes, Sparky is the hottest ship to be on now! We're hotter than the sun!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        New idea I just read somewhere or other.
                        What if those aren't replicators with her on the ship but real honest to God ancients?
                        I'm too tired right now to even speculate on this. I'll sleep on it.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          New idea I just read somewhere or other.
                          What if those aren't replicators with her on the ship but real honest to God ancients?
                          I'm too tired right now to even speculate on this. I'll sleep on it.
                          Oooh, yeah, I just saw that, too! In the BAMSR forum?

                          That would just be... whoa.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Heh! Seriously, though, the fact that Lizzie's jacket is basically a leather version of the new Atlantis uniform jacket... that can't be a coincidence. It just can't. Let the foreshadowing begin. Muahahahaha!!!!
                            We know that TPTB love foreshadowing...they've said so in regards to Carson, so maybe they've done so with Lizzie!

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            They have to, now. With all the movement towards John (and the others) coming to terms with her loss and moving on, they absolutely must milk their future reunion for all the emotional shock and awe that it's worth.
                            Oh I hope that they do milk it...have a Lizzie scene pasted in to this episode and then the next... *smiles* could be brilliant!

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            I guess it really depends on what direction TPTB are going with this.
                            *reality slams Anji on the head*
                            Duh- since when do TPTB ever take things in the direction that we want to see 'em go in?! The pessimistic side of me says that they're just gonna leave Lizzie out there with no wrap up... but the optimisitc side of me says that they'd never do that...which side will win I wonder?

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Larrin must die. A lot. Let's see that wench get blown up real good by the Wraith. Grr! Hey, maybe Todd could feed on her the next time he's hungry?
                            I'd like to see that. She must die- serriously I've seen the episode and that girl (or rather the writers) have to quit with the innuendos I mean *sheesh*
                            You think they'd know better.

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            I thought so, too. She just seems so much more in tune with that than anyone else on the team. Which I suppose makes it doubly ironic that it was John who got stuck in the time distortion in "Epiphany" and had to guide Teer's people to Ascension.
                            Yeah that was ironic...but I betcha that Lizzie's gonna ascend or at least die trying *shudders at the thought* ya know to like get rid of that evil side of her.

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Hee! Spoiler wh0r3s, unite!
                            Damn straight. ^_^

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            There's that, too. I'm learning to leave no stone unturned when it comes to TPTB. They're tricksy b*st*rds!
                            That they are...that they are.... and I'm beginning to have hope...

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            I know! Because just as John said in "Lifeline" that he'd keep looking if there was even a chance that Elizabeth might be alive... if Elizabeth had found a way to keep helping Atlantis, even from afar... you know she'd take it in a heartbeat, no matter the risk to herself.
                            Right. She knows that John would follow her and doesn't want him getting mixed up with what she'd doing- or she wouldn't want him on the planet trying to find her when this plan went know I know that it has been said before but I think that the whole events of TMC were
                            set up by Lizzie and her gang to a) fake her death and b) lead to the events of BAMSR.
                            And how amazing would it be if TPTB actually followed through with this...!?!

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            New idea I just read somewhere or other.
                            What if those aren't replicators with her on the ship but real honest to God ancients?
                            I'm too tired right now to even speculate on this. I'll sleep on it.
                            O_O Never thought of that.... *thinks about it* ....OMG. That could be brilliant. Convoluted and crazy- but brilliant none the less.

                            Now, I've seen the episode and I loved it for various reasons;


                            A) Lizzie's alive and well (and despite what incarnation she MIGHT be, a form of her has survived which is more then I can say for Ford, or Martouf or Jacob or Janet...etc)

                            B) Teyla's pregnancy came out and while I thought that John's reaction was a TAD jealous, I could see that he was more shocked that she would put herself and the baby at risk like that. I'm sure that John was thinking that what if they had been stunned on a planet and cut off from the gate and something had happened to cause her to either a) miscarriage or b)induce an early labour which could have seriously harmed Teyla herself. There is a part of me that was thinking that John was thinking of her as a friend, a dear friend and another part of me thought that JF played it too much like a 'jealous crush' at least to her face...I loved how he broke the news to Carter.

                            (Gotta add to the whole revelation scene is that Ronan- good god he's in love with Teyla. Holding her hand, telling her that 'THEY'D' find the father of her baby... *ugh* the very least, they are tight. And I mean, REALLY tight!)

                            C) I know that I hate Carter in Atlantis- but I loved her in this episode. She stood up for Rodney because she has been the scientist who's plans have been laughed at. And more than that she realised what an jerk Elis is (I hate him) and knew that she had to do something about it.

                            D) Er- Fran. I love Fran, she's so totally awesome and I loved how Rodney kinda grew attatched to her. And her 'hello' to the other replicators was just so priceless...^_^

                            And that's it... I have to go to bed now so I get a good nights rest but I gotta ask- does anyone have a transcript yet cause I have to write the next chapter of 'What Would Elizabeth Do?' and I would apreciate having the words in front of me....

                            ....night sparkies!
                            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              New idea I just read somewhere or other.
                              What if those aren't replicators with her on the ship but real honest to God ancients?
                              I'm too tired right now to even speculate on this. I'll sleep on it.
                              Oh my goodness. WOW. What a thought! WOW!
                              sig made by me


                                So, I watched BAMSR (and no, I did not completely forget that it was on until I came on here *headdesk*), and this is definitely the most optimistic I've been since this whole sadly misguided "let's get rid of Elizabeth" business got started way back when. Actually, this is the first time I've been optimistic at all since then. I'm obviously giving TPTB way too much credit , but for now I see awesome storylines on the horizon... storylines starring TH. Well, I can dream anyway. Sparky forever!

                                Anyone watching the playoffs? My team's out so I'm rooting for the Jaguars because they have a player named Zelenka.

                                Sparky on youtube

