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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by leelakin
    You know, it makes me wonder...
    whether the whole John/Teyla hints from TPTB in the beginning of SGA were made just to get the viewers all worked up about it. You know, some going "allright!", but a lot going "duh, could we decide for ourselves, please?". *lol*
    I just think that it's weird that, out of all people, TPTB would imply a possible connection beforehand (I mean, we KNOW how they handled Jack/Sam).
    And it's impossible for me to believe that they wouldn't have noticed the chemistry between Torri and Joe. I mean c'mon... at least a bit, they're not blind or anything.
    So... did they want this reaction and now they're teasing us with exactly the opposite? Just a thought. XD
    Actually, that's something I thought of too. I don't think it's true, but the whole "pretending to go with one ship, then switching to another" thing is something I'm playing with for a story of mine.

    Originally posted by billy_red_ocean
    *grins* my birthday's in January. A christmas list has always been a birthday list, too
    Me too! Mine's the on the seventh. How about you?
    Make it spin!


      Wow I'm glad my ideas on what could happen in The Return part 2 lead to lots of speculation. I just needed to say it cause I think it's the first time in my entire poster-life that people followed one of my thoughts ^^ thx guys So to emphasize it....

      Speculation :
      So John facing a near death experience... Liz shooting an athosian... John says something like : " Wow you did knew how to shoot? " Liz goes like: "Huh!" and then John quickly replies : " Please, don't tell me you didn't! ". Then Atlantis is finally saved ( at the last minute, thx to Mckay ^^ ). And finally we get our balcony scene ( Atlantis at night ).."touching, flirting scene..." End Credits:where's the damn closet??????!!!!!



        Originally posted by Blower'sGate
        Wow I'm glad my ideas on what could happen in The Return part 2 lead to lots of speculation. I just needed to say it cause I think it's the first time in my entire poster-life that people followed one of my thoughts ^^ thx guys So to emphasize it....

        Speculation :
        So John facing a near death experience... Liz shooting an athosian... John says something like : " Wow you did knew how to shoot? " Liz goes like: "Huh!" and then John quickly replies : " Please, don't tell me you didn't! ". Then Atlantis is finally saved ( at the last minute, thx to Mckay ^^ ). And finally we get our balcony scene ( Atlantis at night ).."touching, flirting scene..." End Credits:where's the damn closet??????!!!!!

        Hmm seems to be a freudian slip in there
        I think you mean
        Liz shooting an asuran, but then again either could work and it sure would end one ship possibilty if done your way j/k
        Last edited by Ice Wolf; 06 October 2006, 02:20 PM.


          Originally posted by Ice Wolf
          Hmm seems to be a freudian slip in there
          I think you mean
          Liz hooting an asuran, but then again either could work and it sure would end one ship possibilty if done your way j/k
          That had me confused there for a second, too! XDD But awww, nah.
          So... the Asurans are Replicators which were made of Nanites? Or something? Just to get this straight. XDD Or was it that Replicators and Nanines have the same ...roots?


            Originally posted by leelakin
            That had me confused there for a second, too! XDD But awww, nah.
            So... the Asurans are Replicators which were made of Nanites? Or something? Just to get this straight. XDD Or was it that Replicators and Nanines have the same ...roots?
            Progeny Spoilers
            Yeah the Asurans are the replicators made up of nanites that the ancients created, not the replicators from SG-1 which were created by the android Reese who was probably created by an ancient (maybe)


              Originally posted by Trialia
              No, we can say "canon". "Cannon" is a great big explosive firing thingy.
              Oops, in my excitement I added an extra 'n'. However, where there are sparks.........KABOOOM!


                Originally posted by Ice Wolf
                Progeny Spoilers
                Yeah the Asurans are the replicators made up of nanites that the ancients created, not the replicators from SG-1 which were created by the android Reese who was probably created by an ancient (maybe)
                Okay, thanks! 8D
                I saw that SG-1 episode just yesterday *lol*, kinda creepy to keep a replicator as a toy. (makes me think of LEGO bots, you could probably build one with those)


                  Lol sorry my mistake, I meant Asuran lol, I'm so tired I have nothing against Teyla's people


                    A quick pic to say goodnight =)



                      Boy do i have news for all you guys! There is a Stargate Atlantis convention happening right here in Australia (probably Sydney) in 2007. *sniff* I am a little dissapointed it's not Sg-1 but ah well.

                      ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                      I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                      Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                        Originally posted by leelakin
                        A quick pic to say goodnight =)
                        Heee! That's so absolutely adorable!
                        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                          Originally posted by leelakin
                          A quick pic to say goodnight =)

                          That is so cute Thanks. We're going to need more goodies like that to keep us warm these next 6 months.

                          Just watched's some depressing stuff. Makes me wish for some Stargate, and its lighter tone, to balance out my night (SCIFI made a mistake of seperating the shows). I wish I were at my apartment tonight so that I could watch an SGA episode, and maybe a nice Sparky scene, to lighten my mood...but alas.


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by leelakin
                            A quick pic to say goodnight =)

                            Wow! That's fantastic!

                            *sends green* - ok, maybe not, because Gw said I have to spread the love.

                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by leelakin
                              A quick pic to say goodnight =)

                              Wow my God that is so sweet : " When the rythm starts to play .... ( hehe Pussycat Dolls ^^
                              If only I could draw like you...



                                WOW^^ great artwork . I think John and Liz are a perfect I'm outes as a shipper , and I'm feeling good *lol*.

