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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    lol..*slowly* sparky's wedding as indicated by my comment on the wedding cake ? *prays BG wont hurt her*
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Oh it's that? LOL!!!! I don't remember, lol ! I think me shuld go to bed tho or oh noes..!!!! Dmanit! Well, anyway , it was nice! Hm... nght thred!


        lol BG have u bumped ur head?!
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          Ok anyone know who Srina is on Command Dynamics Shweir fanfiction? She's writting Of Negotiations and Housemaids and hasn't updated since i cam back from the states so about 3 months. I love her story, it simply has to contiue. i'm just wondering if anyone knows what's happeing to it? i've emailed but no response. here's the link:

          The last chp was 'painting'

          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


            So who wants to talk Lifeline?
            sig made by me


              ooh i will

              very sparky angsty episode... again i lvoed Joe F's performance and rachels was excelent at the end. and inside Cartter is a secret sparky shipper!

              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                *wave* 'ello Turbo! As to that statement, I definately agree. My roommate...who loaths shipping of all kinds... once noted to me ((as I begged her to be a fresh pair of eyes for a vid I was working on)) that while she doesn't like shipping, she could see John/'Lizbeth. As in the sense of it made some sense, and noted that it definately would work more than John/Teyla. I resisted smushing her.

                As for storage and videos. Lemme put it this way. I have a lil over 50 gigs just for footage for (A)MVs on my com. Zalpizus (com name) hates me for it. ;.;

                To the carnage and rumors of:

                ...if they kill Katie I think we're going to have to have words. I mean come ON! They've already taken out three of my favorite characters! ((Carson and 'Lizbeth are my two top favorites. Kate is/was tied for first in minor charris...with Kleinman.))

                Has anyone else noticed how dangerous it is to be a civilian?

                Ooo! You guys might like this. For my final two papers in my media crit class, I want to do them on SGA. My first thought was to rationalize sparky through various elements and code of cinema...but then I decided that it wouldn't be quite as..up to par? Still considering taking a feministic approach (because it's so much fun to write XD) and basically speak of the treatment of civilians/women XD. Either way, I'm sneaking sparky in there in some way! Even if it's encoded >.>

                I think there's a separate thread to discuss how season 4 will affect sparky! but, I think it's valid here. It occured to me that Weir's situation could be very GOOD for our pairing, actually.


                When (yes, when) we get 'Lizbeth back, the chances of the military/IOA letting her back in charge soon is...rare. However due to possible medical complications that could arise were she away too long they might keep her on atlantis as a co-administrator type person. Why is this awesome? If she's no longer the boss and there, there goes her: "I don't date those I'm in charge of" excuse!

                So by the time she gets reinstated, it will be too late to call it a quits with John! ^.^ Hehe..

                Attaway to stay upbeat! Me...I'm still devastated. For the moment. But as usual I'll get over it. *sigh* Sparky someday...

                Good luck with your final papers! You so have to put Sparky in them somehow.

                Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
                Hee, I like Lizzinator! I brought up Asura!Beth myself, a while back. Because it's not the replicators, it's the Asurans. Lizzinator brings up cool images, though, me likey! The female is the deadlier of the species, lol.

                I uploaded an SGA vid on youtube, which is still there, but I don't know how long! I had one on myspace as well, except I got into trouble. *shock*

                What's 'imeem'? And where can I find your vids, CJ?

                Can't wait for the proper Lifeline ep. It'll be nice to have the music to remove the cheesiness!
                Hey Annie~
                Which vid on YouTube is yours?
                imeem is similar to YouTube or Putfile or Veoh etc. My imeem is here (click).

                Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                So who wants to talk Lifeline?
                I SO love/hate Lifeline! Unbelievably Sparky . IMO, it almost ties with TRW in terms of total and utter Sparkiness. Can you count the number of lingering gazes on one hand?

                So...the episode ends with John saying he won't give up hope and believes he'll find her one day... but what about TPTB? Do you think they believe that? Are they going to put anything into the rest of the season regarding the expedition bothering to look for Liz? Or would that steer them too far away from their passion for the show being about boys with toys having flings with bodacious alien babes? And Amanda Tapping. (No, I haven't forgiven her for saying yes to this show.... nor TPTB thinking that if they have AT, they can't keep Torri at the same time.)

                OK I'm gonna stop ranting for the moment. Cheer myself up with Anuna's latest chapter!
                Sam, Sam, go away
                Come again some other day
                John and Lizzie want to play
                Jack, take Sam, and go away


                  I am kinda deflated by this episode. I will write more tomorrow. There were some moments.... but not enough to go on.
                  sig made by me


                    I'm sorry but
                    John loves Weir. They have so much chemistry and I belive that it is being wasted and potential. I love them. Seirously, episodes like this make me remeber why i love sparky. Anything else is just futile. lol =D I liked the eppy. It showed how much John cares bout Liz. They better bring her back..or we are going on strike. >:/

                    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                      ITA with u there LadyBozi
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        ACK! When I saw

                        Keller putting her arm on Shep's shoulder in such comforting manner my heart went SQUEEEEEEE!!!! That was an amazing detail, but my favorite thing about Adrift - and probably whole S4 - is John's face while Keller was telling him the news. That guy is sooo head over heels.

                        I just thought it was cool when she and McKay were discussing Elizabeth's condition and he said she'd have to be a replicator the rest of her life, and Keller said, 'Sheppard's not going to like that'. Now, why would she say *Shep* in particular, I wonder? It's obvious to everyone that he's the one that cares the most about Elizabeth! AND be with her for the rest of her life, from the way Keller phrased it...

                        CJ, I put up a vid called 'Colorblind' on youtube, and somehow I had a comment/subscriptions, yet I can't find my own vid, useless is that?!


                        I'm just so curious how they're going to reintroduce Elizabeth later on. And how Shep will respond- whether he'll be in the wary 'let's kill her now, she could compromise us' mode, or if they'll follow through with the hurt and wounded attitude he had at the end of LL and actually show how much she means to him when they meet up again. Because on one hand, she is a threat to them in a way, yet otoh, he was so determined and focused on getting her back that I think that attitude would take priority rather than his professional side. Just my opinion, though.
                        'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
                        will scorch my pride, scar my heart
                        It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

                        Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

                        my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

                        My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

                        Thanks, Stef!


                          Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                          You all realise...(s4)
                          Now that Elizabeth has super repli powers, John should just leave Atlantis and join forces with her and put his ancient gene to good use. They could have super babies and take over the galaxy! XD
                          Ha! Why aren't you writing this show?

                          My opinion on Lifeline (yes, I've already posted one...but I'm posting another):
                          I hate the fact that Elizabeth is gone now. HATE IT. But....I think they showed respect to her character with this exit, which is something I can't say for most of the character exits I've witnessed lately.

                          Carson's death was idiotic and IMO, rushed. It didn't get to me at all. I was just like "That's it? That's all you're going to give me for the death of such a key part of the Atlantis team?"

                          I won't even go into "24" these days...

                          But Elizabeth got to "go out" as the heroic character she's always been. She was true to the spirit of what the character stood for and it made me realize why I love her even more. IMO, there are worse ways to say goodbye.

                          I also liked this episode because it gave us a final hoorah for Sparky. The amount of looks they shared, the intense protectiveness of John was the most I've seen from him in a long time. It felt like I was seeing some sort of corner being turned in their relationship...that the writers were finally acknowledging the strength/depth of their relationship that we've always seen. While that kind of makes Elizabeth's exit all the more sad, at least we have an open door. My biggest fear is about her return...because she's coming back in "This Mortal Coil" which has to do with death

                          Overall, I really enjoyed Lifeline...and a lot of that was the Sparky-ness of it

                          Okay, done now


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                            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                            lol BG have u bumped ur head?!
                            I was drunk A_B.


                              just left me gutted. The amount of emotion from John was just devastating and thrilling to watch at the same time. Knowing that this is probably all we'll get until TMC and then who knows how that will end kind of dampens the squee. I agree with those who said it's a fitting ending for her. She is being respected and the characters are all showing various levels of caring. Love the Teyla/Ronon scene in the office. Yay, Carl. But hated that Carter came onto the balcony with John. Couldn't she realize he wanted to be alone to remember her and stay the hell away? But I liked the conversation, even though his congratulations seemed a bit too light for the situation and should have been saved for later. John just seemed not to care who is in charge right there, and I doubt he thinks it might be him. Can't wait to see his face when he walks into her empty office for the first time.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Well there were some great moments in LL.

                                just not enough. I hated that John commanded Rodney to kill her. I can't get over that. But love must look past the personal factor, when it's a love like theirs. I love that E was looking at him constantly, and John was locked on her the entire time they were together.

                                The walk out of Atlantis - possibly for the last time for Elizabeth, was very reminiscence of Conversion. Side by side, with escort. They walked close together.

                                I loved that even "infected" he trusts her over Rodney. SQUEEEEEEEEEEE

                                I loved that balcony scene. My husbands' comment "all right, he's in love with her". I don't think he'd have said that "I will find her" if he didn't have a personal investment.

                                The whole E turning into John - totally freaks me out, but gives me an odd thrill. I am strange I know.

                                sig made by me

